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Reading a book effectively for exams and scoring good marks involves a
systematic approach. Here are some steps you can follow:
Before Reading:
1. **Understand the Syllabus:** Know what's expected of you in the exam.
This will help you focus on the relevant parts of the book.
2. **Plan Your Reading:** Have a list of topics/subtopics and consider a
simple tracking system so you can see at-a-glance which topics need
more work.
While Reading:
3. **Active Reading:** Be actively involved while reading your study
materials. This will help you pay more attention when reading rather
than reading passively.
4. **Highlight Important Points:** Use a highlighter or underline important
points as you read.
5. **Take Notes:** Always keep a pen in your hand. Use sticky notes or a
rough book to jot down your thoughts and questions that you have. If
you are into academic reading, create summarized notes at the end.
After Reading:
6. **Summarization:** After finishing a section or chapter, summarize the
main points in your own words.
7. **Use of Diagrams and Mind Maps:** Use diagrams and mind maps to
represent information visually.
8. **Review Regularly:** Regularly review your notes to reinforce your
Memory Techniques:
9. **Retrieval Practice:** It's based on the act of trying to pull information
out of your memory. This strategy can be very powerful for getting
information locked away in memory, ready for when you need it.
Remember, everyone has their own unique learning style, so it's important to
find a method that works best for you. Good luck with your exam preparation!

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