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 Is a way of telling a story through picture s and images

 First shot (no need for layout), to ensure that no photos were taken prior the contest

LIGHT - Gives emphasis

EXPOSURE – amount of light collected – avoid under exposure and over exposure

COMPOSITION – process of arranging the elements in your frame to highlight the elements you want to
stand out

DISTANCE – how far or how near the subject is

COLOR – contributes to its enigmatic, thrilling, depressing, or dismal feeling

MOMENT – highlighting a specific topic or event in time


- Rule of the thirds: position the most important elements along the intersecting lines (imagine 9
equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines)

- Foreground, midground, background:

- Fill the frame (close up shot) : frame within a frame

- Leading lines:

- Simplicity and minimalism:

- Perspective (angle)

- Unclutter (unnecessary)

- Create a candid look


- High angle shot

- Low angle shot

- Fill the frame

- Human interest

PHOTO ESSAY: Series of photographs that, when assembled in a particular order, creates a story

Contrasting elements:

Big and small

Old and young

Light and dark

Patterns and colors

People vs warfare

Expected vs actual size

Lines vs circle

5Ws and 1H – no past tense – individual contest (font size is given as a guide, instructions are given)

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