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My opinion on the political movement called « Black lives matter »

The anti Racist claim is appeared in 2013 in the US with in the African American community who
Claimed against Racism towards black people.

The members of this claim mobilized against the death of Black people marginalized by whites
Police officers. They report racial profiling violence and racial inequality.

The « Black lives matter » movement occupies an important place in the demonstration and moves in
the summer 2020. The death of an American citizen George Floyd what generated claim of black
citizens unknown to the media.

This « Black lives matter » movement was created by 3 Americans citizens who are Patrisse ,Alicia
Gaza and Opal tometti..
In order to deepen the bottom of our thought we wanted to give our point of view or opinion on this

These event draw us once again the fact that racism is far finished even by being at zist century, the
world could not do equality between black and white.

Cause the bad behavior keep on raging to the economy of Black in the US and other countries.

Faced with this situation the black population must continue their struggle by denouncing everything
discriminatory treatment with regards to blacks

Slavery was abolished in the years 1865 to US , however continuous discriminatory treatment blacks
must become aware of the role that they have to play around the world say no to racism, to the
discrimination of everything type, the inequalities of certain acts defamatory committed against the
Black community.

Nowadays the black community should take the initiative to instill respect for the youngest mutual
because racism is not a marginal act of white man towards black men, hence the birth of slogan
« All Lives Matter » because all lives are not just black. Inculcate the nation of the breed replacement
must start from young age to influence the generations to come..

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