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1. community

Meaning: a group of people who live in the same place and help each other.
Sentence: In our community, we have neighbors who help each other. Mrs. Reyes baked cookies for everyone
during a cleanup drive.
2. speaker
Meaning: the person who is talking or making sounds.
Sentence: The speaker at the assembly told us a story about kindness.
3. listen
Meaning: to pay attention to sounds or what someone is saying.
Sentence: Please listen carefully to the instructions before starting the activity.
4. value
Meaning: something that is important or meaningful.
Sentence: We value kindness because it helps us make friends and feel happy.
5. country
Meaning: a place where people live, with its own land, government, and sometimes different languages and
Sentence: Our country, the Philippines, is a beautiful place with sunny beaches and delicious food.
6. people
Meaning: individuals who live in the world, each with their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Sentence: Look at all the happy people playing in the park!
7. glee
Meaning: a feeling of great joy or happiness, often shown by smiling, laughing, or jumping around happily.
Sentence: The children danced with glee when they found out school was canceled for a stormy day.
8. sibling
Meaning: is a brother or a sister; someone who shares the same parents as you do.
Sentence: My sibling and I always try our best to obey our parents .
9. fence
Meaning: a structure made of wood, metal, or wire that separates two areas or marks the boundary of a property.
Sentence: The dog ran around the yard and jumped over the fence to chase a cat.
10. practice
Meaning: doing something again and again to get better at it.
Sentence: I practice playing the piano every day to get better at it.

1. purpose
Meaning: the reason why you do something or the goal you want to achieve.
Sentence: The purpose of brushing your teeth is to keep them clean and healthy.
2. garbage
Meaning: refers to things that are no longer needed or wanted and are thrown away because they are dirty or
Sentence: We put our garbage in the bin to keep our neighborhood clean.
3. whistle
Meaning: to make a high-pitched sound by blowing air through pursed lips or a small instrument.
Sentence: The coach used a whistle to start the soccer game.
4. scissors
Meaning: a tool with two sharp blades used for cutting paper, cloth, or other materials.
Sentence: I used scissors to cut out pictures for my art project.
5. keyboard
Meaning: is a set of keys or buttons used for typing on a computer or playing music on a piano.
Sentence: I like playing songs on the keyboard because it makes cool sounds.

1. technology
Meaning: is anything made by people to help them do things better or faster.
Sentence: We use technology like computers and tablets to learn and play games.
2. incredible
Meaning: something that is amazing or hard to believe because it's so good or impressive.
Sentence: The magician performed an incredible trick that made everyone gasp in amazement.
3. discipline
Meaning: following rules and behaving well
Sentence: Timmy showed discipline by doing his homework before playing with his toys.
4. underground
Meaning: means beneath the surface of the ground, typically referring to things that are below the earth's
Sentence: The subway train travels underground through tunnels to get to different parts of the city.
5. immigrants
Meaning: a people who comes to live in a new country permanently.
Sentence: My friend Maria moved here from Mexico with her family. They are immigrants.

1. government
Meaning: is the group of people who make decisions and rules for a country, state, or community.
Sentence: The government helps keep our city clean by collecting trash and fixing roads.
2. notorious
Meaning: famous or well-known, usually for something bad or negative.
Sentence: The pirate Blackbeard was notorious for his daring raids on ships.
3. experience
Meaning: something you have done or gone through that helps you learn or understand something better.
Sentence: Going to the zoo was an exciting experience because I got to see so many different animals.
4. weather
Meaning: refers to the conditions outside, like if it's sunny, rainy, windy, or snowy.
Sentence: The weather is nice today, so let's go outside and play at the park.
5. resource
Meaning: something that can be used to help you do something or achieve a goal.
Sentence: Books are a great resource for learning about different animals.

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