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Student Name: Omar Abdul-Aziz Sultan
TP: TP043559
Weight :60%
Due Date: 23/9/2019


1 Submit your assignment at the administrative counter

2 Students are advised to underpin their answers with the use of references (cited using the
Harvard Name System of Referencing)
3 Late submission will be awarded zero (0) unless Extenuating Circumstances (EC) are upheld
4 Cases of plagiarism will be penalized
5 The assignment should be bound in an appropriate style (comb bound or stapled).
6 Where the assignment should be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy, the softcopy of the
written assignment and source code (where appropriate) should be on a CD in an envelope / CD
cover and attached to the hardcopy.
7 You must obtain 50% overall to pass this module.

Table of Contents
Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Social.................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Innovative..........................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Adoptive............................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Fabian................................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Drone.................................................................................................................................................5
2.0 Background of the Entrepreneur (Bill Gates ).......................................................................................5
3.0 How Bill Gates get the idea of Microsoft and build his business...........................................................6
4.0 The resources the Bill Gates used to start and then grow the business...................................................7
5.0 Nature of opportunity............................................................................................................................8
6.0 The challenges faced along with............................................................................................................9
7.0 Evaluation............................................................................................................................................10
8.0 conclusion............................................................................................................................................11
9.0 references............................................................................................................................................12

Executive summary
Nowadays, people wo want to be successful in life first thing they do is getting to know the
pervious entrepreneurs who took different ways to reach either by trying many times after many
failures to reach their goals and didn’t give up or by Innovate something to the world and work
hard for it to represent it to the world and becoming successful . there are a lot of entrepreneurs
who has different stories of success and people nowadays get inspired to work hard by them such
as Bill Gates, Steve Job and Mark . In this assignment will take about some of those
entrepreneurs generally and then will choose one to explain in detail about Background of the
Entrepreneur, the idea the of building the business, Nature of opportunity, resources of growing
the business, challenges faced along with and evaluate the entrepreneur business .

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Social

:This idea can be applied to a broad spectrum of organizations, varying in size, goals and beliefs
in the development, financing and implementation of alternatives to social, cultural or
environmental questions. Labor companies usually use company metrics such as profits and
earnings, and stock price rises to measure efficiency. However, social businessmen either are not
profit-making or combine profit-making objectives with a favorable "return to society." Social
businesses can sometimes be founded to promote the organization's social or cultural objectives,
but not for themselves. [ CITATION Lee12 \l 1033 ]

So how people can qualify to be in this category is by make something that can benefit the
society, as Mark Zuckerberg is most commonly known as the founder and chief executive officer
(CEO) of Facebook who help the society a lot by using his fame a fortune to help donate and
raise awareness to put an end to global issues. With a net worth of $69.5 billion, Mark
Zuckerberg’s charitable donations are a way in which this famous young man is using his own
wealth in making the world a better place.

1.2 Innovative

is Individual who is capable of creating innovative products to meet changing market

requirements also is "A new idea, creative ideas, new imaginations in device or method" The
application of better solutions to new requirements, articular requirements or market
requirements is also often seen as innovation. This innovation is achieved by the provision, for
markets, government and society, of more effective goods, procedures, services, techniques or
company models. [ CITATION Dan13 \l 1033 ]

So basically innovative is whoever create or made something that no one do it before and this
new thing can make people benefit from it like Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft who studied
hard and find the issues of the old system that been used and innovate something new to the
world which is Microsoft that now millions of people around the world using this and benefit
from it.

1.3 Adoptive

Such entrepreneurs imitate the current contractor and set up their business in the same way. It is
only technology and techniques innovated by others that can be adopted rather than innovation.
Successful innovation by other innovators is simply adopted. These entrepreneurs are imitating
current entrepreneurs and setting up their business in the same way. They only imitate
technology and techniques innovated by others, instead of innovation. For example the compete
between apple and Samsung for the new technologies and the ideas that they come up with to
show it to the world.[ CITATION Anu14 \l 1033 ]

1.4 Fabian

entrepreneurs are those who are extremely skeptical about the adoption or innovation of new
techniques in their companies. They are not adaptable to altering circumstances. The company
like to stay with the old manufacturing method in the current company. It is only when the
company recognize that inability to embrace fresh technologies will cause the company to lose or
crash. For example, nowadays the technologies in the world developed so fast and made to be

easier for users but some companies still using a newspaper as an old thing and sell it , it’s an old
technology but some companies still use it [ CITATION Sud12 \l 1033 ]

1.5 Drone

entrepreneur which they never want to get rid of thier traditional company and traditional
equipment or business systems. Even if both the environment and society underwent significant
change, they always feel comfortable with their old-style manufacturing technology. drone
entrepreneurs refuse to consider the modifications. They are laggards as they continue to work
and withstand change in their traditional manner. For instance, there is a co-operative producer of
"beedi" (old-fashioned cigarette production method) users to create tobacco by hand. Even if it's
a dying industry, it doesn't prevent it.[CITATION tha17 \l 1033 ]

1. The selected entrepreneur one from the five above is social so the entrepreneur is
William Henry Gates, know as Bill Gates

2.0 Background of the Entrepreneur (Bill Gates )

he is the Microsoft Corporation's main founder. Born on 28 October 1955 in Seattle,
Washington, U.S. The American company magnate, investor, writer, philanthropist and
humanitarian. In 1975, Gates and Paul Allen launched Microsoft, the leading personal
computer software company in the world. In the Sand Point region of Seattle, the family
lived in a house which at the age of seven years had been destroyed by a rare tornado.
Gates observed early in his life that his parents wished him a career in law. When Bill
was at 13 years of age he registered in the private preparatory school in Lakeside and
wrote his first program of software. Step by step Bill getting into programming and start
learn about GE system in Basic at that time , and then Gates build His first computer
program, known as a tic-tac-toe application that enabled people to play games against the
computer, .Gates was impressed by the computer and how it always perfectly executes

the software code. After that Gates and his friends decide to make money which they start
to check their school programming system that has bugs and Gates start reading and
checking the source of the coding and then solve the problems of the their school’s
system . also by the age of 13, Bill's parents permitted him to visit the University of
Washington at night to use their computers . when Bill Gates graduated from Lakeside
School in 1973 Gates scored 1590 of 1600 which is an enough result at that time to apply
in Harvard and took a pre-law major but suddenly after two years left Harvard and start
use the university computers to learn more and get more knowledge as a talented guy
Gates developed an algorithm to solve one of the many unresolved issues. [ CITATION
Aer16 \l 1033 ]

3.0 How Bill Gates get the idea of Microsoft and build his business

Gates decide that he won’t come back to continue study at Harvard as his family was
supporting him at that time and seeing him as talented guy who loves computers . at 1975
Gates read an issue in a company that they have problem in their Altair 8008 which is
part of programming languages that gates used to study before so Gates contact that
company and meet the CEO and told him that issues going to be solved Gates and his
other friends from Harvard and they start solve the problem and developed a version of
the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer – the MITS Altair 8800.
then that company made contract with Bill and his friend Allen at that company so his
friend Allen named their office in the company Micro” soft . In February 1976, he wrote
an Open Letter to Hobbyists in the MITS Newsletter, claiming that over 90% of
Microsoft's customers did not pay Microsoft for it, and the hobby industry of Altair was
in risk of eliminating the incentive to create, distribute and retain high-quality software
for professional designers. His letter was unpopular with many computer hobbyists, but
Gates remained convinced that developers of software should be able to request payment.
In late 1976, Microsoft became autonomous from MITS and continued to create
linguistic programming programs for different applications. And then All staff were

broadly responsible for the company's company during Microsoft's early years. Gates
monitored the company data, but also continued to write code. In the first 5 years, each
code line the firm shipped personally checked. On the 20th of November 1985 Microsoft
initiated the first version of its Windows operating scheme and in August it agreed to
create a distinct OS/2 operating system with IBM. In February 1986, Microsoft shifted its
registered office to Redmond and the firm was made public on March 13. Then Microsoft
kept updating the version of their windows every year and their profit kept increasing
year by year .
[CITATION Mic11 \l 1033 ]

4.0 The resources the Bill Gates used to start and then grow the business

First of all Bill gates came from rich family which both of them were supportive to their
son Bill in any movement as they trust him and they know that they have a talent son. his
mom work as business woman and his dad as lawyer so when first Bill Gates start his
first move to grow the business their support him by providing him the money and also
Bill Gates were working at company at that time which he used to get the a salary from
so could manage and run his business at that time . Gates and Allen approached MITS
with their creation, and the company agreed to distribute it as 'Altair BASIC'. Paul Allen
was hired into MITS, and Gates took a leave of absence from Harvard to work with him
in Albuquerque in November 1975. So this company was one of the resources also that
Bill Gates got a big chance to get an experience from it to launch his own company .
Another resource while growing the business was collaborating with IBM company at the
begin of Microsoft so that Gates make new computer with new software and sell it to the
IBM company so that Gates growing the business step by step till develop and become
the largest one in the world . [ CITATION Aki15 \l 1033 ]

5.0 Nature of opportunity
First of all, Bill Gates entered a Harvard university and start studying while Bill was interesting
in programming that time he was learning step by step about it and in that time there were a big
company which their work of computers and software so here the story of how Bill Gates got the
opportunity to represent and launch Microsoft

Gates' first exposure to computers came while he was attending the prestigious Lakeside School
in Seattle. A local company offered the use of its computer to the school through a Teletype link,
and young Gates became entranced by the possibilities of the primitive machine. Along with
fellow student Paul Allen, he began ditching class to work in the school's computer room. then
All that changed in December 1974, when Allen showed Gates a magazine article about the
world's first microcomputer, the Altair 8800. Seeing an opportunity, Gates and Allen called the
manufacturer, MITS, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and told the president they had written a
version of the popular computer language BASIC for the Altair. When he said he'd like to see it,
Gates and Allen, who actually hadn't written anything, started working day and night in
Harvard's computer lab. Because they did not have an Altair to work on, they were forced to
simulate it on other computers. When Allen flew to Albuquerque to test the program on the
Altair, neither he nor Gates was sure it would run.

In the picture above shows that Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the
first microcomputer – the MITS Altair 8800.

Due to that time big companies of programs and software had lack of employees who is experts in
computers so those companies used to have a lot of issues in their software and Gates learned
everything about it to solve those issues and Gates wrote software for new computer then from
here Gates launch Microsoft and sell their first computer with the new software to another
company and step by step by enhancing and update the software Microsoft getting bigger and
bigger. , so here the opportunity and chance that Gates got and move with to become the most
success innovative in the world. [ CITATION Lyn14 \l 1033 ]

6.0 The challenges faced along with

 Self confidence
Bill Gates was scaring of failing because of the huge companies that time of software
were struggling and some of them had failure so he thought that after launching
Microsoft, their company will fail too so one of biggest challenge for him was watching
others get down while he was working all the time hard to be success .

 financial problems
after launching Microsoft Bill gates hired many experts different employees to work with
him, so that demand of the company that Gates collaborating with can be done by those
employees who work with him, but the problem is suddenly Gates couldn’t pay his
employees at that time due to the company that gates dealing with to sell software to
them bought from Gates only few than expected which cause Fiscal deficit to Microsoft
to pay all the employees that time so he had that problem at that time for a while till
Gates found another partner and start get paid fully to pay his employees .[ CITATION
Yow18 \l 1033 ]

7.0 Evaluation

The leading software company. He is consistently ranked among the world’s richest people and
the wealthiest overall as of 2009.Gates is the most successful entrepreneurs of the world. He is
capable to run a successful and a profitable entrepreneurship for many years and even today, we
cannot survive in this competitive world without it. Vision and dedication are the key factors of
being a successful entrepreneur and these skills were present in Bill Gates from the beginning.
He has got the skills to identify the most suitable employee for recruitment. The success of
Microsoft is the true example of the entrepreneurial skills of Bill Gates. The success story of Bill
Gates is highly motivating for all the upcoming entrepreneurs. His hard work, dedication and
self-confidence helped him to earn everything he has. He is a simple man and slightly
conservative in regards of money although he is one of the richest people of the world. The youth
can take inspirations from the life of Bill Gates.

As Bill Gates start his business from the bottom and keep growing with the challenges that he
faced and didn’t give up and continue growing the business till become the most successful man
in the world with his biggest company in the world, this business and the work that he has done
which he was working all the day to make something easy to the world to use and this definitely
will keep growing to the next decade at least since his company got features in their computers
which make the users around the world excited about the every version and idea that the

company launching every year, so this business will keep growing for the next years and will
keep success as usual .

8.0 conclusion

Open innovation is nothing new. Innovations have always openly been achieved despite
boundaries and across organizations. It is because open innovation today gives us the ability to
access fresh thoughts and create around them social networks that were not previously feasible.
Innovation centers function as network centers with open doors and operate alongside the
problems of innovation. People from various fields and passions come together for a common
purpose. This is the best way to make ideas work. Bill Gates has revolutionized the world of
technology and had a prominent role in its development starting from solving issues and work
hard to produce better technology for the computers and step by step his company becomes the
biggest company in the world. therefor people nowadays people inspired by Bill Gates for what
he has done to the world and work hard to become creatives.

9.0 references



Erickson, J. W. &. J., 2011. Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire. The
Winds of Fortune, 3(5), p. 261.

Lyndsey Layton, 2014. How Bill Gates pulled off. The Washington Post, 2(7), p. 9.

Michael, A. S., 2015. lessons from Bill Gates and Microsoft. Software business entrepreneurship
, 2(9), p. 49.

puja, 2017. docsity. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 6 8 2019].

Smith, D., 2013. An Analysis at the Level of the Individual, the Firm, and the Business
Environment. Characteristics of Innovative Entrepreneurs, 3(3), p. 29.

Sudath Weerasiri, Z. Z. a. P., 2012. Innovation and Creativity of Small and Medium Scale
Enterprises. Global Business and Economics Review, 4(4), p. 33.

Yow-Dyson, 2018. make it. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2 9 2019].
Zentner, A., 2016. Bill Gates. Sentinel Security Intl. , 3(4), p. 21.

Zhang, L. A. S. a. D. D., 2012. Social Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship, 3(5), p. 21.


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