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Quarter 4 Meat Preparation Understanding Meat Even in the early times, man ie known to hunt animals fr food. Mest is elgnificant part of thee det. Nowadays, meat sil the source of PROTEIN inthe diet of most people, along with chicken fish, and other seafood, The high demand for mest led ta the domestication and breeding f animals for the purpose of mest production. Because meat is costly its important to minimize wastage by understanding the cuts of meat and the most suitable ways to cook them TERMS to Remember! ‘© Tobutcher-tokillor slaughter an animal for its mest ‘© Tofabricate-to cut or slice raw meat ito small pieces or portions © Tocarve- to cut up cooked meat for serving (e.g.carving roast bee!) ‘© imal cut first piece of met 1 be separated from the carcass of ananimal during butchering process © forequarter- front quarter (ex. font legs) ‘© hindquarter- one side of the back half of the carcass including the legs and usually 1 or more ribs ‘© foresaddle anterior portion it contains the shoulder, breast and rib © hindsaddle- posterior portion (lower) contains the loin and leg Composition of Meat Understanding the composition of meat will help in choosing the appropriate cooking method to use, Meat is composed mainly ofthe following 1. Water- Meats 75% water. Meat shrink or become smaller during the cooking process because it loses water. Too much moisture loss can be avolue by using the right cooking method and techniques. 2. Protein Meat is made up of about 20% protein and is the most important nutrient in meat. Protein coagulate or tums solid when heated, 3. Carbohydrate- Is a very small component of meat but its presence is important because of MAILLARD REACTION. Mallard Reaction isa complex chemical reaction responsible for the browning of meats. The protet, chains react with the carbohydrates molecules ‘when meats are cooked or heated at high temperature. This process develops rich flavor in cooked meat, 4, Fat-Is an important vehicle fr flavor and tenderness in meat. I also prevents meat from losing too much moisture. Todays society is very conescious of is fat intake but a certain amount of fatin meat makes meat more appetizing Primal CUTS of Meat [PORK -is cu immediate into prima cuts and the fabricated into smaller cuts oe 1. Shoulder picnic - can be fabricated into hock, ground pork and sausage meat ey 2. Boston butt-conbe fabricated into shoulder east ground pork, sausage meat et. a 3. Loin can be fabricated into lon roast ib shops, country style nibsete 4. Ham-can be fabicated int fresh and smoked hams, ee < 5. Sparerbs-can be fabreated into sparerivs 6. Fatback: canbe fabricated into fesh and salt fatback, salt pork and la 7. ow -can be fabricated int bacon 8. Hock Fet/Totters cooked ait AMG -is divided int foresaddle and hindsaddle and then cut into primal cuts The fesaddle has te following primal cuts withthe corresponding fabricated cuts: 1. Shouider-can be fabricated into roast, chops, ground lamb, te 2 Breast canbe fabricated into ribet, stew meat, ground lamb, ee 2. Foreshank-can be fabricated int bets, stew meat, ground lamb, ete 4. b-can be fabricated into rack o nib roasts, chops ete. The hindsaddle has the fllowing primal cuts with the corresponding fabicated cuts 1. Loin &Sitoin- can be fsriated into roast and chops 2 Leg canbe fabricated into stoi chops, roasts and chops [BEEF Ic clvided ito forequarters and hindquarters after butchering The forequarterhas the following primal cuts withthe coresponding fabricated cuts 1. Chuck- can be fabricated into cubes steaks chuck tender, ground chuck angle ete 2. Brisket -can be fabricated into boneless brisket, corned beef brisket, ground beef 3. Shank-can be fabricated into stew meat and ground beet 4. b-can be fabricated int rb steaks and ground beef 5. Short plate-can be fabricated into stew meat round beef and short ribs Connective Tissues Meat is also made up of connective tissues that hold together the muscle fibers of mest. Connective tissue is tough. Therefore, cuts of meat that ae high in connective tissue are tough. Knowing how to tenderize cuts of meat that are high in connective tissues is importantin cooking Connective tissues are abundant in Muscles of animals that are more exercised For example, the leg parts of cows and pigs have more conective tissues than their backs. Older or mature animals + Older animals have more connective tissues that is why meats that come ftom older animals are tougher. 2 kinds of connective tissues COLLAGEN © Is.akind of connective tissue thats white in color © Using moist-neat method or a cooking method using water or moisture wil break down collagen and tenderize it © Theheat and moisture will dissolve collagen into a gelatinous form © BRAISING isa kind of moist heat method suitable for cooking meat with high connective issue. The long and stow cooking employed in braising turns tough meat into juicy and tender cuts ELASTIN, Is a kind of connective tissue thats yellow in color. Older animals have plenty of elastin © Unlike collagen that can be tenderized through cooking, meats high in elastin can only be tenderized by - altogether removing or cutting away the elastin from the meat pounding or grinding the mest Market Forms of Meat The 4 PRIMARY CATEGORIES of meat sold in the market are: ‘© Beef- The meat from CATTLE or COWS: © Pork- The meat from DOMESTIC PIGS ‘*_Lamb-The meat from a YOUNG SHEEP (the meat of an older sheep, more than one yea, is called MUTTON) ‘© Veal- The meat from YOUNG CATTLE or YOUNG COWS unable COOKING METHODS for Different Cuts of Meat ‘ry-heat methods are cooking methods that conduct heat to the food WITHOUT the use of MOISTURE. Instead heats conducted through hot air, not metal or radiation. The following are dry heat methods: roasting or baking, searing, bron, ariling,sautéing, and cing ‘© Moist heat methods are cooking methods that conduct heat tothe food by USING WATER cr cooking LIQUIDS like stock or sauce o by steam. The following are moist heat methods: poachin, simmering, boii, blanching, steaming, braising and stew Choosing the cooking method to use depends largely on the kind and cut of meat you are going to cook. Be guided by the following PRINCIPLES ‘© Tender cuts of meat are usually cooked using dry-heat methods. © Ribs and loins are very tender cuts of meats, They are usually made into roasts, steaks, and chops. © Smaller cuts of tender meats are best cooked using quick dry-heat cooking methods. © Meat that has a ot of connective tissues are tougher cuts of mest. They should be cooked using a moist heat method such as braising or stewing. They can be mechanically tenderized by pounding or grinding ‘© shanks, breast, brisket and flanks are the least tender cuts of meats. But because they have abundant collagen, they can be flavorful and juicy when cooked long and slow, such asin braising, ‘© Beef chuck or shoulder are also tough cuts of meat and therefore cooked using moist eat methods. © Legs or rounds are less tender cuts of meat and ate mostly braised. But they can also be roasted at a low temperature fora long ‘ime. Doing this will help breakdown their collagen, © Fatcan be added to lean cuts of meats to avold dryness, ~ Lean cuts of meat can be cooked by sauteing and frying Fat can also be added using the following methods: barding and larding * barding -wrapping slices of fat, such as pork fatback or bacon, around lean cuts of meat so they will absorb moisture and will Not dry out. This is usually done when roasting, ding - using a larding needing, strips of fat are inserted into meat to make it tender and enfance its favor. SUMMARY Preparing and cooking meat properly comes with understanding the character of each cut of meat ‘© Tender cuts of meat such as ribs and loins are best cooked using dry-eat method ‘© Tough cuts of meat that are rch in collagen are best cooked using moist-heat method Both tender and less tender (tough) cuts of meat have their place inthe kitchen. Just because a cut of meat is tough or has lots of connective tissues does not mean it cant be made into flavorful dish. Inthe same manner, a tender cut of meat such as a sirloin, will nt fare wellif cooked asa stew. Its all in the cooking method used. Any cut of wholesome meat can be made into a delicious dish if cooked using the appropriate cooking method Methods of Preserving Meat © iii This ie the most common method of preserving meat, Dying volves the reduction ofthe orignal 70% of water content of the meat fo about 15% ‘© Enzymatic changes are retarded; © Growth of microorganisms is much hampered © Microbes lose water and become inert. ‘© Natural sun drying- Natural sunlight is used to reduce the amount of moisture content of meat. Portable solar dyers can. provide sanitary means of drying meat, Dryers with screen covers are recommended for outdoor use and lengthens the storage life of meat ‘+ Dehydration or artificial drying - Oven is used for drying the meat. Although this fs more expensive than sun drying, dehydration is a more efficient method of removing moisture from meat, Products dried inthis way are of higher quality and can be sold at better prices. ‘Meat is smoked to create d distinctive color and flavor, thus helping is preservation. The flavor, color, and attractive glaze fn the surface of the meat is desired like in hia, bacon, and tinapA, The heat generated during smoking destroys the enzymes and dries the product artificially thus preventing the growth of molds and vegetative bacteria on the surface. Cold and hot smoking are the ‘wo types of smoking, Smoked meats include ham, bacon, and chicken. ‘© Cold Smoking The temperature is held between 26 to 43°C and the products are smoked over a period of days or weeks. The products thus pick upa strong smoked flavor and are dehydrated as well © Hot Smoking - The temperature is higher, from 71 to 79°C. The high temperature speed up the drying process, giving the product a mid smoked flavor ‘© SAKTING - improves the keeping quality of meat. removes the water from the tissue ofthe meat and the cells of spoilage organisms that may be present inthe meat ‘© URING inthis method, sat sugar, potassium or sodium nitrate, and other curing elements such as ascorbic acd, phosphate blend, and spices are used to prolong the keeping quality of meat. Curing agent als help improve the flavor and appearance of meat and retain ts original colo. Sugar minimizes the hardness ofthe straight cure process. It also makes te product more appetizing and provides energy to the ritrateeducing bacteria which gives the red coor. Spices give the desired flavor and aroma. . Meat is stored ata temperature range of to 10°C to retard mold and bacterial growth for a limited period. . ~ Meat i preserved ata temperature of 10°C and below, Freezing deactivates enzymes and bacteria. Meat can be preserved {or two months to one year using this method ‘© CANNING - teat preserved by canning is packed insealed cans or ars which are subjected to a temperature of 100°C and above 5-7 kilo pressured for a specific period of ime. Ths process destroys the organism that causes spoilage. It maintains the high quality of meat product and extends its lif for about a year. © FREEZEDRYING -the process involves the removal of moisture from the meat tissues by transforming the moisture content nto fe and 4928. The product tobe dries first frozen andthe ice is sublimed from the frozen mass, removing 98% ofthe water content. The remaining moisture is further reduced to 0.5% or lower by subjecting the product to high temperature as possible without destroying it © Thetexture, appearance, favor, and nutritive value of freeze dried products are comparable to frozenfoods. The products have a tong shelf if and require no refrigeration. Tis method needs special equipment such as modern freeze dyer. Evaluating the Quality of Preserved Meat Products {Good quality pork has less than 11/4 em of golden brown fat that coves the sutface ofthe meat and a thoroughly cooked interior ‘where meat has even pinkish color. It has also ajicy and tender texture @ pleasing aroma and a tender seasoned and pleasing taste with a slight hint of smoky flavor. ‘© Sausages of good quality are uniform in size and length. Each sausage in a whole piece has no ruptute of casing even when pricked The interior has a pinkish color when thoroughly cooked. A combination of juicy meat wit spicy seasoning marks thei flavor. Proper Storage of Preserved Meat ‘© Many processed items prepared for future use.may be stored in he freezer. These shouldbe wrapped in plastic or filo prevent the ‘occurrence of freezer burn and avoid having a pulpy texture that comes from loss of moisture. Each lem shouldbe labeled with the name of the produc, date of expiry, and quantity ¢ Processed food held in storage should be well-covered or wrapped to keep them from absorbing odors and flavors from other foods. ‘Thay shouldbe held below danger zone temperatures. Processed meat shouldbe packed in desied and easy to thaws market units Thawing @25 kilo pack of ground meat for example, willbe dificult. Systematic freezing of food in quantty for longterm storage requires special freezing equipment. Food Storage Chart FooD SUGGESTED MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED MAXIMUM ‘TEMPERATURE (°C) ‘STORAGE Canned Products 2 12 months Frozen Products beef poultry “18 10-29 6-12 months, in original package Fresh Pork (not ground) “18 t0.29 3-6 months, in original package ‘Sausage, ground meat “18 t0.29 ‘3 months, in original package Cold cuts, Sliced Bto4 3-5 days, in semi-moisture proof paper Cured bacon Btod 41-4 weeks, tightly wrapped Ham (tender cured) Bto4 1-6 weeks, tightly wrapped Ham (canned) Bt04 6 weeks, in original container (unopened) Dried Beet Bto4 6 weeks, tightly wrapped ‘© Most canned foods can be stored at room temperature in @ cold place and hold their eating quality for several months. They are safe to eat as long as there is no bulge on the can, Below 24°C isa good temperature for storage. Canned ham and other perishable meats shouldbe stored in the refrigerator unless storage recommendations on the can state otherwise. These meats should not be frozen, Hygiene Practices in Storing Meat products TO ACHIEVE HIGH STANDARDS OF SANITATION, THE FOLLOWING MEASURES SHOULD BE STRICTLY OBSERVED: Cryova ‘See to it that physical equipment and layout are conducive to sanitary practices. Handle, store, and refrigerate food properly to prevent spoilage and contamination. Safeguard the food during distibution and service. Wash and santize dishes, glasses, utensils, and equipment. Clean floors walls, cellings, counters, tables, and chairs regularly. Eliminate vermin and rodents from food areas. ‘Maintain adequate employer supervision and a constant program of education in sanitation for food service workers. ‘Make sure that food service employees are in good health, and are not carriers of communicable diseases. The three principal groups ‘of communicable diseases that must be guarded against in public feeding operations are respiratory, intestinal, and skin diseases. Require medical examinations for food service employees Provide a regular employee education on food service sanitation, 1c packaging Ccryovac is the brand name ofa typeof superior packaging technology that allows fresh goods to be kept fresher for longer Depending when you plan to eat your meat, you can choose to keep products inthe fridge for a longer periad of time and can avoid {reezing your meat (which we believe affects the taste and tendemess) ‘There are some effects of using Cryovac packaging, but we believe these ate far outweighed by the advantages, © Specifically, the meat will change to darker red colour while inthe packaging due to the lack of exposure to oxygen © The meat will sweat while inthe packaging and this can result in an unpleasant smell when you first open the packaging (this is not an indication ofthe freshness of the meat) © Toovercome both ofthese effects all you need to dois when you're ready to eat your meat, simply remove it from the packaging and leave it out for 10-15 minutes. When out ofthe packaging and exposed to oxygen again the meat wil return to the usual red colour. Once youive removed the meat, simply rinse out the bag and throw it inthe bin’and the ‘smal will disappear too. Techniques in storing meat Storage Procedures for Meat Products Meat s among the most perishable foods. Ths perishable ability makes it potently hazerdous food. At ambient temperatures, meat spols co fast. is therefore necessary o keep it in child storage STORING - tke ime to store the food items. Store new purchases behind old ones and always use the od stock fist. tis eesy to put ‘ew purchazes a the font. However, oder stocks are overlooked and thus cause spollage, These may include cereal and cereal products, sweeteners, ol, seasonings, and unopened cans and ars. Donot use kitchen cabinets above the refigerator, stove, or oven for food storage Never use the area under the sink for storing food because openings around water and dain pipes are impossible to seal. Pipes may leak and damage the food. © you reuse glass jars, wash them thoroughly, wipe, and airy before using, This helps remove any trace of odors that may remain A refigrator provides cold temperature for storing perishable foods such as deity products, meat. fish, poultry, eggs, fats, and vegetables + Protein foods shouldbe stoed inthe coldest par of the refrigerator. Fults and vegetables can be stored in ess cold sections or ina special compartment such as the risper. # Afrefigrated foods are not properly wrapped, they wil dry out and lose nutients and flavor. Food should be well covered with plastic fl or wax paper or should be putin tightly covered containers. Gale and sausages are strong flavored foods and should be wrapped tightly in plastic or fil and stored in an air-tight container o prevent te transfer of aromas to other foods. For proper freezing and storage, the temperature inside the freezer should be 18°C o lower. Store frozen foods in their original packages. Foods to be frozen should be putin moisture-vapor proof wrapping © If plastic containers are used, allow about 2.6 cm of headspace a the top between the food and the lid so the food can expand when f freezes, © Thaw frozen foods in the retigerator. Do not allow food to thaw at room temperature. At this point. microorganisms will gin to grow © Our sanitary laws and regulations are so designed to safeguard and promote health. {All around us, but they are so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye ‘There are hundreds of eifferent kinds of bacteria ‘Some harmless bacteria are usefuland necessary such as those essential in preparing cheese (Other bacteria are essential in agriculture and industry However, many types of bacteria are dangerous and cause diseases if allowed to multiply and be transmitted to humans. Food contaminated with bacteria can make people sick. Some of the common illnesses are salmonellosis, perfringens poisoning, staphylococcal poisoning, and botulism, Bacteria enter food in two ways, Some are naturally present in food when you buy it. thers get in because of careless handling when {ood is prepared and served Bacteria cannot travel by themselves; they ae cartied about by people, animals, and insects as well as objects. Salmonella bacteria, for instance, can be found in food such as raw meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. From these foods, the bacteria contaminate other {foods in the kitchen, ‘Staphylococcus bacteria are found not only in raw meat but in food handlers with poor personal hygiene. The bacteria from food handlers can be transmitted tothe food through sneezing and coughing Bacteria thrive on food, moisture, and the right temperature in order to grow. With careless handling these growing conditions can occur inany kitchen keeping bacteria out of food through personal hygiene and proper handling procedures, {also means keeping the food at proper temperatures so bacteria already present do not have much chance to multiply. the best preventive measure against food-borne diseases. 7 Tips for Plating Your Food Like a Chef Gamnish ‘© items used to decorate the served food © enhances the !ook ofthe food served in front of you which makes the food more appetizing by the look © _evenuused in chafing dishes which are placed on buffet counters ‘© portion of food as decided by the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) lke a particulat gram of pasta, particular mL of sauce, ‘here to place the food item, also garnishees are included itis the way chef present the food tothe quest. Itis essential to make sure all your ingredients are fresh, but you should stil prepare as much as you can in advance ‘Choose dishes with ingredients that look nice together and try to avoid foods withthe same color scheme. ‘You want to cover most of the space on the plate while also allowing some white space to remain. ‘To create a central layer on your plate, piles or lite piles of food such asrice, pasta or potatoes typically work best Remember that asymmetry is best for creating the most natural looking recipes Free Form Plating - Each food item is placed artistically on the plate to mimic an abstract work of art. USE THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR FOOD PLATING “These ate some of the plating basics that anyone serlous about cresting beautiful plating needs: ‘Tweezers and Tongs, Precision Spoons Gratere ‘Squeeze Bottles Decorating Brushes ~ Molds ‘Wedge Plating Tools ‘The more you cook and use diferent ingredients, the more youl learn about how different foods change color through different cooking processes; CONSIDER HOW TO CHANGE THE COLOR OF FOOD

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