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GD Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj

The Road Not Taken

- Robert Frost

Q1. Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?

Ans. While walking through the woods, the traveler reached a fork in the road which diverged
into two paths. The first road was less grassy and seemed well-used. The second road was
grassy and appeared to be the less travelled one. The problem the traveler faced was which
road he should choose to continue his journey.

Q2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you:

(i) a yellow wood – A forest in the autumn season when the leaves are yellow in
(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear – The road was grassy because it was a less
travelled road. It ‘wanted’ people to walk on it.
(iii) the passing there – It implies the people who were walking on the road
(iv) leaves no step had trodden black – It means that the leaves lying on the two
paths had not been crushed under the feet of travelers.
(v) how way leads on to way – It means how one road leads to another and then
another and so on.

Q3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them?

Ans. Yes, the poet does find some difference between the two roads. While travelling through
the forest, the traveler reached a fork in the road which diverged into two paths. One was
less grassy and seemed well-used whereas the other was grassier indicating that it was
not used frequently. Yellow, uncrushed autumn leaves lay scattered on both paths
revealing that no one had travelled upon them recently.

Q4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean?

Ans. In the last two lines, the poet mentions that he took the less travelled road and had to
face a lot of struggle. However, he has a sense of achievement and is happy with his
success. The poet does not regret taking the less trodden path and feels that it has
shaped his life in a manner with which he is very happy and satisfied.

Q5. “Life is full of choices.” Explain this sentence. (Value based, long answer)

Ans. Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, is about making choices in life and the
difference they make in our life. Since we have only one life to live and we cannot possibly
have and do everything in life, it is really very important to make choices judiciously. Life is
full of countless opportunities and possibilities. So, instead of wasting time and thinking
about the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, we must be proactive and make the best use of the opportunities
given to us. After carefully considering the far-reaching impact of our choice, we must take
responsibility for our own decision and move ahead in life without any regrets.

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