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Michela Cattabriga

Professor of Naturopathy - Complementary Medicine


Books on oncology in homeopathy.

Oncology is not a widespread topic in Homeopathy, but the texts that are there are
very detailed and specific for homeopaths who approach the world of Oncology.
I would like to quote two key texts on this subject:
- Practical manual of Homeopathy in Oncology, by Dr Jean Lionel Bagot.
This book is a wealth of practical tips to better manage the toxicity of cancer
treatments and to help the patient in daily life.
- Homeopathy in Oncology, by Dario Spinedi.
The work has a double thematic line. The main one outlines the guidelines and
the strategy of use on the tumors, through the exposure of numerous clinical cases.
The second area of interest is a summation of Jost Kunzli’s homeopathic thinking
about the methodology of Homeopathy.
Other books that I quote, very useful to deal with this issue are:
- Homeopathy and cancer, healing is possible, by Dietmar Payrhuber.
- The accompaniment of the oncological patient, by M. Boiron, F.Roux, J.P.

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