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HRD ‘#8 - Specialization - Employee engagement Your people are quitting over a lack of training — here's what HR can do ‘Training existing staff has been overlooked in favour of recruitment i By Dester To 08 Aug 2022 shave Employers may be too reliant on recruitment to fil the skills gap in their workforce ~ so ‘much so that they'e neglecting the potential of current employees. That's according toa new report which found that workers are very much willing to learn new skills. ‘The data from Gol found that 82% of employees aged 25 to 34 are happy to learn new skills ‘whenever they can during the working day. This is also the case for 80% of employees aged WRONGFUL DISMISSAL, ACCOMMODATIONS, AND Al Unpack rts on 224s ering melement aw andicape FEBRUARY 72.2024 | CALNE sHECEMPloymeniow ERD Breyrentls Similarly, 65% of employees between 16 and 24 years old are happy to learn on the go, such, as while commuting to work. Another 61% of employees aged 24 to 34 also said this, as did 56% of employees aged 35 to 44, 43% of employees aged 45 to 54, and 36% of employees aged 55 and older. Tis eagerness to learn and get trained is also a factor on employees deciding to switch employers, according to the report, as 60% of workers aged between 16 and 24 said they have left a previous job because of limited growth opportunities. “On-the-job training is one of the most important aspects of any employment, not least for the output but also for the wellbeing that it provides employees,” said Chris Eigeland, CRO and Co-founder of Gol. "This study shows that Brits are crying out to be upskilled but too ‘many businesses are overlooking this need in favour of recruitment rather than prioritising retention.” Read more: Train managers, supervisors to engage employ What can employers do? According to Eigeland, this is the best time for employers to start training their current staff to help empower them. “With such a wealth of educational content available online and in person, there really is no better time to focus energy as an employer on empowering, upskilling and rewarding loyal employees by giving them the crucial training they so clearly want,’ said the CRO. Based on the report, these are approaches on training and development that workers said their emplayers could take: ‘+ Holding regular 1-2-1 sessions with each team member to review development (36%) + Investing more time in training and developing employees’ soft skills + Providing more time and budget for each employee to learn (34%) + Providing a greater choice of learning courses and formats (32%) + Designating and protecting time during a working day or week for learning and development (31%) + Providing more clarity on what training is needed to address skills gaps (29%) “Its vital that HR leaders, as well as their employers, adapt their training methods and solutions to best empower their workforce, making skill development more effective and attainable for their employees, read a blog post from Gol on the report. “It' also now down to employers to take active responsibility in ensuring they retain staff Afterall, employees are a company's biggest asset, and investing in talent is essential to business growth and success.” Related stories ‘The importance of training leaders in mental health ‘Training future leaders in the art of collaboration Free newsletter ur daily newsletter is FREE and keeps you up-to-date withthe world of HR, Please complete the form below and click on subscribe for daly newsletters from HRD Canada Enter your Emel address here er Recent articles & video ‘Are you still hiring for ‘fit’? Experts weigh in on HR and unconscious bias u need to know about changes to labour and employment laws in 2024 transit worker st RCMP offi wun at fellow employees Most Read Articles The video uette of termi ions: Sales exec confronts HR professionals Human rights win for fired city CFO shows importance of recogni Employer reminder: Dental care expenses have changed 6 an. 2024 Copyright © 2024 KM Business information Canada Lid

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