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Austin Academy

A Level Business Studies – Exam

March 2022

Name: _______________________ Total Marks:

Date: _______________________ Obtained Marks:

Section A (Short Answer)

Answer all questions
1 (a) Distinguish between the ‘private sector’ and the ‘public sector’. [2]
(b) Briefly explain two advantages of public sector businesses. [3]
2 (a) Define the term ‘market research’. [2]
(b) Briefly explain two factors that could influence the demand for restaurant [3]
3 Explain why a mission statement might be important for a multinational [5]
4 (a) Define the term ‘entrepreneur’. [2]
(b) Briefly explain two reasons why new businesses fail. [3]

Section B (Essay)
Answer one question only
5 (a) Analyze the importance of employee motivation for the achievement of [8]
business objectives.
(b) Discuss the view that managers and leaders perform very different functions [12]
in business organizations.
6 In a hospital, managers using democratic style are more likely to be successful [20]
than managers using autocratic style.
Discuss the extent to which you agree with this view.

7 (a) Explain the differences between Mc Gregor’s ‘Theory X’ and “Theory Y’. [8]

(b) Discuss the benefits of team working for production workers and managers. [12]

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