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Meles Zenawi, born on May 8, 1955, in Adwa, Tigray, Ethiopia, was a prominent Ethiopian politician who

served as Prime Minister of Ethiopia from 1995 until his death in 2012. He was a key figure in Ethiopian
politics, known for his role in the overthrow of the Derg regime in 1991 and his leadership in shaping
Ethiopia's development agenda.

Meles joined the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in the early 1970s, a group fighting against the
Marxist Derg regime. The TPLF, along with other groups, formed the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary
Democratic Front (EPRDF), which eventually overthrew the Derg in 1991.

After the fall of the Derg, Meles became the president of the transitional government and later the
Prime Minister of Ethiopia in 1995 when the country became a federal republic. He was known for his
intellectual prowess and strategic thinking, often considered one of Africa's most influential leaders.

During his time as Prime Minister, Meles implemented various economic and political reforms. He
focused on promoting economic growth through agricultural modernization, infrastructure
development, and attracting foreign investment. His government also introduced a system of ethnic
federalism, granting autonomy to Ethiopia's regions based on their ethnic composition.

Meles was praised for his role in stabilizing Ethiopia and for his efforts to reduce poverty and improve
healthcare and education. However, his government was also criticized for its human rights record,
including crackdowns on political dissent and restrictions on freedom of the press.

Meles was a key player in regional politics, playing a significant role in mediating conflicts in the Horn of
Africa and advocating for African interests on the international stage. He was also a strong advocate for
environmental sustainability and was involved in global climate change negotiations.

Meles Zenawi passed away on August 20, 2012, after a long illness. He left behind a complex legacy, with
supporters praising his leadership and development efforts, while critics point to his authoritarian
tendencies and human rights record.

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