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C# Dot Net -

1. Write a program to find 2 numbers from the integer array whose sum is max.
12, 34, 9, 3, 78,23,56,28
2. Write a program to reverse each word from a given sentence.
Input - “Hello world program”
Out put - “olleH dlrow margorp”
5. Oops concept, Write a program with all oops concept.
6. Constant and read only.
7. Use and difference of Interfaces and Abstract class
8. Exception Handling -
Use of finally block.
Multiple try Blocks.
Custom exception.
Some of the exceptions in Selenium.
9. Where and why we use static class.
10. Write a method which takes 2 inputs and returns Sum, Subtraction and Multiplication of those 2 numbers.
11. What are Generics and Types of generic collection.
12. Difference between Dictionary and Hash table.
13. Write a program to add some records to a Dictionary
Phone number and Name
And fetch record with given phone number.
14. I have a text box where user is Entering some values and I want to make sure the entered value is only string.
15. SOLID principles

Selenium –
1. Explain me the frame work structure in your project.
2. What are the different frameworks used in ur project Like (Keyword DD, Data DD, TDD)
3. Find Xpath from the given link.
4. IwebDriver interface.
5. What are the different waits in Selenium.
6. How to identify cell from a web table dynamically
7. How to do Move hover and open connect menu on the given control.
8. How to verify links from the given page without opening each link.
9. How to handle file Explorer window using selenium.
10. What is latest version of Selenium and what are the new features added.
11. Return type of Find Element and FindElements.

NUnit and BDD FrameWork.

1. Why Nunit is used and what are its uses.

2. What are the attributes provided by Nunit
3. What are the different Asserts used in nunit.
4. Explain me ur BDD frame work in the project.
5. Write a test case to very addition of 2 numbers using BDD.
6. How to pass Multiple set of numbers to the above test case.
7. Disadvantages of using BDD.

Manual Testing –
1. Sanity testing, Smoke and regression testing difference.
2. Give me an example for High Priority and Low Severity
3. Give me an example for Low Priority and High Severity.
4. What are the frameWorks used for Automation Testing

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