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Addressing Inequality in Australia

Addressing inequality in Australia is a very important and complex problem, especially when it comes to
Gender Pay. So, to overcome these social issues, many governmental bodies and relevant policies are
applied to these issues.

Some of the relevant policies and governmental bodies that apply to the gender pay inequality issue in
Australia are mentioned below:

1. Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA): EOWA, is a renowned
governmental agency that works toward improving gender equality in the workplaces of
Australia, including pay equity.
2. Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012: This Act demands reports on gender equality
performance, including pay equity, from companies with more than 100 workers.
3. Fair Work Commission: It is in charge of regulating the minimum wages and resolving the
conflicts at the workplace. It also has some influence on gender pay disparities.
4. National Employment Standards: These regulations cover the topics that have an indirect
bearing on gender pay disparity, such as discrimination, flexible work schedules, and parental

Moreover, many other governmental and social bodies are working hard against gender inequality in
every state of Australia. Gender Pay Inequality is a major issue faced by many workers in almost every
workplace. Relevant Authorities should be more concerned about this issue and eradicate it through its

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