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Water for Disease Prevention Dehydration a Common and Chronic Health Problem Drinking water before you feel thirsty goes a long way toward preserving health and preventing disease. Athletes bene t, too, with improved athletic performance. The Goal: 8 Glasses a Day We all know that water is good for us. Many of us however, seem to take its health-giving bene ts for granted. Although we know we should be drinking about eight glasses of water each day, few of us reach that goal. Europeans Chronically Dehydrated Simply put, most Europeans are not drinking enough water. Experts acknowledge this fact. Athletes are at high risk of being chronically dehydratedAdequate hydration is not only an issue for athletes (a dehydration rate of only 2% can result in a 10% drop in athletic performance), but over the long term, dehydration can result in a host of health problems for anyone regardless of tness level. According to several experts who have spent years studying water and its a ects on health, health problems related to dehydration include constipation, allergy symptoms, autoimmune disorders, and asthma. Water: E ective Disease Prevention. In my experience over the years in testing patients on a biochemical level, most modern diseases could be avoided if patients were adequately hydrated. I saw most diseases as resulting from what I call regional dehydration in the body. If you consider that every bodily function the immune response to infection, brain function, joint lubrication, cellular communication, etc. depends upon the availability of free water, you can begin to understand how vitally important an adequate amount of water is to our health. Life and health depend upon an abundance of water.


No Other Liquid is a Substitute for Pure Water Any liquid is not water. There is no substitute for plain, nothing-added water. Although we may have been led to believe that just about any wet liquid will do for water, what our bodies really need is just plain, pure water. Anything else added to water becomes something else and does not cleanse the organs and other vital parts of the body in the same way. It is not only about hydration but about how water can carry out toxins, dissolve salts and wash away unwanted sugars. Adding anything to water will not promise that ne detoxing e ect. The E ects of Dehydration The e ects of dehydration on the human body can be devastating. Water is essential to health maintenance and electrolytes play an equally important role. Additionally, alcohol can drastically a ect hydration levels in the body. However, people can take measures to ensure proper hydration of the body. Essentials and Function of Water Water helps move nutrients and waste throughout the body. It protects cells as they move through blood and lubricates other organs such as the eyes and mouth. Water also helps humans maintain body temperature. Water acts as a heat conductor and regulator in blood and dilutes minerals, glucose and other materials in the body which helps maintain healthy acidity levels. Water makes up approximately 60% an adults body weight. Most of the water consumed is evaporated when blood vessels dilate and blood ows close to the skin.


Water is also lost through the process of sweating, urinating and bowel movements. Since the body does not store water, drinking an appropriate amount of water is essential. This balance is achieved and controlled by the sensation of thirst which causes one to drink water and other uids and eat foods with high water content. Daily recommended intake for an adult female is 2.5 -3.5 liters and 3.5 - 4.5 liters for adult males. Ninety- ve percent of human water intake is reabsorbed in the body before eliminated through evaporation, urination or defecation. The Negative E ects of Dehydration Dehydration can occur quickly. Dehydration occurs during extended exertion (such as rigorous exercise) or long periods without drinking water or other uids. Fortunately, the body exhibits warnings that hydration is necessary. When severe illness occurs, water depletion can be detrimentally low.

The e ects of diarrhea can be fatal; diarrhea-related deaths account for over 2 million deaths every year in children under the age of ve. In these cases, e ects of severe dehydration include loss of comprehension, confusion, and disorientation. The Importance of Electrolytes Charged ions provide the electrical current necessary for the human body to live and move. When dissolved in water, these ions are called electrolytes. Major electrolytes include sodium, potassium and chloride, which created nerve impulses and regulate the balance of uids and acids in the body. Together, potassium and sodium (positively charged ions) create nerve impulses which dictate thought, movement and responses. Sodium exists outside the cell and concentrated potassium exists inside the cell. When nerve cells are stimulated, sodium passes into the cell and a negative electrical charge is created. The electrical charge travels to a muscle cell which causes the muscle to contract.


To maintain healthy intracellular charges, muscle contraction and uid balance, a diet high in potassium is highly recommended. Fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, whole milk and meat can help achieve a potassium-rich diet. Sodium and chloride react together in blood cells which trigger a sodium concentration. This concentration causes sensations of thirst in the body and causes us to drink. Within 24 hours, the sodium and excess water is secreted and the body is returned to its normal state. Alcohol As a normal process, the kidneys are triggered to reabsorb water into the body. Excessive alcohol intake inhibits the kidneys ability to reabsorb water, thereby increasing water loss. Overconsumption of alcohol decreases the production of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which causes the hangover sensation. So more water must be consumed than usual on days where alcohol is consumed. Many steps can be taken to avoid dehydration. First, water should be consumed before, during and after exercising and going out for an alcoholic drink with friends. When the weather is hot, two additional glasses of water should be consumed and water should be kept readily at hand in the car and on long trips. Additional servings of fruits with high water content should also be considered as an appropriate method for hydration. Here is a Tip on staying hydrated: Always Carry Water to Stay Hydrated Conveniently. It's easy to forget to drink the recommended amount of water a day. It's a common habit to get through a day without being conscious of water, and humans often mistake thirst for hunger. Because of this, keeping bottled water in the car, purse, desk, or hand is vital. This way, at the rst hint of thirst, water will be consumed. Additionally, it is healthier to sip water throughout the day than to just consume a fair amount in one shot because the body cleanses and hydrates when water is consumed at about half a glass every half hour. This is the best way to get the most bene t from water`s positive e ects for your body and mind. Always take into consideration that more is consumed in hot weather, exercise or more body weight.

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