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These past few months have been quite busy for us. Angela was able to spend a few days in East Poland with a Polish friend & her family. It was a great time for her to use her limited Polish & build stronger relations with Justyna. In Sept, we all started school again. Macie and Ella headed back to their wonderful schools! Macie has decided to start English and in Polish. She reads everything. She is also just about uent & recently told James she was afraid when we go back to America she will forget English. Ella has continued her language lessons at her school. She has a tutor that helps her 4 hours a week. Her condence in speaking is growing each week. James & Angela have moved to the 2nd level of Polish. We still have our same teacher and he says we are progressing well. Polish is a stinkin hard language, but we have 7.5 months before we move so we have to work super hard to get as much language as we can. We are feeling more condent as we speak to the Polish people.

Requests & Thankfuls

*Pray for us as we are making decisions for our futures int he next few months. * Our holidays will be different this year. Pray that it will be a time of joy in the midst of missing family. * Praise: Ella is making more friends and using her Polish more. She seems to be tting in better. * Of course for our continued ability to pick up the language.

Fall is here and wow!!! It is breathtaking. The leaves on the trees are many different colors.

We had a team retreat and carved pumpkins. James and the girls worked hard on their jack-olantern.

All the young kids on our team ready to start the ropes course.

Ministry Cont...
We have started regularly meeting with the teens in our church. We meet every other Saturday & have Bible study & lunch. This next Sat we are having a Thanksgiving meal. We have had between 8&11 students each time. Four of the teens were baptized in September!! We came to Poland to start a team in the north. IMB has never had a team there. So James & our colleague Ken took a trip north to visit with pastors about opportunities to work and where would be the best places. We will move at the end of June to start the new team. Right now it seems that we will head to a town called Wejherowo. There is a small church plant that started about a year ago that we can help with. The man we would work with is a PolishAmerican.(He was born in and grew up in Boston, then returned to Poland as an adult.) He is the liaison between the Polish Baptist Union and the IMB. His wife of 20 years passed away this summer and he has 4 kids between 11 & 17. We are excited about the possibility of working along side him.


We were able to visit a cemetery on November 1st for All Saints Day.The graves were all amazingly beautiful.We went during the day and again after dark.

We have heard that it is a time for either praying for the souls of loved ones that have passed away or to to them because they are with God. Interesting.

We have also had 2 more birthdays. Macie turned 5 in September and had a great birthday party. James turned the big 4-0 in October. Instead of having a big birthday, we took a trip away to Brussels, Belgium. It was so fun to get away for a few days. We covet your prayers and encouragement. We would love to

hear from each of you as well. Please keep in touch. We love you all! Keep up with us our our blogs at *Also, if you have iMessage on your iPod or iPhone we can text you! Our numbers are J) +48-666-894-915 & A)+48-666-897-615


A few of the teenagers that come to our meetings playing games.

Macie with her friends at her birthday party. They were so cute! Beautiful building in the city center of Brussels.

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