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In Scope

The aim of this test cycle is to test stability of Applicaster's app BabyTV Video on different
Android phones and OS versions. For this purpose you will be asked to test app free and
report all crashes you encounter.

 Location: Worldwide
 Devices: Android phones (no tablets)
 OS: Android 4.4 and greater
 Environment: Production

While testing please avoid stress testing and unusual behavior. Customer need crashes from
reasonable app use.
Please focus on Navigation between different screens and search for constant reproducible
scenarios leading to app crash.
Testing Flow:
1. Launch the app
2. Navigate between screens and across the app
3. See if you can identify a specific Reproducible scenario where a navigational flow causes
the app to crash

Out of Scope

 Do not report any other bugs but reproducible crashes

 Tests with no Internet Connection
 Stress testing

Issue Reporting Instructions

Reporting Standards

 Title format (use the bracket in the title): [BabyTV] Header description
 Clear end-user reproduction steps
 A video clearly showing the bug you are reporting
 Crash logs

Test Case Instructions

The test cycle is open for exploratory only first 20 hours. Please do NOT claim test cases.
Customer will select the most active testers to perform the test case.
The completed test case should be submitted within 6 hours after you claim a slot otherwise
your slot will be cleared/reassigned
Special Instructions

If you want to take part in this test case please hit the "accept" button below so we will know
that you are in. :)
App Download link can be found in the Build section or install app in Play Store
If you have any questions please contact us in the test cycle chat, we will be happy to assist


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