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Geography Homework

Freya Padfield
What different strategies have Canterbury City Council proposed to reduce
traffic congestion in Canterbury City Centre
Canterbury City Council are going to place a ban on motorists driving directly
between neighbourhoods. Canterbury will be split into five separate zones
with residents banned from driving between them. This will be enforced by
number plate recognition cameras that will punish your actions with a fine.
To cross different neighbourhoods, you will have to drive along a much larger
ring road before re-entering a different zone.
This is being put in place to encourage local people to walk, cycle or use public
transport to get to their destination rather than contribute to global warming
by sitting in traffic.
The Bosses are hoping this plan will rid
canterbury of its regular gridlock

To reduce traffic congestion, I would make

Canterbury Bus Station’s bay’s circular so
that the buses could pull in and out of the
bus bays easier. This would then ease the
traffic leading up to the roundabout as well
as making the bus transitions easier for the
drivers and passengers. The passengers
and bustling school children can queue
around the circular bays, allowing the bus station more easily passable for
pedestrians. I think this would help both road and pedestrian congestion.

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