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DEATH IS NOT SCARY Enter the announcer (Entra de lado izquierdo del escenario se para a mitad del escenario)

LIZBETH -Good morning dear colleagues, We will present a sketch, that exemplifies some traditions, that as Mexicans we must remember, because they are our origins, we simply ask for your attention. (Sale por el lado derecho) SCENE 1 Enter the declamatory (Entra de lado derecho del pblico) MARTN We are mortals Like a flower we will dry here on earth Meditate, gentlemen eagles and tigers. Even if you were of jade or gold, also you will go to the place for rest. (Sale por el lado derecho del pblico) (Entra por el lado izquierdo del pblico) ADRIANA For the Aztecs, the Mayan and other indigen peoples of ancient Mexico, death was not the end but a step towards a better life. When someone died, they organized parties to encourage the spirit in its long journey through the nine rivers, Chignahuapan. (Sale por el lado izquierdo del pblico) (Entra de lado derecho del pblico) MARTN Our grandparents believed that life in the hereafter depended on how you died, not how you lived. They did not expect punishment, but joy. (Sale por el lado derecho del pblico) SCENE 2

(Se corre la cortina) (Entra por el lado izquierdo del pblico de detrs de la cortina) ADRIANA -Poor thing, could not stand the delivery. (Entra de lado derecho) LIZBETH -But now she will become a star and walk through the skies with Quetzalcoatl. (Salen por el lado donde est la cortina) (Entra lado derecho del pblico) MARTN -If the babies died their souls went to Chichihualco where they fed from milk tree forever. MARTN -When the death had to do with water, the soul went to the realm of Tlaloc, to the eternal summer. There they enjoyed forever swimming and eating exquisite food. MARTN -Warriors killed in combat were transformed into birds of splendorous plumage. (Sale de lado derecho) SCENE 3 ADRIANA -It was like that until the Spanish arrived ... (Todos nos movemos al centro a escuchar la palabra del seor) ALL SING: ALELUYA (Entra de lado izquierdo) MIGUEL -- But tell me, look what those who are baptized by the dead? Dont let them deceive you: evil doctrines corrupt good behavior. Wake up and do not sin: of the knowledge of God some of you have nothing, I tell them to their shame. And that is why I tell you to repent of your sins or you will go straight to hell! (Salimos todos miguel de lado izquierdo y los dems de lado derecho, se cierran las cortinas)

(Cambio de escenografa se cierran las cortinas) (Entra por en medio de las cortinas enfrente de las cortinas) ADRIANA -Death became a scary skeleton with a scythe. But the popular wisdom gathered Catholic celebrations with the old ways... and Mexico continued celebrating their dead with offerings and good humor. (Sale por en medio de las cortinas y sale a lado izquierdo) SCENE 4 (Se abren las cortinas, entran caminan y hablan Martin y Lizbeth)(escenografa tumba en medio) MARTN - En este mundo matraca De morir nadie se escapa. Muere el buey, muere la vaca, Y hasta la mujer ms guapa tiene que estirar la pata.

- Men in this world ratchet Nobody escapes from death The ox dies, the cow dies, And even the most pretty woman has to kick the bucket.

LIZBETH (LAUGHS) -Thats because Mexicans death is not fear, but rather we laugh at the bald one. (Entra lado izquierdo enfrente de la tumba) ADRIANA -The night of November 1st we all go to the cemetery which becomes a magical place with large flowers, hundreds of candles, garlands of paper draft and little cempaschil flowers. (Sale por lado derecho) LIZBETH -Come on, the tortillas and the mole are ready. My deceased one liked hawthorn, squash syrup and rice pudding. MARTN -I baked bread and skulls have a cigarette because my grandfather liked smoking. (Entra lado izquierdo a un lado de Martin)

MIGUEL -I brought to drink for the bald. (Entra lado derecho) ADRIANA -The family prays, remembers, eats and drinks. The mariachis go from grave to grave pleasing to absents. (Sale por lado derecho) MIGUEL - You play a Ranchera for my dead wife. She liked Rancheras.

MARTN -The dead are special guests who visit us once a year and our homes are dressed in colors and flavors for them. We make an altar that represents the sky and earth. (Entra lado derecho) ADRIANA -On November 2nd we say farewell to the souls ... MIGUEL -We are here with great joy. Here is our honor, our owners and parents, the humble offering of our meals as a thank you for visiting. ADRIANA -The church bells are tolling and the family accompany the souls of the deceased to the cemetery so that they can return to their graves. MARTN -Until next year, little souls! (Se cierran las cortinas y salimos todos)

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