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1. What does contemporary art reflect?

a. The world we live in

b. Ancient traditions
c. Historical events

2. Fill in the Blank: According to the text, art is an imitation of life and the world rendered beautifully, which gives
__________. Pleasure

3. True or False: Aristotle believed that humans have instincts for imitation and harmony as described in his POETICS.

4. Identification with Key to Correction: Which form of art appeals to the sense of hearing?

A) Sculpture

B) Theater

C) Music

5. Which of the following is NOT listed as a form of artistic expression humans have been able to produce?

A) Culinary

B) Sculpture

C) Cinema

6. Fill in the Blank: Most of the Amorsolo's paintings depict _______ (life in the fields)

7. Identification with Key to Correction: Which element of contemporary arts involves the transformation of space?

A) Appropriation

B) Space

C. Technology

8. Multiple Choice: What is appropriation in contemporary arts?

A) Creating original artworks only

B) Using traditional materials only

C) Transforming existing artworks into new ones

9. True or False: Contemporary artists do not use technology in the creation and dissemination of artworks.

10. Identification with Key to Correction: Which form of art is described as the art of human form, using the body in
specific time, form, and space?

A) Sculpture

B) Cinema

C) Dance

Key to Correction: D) Dance

Multiple Choice: What is NOT listed as one of the elements and principles of contemporary arts?

A) Appropriation
B) Hybridity

C) Tradition

D) Technology

Fill in the Blank: Contemporary artists have used video and the internet as a way of __________ art.

True or False: Traditional painting methods are the only ones used by contemporary artists.

11. Appropriation
12. Hybridity
13. Space
14. Technology
15. Appropriation
1. Identify the elements and principles of Contemporary Arts.

2. Identify the elements and principles of Contemporary Arts.

3. Identify the elements and principles of Contemporary Arts.

4. Identify the elements and principles of Contemporary Arts.

5. Identify the elements and principles of Contemporary Arts.

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