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Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that underpins

cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum but has broader
applications. It allows digital information to be recorded and
distributed, but not edited. In blockchain, data is stored in blocks that
are linked together in a chronological chain.

Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a

timestamp, and transaction data. This structure makes the blockchain
inherently resistant to modification of its data because each block is
connected to the one before and after it. Changing a single block
would require altering all subsequent blocks, which becomes
impractically difficult due to the cryptographic techniques involved
and the decentralized nature of the network, where multiple nodes
must agree on a transaction's validity.

Blockchain technology promises to revolutionize many industries by

providing a secure, transparent way to digitally track the ownership
of assets, streamline supply chains, ensure the integrity of data, and
create new opportunities for automated transactions through smart

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