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ASK 1 (5 x 1 = 5 points)

Complete the sentences below with only one word:

a) The boy was running down a dark corridor
b) The boy was using his phone as a torch
c) Matt and Henry were playing a noisy game of cards
d) The security camera turned fastly towards the boy.
e) Mr Hayes said, “If students don’t want to learn, I can’t force them.’

TASK 2 (5 x 2 = 10 points)
Which sentence or sentences in the text give you the information below?
a) The boy thought that somebody was following him.
He sensed a movement.
b) The boy didn’t want to play the game anymore.
c) The boy thought that Angel’s Game wasn’t safe.
This ‘Angel’s Game’ is not a simple game. If somebody contacts you online to play it, don’t!
d) The student’s didn’t do much work in Mr Hayes’ class.
Some were checking Facebook,some were playing online games and others were watching
videos on YouTube.
e) Edward almost ruined Mr Hayes’ computer.
Edward almost destroyed my computer


TASK 3 (3 points, 0.5 points less each mistake)

Complete the puzzle with words from chapters 3 and 4 and the clues below:
1 Smile
2 Door
3 Earlier
4 Disappeared
5 Return
7 Left
8 Win

TASK 4 (6 x 2 = 12 points)
Complete the sentences according to the story. When you use a verb, use the
Present Simple:
a) Harry and Matt stop being friends with Eddie because...He stopped going out.
b) Jess wants to show the message to the police because...Eddie was in danger.
c) The police officer says that it is difficult to find Eddie without... Eddie video.
d) Jess stops the boys when...she received a message.
e) Jess must follow the clues and...took pictures of the things she find.
f) To begin the game, Matt, Henry and Jess must...said ‘’yes’’.

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