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The Wizard's Harem

Volume Five: His Elven Spy

Griz T. Orc
Copyright 2020 Griz T. Orc
All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,

businesses, places, events and incidents are either the
products of the author's imagination or used in a
fictitious manner.

All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For

adults only.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 20

William was brought out of his deep sleep by a bucket of ice cold
water. He shouted in panic, and when he couldn’t move, he shouted
even louder, “What the hell!?”

He’d been bound to his chair, arms manacled behind his back,
sturdy chains cold and hard against his bare skin, the only clothing
he had on the now soaked cloth boxers he’d slept in.

“What’s going on?” He blinked the water and sleepiness out of his
eyes, and as his vision cleared, he wasn’t greeted with the happiest
of sights. Tesara and Andrea were both hanging upside-down from
the ceiling, suspended on chains identical to the ones binding him.
Both were fully nude, and he couldn’t help but stare at the way the
chains dug into their skin, or the way Andrea’s breasts were hanging
on her frame. They were hanging back to back, and Tesara
appeared to still be unconscious, though Andrea was a bundle of
silent fury. She was silenced by a cloth gag-—looking closer, he saw
that it was fashioned out of the torn remains of her tabard-—and
from the way her cheeks bulged, he surmised her mouth had been
stuffed with the leftover cloth too.

“Merry, is this some kind of joke?” William called out as he tried to

look around for his fairy familiar.

“If it is, I have a terrible sense of humor!” He heard her muffled voice,
“I can’t see anything and I’m trapped! What’s funny about that?”

He scanned the room for the source of her voice, and saw a bucket
sitting upright, an iron buckler resting on top of it.
“Then who the hell did this?” William said as he pulled at his chains
again, trying to wriggle his way free. No good.

“I’ll give you three guesses.” A musical, lilting, teasing voice said
from behind him.

William craned his neck left and right, trying to get a glimpse, but it
wasn’t until the speaker stepped around that he got a look at her.

“’re…” William recognized her immediately. A few times a

year, the whole castle would take their meals together in holiday
feasts, and William was obligated to attend as the King’s wizard.
Such events had delicious food but loud, drunk crowds that William
wasn’t the most comfortable around.

The feasts had also had music and entertainment. Though most of it
was forgettable, the sensual, erotic dances of his captor had always
stuck in his mind. Her movements weren’t just graceful, they were
entrancing, drawing in his eyes and making him forget to breathe.
The shaking of her hips, the smooth motions of her arms, the way
she would bend like a dancing flame, every movement so full of life
and energy it was almost as though she were conjuring the music
itself, not just dancing to it.

It didn’t hurt that she was beautiful either. Rich, auburn hair that fell
down her shoulders, glowing golden eyes that promised everything,
playful lips full of mischief, and slender, flexible curves that she used
to their full potential, and her shameless dancing and exotic outfit
excited his imagination.

During her performances, she would deck herself out in thin golden
chains across her arms, legs, belly, and around her neck. She’d
wear glittering jewels that sparkled in the light. And underneath that
she would wear only a simple skirt and cloth top, the fabric barely
enough to support her breasts, the skirt riding high enough to flash
her thighs, and when she danced, they would flare up to reveal
everything. But none of that was her most striking feature. No, for
that, it had to be the ears.

Each was pointed and long, nearly nine inches, parting her hair and
sticking out.

It was hard to forget the only elf he’d ever seen.

“You’re...uh…” William blanked.

What was her name again?

“Really? You don’t recognize me?” She was taking offense to that,
her arms folded and her hips jutted out to the side.

“No, I recognize you. I just...ah...I don’t really remember your name.

But you were the king’s dancer or something, right?” William said,
trying to recover. Even though she had tied him and his harem up in
chains, he was feeling awkward for blanking on her name.

She shook her head in disappointment, “Hatamari. The king is dead,

but I was always more than just a dancer.” She bent over, leaning
forward towards him, her breasts swinging forward as well, barely
restrained in her top, “I was the Eyes and Ears of the King. It was my
job to know everything that was going on within these walls and to
report it to his Majesty.”

“And now that it is Her Majesty instead, my role is much the same,”
she said as she poked his chest with two fingertips, the impact
surprisingly sharp and painful, “Queen Regina asked me to keep an
eye on you, and imagine the surprise at all the things I saw.”

Hatamari sauntered back towards the suspended Andrea and

Tesara, reached out and dragged her fingernails lightly across the
warrior’s sculpted body, “The Queen’s General sharing your bed. It
makes one wonder if your little display in the arena was all for show.
And the Chief Engineer. Who would have thought you could become
so popular so quickly?”

Andrea bucked within the restraints, attempting to strike Hatamari

with her forehead, but the elf was too quick. Or perhaps Andrea was
too slow? William wanted to slap himself for giving Andrea that
command last night, that she’d be weak as a kitten so long as she
was within his room. No wonder she’d been restrained so easily.

“Andrea, you can move as you—” William stopped himself before he

could finish. He realized he couldn’t give that command.

“So you’ve a bit of cleverness after all. That’s right. I already

explained it to our friend her, but these chains aren’t nearly sturdy
enough to keep a warrior like this contained. But if she did decide to
break them, she’d have to break Tesara first, and no one wants that,
do we?” Hatamari said before treating him to her rich, musical
laughter into the back of her palm.

“Then again, I suppose you would need to be clever to catch your

own fairy.” She looked towards the loosely sealed bucket she’d
somehow trapped Merryweather inside of, “I was starting to think
they were completely gone from this world. Haven’t seen one in
more than two hundred years.”

William steeled himself. The woman was dangerous, she had him at
her mercy, but if she planned on hurting them, there was no reason
for all these theatrics. She was doing this just to let him know where
he stood, to deliver a message. A threat. Once he realized that, he
started calming down, “What do you want?”

She narrowed her gaze at him, then flashed a toothy smile at him,
“Down to business, are we? Good.”

She closed the distance between them in an instant, gliding across

the floor silently. She came close, settling into his lap, straddling his
thigh. Dressed only in his boxers as he was, she was sitting on his
bare skin. And he could feel her bare skin underneath that skirt she
was wearing. No panties. No hair either. And just a bit of heat and
wetness? Did she get off on her own sadism? It was so distracting
that it took William a few seconds to realize that she’d drawn a knife
and had the flat of its blade resting against his throat. It was a small
weapon, the blade less than three inches long, and rather than a
handle, she was wearing it like a ring on her middle finger, the blade
pointed towards her palm, “First of all, you need to be brought to
heel. Fairy magic is powerful, but dangerous. There’s a reason your
kind has lost it already. So you’ll not cast so much as a cantrip
without my approval.”

“Or what? You’ll tell Regina?” William had a rakish smile. After all his
trials, including besting the kingdom’s number one warrior in combat
just yesterday, he was becoming less intimidated of the queen.

“That’s Queen Regina. Or Her Majesty to you.” Her arm seemed to

flicker for just an instant, so fast he thought he might have imagined
it, but then William felt something hot and wet on his cheek, and
when he looked down, could see the trail of blood that was dripping
down to his shoulder. She’d cut him! “And if you step out of line, I’ll
tell Her Majesty that you perished in one of your reckless
Even though she’d threatened to kill him, even though she could
drive her knife into him at any second, William was feeling strangely
calm. Experiencing his brushes with death—the golem, Andrea...that
time Merryweather had shapeshifted into a bear and chased him
through the woods…—had given a new perspective, and the threat
of death wasn’t so scary now. Instead, the emotion he was working
to suppress was anger. He’d had just about enough of the Queen’s
agents making his life hell, and he wasn’t going to put up with it any

“Fine. What else?” William said. He was ready to agree to just about
anything so long as it meant being freed. Afterwards he could start
thinking about getting his revenge.

“No more contact with Tesara. She’s off limits to you. You’re going to
tell her to leave and never speak to you again. And if not…” She
drew her hand down his chest, and even though he’d been feeling
fearless just seconds before, the closer the sharp metal made it
towards his inappropriately erect manhood, the more worried he was
getting, “I’ll cut it right off. Are we clear?”

“Um...yes. Clear.” William swallowed, his heart pounding into his


“Oh, don’t pout like such a baby. You’ve shown yourself to be useful,
and I’m always looking for more tools.” William sucked in his breath
sharply as he felt her fingertips start to tease the head of his cock
through his boxers. She had a delicate but aggressive touch, but the
fact that he could feel the flat of the blade against his shaft made it
much harder to enjoy that attention, “I’m going to work you like a
dog, but if you learn to behave, there might even be a reward for you
in the future.”
“Mnn…” William heard Tesara stir, and at the same moment,
Hatamari slipped off of him and back to her feet.

“I’ll come back later to let you know the first assignment I have for
you. Try not to disappoint me,” she said as she reached down, then
picked up the bucket and plate Merryweather was trapped inside,
“And I’ll be taking this little one with me, just so you don’t get any
foolish ideas.”

“Hey! Put me down! I’m not some mushroom you can pluck off the
grouwaagh!!” Merryweather shouted as Hatamari started shaking the
iron bail, bouncing her around inside the small prison.

“You can have her back once I’m sure you’ve been...tamed.”
Hatamari smiled, then sauntered out of the room, her hips swaying
as though she were about to break into an erotic dance, and William
could only watch her go.

“You could at least unlock these chains before you—!” William pulled
at the manacles and felt them come loose, his hands free once
more. How had she done that? Did the elf possess a kind of magic?
Or was it a sleight -of-and trick when she’d had him so very well

With the manacles unlocked, he able to wiggle out of the rest of the
chains keeping him bound to the chair. As he went to help Andrea
and Tesara, he saw that there was a key resting on the floor. Before
that though, he worked to remove Andrea’s gag, telling her “From
now on, you can always use your full strength when protecting me.
Urgh. This never would have happened if I wasn’t such an idiot!”

Andrea spat out the torn remains of her tabard, worked her jaw to try
atoget some moisture back into it, “Perhaps. Perhaps not. That
woman is dangerously patient. She only moves when she is sure of
getting the outcome she wants.”

“But you could beat her easily, right? A tiny knife like hers couldn’t
even break your skin,” William said.

Andrea shook her head, “In a fair fight, I would win one hundred
times out of a hundred. But she has no honor. Tricks and poisons

“Nnngh...headache...mouth is dry...disorienting feeling, as though I’m

hanging upside...oh, well, what is this?” Tesara interrupted as she
finally awoke, “If this is a sex thing, it doesn’t seem very practical.
And these chains are hardly comfortable. I think an elastic rubber
compound might be better suited, perhaps? Oh...perhaps I could go
down into the lab and…”

“That’s not what this is. Hatamari came in and while we were
sleeping. She wants to blackmail me into being her slave, and she’s
taken Merryweather as her hostage.” William turned the key in the
chain padlocked, and when he removed it, Andrea used one arm to
hold Tesara tightly against her body and the other to catch
themselves on the floor, holding a perfect handstand for a second
before flipping over and setting Tesara onto her unsteady feet,
“She’s also told me to never speak to you again.”

Tesara wobbled, holding her head in one hand as she recovered,


“Yes. I thought she was just some dancer, but apparently she’s some
kind of spy? She’s been working for Regina and—”

“I know who she is!”

It was the first time he’d heard Tesara ever raise her voice. The first
time he’d seen her angry. He hadn’t thought she was even capable
of it, and it took him by surprise.

“Indeed. All of us within the Queen’s inner circle have had to deal
with the Spymaster at one point or another.” Andrea said as she
covered herself up with a blanket from the bed.

“No, that’s not...ugh! I can’t believe she would do this.

And...apricots...I can’t believe she’d poison me! Didn’t want me to
see her working, no doubt.” Tesara on the other hand was pacing
back and forth, unconcerned with her nudity, and becoming more
animated by the minute, stomping on the floor, throwing her hands
into the air, squeezing her fingers into tight balls, “This is just like her.
Thinks she can control my life. Like I’m her...her pet!”

“Woah, slow down. Apricots? And why do you care so much what
she thinks of you?” William asked.

“The aftertaste of the Deepnight poison. Administered orally, small

doses can keep a person unconscious for a few minutes to hours.
Half an ounce is enough to kill a man. And of course I care!” The last
line was shouted right into William’s face as she jammed her finger
into his chest, “I’m her daughter, aren’t I?”

“I...what…” William stumbled backwards, “She’s your mother? She’s

an elf!”

“Not biological. But she found me and raised me. Taught me to read.
Provided me with books and tools. Taught me about poisons and the
‘art of persuasion’, as she puts it.” Tesara was finally starting to cool
down, though her fury was now only simmering instead of boiling
“Art of persuasion?” William had to ask.

“You know. One, show a lot of skin to make other minds dull. Two,
learn to give a blowjob to make a man agree to anything. Three,
learn to finger a woman to make her agree to anything.” He waited
for her to continue, curious...but apparently there were really only
those three steps.

“So her tying us all up, threatening me, kidnapping Merry...that was

“That was my overprotective mother deciding what is best for me

and not even taking my opinion into consideration! As if she’s
smarter than me! And she’s not!” Tesara shouted, working herself up
again, “Master! William...I’m not going to let her get away with this.
I’m going to go and find her and make this right.”

If the petite engineer really was the elf’s daughter, she might just be
able to do it. On the other hand, he wasn’t sure how reliable Tesara
could be when it came to anything not science-related. Still, he
wasn’t about to argue with her when she was so passionate, “Okay.
We won’t be seeing each other until this is resolved one way or
another. You do your best, and I’ll do mine.”

The anger inside of Tesara seemed to pop like a soap bubble and
she gave him a radiant smile, then slammed into him with a naked
hug, her small breasts pressed tightly against him, “Thanks!
Personal autonomy. Now that’s healthy. Sure, I might be your slave
and bound to obey your every whim, but you still let me do whatever
I want. If only she were the same. Okay, I’m off!”

Tesara ran out the door naked, then ran back inside, “Oh! I forgot
William chuckled, “Your belts are on the dresser next to the bed.”

“Hm? Oh, right. That. No, I meant, something important.” She strode
towards his desk, unfurled some parchment, then began scribbling
on it furiously with a quill and ink.

“Five grams of charcoal, three sprigs of moly, a few drops of

mandrake juice...boil it for...strain out the...right.” Once she was
finished, she blew on the parchment to try atoget the ink to dry, then
held it up in his face, “Here. Make this and drink one cup now, and
another at every meal you have until Mother isn’t a threat.”

William took the scroll from her, looked it over, “And just what is it?”

“Antipoison. She might try and kill you like my first boyfriend, and if
she does, you’ll be dead before you can react,” Tesara explained as
she wrapped and buckled a belt around her hips, then another to
bind her chest flat, “This won’t make you completely immune to her
poisons, but it should be enough to make sure they don’t kill you in

“...ah.” William took the parchment, resolved to start brewing it


“If you die, it’ll set back my research by at least two years, so be
careful, okay?” She gave him a half-smile to let him know she was
joking. Mostly joking. She was telling the truth and just trying to be
polite about it.

“Well, I wouldn’t want that.” William embraced Tesara and gave her a
long kiss. She stiffened in surprise at first, then slowly relaxed,
guiding his hands lower to grip her ass while she worked her quick
tongue against his.

When he pulled away, she was looking much less manic and much
more calm and focused, “Thanks. I needed that I think. You don’t
think we have time enough for…?”

“Go. You’ve work to do and so do I.” He eyed the list of ingredients

for the potion she’d written down. It’d take at least an hour to put it all

“Right, right. Be back soon!” And this time, Tesara was out the door
and gone.

“She’s awfully quick to run off.” Andrea said as she ripped a hole in
the middle of the blanket, stuck her head through it, and used it as a
makeshift poncho. William noted that he’d need a new blanket now,
and that he’d want to have both girls start leaving more outfits in his
quarters if this was going to keep happening, “What will you do

“Well, first I’ll brew up a few batches of this potion she left me with.”
William said as he walked over towards the open door. He stuck his
head out, looking at the small hallway, the winding spiral staircase. It
was still dim, the sun only just rising over the horizon, and he felt
uneasy as he closed the door and locked it, “I really need to invest in
a more secure door. First Tesara, then you...and now this latest
crazy woman came in without even breaking the lock. It’s bloody

William let out a sigh as he went to the fireplace and plucked out a
lump of coal. He dropped it into his sturdy mortar and pestle, then
began grinding it up finely.
“You seem...annoyed? I would have thought you would be more
concerned over losing two of your women and being blackmailed.”
Andrea sat on the table, watching his hands as they worked.

“Well...yes. It’s annoying. Hatamari has something I’ve not had to

deal with before. She’s cunning. Unlike you, she can plan ahead for
more than two seconds, and as long as everything goes according to
her plan, I doubt there would be anything I could do.” William
emptied out the bowl, began to finely chop up some oeaves of the
moly plant, “But it’s only annoying, because for once, this is within
my wheelhouse. She might be used to keeping fools off balance, but
that’s made her cocky. I’ll show her just who the clever one really is.”

Andrea licked her lips, “Just what I’d expect from the man who
fearlessly faced me in honorable combat. Perhaps we should mate
again? There’s no guarantee you’ll see the end of today.”

William considered for a few seconds, “Well, we will have a while to

wait as the brew simmers…”
Chapter 21

William looked at the concoction. He’d followed Tesara’s instructions

to the letter, and the whole thing smelled nauseatingly vile. It was
black and tar and nearly as viscous. Still, if she had thought it likely
Hatamari would use poison, then…

“Bottoms up.” He tipped the small vial into his mouth and gulped it
down, trying to taste as little of it as possible. It was bitter and sharp,
and his throat was tingling. The smell filled his nose and he had to
grip the edge of the table with all his strength as he willed himself not
to throw everything back up. It took more than a minute for his body
to stop shaking, and as soon as he recovered, he rinsed his mouth
out with water, scraping at his tongue with his teeth.

“Blech….Gods...Tesara wanted me to take this three times a day? All

the more reason to settle this now.”

Andrea was watching the whole thing from bed, laughing with
amusement at the faces he’d made, “Yes, it’s not the women you’ve
lost, it’s the bitter medicine you need to swallow.”

For all her limitless endurance, her body was so sensitive that she
exhausted herself in sex, the powerful orgasms she experienced
pushing her body to its limits. She was quite the squirter.

“What will you do now though? It’s not like she has an office or a
workshop you can barge into. Or if she does, it’s a secret even to
“I’ll take advantage of her foolish mistake, that’s what. She thought
she was crippling me by stealing Merry, but we have a Master and
Servant bond that goes beyond words. I can still feel her in my head,
and I can sense which direction she is. So first of all, we’re going to
retrieve her. And if Hatamari tries to stop me, well, both of us aren’t
wrapped up in iron this time, and I’ve got just the spell for her. So
let’s go.”

Andrea was out of bed and at his heels, her breasts pushed against
the back of William’s neck, “Bold. I like it! Perhaps you should clear
your head before we go though? Just to make sure.”

He smirked and ignored her. He never would have guessed that the
warrior would be so insatiable. Even Merryweather had her limits.

The two of them descended do the ground floor before William

stopped, “That’s odd. I still sense that Merry is lower. Underground?”

“To the dungeons then.”

Having Andrea along made sure that no one stood in his way for
long, even if her garb was getting a few stares. No doubt this would
be the start of more rumors, but William was finding that he cared
less and less what the rest of the castle thought of his own personal

On the third level of the underground dungeons, William sensed that

Merryweather was on the same level. He and Andrea both carried
everburning torches through the dank and damp halls. It was full of
spiderwebs and the scurrying of rats, but not another soul in sight. It
hadn’t been used in decades, built to satisfy the sadistic urges of an
ancient king.
They reached the end of the hallway and William frowned,
“Merryweather is close, but further ahead. Look around. There might
be a hidden switch nearby.”

Andrea nodded, but rather than look for a hidden lever, she ripped
one of the rusting cell doors off of its hinges and then folded it
lengthwise, then another folded, the old iron loudly groaning as it
yielded to her superhuman strength.

In seconds, she’d fashioned it into a makeshift club, and then she

charged the wall, winding back and slammed it into the solid stone.
There was a blinding cloud of stone dust that obscured everything,
and when it settled there was a massive hole where the wall had
been, the twelve-inch thick barrier demolished in one blow.

“I found it.” Andrea said with a laugh as she tossed the twisted scrap
of iron to the floor.

William uncovered his ears and paused for a moment. With Andrea
on his side, he wondered if there was any left in the kingdom who
could still challenge him.

“Well stealth is right out, so let’s be quick. Run up ahead and see if
you can’t neutralize Hatamari. Don’t hurt her too badly though.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t break any of her bones. Not unless she resists.”
Andrea sprinted forwards, the makeshift tabard billowing behind her
so that William had a brief but enticing glimpse of her full ass.

“Heh. Let’s see how she likes being ambushed in her home.” William
said as he continued forward behind. Behind the false wall, the
ancient dungeon was much the same as it had been in front. He
wondered just why the elf would sequester herself in such a place.
Perhaps he wasn’t heading towards her base of operations, but
walking into a trap?

“Nah, I’m overthinking things,” William said aloud right before the
stone panel he stepped on made an audible click.

In that same split second, he heard a pump exhale and felt the sharp
impact of thin, wet darts striking him in the side.


Looking down, three of them had managed to penetrate his side, and
when he yanked them out, he grimaced. Barbs tore at his flesh. He
noticed that they barbs were wet and left green stains on his palm
when he’d grabbed them. That would be the poison.

If he’d prepared the potion correctly, Tesara’s brew would keep him
safe. But even so, he quickly used his recently learned healing
magic to stop the bleeding and repair the damage.

“Levi Raiso. Levi Raiso. Levi Raiso.”

He cast the spell on himself and both boots. The only thing pulling
him towards the ground was the clothing he was wearing, making his
footsteps too light to trigger any further traps.

“So she was a little prepared. This won’t be enough to stop me, and
it definitely wouldn’t stop Andrea.”

As he continued in further, he saw just how unstoppable Andrea

was. She might have skipped over that pressure plate, but she’d
landed on others, as well as a number of tripwires. The ground was
wet with poison, William had to use his fire spell to burn away the
spears that had sprung from the walls, and he needed to press his
back to the wall to get through the swinging axes coming from the

It was less than a hundred feet of narrow hallways in a twisting maze

before he saw light coming from up ahead. Confident in his
subordinate’s abilities, he pressed forward and into the open room.

“Good. You showed up. I was thinking you might have run away,
which would have been such a waste,” Hatamari said in greeting as
he stepped into the room.

The room was part of the same dungeons, but she’d done a lot to
make it cozier looking since moving in. The iron bars of six cells had
been removed, thick rugs had been thrown on the old stone, and
there was a pleasant perfume aroma rather than the dank, slightly
rotten smell of the dungeons. It was warmly lit by a mix of lamps and
some of the everburning torches he’d created for Queen Regina.
There were two bookshelves, one filled with old tomes while the
other had an odd mix of scrolls and thin books that looked to have
been filled out in her own hand. There was a bed, a washbasin, a
table with one chair.

It wasn’t what William had been expecting, but that wasn’t what gave
him pause. No, what he hadn’t expected was to see the elf sitting on
the back of an unconscious Andrea, the warrior barely breathing as
she laid out flat on the floor. Tesara was there as well, passed out for
the second time today and resting facedown on the bed. And
Merryweather...the fairy was currently as tall as his index finger and
she was dangling from a chain between Hatamari’s breasts like a
living amulet.

“Of course I wouldn’t run away. Not when I’ve got you right where I
want you. Charming Arrow!”
After Merryweather had shown how effective her mind magic could
be on the twin princesses, William had worked with her to develop
his own version of the spell. Merryweather had questioned why he
insisted on not just naming all of them, but shouting out their names
each and every time he cast the spell, and William didn’t really have
a good answer, save that it helped him snap the spell into focus.

And this one was focused unerringly at Hatamari, a glowing pink

arrow of arcane magic slicing through the air, homing in on her heart.
The spell had proven too weak to work on someone with more aura
than him like Andrea, but while Hatamari’s was well above the
normal, William had more than three times to the aura than she had.
She didn’t stand a chance.

At least, that was the plan.

Instead, the arrow collided squarely with her chest...and passed

through like a ghost, splashing against the stone floor and
dissipating into ambient mana.

“That’s the problem with you mortals.” Hatamari gracefully rose up to

her feet, began to slowly walk towards William, “You’re always in
such a hurry. You always think you’re so very clever. You’re always
looking for openings, but never stopping to think that they might be
dangled in front of you as bait. I guess no one ever told you...elves
are immune to mind magic.”

“So let me make this simple for you before you do anything else
that’s foolish. Andrea here has taken enough venom to kill three
elephants. Your little fairy pet has had enough to...well, enough for a
mouse. Both are slow acting though, and if they receive the antidote
within the next three hours, they’ll make a full recovery.” She stood
right in front of William now, and she ran her fingernail against his
neck, tilting his chin up so he was exposing his throat to her, “So you
have three hours to convince me you’ll behave from now on. This is
your second chance, because I know foolish men like you couldn’t
help yourselves. There won’t be a third chance.”

William’s knuckles were turning white as he worked to restrain his

anger. He still had his fire magic, but now that she was so close, he
doubted he could finish it before she slit his throat. And even if not,
he couldn’t attack her when she was wearing an unconscious
Merryweather or he’d hit her too. And besides all of that...he still
didn’t think he was the kind of man who would burn a woman alive.
“Fine. What do you want me to do?”

“Strip. I’m going to teach you a lesson, and you won’t be needing
clothes for this.” Hartamar’s eyes were glittering with delight.

Not seeing much other choice, William pulled his robe up over his
head, followed by the rest of his clothes, piling them and his shoes
up on the floor. If she wanted to shame him, she’d have to find
another way. He might have spent most of his life researching magic,
but he still had a tall, lean body with enough muscle to take a girl in
any position and a large cock that had made even a stout girl like
Andrea beg for mercy.

“Not bad. A little skinny, but we can fix that later.” She ran her fingers
up his side, looking at him like a piece of meat. It was a bit unusual
to be on the other side, but he couldn’t help but notice that when she
looked at him, her eyes weren’t just gloating in victory, she desired

She ran her fingers through his shaggy hair, then roughly pulled his
head down so she could press her lips against his. Regardless of the
circumstances, William had to admit that she was the best kisser
he’d had the pleasure of tasting. Her tongue was aggressive and
playful at the same time, and the soft moan she let out from her
throat sent little vibrations against his lips. And cherries. She tasted
like cherries. He didn’t know if that was particular to all elves or if it
was something she’d done just for him, but he couldn’t help but
enjoy it.

His body responded. He reached around and pulled her against him,
one hand on her hip and the other at the small of her back, and as
his excitement built up, he was getting hard. When she started
grinding her body against him, teasing him with every touch, he
started needing to fuck her.

Right before he could push her to the floor though, she struck first,
driving a needle into his neck. He didn’t even feel the needle point
break the skin, but whatever poison it had been laced with burned
like fire in his veins, “Fuck…! What was that for?”

“So you didn’t get any stupid ideas. Wormroot. A special little drug I
find very useful, with a particular side effect that applies just to you. It
doesn’t matter how powerful your magic is if you can’t use it.”
Hatamari pulled the needle out, then licked the blood from his neck.
The bleeding stopped almost immediately, and again he wondered if
that was an elven trait or more of her drugs.

Another chemical was in his system now. Would Tesara’s antipoison

counter that too? Experimentally, he opened his senses to the flow of
mana. The colors were vivid and swirling, leaving behind afterimages
that was almost blinding. Whatever it was she’d dosed him with, it
was having an effect, but he wouldn’t know if it was impossible until
he tried. If he did try, he’d only have one more chance. The next time
he tried anything, he was sure it’d be a knife in his neck instead of a
needle if it failed.
Hatamari pulled away from him, then lifted her Merryweather-amulet
off, setting her aside on the table. Next came her silky white top, and
as angry as he was at her poisoning him, it was hard to stay mad
when she had the most perfect set of breasts he’d ever seen. And
then she started dancing.

Her fingers snapped ,and he heard music, invisible strings

strumming and bells chiming as she gyrated to the rhythm, her belly
swaying side to side in time with the music. He’d seen her perform at
the feasts and been amazed, but this was altogether different. All of
her focus and attention was on him, her golden eyes staring deeply
into him, and it was driving him crazy.

“You see now that you can’t fight me. You’ve tasted the stick. Now
it’s time for the carrot,” she said as she came close to him again,
backing up into him, her peach-shaped ass brushing up against him.
Just that felt like it was almost enough to make him cum.

He reached out to grab her, ready to fuck her, but she slipped away
like water through his fingertips, circling around to a simple wooden
chair, “Be a good doggy now. Have a seat.”

William’s nostrils flared. Being called her dog almost curdled his
arousal. Almost. His cock was painfully hard at this point though, and
since he was still waiting for an opening, he took a seat, his cock
rising up from his lap, “That wormroot. You said you use it all the
time, but I’m the only wizard I know of in the kingdom. Let me guess.
It’s some kind of aphrodisiac too?”

“Half-correct.” Hatamari placed one hand on his shoulder and leaned

in for another round of kisses, but this time she was milking his cock
with her other hand. If he’d been impressed by her kissing, the skill
of her fingers was on another level. Pre-cum was starting to flow,
enough to provide lubrication, and she had a slow, teasing pace that
had his cock stiff as steel and twitching with every touch, “Are you

“Yes, gods! Fucking...yes, hurry!” William was panting with the effort
to restrain himself.

“Say please, Mistress,” she whispered into his ear.

William clenched his teeth, but only hesitated a few seconds,


“Good doggie. Time for your reward.” She drew herself up against
his body, then slid down in one smooth motion, not even needing her
fingers to guide herself in. Not only did she take every inch with
ease, but her pussy was unlike anything he’d ever felt. Andrea was
tight as a vice and squeezed every drop out of him every time.
Merryweather had a wonderful elasticity and her body was so light
he could use her like a toy. Tesara was sensitive and aggressive,
loving to ride him until they were both exhausted.

But Hatamari’s pussy made them all look like amateurs.

She was squeezing around every inch of his cock, still moving to the
rhythm of the music, and she was doing it as she let her hips grind in
his lap. It felt like a dozen tongues were tightly wrapped around his
cock and worshipping him. It felt like he was going to explode at any
second. It felt like he was going to die and go to heaven.

It felt better than anything he’d ever experienced in his life, and then
it started to hurt. William grunted as he pushed over the edge,
grabbed Hatamari’s waist, started to pump inside of her, desperate
to fill her with his seed.
Only for nothing to come out.

“No...what did you…?”

Hatamari’s laughter was just as musical as the rest of her, and that
sadistic smile was back on her angelic face, “Don’t be so surprised.
You’ve been naughty, pulling at your new leash. So this is your little

“The wormroot. It’s not to make me aroused, it’s...fuck…!” William

couldn’t stop himself from thrusting up inside of her, harder and
faster, but still he couldn’t find the release he needed.

“Mmm...yes. Exactly. It’s to keep you all bottled up. Don’t worry
though. The effect is only temporary. It’ll only last a few days. And
until it does, oh...we’re going to have so much fun, you and I. I’ll train
you to be the most well….nnnngh…!!!” Hatamari cut off, moaning
and crying out at the top of her lungs as she rode her own orgasm,
her hips bouncing in his lap in a way that just made everything so
much worse, “ good...oh, as I was’re going to
be my obedient little bitch. Because if you don’t...well, you’ll get
another dose, and I get to keep using you as my personal toy.
Doesn’t that sound like so much fun?”

“…!” William grunted. His heart was pounding. Even

knowing that he couldn’t cum, his body wasn’t listening to him, “I
can’t wait that long!”

“Mmmf…! Yesss! Fuck me harder, you dumb bitch~! You’re nothing

but a tool for your Mistress, and I’m going to beat that into every inch
of you. You’re going to worship every part of me. You’re going to be
my slave!” Hatamari’s pussy squeezed on his cock again as she
enjoyed her second orgasm, making his cock even more sensitive.
“Like hell I am!” William shot up from the chair, carrying Hatamari
with him, walking all the way to the wall, pinning her up against it so
he could slam into her with all of his strength. The full-bodied thrusts
brought only a few seconds of relief before the pain of being unable
to cum was back in full force, even worse than before. He was
already gasping for air, his body using up energy faster than a sprint,
but he couldn’t stop.

“That’s it...More, more...keep going until you tucker yourself out.

When you wake up I’ll have you wrapped up tightly in chains, and
then your training can really start.” Hatamari laughed, and this time
he could hear the pure malice behind it, an evil glee as she took
pleasure in breaking him, “It’s going to be so nice having my own pet

“No no no...this isn’t supposed to be like this. I’m not going to break.
I’m going…!” William screamed as he felt his mind start
to melt, and then the fireworks went off. One instant he was pushing
against an unbreakable dam, and the next the dam was simply gone,
and everything came rushing out at once.

He didn’t just cum, he exploded. The load he delivered straight into

her womb was double what was normal for him, but as he kept
pumping into her, it didn’t stop. Every thrust released another hot jet
of cum into her, and still he wasn’t satisfied. The thrusts came slowly
now, deliberately, each one delivered with all of his strength, and
with every thrust Hatamari cried out. She’d started cumming the
moment he did, and this time they weren’t brief, sharp moments, but
a surging torrent of pleasure that gripped her and wasn’t letting go.
Her eyes had rolled back up into her head and her tongue was
hanging out of her mouth, a long trail of saliva dripping down, all of
her poise and grace lost in the passionate moment.
It was the best feeling of William’s life, but the afterglow lasted only a
few seconds, and then came the crash. His head was pounding, a
dull thumping between his eyes with every heartbeat, and it felt like
needles had been run through his cock. A wave of exhaustion
followed after the pain, and if it wasn’t for the adrenaline coursing
through his system, he felt like he’d pass out.

As he gave her the last few thrusts, William looked down and he
could actually see Hatamari’s smooth belly was bulging with his cum.
When he pulled out, her legs were too noodly to support her body
and her back slid down the stone wall until she was sitting on her
ass, legs spread wide, viscous offw-hite cum flowing out of her in
uneven pulses.

Tesara’s antipoison. In the heat of the moment, William had forgotten

all about it. It hadn’t been enough to make him immune to the effects
of the wormroot, but it had lessened the effect of it enough that he
could escape its hellish lock on his arousal.

But now what? Looking down, Hatamari still seemed out of it, her
chest heaving up and down while the rest of her body stayed still. He
didn’t know how long she’d be out of it though, so he had to act fast.
Even though she’d just put him through hell and had planned on
torturing him into submission, violence was still off the table, so that
meant grabbing his girls and running.

“Come on...Levi Raiso.” He said as he touched Andrea. If he was

going to carry her and Tesara, he’d need his magic. He felt the mana
twist in his arm, surge into her, then dissipate. Hopefully Tesara’s
antipoison would take care of whatever was keeping them
unconscious and killing them slowly. If not...well, he’d get to that
when it was time.
“Levi Raiso.” He tried it again, and this time the mana backfired,
leaving his hand numb for a few seconds, then full of painful tingles.

“Damn it! Come can do this. Levi Raiso!” Andrea’s

body rose up off the floor for a few seconds, then dropped back
down with a thud.

“You’re not leaving now, are you?” Hatamari was behind him, her
breasts pushed against his back, and when she spoke softly into his
ear, he felt ca old dread run through him. With his arousal sated by
the most powerful orgasm of his life, there wasn’t even any arousal
to dull his thoughts on just what she’d do to him now.

“I won’t stop you, but please stay a little longer? I’m feeling
so...vulnerable right now, and I’d love it if we could cuddle for a
while.” Hatamari continued in an insincerely sweet voice.

“Tch! I’m not much in a mood for cuddling when my women are lying
here poisoned.” William retorted.

“Oh…! Of course. It’s the same toxin I used on Tess earlier. I

wouldn’t really use something dangerous on them, darling. You’re
the only one I was ever thinking of killing. Here, let me fetch the salts
for you.” Hatamari stood up, then unsteadily made her way to the
cabinet, “’re such a stud. I don’t think I’ll be able to dance
for a few days after what you’ve done to me.”

William didn’t know how to respond to that, so he watched in

dumbstruck silence as Hatamari retrieved the smelling salts from a
cabinet then revived each of the girls one by one.

Andrea was the first to recover, “Nnngh...I almost had her, but I must
have taken too many needles from the traps. She threw a powder in
my face and I just felt so sleepy…”

Merryweather was next, the fairy growing to her normal size once
the ring-sized iron collar around her neck was unlocked, “Finally!
Raw iron is the absolute worst. I hope it doesn’t give me a rash.”

When Tesara woke up, she took in the scene, “Mom? You didn’t hurt
anyone, did you? I can explain, Will isn’t evil. Well, perhaps he is, but
more importantly, he’s a valuable treasure trove of hitherto unknown
fields of knowledge and...and…”

“’s fine, my little tinkerer. Everything has worked itself out,”

Hatamari reassured her.

Tesara paused, looked around the room, saw that the others were
unrestrained and unharmed, then looked back to her adoptive
mother, then towards William, “You put a spell on her?”

“I don’t think so. Maybe? I tried the Charm spell that Merry taught
me, but it didn’t have any effect. She said elves were immune to
Mind magic.” William was just as confused as she was.

“Elves are immune to mind magic.” Hatamari put her hands on her
hips, “I’ve simply decided that it would benefit us both if we were to
cooperate going forward. That way, everyone is happy.”

“You were going to torture me until I became your slave!” William

knew it might be better to let the matter drop, but he wasn’t that

“Yes, well, I changed my mind. I wouldn’t want to do anything so

cruel to you, darling.”
“Mmmnnngh!” Merry stood up and stretched, arms high over her
head, naked breasts lifting up, “Oh. I have a hunch about what’s
going on.”

She rubbed her chin, walked around the room, sniffed the air like a
dog on the trail, even more so when she started crawling around on
the floor. He watched her wander towards the wall he’d fucked
Hatamari against and then follow the trail back to the elf. Without any
warning, she shoved her hand underneath Hatamari’s skirt, pulsed
briefly, then pulled it out and tasted her fingertip, smacking her lips,
“Yep. Just like I thought. You fucked her.”

“D-don’t just say it out loud like that…!” Hatamari covered her cheeks
in both hands as she blushed, giggling happily.

“How does that explain it? My mother isn’t exactly chaste, and she is
the one who taught me to use sex as a weapon to control others.”
Tesara looked at Hatamari as though she were a new person

“Mhm? And just what sort of sexy things did she teach you to do?
Cowgirl? Doggystyle? Missionary?” Merryweather asked.

“Of course not. Just how to use my mouth and breasts and hands.
She told me that letting a man penetrate you would lead it’s not that mother had sex. It’s that she took in
Master’s ejaculate!” Tesara exclaimed.

“Bingo!” Merry grinned, “I’m going to let you all in on a little secret:
elves mate for life. There aren’t any males of the species and they’re
only fertile once every ten to twenty years, so once they find a
partner, they’re glued on tight to him until he croaks.”
William tried following along Merry’s logic, “So the reason she was
using wormroot on me wasn’t to keep me from using magic or
because it was an was so she could have her fun
without being in any danger.”

“Guilty as charged.” Hatamari let out another girlish giggle, far less
refined than the sadistic laughs from before, then threw herself
against William, her breasts squeezing around his arm, “You’ll
forgive me, won’t you? I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

William still had his guard up, “Slap yourself then.”

“Yes, dear.” Hatamari stepped back and delivered an ear-ringing slap

to her own face, a pink handprint distinctly visible a few seconds
later, “The other one too? Oh, and...not that I’m complaining, mind
you, but how did you manage to cum inside of me? I’ve slept with
hundreds of men over the years and the wormroot has always been
effective before, even with orcs.”

“Well, I wish I could take credit, but Tesara gave me a recipe for an
antipoison potion. Whatever was in that dulled your poisons,” William

“An...antipoison? Tess, when you did you come up with such a

thing?” Hatamari asked.

“Um...three years ago, when you were teaching me about poisons. I

would have told you about it, but since I found out about you
assassinating people, I thought it best to keep it a surprise. Just in
case.” Tesara looked sheepish and guilty.

“Well, good work! I’m sure I’ll change my mind in a few years once
my darling husband dies, but there’s nothing better than being
mated, and he seems like such a fine man.” Hatamari affectionately
scratched Tesara’s head, messing up her hair more than it already

Elves are weird, William thought.

Chapter 22

The matter resolved, Andrea and Merryweather both went to get

some rest. Merryweather in a shrunken form inside of a bin of
William’s dirty clothes, Andrea in her own quarters. Merryweather
had taken enough poison for a full -rown human even though a
fraction would be enough, and Andrea had taken enough to knock
out a dragon. Even if they’d been temporarily revived and
administered antidotes, they both needed to rest until the poison was
flushed out of their systems.

That left Tesara and Hatamari, and after the day’s excitement, both
were in a mood. Hatamari had led William to her own personal
quarters within the castle. Rather than the underground dungeon
secret office she worked out of, Hatamari resided in the royal wing.
Her room had its own fireplace, windows with glass and wood doors,
rugs made with thick and soft fibers, a full-length mirror made of
polished silver, a large wooden desk with a large, comfortable
looking cushioned chair, two large armoires, one filled with the finest
silks and garments that would make a noblewoman jealous, the
other with a variety of different weapons and armor. Dominating all of
it though was the massive four-poster bed with lacy white curtains
and a thick but firm mattress. William´s own small bed was crowded
with just one extra girl, but he thought he could reasonably fit a half
dozen on this one.

When William laid down in it, he let out a yawn and stretched out, “I
didn’t know a bed could be so comfortable...I’ve gotta get one of

“My room is your room, husband. Just make yourself comfortable.”

Hatamari crawled into bed with him, nestling up against his side,
lightly rubbing her nose against his neck.

“You know, I’ve been thinking. If you’re Mother’s husband...should I

call you Daddy from now on?” Tesara said as she nestled up against
him from the other side.

“I don’t care about elven culture. She’s not my wife,” William insisted.

“Interesting reaction. A strange mix of discomfort and arousal.”

Tesara rubbed William’s growing bulge through his boxers. As she’d
said, when he’d heard her call him that, he had responded down
there, “Does this feel good, Daddy?”

“Not like that. Pay attention to where you’re touching him. Watch his
face. Let your own excitement show as you caress him,” Hatamari
instructed Tesara, and he had two hands rubbing him, his bulge
quickly escaping confinement, and the feel of their soft fingers
directly on his skin was just making him harder. Hatamari whispered
into his ear, “Daddy, I’ve been naughty. Are you going to punish

William thanked the gods for elven mating habits, “It doesn’t bother
you? You’ve been acting like my slave ever since your plan

Hatamari slid on top of him, began to grind her ass back against his
cock, letting it slide against her silk-soft cheeks, “I used to think that
it would, but no. I feel...happy. Fulfilled. I’ve a purpose now, and
nothing feels better than following that purpose. It’s strange. If you
sincerely told me to slit Tesara’s throat and toss her head out the
window, I’d do it and take pleasure in the act. I’d feel sad about
losing her, but that feeling would pale in comparison to my love for
you. I know that’s horrible and a part of me worries just what you
have planned…”
For the second time, he felt her slide his cock inside of her. This
time, she felt feverishly hot, her pussy drooling with arousal, and he
could feel it around his cock and see it on her face that just the first
insertion was giving her a small orgasm, “But right now, I just want
you to fuck me, Daddy.”

“Just to be clear, I want only the best for you,” he said as he looked
to Tesara. Hearing her adoptive mother entertain hypotheticals over
murdering her would have been unsettling for anyone.

Almost anyone, “Of course. That really is fascinating. It reminds me

of a book I read on the mating habits of gryphons. Did you know that
when a new male gryphon overthrows the old one and claims his
harem, the mothers watch as he murders their children and do
nothing. Elves it seems have a similar survival strategy. Given their
long lifespan and limited fertility, I can see a logic to it.”

“They murder the children…” Like mother, like daughter. Both

women might be as sexy as they come, but only when they kept their
mouths closed.

“Oh, only the male children.” Tesara grinned, snuggling closer and
giving William a lingering kiss, “The females grow up to join the
harem alongside their mothers.”

Much better. Feeling reinvigorated, William repositioned Hatamari,

putting her on her back, laying shoulder to shoulder with Tesara.
That put the younger woman in easy reach for his fingers to start
pulsing inside of her while his cock thrust into her mother, and both
women were flush. After a few minutes, both still had their mouths
open, but neither had anything intelligent to say.
“Yes, harder, harder! Your cock feels so good, never had one like
this! You own my tight little pussy, Daddy!”

“Me too, please, pretty please, Daddy, I want your cock so bad! I
want it pumping inside of me, fucking my brains out, making me cum
until the sparks go off, until...fuck! Thank you, thank you, Daddy!”

Every minute or so, he would switch between them, keeping the

other simmering with his fingering while the other boiled over on his
cock. William still hadn’t fully recovered from whatever it was
Hatamari had given him, still hadn’t regained all of his stamina from
emptying more than a liter of cum in one go, but between the
antipoison, poison, previous sex, and some healing magic, he was
feeling full of energy and in control. It didn’t matter that these two
women were both perfect nymphs and eager for his cum, he wasn’t
going to cum until he was ready.

Or so he thought, but when Tesara wrapped her legs around his

waist and started pulling her hips against him so fast, she ended up
getting the first creampie, “’re such a slut. I love that
about you.”

“I love it too...I had no idea sex could fun…” she was
a sweaty, panting mess, just like her mother, but he wasn’t anywhere
closed to finished just yet.

While they were catching their breaths, William took a seat in

Hatamari’s large, luxurious chair, and called his girls to kneel on the
floor before him. Both of them crawled out of bed and onto the floor.
Tesara was eager like a puppy, scrambling over the thick fur rug,
while Hatamari took her time, coming forward like a jungle cat.
“Want me to get you ready again, Daddy?” Tesara asked. She didn’t
wait for permission, her tongue running up and down his cock

“I think it better if you watched and learned. I’ve practiced this for
more than a hundred years, Daddy, so you know I’ll do a better job.”
Hatamari said as she muscled her way in, pushing Tesara out of the
way so she could wrap her lips around the head of his cock.

Hearing the two of them say such submissive things while calling
him their Daddy was having as much of an effect as their tongues.
He couldn’t pick just one, “If you’ve had so much practice, I’m sure
you know just how to share then, don’t you?”

“Mmm~ Yes, Daddy, that’s a great idea.” Hatamari ran her fingers
through Tesara’s hair with motherly affection, then pushed her down
firmly, forcing her lips against his shaft while she balanced it out from
the opposite end. She maneuvered Tesara like a puppet-master,
working with her to not just mirror her own movements, but to attack
in perfect coordination. They’d slide their tongues up and down his
shaft in an alternating rhythm. Tesara would suckle on the head
while Hatamari took care of his balls, and vice versa.

The best was when they had their breasts pushed against each
other with his cock sandwiched in between. Both were rather petite
compared to the other women William had been with, but together
they were making up for that shortcoming, and the sight of the two
lewdly making out, trading passionate kisses with the helmet of my
cock between them, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen.

“I love you, Daddy, please...give me your delicious cum...” Hatamari

groaned as she squeezed her full breasts, working them up and
down his shaft, her erect nipples sending sharp tingles of pleasure.
“I love you too, Daddy! Hurry...I need it, please…!” Tesara was losing
focus. Her eyes were cloudy and she had two fingers shoved up her
snatch, pulsing furiously and making a mess of the nice rug

“Since you both asked so nicely.” William took inspiration from

Hatamari and grabbed both girls by the roots of their hair, pulled so
they were looking straight up and were shoulder to shoulder, then
unleashed his hot cum all over both of them. In spite of the action of
the day, it was a still an impressive load, ribbons of hot white semen
painting their chests, necks, and faces.

He took a moment to admire the both of them covered in his seed,

then relaxed into his chair and took idle pleasure in watching them
clean each other off, both of them savoring every drop.

If yesterday had been the most uncomfortable experience waking up

he’d ever had, this morning might have been the best. The
combination of Hatamari’s gigantic and soft bed, the soft rays of
sunlight shining in through the glass window, and two warm, even
softer women both snuggled up against him was pure bliss, even if
Tesara had a habit of mumbling quietly in her sleep, her words
whispered too softly for him to hear.

As he stirred, Hatamari gave him a quick, affectionate kiss on the

cheek, “Good morning, husband. I hope you slept well. I’ve a lot we
need to talk about today.”

William let out a yawn as he stretched under the covers. He

wondered if the rumor that elves didn’t sleep was true, “Mhm?
What’s on your mind?”
Hatamari gently took his arm and pulled William against her so that
she was the little spoon, then guided his morning wood inside of her,
“My next Cycle isn’t for another ten years, but now that I’ve had you
cum inside me once, I’m absolutely addicted to it. But we need to
make sure you’re around that long so you can put a baby inside of

William chuckled, squeezing her tight in his arms as he bit down

gently on her long, flexible ear, “You don’t need to worry about that. I
plan on living a long time.”

“Of course, darling. But just to make sure, there’s someone you’ll
need to work your charms on, another stray you’ll need to add to the
harem.” Hatamari said as she bounced her ass against him, his cock
sliding easily in and out of her, her pussy gripping it tight and not
letting go.

“Mhm? And just who is that?” William asked.

“My...nnngh...lover…” Hatamari gasped out. Lover? William stopped

thrust, holding her still. If she thought he was going to add another
man to his harem…




That was entirely different. Before Hatamari could speak any further,
he had her pinned to the mattress and he was shaking the sturdy
bed, one hand around her throat and squeezing to keep her from
screaming. Queen Regina?

He couldn’t wait.

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