DG Address New Year

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Director General, ICMR’s Address on the Occasion of New Year

Dr Balram Bhargava, Secretary, DHR & Director General, ICMR addressed the staff of ICMR
and its institutes on the occasion of New Year. He appreciated the efforts of ICMR
undertaken in the fight against COVID-19. He highlighted that ICMR emerged as a strong
organization during the pandemic and delivered more than expected. He stressed that the
organization need to continue the momentum and work towards elimination of Malaria
and Tuberculosis. He emphasized that Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is looking
forward towards a greater collaboration in achieving the goal of Malaria and TB
elimination by 2030 and 2025 respectively. He accentuated the need to work in mission
mode and design projects that are scientifically strong and could be brought to logical end
and utilized to better the public health of the nation. He motivated the staff to serve the
nation and putting the good of the greater society above one’s personal interests.

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