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In exploring the behaviors of users when engaging with livestream content and the

impact of live streaming platforms' return and exchange policies, a closer examination
reveals the profound influence these factors have on the online shopping habits of NEU
freshmen. Livestreams, as dynamic and interactive sessions, play a pivotal role in shaping
consumer decisions in real-time.

The live format of streaming platforms provides NEU freshmen with a unique shopping
experience, allowing them to witness product demonstrations, ask questions, and receive
immediate responses, creating a sense of personal connection. The livestream
environment fosters a more engaging and spontaneous atmosphere, influencing
purchasing decisions as users are directly involved in the decision-making process. The
study underscores the significance of understanding the nuanced dynamics of user
behavior during livestreams, shedding light on the ways in which these interactions
impact the overall online shopping landscape for NEU freshmen. Furthermore, the
effectiveness of livestreaming platforms is intertwined with their return and exchange
policies. The transparency, simplicity, and flexibility of these policies can either
encourage or deter users from making online purchases during livestreams. A user-
friendly return policy contributes to building trust, alleviating concerns about potential
dissatisfaction with products showcased during livestreams. Conversely, a complicated or
rigid policy may discourage users, hindering the seamless integration of livestreams into
virtual marketplaces.
Despite the useful insights provided, it is critical to recognize the limits of this study. The
study focuses largely on NEU freshmen, which may restrict the findings' applicability to
a larger audience. Furthermore, the quick growth of both streaming platforms and online
purchasing patterns indicates the necessity for ongoing study to capture the intricacies of
this dynamic connection. Future study should look at the influence of cultural and
geographical differences on the interplay of streaming platforms and consumer behavior
among NEU freshmen. Understanding how different demographic groups respond to
personalized content and advertising inside streaming services would help us gain a better
understanding of the phenomena. In addition, longitudinal research may give insights into
the changing nature of this connection over time, allowing marketers and organizations to
successfully change their tactics. Finally, while this study goes deeply into the intriguing
dynamics of streaming platforms and NEU freshmen ' online buying behaviors, it serves
as a springboard for future investigations. Recognizing and overcoming limitations in
future research can improve our understanding and pave the way for more focused and
successful initiatives in the ever-changing world of digital commerce.

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