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What VAK model is?
The visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK) model is a method created by flaming which help
us to know our dominant or preferred learning style.
The model is based on our sense and the three primary modalities use to represent
information, with the idea being that one will usually dominant.
Visual learners tend to:
 Learn through seeing
 Think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images to retain information.
 Enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies
 Have visual skills which are demonstrated in puzzle building, reading, writing,
understanding charts and graphs, sketching, painting, fixing, designing practical
Auditory learners tend to:
 Learn through listening
 Have highly developed auditory skills and are generally good at speaking and
 Think in words rather than picture.
 Learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and
listening to what others have to say
 Have auditory skills demonstrated in listening, writing, explaining, using humor,
remembering information, arguing their point of view.
kinesthetics learners tend to:
 Learn through moving, doing and touching
 Express themselves through movement
 Have a good sense of balance and eye-hand coordination
 Find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need
for activity and exploration
 Have skills demonstrated in physical coordination, athletic ability, hands on
experimentation, using body language, acting, using their hands to create or
build, dancing

Synthetic Method
The word synthesis simply means, - To place things together or to join separate parts. It
is the process of relating known bits of data to a point where the unknown becomes true.
This methodology has the function of analyzing and clarifying the different parts that
make up knowledge. That is, the principles, definitions, notions and other resources must be
well defined, making their potential and possible consequences clear.

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