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3rd Quarter Spoken English final exam for grade 4


1.What would I help you? A) Everything is going well

2.How are you doing? B) Thank you so much

3.Does she like Burger. C) Yes,she does

4.All the very best to you D) I am very well thank you.

5.How was everything. E) I need a fashion shoes.

Multiple choice

1.Eman:How was your Exam? A) Oh! great you did it B) Wow! well done

Asanat: It's nice and I scored 100% C) Excellent D) All are correct


2.Ibrahim: What would I help you? A) I need a fashion coat. B) yes don't want your help

Lensa:_________________________ C.I am shopkeeper

3.Mother:Do you like Avocado ? A.Yes,I do B.I am sorry no. C.A&B D.all


4.Customer :I want to open a bank account. A.well,I have my passport B.I want my visacard

Banker:Sure Do you have ID? C.I want to pay a bill.

Customer :__________________

5.Which one is not an Expressions of good jobs?

A.You did it B.Well done C.A great job D. You have done it E.all

6.Ibrahim:How are you ? A.Everything is going well B.thank you come again.

Lidiya: I am pretty good and you. C.I scored 100 point are you doing

Ibrahim:I am good ! How is everything?


7.Waiter :What would you like to eat? A.I do like meat with fish. B.Well you have an ID?
Customer._______________________ C.Thank you very much.

8.Teacher:How was the weekend? A.what's on B.I am very well

Student:_____________________C.It was Fantastic D.I am very well

9.Lensa:Did you bring my textbook? A.I am so sorry I forgot it. B.How do you do?

Eman: was the weekend D.I am very well thank you.

Lensa:Forget about it.

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