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Distance Learning Centre Abmadu Bello University Master's in Business Administration 2023 September Semester Examination (WEEKEND GROUP) Course- BUAD 801 - Management Theory and Practice f m m Howed: mit Question 1: Explain the importance of efficiency and effectiveness in an organization, (12.5 marks) Question 2: Describe the Hawthome studies and how they were interpreted. (12.5 marks) Question 3: What do understand by planning? Describe the various steps of planning process used in organisations. (12.5 marks) Question 4 What is controlling? Explain in detail the essential steps for developing and implementing effective control system in organisations, (12.5 marks) Question 5: Using Harold Koontz. typology. describe different schools of management thought that are considered as theoretical frameworks for the study of management, (12.5 marks) Question 6: Discuss the differences between management and leadership. (12.5 marks)

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