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Name: _______________ Date: _________


The CONFLICT or PROBLEM is the main struggle a character faces in a story.

There are six types of conflicts that a character can face.

Character vs. Character (Person vs.: Person): The main

character struggles with another character.


Character vs. Nature (Person vs. Nature): The main character

struggles with storms, hurricanes, forest fires or any other act of nature.


Character vs. Self (Person vs. Self): The main character struggles
with himself or herself by being afraid, lonely, unhappy or angry OR with
making a decision.


Character vs. Society (Person vs. Society): The main character

struggles with rules, laws, or customs that he or she is expected to obey.


Character vs. Supernatural: The main character struggles with ghosts,

spirits, or creatures.


Character vs. Technology: The main character struggles to understand

complicated machines, or the main character is competing against new machines
or inventions.


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