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Barbara Schiavi, Vincent Havard, Karim Beddiar, David Baudry,

BIM data flow architecture with AR/VR technologies: Use cases in architecture,
engineering and construction,
Automation in Construction,
Volume 134,
ISSN 0926-5805,
Abstract: The construction of a building comprises several phases and involves many
stakeholders. As projects have become more and more complex, the Building
Information Modeling (BIM) methodology was proposed to unify projects around a
Digital Twin of the information necessary for collaboration. In recent years,
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have shown their relevance in
assisting in various construction activities. However, their use requires
additional refinement for them to be integrated into the BIM process. This
literature review is an analysis of the cutting-edge applications of AR and VR in
Architecture Engineering Construction (AEC) projects and prevailing trends in their
usage. This review focuses on publications related to BIM's safety applications
(such as risk prevention and site operations during construction phase), as well as
on data flow architectures between BIM and AR or VR applications.
Keywords: Architecture engineering construction (AEC); Data flow architecture;
Building information Modeling (BIM); Augmented reality (AR); Virtual reality (VR);
Systematic literature review (SLR)

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