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Yun Dong-ju (1917-1945) is one of Korea's most beloved and celebrated poets. Despite his short life, Yun Dong-ju left behind a rich legacy of poetry that continues to resonate with readers today. In this article, we will explore the Life, works, and enduring legacy of Yun Dong-ju. Life: Yun Dong-ju was born on December 30, 1917, in Longjing, Jilin Province, in what is now northeastern China. He moved to Korea with his family at a young age and began writing poetry in middle school. In 1939, Yun Dong-ju entered the prestigious Literature Department at Yonhi College (now Yonsei University) in Seoul, where he studied under the renowned poet Kim Sowol. Yun Dong-ju's poetry was deeply influenced by his experiences living under Japanese colonial rule in Korea. He was known for his sensitive and introspective verse, which often explored themes of longing, isolation, and resistance. Despite facing censorship and surveillance by the Japanese authorities, Yun Dong-ju continued to write poetry that spoke to the struggles of the Korean people. Works: Yun Dong-ju's poetry is characterized by its simplicity, clarity, and emotional depth. His most famous works include "A Night in the Forest," "The Sea," and "Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poem." One of his most well-known poems is "The Sea," which captures the poet's longing for freedom and his yearning for his homeland: The Sea The sea, the sea beyond the edge of the blue earth, Where the wind blows and the gulls cry. The sea, the sea, where the moonlight shimmers, Where the waves crash and the foam flies. The sea, the sea, where my heart lies, Where my dreams drift on the tide. The sea, the sea, where my soul finds peace, Where my spirit soars on the wind. O sea, endless sea, boundless and wild, You are my refuge, my home, my heart. Legacy: Yun Dong-ju's poetry has had a profound and lasting impact on Korean literature and culture. Despite his untimely death at the age of 28, Yun Dong-ju's work continues to be celebrated and studied in Korea and around the world. His poetry has been translated into multiple languages and has inspired generations of poets, writers, and artists. In addition to his literary legacy, Yun Dong- ju is also remembered for his courage and resilience in the face of adversity. He remained true to his principles and convictions, even in the darkest of times, and his poetry remains a powerful testament to the enduring human spirit. Conclusion: Yun Dong-ju was not only a gifted poet but also a symbol of hope, resilience, and the power of the human spirit. Through his poetry, he gave voice to the struggles and aspirations of the Korean people and continues to inspire readers with his timeless wisdom and insight. As we celebrate his life and legacy, we are reminded of the enduring power of literature to uplift, inspire, and unite us all.

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