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Card number: 490744xxxxxx3030

Account Currency: ₡
Statement period: 01/10/2023 to 01/11/2023
Statement date: 24/11/2023
Cilliersstraat 50
2572 AV
Den Haag

Transaction amount in the
Transactions, other operations account currency Balance at
the end Transaction details

Date Amount Currency Credits Debits

01.10.2023 16 000,00 ₡ +16 000,00 ATM Deposit
01.10.2023 6 145,40 ₡ -6 145,40 Ciclo Geoka - San Antonio
01.10.2023 25 420,80 ₡ -25 420,80 Palí - Alajuela
237 121,40 Balance at the end of day
05.10.2023 950,00 ₡ -950,00 Sastre Morales - Alajuela
05.10.2023 5 457,10 ₡ -5 457,10 Cevichera Don Cangrejo
230 714,30 Balance at the end of day
09.10.2023 9 120,40 ₡ -9 120,40 Palí - Alajuela
09.10.2023 5 055,90 ₡ -5 055,90 Impresiones J&P
09.10.2023 40 000,00 ₡ +40 000,00 ATM Deposit
09.10.2023 3 600,00 ₡ -3 600,00 Repostería y más Mathi y Sami
252 938,00 Balance at the end of day
14.10.2023 7 988,15 ₡ -7 988,15 V&V Store
14.10.2023 1 900,20 ₡ -1 900,20 Repostería y más Mathi y Sami
243 049,65 Balance at the end of day
19.10.2023 14 850,10 ₡ -14 850,10 Fabrica Hielo Venta De Hielo
19.10.2023 13 000,00 ₡ +13 000,00 ATM Deposit
241 199,55 Balance at the end of day
24.10.2023 19 558,35 ₡ Puregold San Pablo Highway
-19 558,35
24.10.2023 4 083,04 ₡ Homeplus San Pablo
-4 083,04
24.10.2023 28 000,00 ₡ +28 000,00 ATM Deposit
24.10.2023 855,57 ₡ -855,57 CicloGeoka- San Antonio
24.10.2023 900,00 ₡ -900,00 Sellos de Hule Costa Rica
243 802,59 Balance at the end of day
26.10.2023 16 457,20 ₡ -16 457,20 López & Murillo - San Antonio
26.10.2023 47 125,10 ₡ -47 125,10 D'Belen'S
26.10.2023 50 000,00 ₡ +70 000,00 ATM Deposit
250 220,29 Balance at the end of day

Produbanco - Grupo Promerica

Trejos Monte Alegre El Cedral, Centro Corporativo,
Escazú San Rafael San José 10203

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