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D&D 5th Edition Update

Written by Nimrod Yanai

Interior Graphics Design: Dee Barnett.

First appeared in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, 2001

Chapter Cover Art by Adam Rex, Brom, Carl Critchlow, Mark Zug, Michael Dubisch, Rebecca Guay, Sam Wood,
Terese Nielsen, Wayne England.
First appeared in The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, 2001

Parts 1, 2 and 3 cover art by Samantha Johnson

Rand al’Thor photo by Matt Peterson, featuring model Kyle Paul

Westlands map by SevenBridges on DeviantArt

Dance with Jak o' the Shadows - Mat Cauthon by endive on DeviantArt

Rand Al’Thor art by Rob Christianson

The Bowl of the Winds by Julie Bell, first appeared as the cover of “The Path of Daggers” eBook by TOR books

Cartography by Ellisa Mitchell

Chapter Icons by Ellisa Mitchell and Matthew C. Nielsen

Special thanks to Eliran Aizik and Itamar Shtrum

Character Sheet Designed by Joost and Javier Aumente

V 1.2

Disclaimer: Wheel of Time™ is a trademark of Robert Jordan. All characters, character names, and descriptions therefore are trademarks and/or
copyrights of Robert Jordan. © 2014 Game Mechanic owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This document does not represent a challenge to any
trademarks held by either Robert Jordan or Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Neither Wizards of the Coast nor Robert Jordan are affiliated with this
document in any way. All articles are copyrighted by their respective authors, unless otherwise noted. This netbook may be reproduced for
personal, noncommercial use and may not be used to generate revenue in any way.
Contents Class Features ................................... 55 Tools .......................................................... 79

Woodsman Archetypes.................. 57 Herbs, medicines, and poisons ..... 80

Contents ....................................................... 2
Chapter 4: Backgrounds ........................ 60 Special Items .................................... 80
Forward by Robert Jordan ....................... 4
Canceled Background ..................... 60 Military Expenses ............................ 83
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................ 4
Changed Background ..................... 60 Chapter 8: A Living World ..................... 86
Abbreviations .................................. 5
New Backgrounds............................ 60 Heroic Characteristics ..................... 86
The feel of the RPG ....................... 5
Chapter 5: Skills ...................................... 66 Name ................................................... 86
Alternative Rules ............................ 6
Wisdom (Innuendo)............................. 66 Gender and Sexual Orientation ..... 86
Chapter 2: Races and Origins ................. 8
Intelligence (Invert) ............................. 66 Age and Appearance ........................ 87
Chapter 3: Classes ................................... 12
Chapter 6: Feats....................................... 68 Goals .................................................... 87
Algai'd'siswai .......................................... 14
Canceled feats........................................ 68 Reputation .......................................... 88
Creating an Algai'd'siswai ..........14
Changed feats ........................................ 68 Geography .......................................... 89
Class Features ..............................14
New Feats ................................................ 68 Altara (Altaran) ................................. 89
Algai'd'siswai Societies ...............16
Composure (Rare) ........................... 68 Amadicia (Amadician).................... 90
Armsman .................................................. 21
Create Angreal (Lost) ..................... 68 Andor (Andoran) ............................... 90
Creating an Armsman .................... 21
Create Ter'angreal (Lost) ............. 69 Arad Doman (Domani) .................. 91
Class Features ................................... 21
Dreamer (Lost) .................................. 70 Arafel (Arafellin) ............................... 91
Martial Archetypes........................... 23
Dreamwalker (Lost) ........................ 70 Cairhien (Cairhienin) ..................... 94
Initiate ........................................................ 28
Exceptional Channeler .................. 70 Far Madding (Maddiner) .............. 94
Creating an Initiate .......................... 28
The Flame and the Void (Rare) . 70 Ghealdan (Ghealdanin) ................. 95
Class Features ................................... 28
Focus ..................................................... 71 Illian (Illianer) .................................... 95
One Power Traditions .................... 31
Great Fortitude ................................. 71 Kandor (Kandori) ............................. 96
Noble .......................................................... 36
Read Ter'angreal (Lost) ................ 71 Mayene (Mayener) ........................... 96
Creating a Noble ............................... 36
Sense Shadowspawn ..................... 71 Murandy (Murandian) .................... 97
Class Features ................................... 36
Sniffer (Lost) ...................................... 72 Saldaea (Saldaean) ......................... 97
Noble Paths......................................... 38
Treesinger ........................................... 72 Seanchan (Seanchan) .................... 97
Wanderer.................................................. 40
Weave Without Gestures (Rare) .... 72 Shienar (Shienaran) ....................... 99
Creating a Wanderer ...................... 40
Tar Valon (Tar Valonian) ............. 99
Class Features ................................... 40 Wolfbrother (Lost) ........................... 72
Tarabon (Taraboner) .................... 100
Wandering Archetypes .................. 42 Chapter 7: Equipment ............................ 74
Tear (Tairen) .................................... 100
Wilder ........................................................ 46 Coinage and Tiers of Play ................ 75
Languages ........................................ 101
Creating a Wilder ............................. 46 Armor ......................................................... 75
The Old Tongue .............................. 101
Class Features ................................... 46 Armor Description ........................... 76
Trolloc Tongue................................ 101
Exceptional Talents ........................ 51 Weapons ................................................... 76
Phrases, Idioms and Curses ..... 102
Woodsman ............................................... 55 Weapon Description ....................... 76
Flora and Fauna .............................. 103
Creating a Woodsman ................... 55 Adventuring Gear ................................. 79

Flora ..................................................... 103 Chapter 12: Encounters………152 Table 5: The Commander's Fealty ....... 26

Fauna................................................... 105 Table 6: The Initiate................................. 28

Shadow-Linked Vermin .................152
Chapter 9: Channeling ......................... 106 Table 7: The Aes Sedai's Ajah ............... 32
Creature Statistics A-Z ..................153
Embracing the One Power ............106 Table 8: The Noble ................................... 36
B .................................................... 153
Holding the One Power .................106 Table 9: The Wanderer ........................... 40
Weaving .............................................107 Table 10: The Wilder ............................... 46
G .................................................... 160
Cantrips .............................................107 Table 11: The Woodsman ...................... 55
L .................................................... 161
Transferring Weaves ......................107 Table 12: Healer's Secrets ..................... 64
R .................................................... 161
Weaves and exhaustion .................107 Table 13: The Flame and the Void Modifiers 70
S .................................................... 162
Affinities ............................................107 Table 14: Sense Shadowspawn ............ 71
T .................................................... 170
Talents ...............................................107 Table 15: Exchange Rate ........................ 74
W ................................................... 171
Overchanneling................................108 Table 16: Armors...................................... 75
Chapter 13: Optional and Alternative Rules……………….172

Angreal and Sa'angreal .................108 Table 17: Weapons .................................. 77

Coinage .............................................172

Channeling with armor ..................108 Table 18: Adventuring Gear ................... 78

Currency ...................................... 172

Multiclassing ....................................108 Table 19: Tools ......................................... 80

Wealth .......................................... 173

Linking...............................................109 Table 20: Poisons and Venoms ............. 80

Skills ..................................................174

Saidin and Madness .......................109 Table 21: Herbs and Medicines ............ 81
Optional Skill: Endurance ......... 174

Conditions ................................... 110 Table 22: Special Items .......................... 82

Alternative Channeling System ...174

Symptoms ................................... 110 Table 23: Food and Lodging .................. 83

Weave Points system ................ 174
Table 24: Mounts and Related Gear .... 83
Chapter 10: Weaves…………………112 Exhaustion .................................. 174
Table 25: Hauling Vehicles .................... 83
Weave Description ..........................113 Power Level ................................ 175
Table 26: Services .................................... 84
Weaves by Talents ..........................140 Consistent Power Level .............. 175
Table 27: Followers ................................. 88
Weaves by Minimum Level ...........143 Flexible Power Level ................... 175
Table 28: Circles..................................... 109
Additional Suggested Materials………..176
Chapter 11: Hazards……………148
Table 29: Trigger Conditions ............... 110
Tel'aran'rhiod ..................................148
Character Sheet………..…………181 Table 30: Madness Symptoms ............ 110
The Principle of Need .................. 148
Table 1: Classes……………….………………….13 Table 31: Escaping a Nightmare......... 149
Hazards of Tel'aran'Rhiod ........ 148
Table 2: The Algai'd'siswai .................... 14 Table 32: Price Fluctuations................ 173
Bubbles of Evil .................................149
Table 3: The Armsman............................ 21 Table 33: Starting Wealth Score by Class .. 173
Shadar Logoth .................................149
Table 4: Blademaster Sword Forms .... 24 Table 34: Wealth Score Conversion .. 173

Forward by Robert Jordan

I was very excited when Wizards of the Coast approached me

about doing a roleplaying game based on my books, The Wheel
of Time™ series. That brought back a lot of memories. When
my son Will was young, he and his friends liked to play
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. I, of course, was the Dungeon
Master. It was a lot of fun, though I made them stick to the
rules. No creating invincible characters out of thin air. If they
did something incredibly stupid, and the dice said they died,
then they died. And had to start over with a basic character that
needed to be built up with experience. No "instant
reincarnation," which they always wanted. Will and the others
always complained that I made the scenarios too hard. Other
Dungeon Masters were willing to cut them some slack, give
them a break now and then. But I noticed that they never played
with those other DMs unless I wasn't available. An invincible
character that walks around killing everything in sight gets
boring after a while. When you can do anything, take anything,
with no possible consequences, the challenge goes away. And
so does the fun, except for a few who no doubt are destined to
be junk-bond brokers, used car salesmen, or worse, politicians.
The stacks of D&D books are long gone from our house
now, given to others to enjoy. Will is thirty-two and a painter.
His friends have gone on to diverse careers. Museum curator,
salvage consultant, product manager for a major
pharmaceutical company, and another painter, among others.
They thought they were playing a game, and they were, but they
learned a few things along the way, about working together,
about thinking things through. It might have been just a
roleplaying game, but I tried to make it real for them, to make
it seem that was the world they had been born in, and so they
gained something else. They have been adventuring where the
monsters are, adventuring where their wits are as important to
survival as their physical skills. That spirit of adventure
remains with them even if they don't realize where it came
Are you ready to go adventuring? The world of The Wheel
of Time is different from anywhere you have seen before. A
world of Trollocs and Myrddraal, a world under the shadow of
the Dark One, a world of fallen empires and empires rising, of
clashing nations and war, of shifting allegiances, uncertain
allies and ever-present intrigue, a world of powerful friends and
powerful enemies, a world where women can be as deadly and
dangerous as men. If you want a taste of how different it is, if
you want to know what it would be like to be born in that world
instead of merely visiting, go the Wizards of the Coast website,, and read "The Shaping of a
World" written by me. Are you ready? Then come on in and go

Robert Jordan
Charleston, SC
Chapter 1: Introduction

In other cases, more drastic changes were made.
If you are playing a channeler, make sure to read
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, through the entire Channeling chapter, since many
leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades changes were made to the channeling system. For
to myth, and even myth is long forgotten, when the example, Power Heightened Senses no longer
Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called requires a feat. It is a feature every channeler receives
the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, and Age the moment he touches the One Power.
long past, a 5th edition was born. The edition was not This document is far from a complete overhaul.
the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor The GM might be required to adjust many technical
endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it and numerical details from the original RPG or the
was an edition. Player's Handbook.
The foreword in the previous page was written by
Robert Jordan for the Wheel of Time Roleplaying
This document makes many references to other
game, released in 2001 under the D20 system by
source materials and other abbreviations. Instead of
Wizards of the Coast. A module, "Prophecies of the
stating them by name each time, I use the following
Dragon", was released in 2002. While the original
abbreviations to represent them:
RPG beautifully captures certain aspects of the world
COM – The Wheel of Time Companion.
of the Wheel of Time, it was also lacking certain key
DMG – D&D 5th edition Dungeon Master's Guide.
aspects which were a big part of the game.
DR – Dragon Magazine 2001's special D20 system
This document presents an attempt to balance
between the D&D 5th edition rules and the Wheel of
GM – Game Master.
Time universe as presented in both the Wheel of
MM – D&D 5th edition Monster Manual.
Time series by Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time
NPC – Nonplayer Character
Roleplaying Game.
PD – The Prophecies of the Dragon module, released
While using terms and general mechanics, this
for the RPG.
document does not include the rules of the D&D 5th
PH – D&D 5th edition Player's Handbook.
edition system. To understand how combat, weave
RPG – the original Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
slots, etc. work, you need to purchase the D&D 5th
edition Player’s Handbook.
This document also does not explain many of the
When statistics are given for creatures in this
terms, cultures, geography, etc. of the Wheel of Time.
document, they will be followed by the source and
Most of what you need to know is described in the
page number where they can be found.
Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game sourcebook, and
this document builds on that information.
The feel of the RPG
The system adopted to accommodate the new
When first starting this project, I made a conscious
D&D rules was to incorporate most Prestige Classes
decision to keep the spirit of the RPG. This decision
in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game as paths that
has several implications, such as the available
the characters may follow. In many cases, I found this
classes, the archetypes, the origins, etc.
system resembles the Wheel of Time series better
than the original source book. For example, I was
able to incorporate the One Power Traditions to the
Initiate, depending on her origin.

Alternative Rules I hope you enjoy this updated version, as much as I
Chapter 13: Optional and Alternative Rules present enjoyed working on it.
an assortment of optional and alternative rules to use Have FUN!
with this update. These rules are meant to do one of What you need to play:
the following: The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game
1. Present a system that more closely resemble Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player's Handbook
the one presented in the novels. Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide
2. Simplify existing systems for parties who
prefer not to deal with day-to-day resources
3. Add additional options to the game.

Part 1: Creating a Character

Creating a Character

Rand Al’Thor
By: Samantha Johnson
Chapter 2: Races and Origins

Races and Origins In D&D 5th edition, backgrounds receive a new
meaning, detailing the history of a character. Hence,
the original backgrounds of the Wheel of Time RPG
have been replaced with Origins.
This section does not include the description of
each origin. The descriptions are provided in the
RPG. This section only shows the changes made in
the statistical information given there and some
additional rules for different origins.
Some origins are general terms for people of
different countries, such as Borderlander or
Midlander. See chapter 8: A Living World for more
details about these specific countries to differentiate
you character from others of that origin.

“May you always find water and shade” – Bair, Lord
of Chaos chapter 33.

Aiel are fierce people living in the harsh

environment of the Aiel waste. Their society is built
on a strong code of honor – Ji'e'toh.
Clans: Aiel society is built of clans and societies.
There are 12 Aiel clans: Chareen, Codarra, Daryne,
Goshien, Miagoma, Nakai, Reyn, Shaarad, Shaido,
Shiande, Taardad and Tomanelle. Each clan
possess a hold in the Aiel Waste, where the clan
resides. The distribution of authority between the
clan chief and wise ones is unclear, though wise
ones tend to believe they can decide something is
within their authority.
Ji'e'toh: Aiel operate under a complex system of
honor. In the old tongue, ji'e'toh translates to Honor
– ji – and Obligation - toh. This system only takes
effect when Aiel interact with other Aiel. Toh might
be earned by shaming someone, or one's self, while
Ji is earned by honored deeds, such as touching an
armed opponent in battle without harming him.

If an Aiel has Toh towards someone, he must Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
meet it under the terms of ji'e'toh. An Algai'd'siswai increases by 2.
might become gai'shain, serving for a year and a day Resilient. You ignore the first level of exhaustion
in white robes, or meet his Toh in other ways, such caused by extreme heat conditions.
as beatings, enduring shameful, trivial punishments Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency in the
or paying back the lost honor in any other way. Toh Survival skill.
is self-inflicting. An Aiel can decide his toh is met at Runners. You may use your bonus action to take the
any time (except gai'shain service). The offended Dash action.
party can also declare the
Algai'd'siswai has no toh
Atha’an Miere
(Sea Folk)
towards him. Once toh is
“A ship is alive, and he is
met, it is as though it
like a man, with a true
never occurred. In fact,
man's heart. Treat him
reminding an Aiel of
well and care for him
previous toh incurs toh in
properly, and he will fight
for you against the worst
A Wise One cannot
sea” - Jorin din Jubai
become gai'shain.
White Wing, The
Additionally, Wise Ones
Shadow Rising, chapter
can walk in the middle of
a battle without being
harmed. Likewise, it is
Ability Score Increase.
considered unthinkable
Your Charisma score
to hit a smith.
increases by 2.
Restrictions: Aiel do not
Tools Proficiency. You
ride horses, believing
gain proficiency with the
their legs are good
Navigator’s tools.
enough. Algai'd'siswai
Atha'an Miere Windfinder apprentice by Michael Swimmers. You gain a
and Wise Ones have
Dubisch swimming speed of 30 ft.
disadvantage on any
attack roll, saving throw and ability check made Borderlander
while on horseback or in an attempt to ride or “A man who will not die to save a woman is no man”
handle horses. – Rand Al’Thor, The Great Hunt, chapter 16.
Aiel have a great disliking, almost hatred, of
sword. They cannot gain proficiency with any type of Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
sword, even if they choose a feat that grants them increases by 2.
that proficiency. An Aiel has disadvantage on all Fighting the Blight. Borderlanders have been
attack rolls made with swords. This disadvantage fighting the blight all their lives. You can recognize
cannot be canceled by an advantage granted by signs of shadowspawn influence and presence –
another feature. You have advantage on all saving throws to avoid the
influence of shadowspawn abilities and gain

advantage on all survival skill checks made to track Ebou Dari
shadowspawn. “Ebou Dari Wise Women know more about herbs
than anybody. They can cure anything. They have to,
Cairhienin because Ebou Dari fight duels over a sneeze, noble
“Who can say with Cairhienin, Lord Rand? They or common, men or women” – Elayne Trakand,
seem to think everything has to do with Daes Lord of Chaos, chapter 13.
Dae’mar” – Hurin, The Great Hunt, chapter 25.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma and increases by 2.
Intelligence scores are increased by 1. Duelist. You may use a bonus action to challenge
Skill Proficiency: You gain proficiency one enemy to a duel. You gain advantage on all
in the Deception skill. attack rolls against that enemy if there are no
Great Game Participant. You are creatures other than yourself within 5 ft. of it.
connected to a noble house
engaged in the Great Game, Illianer
either as a noble or in support “The Illianers would follow the Dragon, or
of a noble house. In exchange Ba’alzamon himself, if he came bearing the
for report passed on, you gain Horn of Valere” – Moiraine Damodred, The
that house's favor and may call Great Hunt, chapter 5.
upon its support if needed. The
type and amount of support Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and
depends on the Gamemaster Charisma scores are increased by 1.
and your level of support for the Tools Proficiency. You gain proficiency
house. in one Artisan’s tools of your choice.
Militant. You gain advantage on saving
Domani throws against Charm effects.
“Domani women never promised
half what you thought they did, Midlander
and they gave only as much as “Andoran nobles, even in royal
they chose and changed their families, married commoners often
minds either way in a blink” – The enough that it hardly occasioned
Fires of Heaven, chapter 1. Cairhienin noble by Rebecca Guay comment—in Andor, at least" –
The Shadow Rising, chapter 6.
Ability Score Increase. (female) Your Charisma
score increases by 2. (male) You Strength score Ability Score Increase. Increase two ability scores
increases by 2. of your choice by 1, or a single ability score by 2.
Seduction. Domani women gain advantage on all Bravery. You gain advantage on saving throw made
Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks. to resist fear effects.
Temper. Domani men are quick to anger. When
reduced from your maximum HP, you gain
"A soaring albatross seemed to be following the
advantage on your next attack roll.
Kidron, an omen of victory indeed, though the bird’s
long wings were black instead of white. It must still

mean the same thing. Omens did not change Ogier
according to location" – Winter's Heart, chapter 14. "There hasn’t been an Ogier here in three thousand
odd years, not since the Breaking of the World, but
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score it’s the stedding makes the Ogier, not the Ogier
increases by 2. make the stedding" – Elyas Machera, The Eye of the
Sturdy. Your maximum HP is increased by 1 point World, chapter 29.
and is increased by an additional 1 point each time
you gain a level in any class. Abilities. Your Strength score is increased by 4 and
your Dexterity score is decreased by 2.
Tairen Size. Large
"Tairens have no love for the One Power, and less Speed. 40 ft.
for any man claiming to be the Dragon. Channeling Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the
is outlawed, and Aes Sedai are tolerated at best, so night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim
long as they do not channel. Telling the Prophecies conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 ft. of
of the Dragon, or even possessing a copy of them, is you as if it were bright light.
enough to put you in prison" – Moiraine Damodred, Skills Proficiency. You gain proficiency in the
The Dragon Reborn, chapter 6. History skill.
Tools. You gain proficiency with the Mason's tools.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Wisdom Perceptive. The Ogier's large eyes and ears grant
scores are increased by 1. them an advantage on Wisdom (Perception) skill
Horse Master. You gain proficiency with all types of checks.
saddles, and advantage on any ability check made to Size Matters. Ogier can carry double the weight
control or ride horses. their strength would usually allow.
They cannot wear medium sized armor or use
Tar Valoner
medium sized weapons.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and
Non-channelers. Ogier cannot gain levels in any
Charisma scores increase by 1.
class that can channel.
Cosmopolitan. You gain proficiency in the
Language. Ogier, Common dialect.
diplomacy skill and one additional skill of your

"Taraboners call themselves the Tree of Man, and
claim to be descended from rulers and nobles in the
Age of Legends" – Verin Mathwin, The Great Hunt,
chapter 7.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is

increased by 2.
Masked. In Tarabon, it is considered impolite to
expose one's face in public. While you wear your
veil, you gain advantage on all Charisma
(persuasion) and Charisma (deception) skill checks.

THREE Chapter 3: Classes

Classes In the world of The Wheel of Time, classes are more

than just an adventuring profession; they are a path
in one's life, his place in the universe. The Wanderer
whose destiny is to become a Gleeman, an Initiate
running from a life with the Aes Sedai and joining
the Kin or becoming a Wisdom or the Armsman
turning from military life to study the art of the
Choosing a class is probably the most important
choice a player will have to make during character
There are seven main classes, known as hero
classes, in the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game:
Algai'd'siswai: A fierce desert warrior who uses
agility, skill, and spear-fighting ability to defeat his
Armsman: A warrior with exceptional combat
capability and unequaled skill with weapons.
Initiate: A person trained to use her natural
talent for channeling the One Power.
Noble: A member of the higher classes who uses
his status, wealth, education, training, and
experience to triumph over adversity.
Wanderer: A person (often of nomadic lifestyle)
who uses his shrewdness, wits, and skills to survive,
typically by means of stealth, trickery, luck, or the
Wilder: A person who has a natural, but
untrained, ability to channel the One Power.
Woodsman: A cunning, skilled hunter, and
warrior of the wilderness.
Table 1: Classes gives a summary of the
description, hit dice, primary abilities, saving throw
proficiencies and armor and weapon proficiencies
for each class:

Table 1: Classes

Class Description Hit Primary Ability Saving Throws Armor and Weapon
Die Proficiency Proficiency
Algai'd'siswai Powerful Aiel warriors of the d10 Dexterity Dexterity, Dagger, short bow, short
three-fold land, exceptionally Constitution spear. No armor or shield
proficient in unarmed fighting (except the buckler).
and short spears.
Armsman Masters of combat, Armsmen d10 Strength Strength, All types of armor and
are versatile in their training Constitution shield, simple and martial
styles and master a variety of weapons.
weapons and armors.
Initiate These special individuals d4 Intelligence Intelligence, Dagger and club. No armor
possess the ability to touch the Wisdom or shield.
One Power. They are sought
after by others of the proud
channeling heritage.
Noble Masters of the Game of Houses, d8 Charisma Wisdom, Light armor, shield, simple
the nobility is an important part Charisma and martial weapons.
of any kingdom, be it in the
Westlands or the Seanchan
Wanderer Naturally skillful and multi- d8 Dexterity Dexterity, Any Light armor, any weapon
talented, Wanderers master one of your with the finesse property.
many skills and feats. choosing
Wilder The few lucky channelers who d6 Charisma Wisdom, Light armor, simple
survive the natural manifestation Charisma weapons.
of their powers, Wilders can
arise anywhere, and from any
Woodsman To the Woodsman, the wild d10 Strength Strength, Simple and Martial
forests, topping mountains or Dexterity weapons, light and
empty plains are as familiar as medium armors, shields.
any home.

Table 2: The Algai'd'siswai
Level Proficiency Reputation Features Unarmed Damage
Bonus Score
1 +2 0 Aiel Unarmed Fighting, Algai'd'siswai Society, 1d4
Buckler training, Fast Movement, Unarmored
2 +2 0 Dance the Spears, Cadin'sor 1d4
3 +2 0 Extra Attack 1d4
4 +2 0 Ability Score Improvement 1d4
5 +3 1 Running Endurance 1d6
6 +3 1 1d6
7 +3 1 Evasion 1d6
8 +3 2 Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack (2) 1d6
9 +4 2 Dance the Spears 2 1d6
10 +4 2 Camouflage 1d6
11 +4 3 1d8
12 +4 3 Ability Score Improvement 1d8
13 +5 3 Extra Attack (3) 1d8
14 +5 4 Feral Instinct 1d8
15 +5 4 1d8
16 +5 4 Ability Score Improvement 1d8
17 +6 5 Vanish 1d10
18 +6 5 1d10
19 +6 5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10
20 +6 6 Extra Attack (4) 1d10

Creating an Algai'd'siswai Class Features

When creating an Algai'd'siswai, there are several As an Algai'd'siswai, you gain the following
choices you must make to customize your features.
character. Hit Points
First, choose yourself a clan from the twelve Hit Dice: 1d10 per Algai'd'siswai level
Aiel clans: Chareen, Codarra, Daryne, Goshien, Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Con. mod.
Miagoma, Nakai, Reyn, Shaarad, Shaido, Shiande, Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + con.
Taardad or Tomanelle. You should also choose a modifier Per Algai'd'siswai level above 1st.
society to which your Algai'd'siswai will belong Proficiencies
(see below). Armor: No armor, Buckler.
All Aiel come from the Aiel waste. If the Weapons: Dagger, short bow and Aiel spear.
adventure takes place in another location, think Tools: None.
what it is that drove your Algai'd'siswai out of the Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution.
waste. Was he sent on a mission by the clan chief Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Intimidation,
or Wise Ones? Is he searching for He Who Comes Investigation, Perception and Stealth.
with the Dawn? Did he run away? Equipment
You start with the following equipment in
Quick Build
addition to that granted by your background:
You can make an Algai'd'siswai quickly by
• (a) An Aiel spear or (b) a short bow
following these suggestions. First, put your highest
• (a) A dagger or (b) quiver and 20 arrows.
ability score in Dexterity, followed by Constitution.
• A buckler.
Second, choose the Aiel background.

Aiel Unarmed Fighting your initiative. When reaching 9th level, you have
Algai'd'siswai learn to fight with no weapons in the advantage on all initiative rolls.
Aiel fashion. Whenever they fight unarmed, they These bonuses are lost if you wear armor of any
are considered armed and proficient. kind or use a shield.
When fighting unarmed, the Algai'd'siswai
deals damage according to his class table above.
Additionally, when fighting unarmed or using Aiel use a special garment, the Cadin'sor, to

the Aiel short spear, the Algai’d’siswai may use his conceal themselves in the waste. Starting at level

Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier 2, you have mastered the use of your Cadin'sor and

when making an attack, as though the spear had are considered proficient in the Stealth skill while

the finesse property. you wear it.

When taking the Attack action with an Aiel These advantages only apply while in the Aiel

short spear or an unarmed attack, the Waste, or in other landscape determined by the

Algai'd'siswai can use his bonus action to make Gamemaster.

one unarmed attack.

Extra Attack
Algai'd'siswai Societies Algai'd'siswai are exceptionally quick warriors.

All Algai’d’siswai are part of a warrior society. Starting at 3rd level, you may attack twice whenever

Each of the Algai'd'siswai warrior societies has a you use the attack actions on your turn.

specialty and focus of different talents. The The number of attacks increases to three when

different societies and their advantages are you reach 8th level, four when you reach 13th level

described at the end of the class description. and five when you reach 20th level. This bonus is
lost if you wear armor of any kind or use a shield.
Buckler training
Using an Aiel buckler does not count as using a
Ability Score Improvement
shield for you. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
Fast movement your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
Aiel move faster than most people. Starting at 1st scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you cannot
level, if you are not wearing an armor and not increase an ability score above 20 using this
carrying a shield, your movement speed is feature.
increased by 10 ft. Instead of an ability score increase, you may
choose 1 feat.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no Running Endurance
armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + Starting at 5th level, you have advantage whenever
your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution you make a Strength/Constitution (Athletics)
modifier. check when running long distances or an extended
period. This bonus is lost if you wear armor of any
Dance the Spears kind or use a shield.
Algai'd'siswai praise their speed in combat.
Starting at 2nd level, add your proficiency bonus to

Evasion involved in blood feuds. Each society tends to train
Your instinctive agility lets you quickly dodge out of its members to be proficient in specific tasks.
harm's way. Starting at 7th level, when you are Of all the societies, Far Dareis Mai is the only
subject to an affect that allows you to make a one that accepts, and is exclusive to women.
Dexterity saving throw for half damage, you The name of each society is given in the old
instead take no damage if you succeed and only tongue, its translation is in the society description.
half damage if you fail. You lose this ability if you
wear armor of any kind
Aethan Dor
or use a shield. The Red Shields act as a
sort of police among the
Camouflage Aiel, and often serve as the
Starting at 10th level, Aiel version of a Thief
you have learned to Taker.
adapt your Cadin'sor On the Job
to different Starting at 1st level when
environments, using you join the Red Shields,
different hues. You you are welcomed in all
now gain your clans and societies, so long
Cadin'sor feature as you arrive to investigate
advantages in any a crime.
terrain. You also gain advantage
on all Charisma
Feral Instinct (Persuasion) and Charisma
Starting at 14 th
level, (Intimidation) skill checks
you can no longer be targeting other Aiel.
caught by surprise. Stunning Strike
During a surprise Starting at 6th level, you
round, you always act learn how to stun your
normally. opponents. When you hit a
Algai'd'siswai by Matt Wilson
target with an unarmed
Vanish attack, it must succeed in a Constitution saving
Starting at 17th level, whenever you are wearing throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
your Cadin'sor, you can use the Hide action as a Strength Modifier) or be stunned until the end of
bonus action on your turn. Additionally, you cannot your next turn. You may use this ability a number
be tracked by natural means, unless you choose to of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You
leave a trail. regain any expended uses when you finish a short
You lose these advantages if you wear any or long rest.
armor or use a shield.
Crippling Strike
Starting at 15th level, you can sacrifice your extra
Algai'd'siswai Societies
attacks in order to make one accurate, crippling
The Aiel warrior societies are brotherhoods of like-
attack. If your attack is successful, your target's
minded warriors. Members of the same society
movement is decreased by 10 ft. and he receives
never fight each other, even if their clans are

disadvantage on all attack rolls and Strength and known to travel for weeks without the need to stop
Dexterity saving throws and ability checks in Aiel holds.
(including skill checks). A target can only suffer Because of these abilities, they are often used
these effects once. as Aiel scouts.
The effects can be lifted using a Wisdom Survivor
(Medicine) check (DC = 10 + the damage dealt) or When you join the Water Seekers at 1st level, you
a long rest. go through a series of survival training – finding
You may use this ability a number of times shelter in harsh weather, locating water sources,
equal to your Intelligence modifier. You replenish etc. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you
any uses after you complete a long rest. are already proficient, gain twice your proficiency
bonus instead of once.
Cor Darei Endurance
The Night Spears excel at guarding encampment When you reach 7th level, you have learned to
and holds, and often insist on guard duty of such endure harsh conditions better than most people.
places. Ignore the first affect which would cause you to
On Guard become exhausted.
When you join the Night Spears at 1 level, you
You can also go without food for an additional
gain advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) skill number of days equal to your constitution modifier.
checks made during guard duty, and you cannot be Fortitude
surprised while on guard duty. Starting at 15th level, your body has become greatly
Additionally, you can rest only 4 hours each resilient to exhausting effects. Whenever you suffer
night while sleeping in an encampment of any kind. an effect that would cause you to become
Bodyguard exhausted, you may attempt a Wisdom (Survival)
Starting at 7th level, you have learned how to check (DC = 20 + the exhaustion level you are
help protect your fellow defenders. When a trying to avoid). If you succeed you suffer that level
creature within 5 ft. of you is hit with a melee attack of exhaustion but are not subject to its effect (which
and you are using a buckler, you can use your means the next time you attempt this save, the DC
reaction to add +2 to the creature's AC. will increase). If your exhaustion level reaches 6,
Defender you die.
Starting at 15 level, you have become extremely

adapt at defending your stronghold. Far Aldazar

As a bonus action, you can grant any ally within The Brothers of the Eagle rely on distance,
30 ft. of you a bonus to AC equals to your Charisma perception, and archery as their greatest allies.
modifier until the end of your next turn. Archer
You can use this ability a number of times When you join the Brothers of the Eagle at 1st level,
equals to your Charisma modifier, and you regain you are trained to take full advantage of your bow.
all expended uses when you finish a long or short When using a bow, you receive a +2 bonus to attack
rest. rolls.
Duadhe Mahdi'in Starting at 7th level, you became an expert at
The Water Seekers are experts at surviving the spotting even the smallest details from afar. Your
extreme weather conditions of the Aiel waste, passive perception check now equals 15 + all

modifiers that normally apply to your Perception achievements grant you a pool of d8 Honor
skill check. Inspiration dice equals to your Charisma modifier.
Eagle Eye You can choose to roll an honor die and add
Starting at 15 th
level, your ability with the bow its result to an attack roll, a damage roll, an ability
becomes legendary. When using a bow, you no check or a saving throw. You regain all your spent
longer suffer disadvantage when firing long range, Honor Inspiration dice after a short or long rest.
nor on attack rolls made if hostile creatures are
within 5 ft. of you.
Hama N'dore
The Mountain Dancers are experts at fighting in a
Far Dareis Mai mountainous environment.
The Maidens of the Spear, the only society for Mountaineer
female Algai'd'siswai, are proud and headstrong. When you join the Mountain Dancers at 1st level,
Believing themselves to be no lesser than men – if you are trained in hard, mountainous terrain. You
not their superiors – the maidens are experts at have advantage on any Strength (Athletics) skill
stealth. check and on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
Maidens of the Spear are “wed to the spear” – track or survive in a mountainous environment.
they pledge to be bound to no man or child. If they Blend in with the Rock
give up the spear to become a wise one or a mother, Starting at 7th level, you have learned to take full
it cannot be taken back. advantage of your mountainous surroundings. You
Maidens Hand Gestures have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made
The Maidens of the Spear have their own sign in a mountainous environment.
language. While its existence is known to all, its Additionally, you can use your bonus action to
translation is a closely guarded secret. It is rare for take the Hide action if you are in a mountainous
the maidens to teach this language to any woman environment.
outside their society, and never to men. This Rockslide
language is so complex, that maidens can talk At 13th level, you have mastered the art of fighting
freely with it, as though speaking any other in mountainous terrain. You gain advantage on all
language. Attack rolls and saving throws when in
Starting at 1 level, you are taught this secret
mountainous terrain.
language. When speaking with a maiden, or
anyone who used to be a maiden, you can use this Rahien Sorei
language to communicate freely with no sound. The Dawn Runners are trained to use their spears
Stealthy as thrown ranged weapons, as well as melee
When you reach 7 th
level, you have become an combat. They usually carry several spears
expert in stealth. You gain proficiency with the balanced for throwing if need arises.
Stealth skill. If you are already proficient, you gain Distant Throw
twice your proficiency bonus instead of once. Starting at 1st level when you join the Rahien Sorei,
Maiden's Honor you are trained to throw your spear stronger and
Maidens of the Spear take their honor very farther than others., You do not suffer
seriously. Starting at 15th level, your experience disadvantage for long range when using the Aiel
proves your combat abilities, and your pride in your spear.

Powerful Throw Shae'en M'taal
Starting at 7th level, whenever you use your Distant
The Stone dogs are known for their pride and
Throw feature, use the spear’s versatile damage
enthusiasm. This behavior often makes them seem
roll instead of its normal one.
young and even childish in the eyes of other Aiel.
Throw Mastery
Athletic Jump
Starting at 15th level,
Stone Dogs often
you can throw an
demonstrate their
Aiel spear twice as
superior athletic
far. Your short and
abilities by jumping
long range with the
high and hitting
Aiel spear is
their bucklers with
doubled, and you
their spears.
cause 1d10 damage
When joining the
instead of 1d8.
Stone Dogs at 1st

Seia Doon level, you gain an

advantage whenever
The Black Eyes
you make a Strength
excel at fighting in
(Athletics) check for
lighting conditions
making Jumps of
which others find
any kind. This
less than
advantage is lost if
you wear armor of
Low Light
Compatibility any kind or use a
Once you join the shield.
Black Eyes at 1st Striking Jump
level, you are trained Starting at 7th level,
Algai'd'siswai by Adam Rex
to fight in conditions if you can run at
of dim light. You no longer suffer disadvantages in least 10 ft. before making your attack, you can jump
lightly obscured conditions and can see in dim light and strike your enemy forcefully while you decent,
as though you are in a brightly lit area up to 60 ft. adding an additional 1d6 points of damage on a
Blind Fight successful attack. Striking Jump invokes attacks of
Starting at 7th level, you have mastered fighting opportunity from enemies within 5ft. of you when
with your other senses. When blinded, you no you land, except from your target.
longer suffer disadvantage on attack rolls, and You can only use Striking Jump once each turn
enemies no longer receive advantages against you. and only on your turn.
You lose these advantages if you are deafened or Jump Start
lose your sense of smell. When you reach 15th level, you have mastered the
Defense in Darkness art of high jumps. You no longer require a running
At 15 th
level, you learn to use the darkness to start in order to use your Striking Jump feature.
protect yourself. When fighting in lightly or heavily
obscured lighting conditions, you gain a +1 bonus
to your AC.

Sha'mad Conde Throw Dagger
Starting at 7th level, you can throw a dagger at an
The Thunder Walkers are known for their brute
enemy within 30 ft. of you as a bonus action.
force in battle, relying heavily on devastating,
Two Daggers Mastery
powerful blows. Their strength is their biggest ally.
Starting at 15th level, if you fight with two daggers,
Powerful Thrusts
you gain a +1 bonus to AC, and you can add your
Starting at 1st level when you join the Sha’mad
strength modifier to the damage of your bonus
Conde, you have learned to take full advantage of
action attack.
your Strength. Whenever you use a spear, you deal
Additionally, you deal 1d6 damage when using
damage as though you were wielding it with two
a dagger.
hands, even if you are using only one hand.
Bull’s Strength Tain Shari
Starting at 7th level, you gain advantage on all
The True Bloods learn to fight in teams with their
Strength ability checks (including skill checks) and
spears and bucklers and achieve a high level of
saving throws. Additionally, add one and a half
endurance. They gain high resistance to natural
times you Strength modifier (rounded down) to
hazards and are trained to endure great physical
unarmed damage rolls.
Brutal Strength
Team Effort
Starting at 15th level, your strength has become
You have been trained to fight alongside your
legendary. Whenever you make a melee attack
brothers in arms. Starting when join the Tain Shari
using your Strength modifier, you deal an
at 1st level, you can use your reaction to melee
additional 1d4 points of damage. This applies to
attack a foe if another ally within 5 ft. of you is
any melee weapon you use, whether you are
attacking it.
proficient with it or not, as well as your Aiel
Resist Natural Dangers
unarmed fighting.
Starting at 7th level, your training of exposure to

Sovin Nai natural hazards gains you resistance to cold and

fire damage, as well as advantages on saving
The Knife Hands are known for their superiority in
throws against natural poisons.
the use of knives and daggers. They have mastered
High Endurance
the use of these weapons in both melee and ranged
Starting at 13th level, your body can tolerate more
before you fall unconscious. If at the beginning of
Dagger Mastery
your turn your current hit points are less than half
When you join the Knife Hands at 1st level, you gain
your maximum hit points, you gain a number of hit
a +2 bonus on all attack rolls, so long as you use a
points equals to your Constitution modifier. You
dagger or a knife.
cannot gain these hit points if your current hit
points are reduced to 0.

Table 3: The Armsman
Level Proficiency Bonus Reputation Score Features
1 +2 0 Fighting Style, Second Wind
2 +2 1 Action Surge (one use)
3 +2 1 Martial archetype
4 +2 1 Ability Score Improvement
5 +3 2 Extra Attack
6 +3 2 Ability Score Improvement
7 +3 3 Bravery
8 +3 3 Ability Score Improvement
9 +4 3 Indomitable (One Use)
10 +4 4 Armor Training
11 +4 4 Extra Attack (2)
12 +4 5 Ability Score Improvement
13 +5 5 Indomitable (Two Uses)
14 +5 5 Ability Score Improvement
15 +5 6 Armor Training
16 +5 6 Ability Score Improvement
17 +6 7 Action Surge (Two Uses), Indomitable (Three Uses)
18 +6 7 Armor Training
19 +6 7 Ability Score Improvement
20 +6 8 Extra Attack (3)

Creating an Armsman Class Features

The thug standing watch at the entrance of an inn, As an armsman, you gain the following features.
the bandit robbing a merchant on the Caemlyn road, Hit Points
the Borderlander soldier standing guard at the edge Hit Dice: 1d10 per Armsman level
of the Blight and the Great Captain directing armies Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Con. mod.
– all are Armsmen. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + con. mod.
Armsman is a general term for people who make Per Armsman level above 1st.
their livelihood fighting. Though they are common, Proficiencies
they are greatly diverse. Armor: Light, Medium, and Heavy armors and
First, you must decide what your armsman shields.
stands for – is he fighting for his country? Did he join Weapons: Simple and Martial weapons.
the Children of the Light out of hate for Aes Sedai? Tools: None.
Or is he simply a stronger than average person Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution.
looking to make money as a guard instead of Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal
working the fields? Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation,
Perception and Survival.
Quick Build
You can make an Armsman quickly by following
You start with the following equipment in addition to
these suggestions. First, place your highest ability in
that granted by your background:
Strength if you wish to focus on melee combat, or in
• (a) Chain Mail or (b) Leather armor, Longbow
Dexterity if you prefer lighter armors, archery, and
and 20 arrows.
finesse weapons.
• (a) A martial weapon and a shield or (b) two
Your second highest ability should go to
martial weapons.
Constitution. Second, choose the Soldier
• (a) A Light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two
hand axes.

• (a) A Dungeoneer's pack or (b) an Explorer's Second Wind
pack. You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw
on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you
Fighting Style can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your 1d10 + your armsman level.
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
cannot take a Fighting or long rest before you can
Style option more than use it again.
once, even if you later get
to choose again. Action Surge
Archery Starting at 2nd level, you
You gain a +2 bonus to can push yourself beyond
attack rolls you make with your normal limits for a
ranged weapons. moment. On your turn, you
Defense can take one additional
While you are wearing action on top of your
armor, you gain a +1 bonus regular action and a
to AC. possible bonus action.
Dueling Once you use this
When you are wielding a feature, you must finish a
melee weapon in one hand short or long rest before
and no other weapons, you you can use it again.
gain a +2 bonus to damage Starting at 17th level, you
rolls with that weapon. can use it twice before a
Great Weapon Fighting rest, but only once on the
Cairhienin Armswoman by Vanca Kovaks
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a same turn.
damage die for an attack you make with a melee
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you
Martial Archetype
can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive
the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the to emulate in your combat styles and techniques.
two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this Choose Blademaster, Champion, Commander or
benefit. Inquisitor, all detailed at the end of the class
Protection description.
When a creature you can see attacks a target other
Ability Score Improvement
than you that is within 5 ft. of you, you can use your
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th,
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
You must be wielding a shield.
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
Two-Weapon Fighting
ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
add your ability modifier to the damage of the second
Instead of an ability score increase, you may
choose one feat.

Extra Attack consider themselves soldiers or fighters. These fine
Beginning at 5 level, you can attack twice, instead
th blades are a legend, as are the heroes who use them,
of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your and on rare occasions the Blademaster might even
turn. The number of attacks increases to three when find an ancient, power wrought blade to serve him.
you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you A Blademaster uses Dexterity as much as
reach 20th level in this class. Strength, so make sure your Dexterity is high.
Additionally, a Blademaster must be trained by
Bravery another Blademaster, so you must ask the GM
Starting at 7 level, you have seen many horrors in
before taking this archetype.
battle. You have an advantage on any saving throw The Heron spreads its wings
meant to resist fear effects. You learned how to harness your Dexterity. Starting
when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you may
Indomitable use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw modifier whenever you use a Blademaster’s sword.
that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, The Flame and the Void
and you cannot use this feature again until you finish The fighting technique known as the Flame and the
a long rest. You can use this feature twice between Void is taught by one Blademaster to the next.
long rests starting at 13th level and three times Starting at 3rd level, you gain The Flame and the Void
between long rests starting at 17th level. feat, even if you do not possess the prerequisites.
Sword Forms
Armor Training
Your fighting style involves a complicated array of
Starting at 10th level, you have learned to take full
sword forms. As you gain levels, you may use more
advantage of your armor. While wearing light or
complicated forms and achieve different results.
medium armor, you do not have disadvantage to
Each form represents an array of complementary
Stealth. While wearing heavy armor, reduce the
forms performed to achieve the required effect.
needed Strength score by 1.
Once each round, you may choose to use a sword

Martial Archetypes form to use from table 4: Blademaster Sword Forms.

Once you reach 13th level, you may use two sword
Blademaster forms each round, as long as they are of different
The Blademaster is an artist. His fighting style is a levels (except two forms of 1st level). Sword forms
dance of blades and death. Few who are unfamiliar require the use of a Blademaster’s Sword.
with the complex, delicate sword form movements A Blademaster must be under the effects of the
of the Blademaster are a match for him in combat. Flame and the Void feat to use sword forms.
Like most artists, the Blademaster also possess a The DC for your Sword Forms equals 10 + your
unique signature – a heron marked blade, the Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
ancient symbol of a Blademaster, known to any who

Table 4: Blademaster Sword Forms
Level Name Effect
3 The Boar Rushes Down When you use the attack action, you gain advantage against any creature you already
the mountain attacked this turn.
3 The Cyclone Rages If you are within the threat range of more than one creature, you can use your reaction to
gain a +2 AC bonus until the end of your next turn.
3 Cat Dances on the Wall When you hit a large or smaller creature with a weapon attack, you can attempt to knock
the target down. Make a Strength contest against the target. If you win, the creature is
knocked prone.
3 Lotus Closes its Blossom When your attack has dropped a creature to 0 hit points, allies of the fallen target must
make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
3 Parting the Silk On the first turn of combat, if you are not surprised, you can use your reaction to move
up to your speed and make an attack before any other creature takes an action or moves.
3 The Viper Flicks its When you use the attack action, if your target is threatened by another creature, you gain
Tongue advantage on your attack.
7 Apple Blossoms in the When you take the attack action, starting with your second attack, you gain advantage on
Wind any creature you have not yet attacked this turn.
7 Hummingbird Kisses the If you hit a creature with your first attack, the target takes no damage, but must take the
Honeyrose Dodge action on its next turn.
7 Leopard in High Grass Until the end of you next turn, enemies do not gain advantage for flanking you.
7 River of Light If you are surprised, you can use your reaction during a surprise round to make an attack
against a creature that enters your threat range.
13 Kissing the Adder When you take the attack action, you can forfeit your extra attacks to make a single
attack. If that attack hits, it is an automatic critical hit.
13 Lizard in the Thornbush You forfeit your extra attacks to make a melee attack against any number of creatures
within 5 ft. of you, with a separate attack roll for each target.
13 Rain in High Wind You can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on all attacks against you until the
start of your next turn.
13 Rat Gnawing the Grain If you are within range of a creature being attacked, you can use your reaction to give
advantage to the attacker and make an attack against the same creature.
13 Threading the Needle You can choose to have disadvantage on your attack to aim for your opponent's
shoulder, causing a crippling strike. If the attack hits, the foe suffers a -2 penalty to
attack rolls until he completes a long rest or is healed by weaves of the one power. You
cannot target the same creature more than once with this form.
17 Plucking the Low-hanging When you take the attack action, you can forfeit your extra attacks to make a single
Apple attack with disadvantage. If you hit, roll to hit again with disadvantage. If you hit, the
creature must succeed in a Dexterity saving throw or it is reduced to 0 hit points with a
single strike to the throat. A creature immune to critical hits is not affected by this form.
17 Shake Dew from the When you take the attack action, you can make two extra attacks, but all your attacks are
Branch made with disadvantage.
17 The Wind Blows Over the If you score a critical hit, you can use your reaction to make a single attack against the
Wall same creature at the start of its next turn.
17 Whirlwind on the You can choose to suffer a penalty to attack rolls up to your Dexterity modifier and gain
Mountain the same amount to AC against ranged weapons aimed at you until the end of your next

Superior Critical
Cat crosses the courtyard
Starting at 15th level, your
Upon reaching 7th level you
weapon attacks score a
become so confident in
critical hit on a roll of 18-
your abilities that you
adopt a relaxed, almost
arrogant stance. You gain Survivor
At 18th level, you attain the
proficiency in the
pinnacle of resilience in
Intimidation skill. If you
battle. At the start of each
are already proficient, you
of your turns, you regain
gain twice your proficiency
hit points equal to 5 + your
bonus instead of once.
Constitution modifier if
Heron wading in the
rushes you have no more than half
When reaching 13 level, th
of your hit points le ft. You
you have mastered the do not gain this benefit if
delicacy of balance. You you have 0 hit points.
gain advantage on saving Behemoth
throws against being When you reach 20th level,
tripped or knocked prone. your body is a war machine
Andoran Armsman by Vince Locke in and by itself. Your
Champion Constitution score increases by 2, to a maximum of
The archetypal Champion focuses on the 22. Your Strength or Dexterity score (your choice)
development of raw physical power honed to deadly increases by 2, to a maximum of 22.
perfection. Those who model themselves on this
archetype combine rigorous training with physical Commander
excellence to deal devastating blows. The Commander is an expert tactician and
Improved Critical strategist, but one cannot gain such a position
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd without also proving himself to his men in battle.
level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a Hence, the commander is a dangerous foe to face
roll of 19 or 20. on the battlefield and in melee combat.
Remarkable Athlete A Commander usually belongs to an organized
Starting at 7 th
level, you can add half your standing force. This includes mercenary groups,
proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, national armies, or noble houses forces.
Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that does Commander's Battle Standard
not already use your proficiency bonus. As a Commander, you must choose a battle
In addition, when you make a running long jump, standard. This can be anything from a flag attached
the distance you can cover increases by a number of to your horse to your symbol on your armor or
ft. equal to your Strength modifier. clothes, but it must be visible for some of your
Additional Fighting Style features to work.
At 10th level, you can choose a second option from Oath of Fealty
the Fighting Style class feature. You are a true patriot. Starting when you take this
archetype at 3rd level, whenever you use the attack
action against enemies of your country or

organization, you gain advantage on all attack rolls. 500mk. Thus, a 13th level Armsman with a
If you do not serve a country or organization with a Charisma score of 14 could have up to 13,000mk
declared enemy, you can choose such an enemy worth of supplies (including mercenaries, weapons,
based on your background, organizational wagons, or any other equipment) assigned to him at
belonging or Shadowspawn. If the country or any given time.
organization has more than one enemy, you receive In general, you are expected to return
advantage against all said enemies. requisitioned equipment in a reasonable time
Table 5: The Commander's Fealty frame, however no specific limits (other than the
GM's discretion) are assigned. If any requisitioned
Country/Organization Enemy
Aiel Shadowspawn, equipment is lost or destroyed, its value counts as a
Treekillers (Illianers) permanent penalty to your future maximum
Amadicia/ Children of Channelers,
the Light Darkfriends, and requisitions value. This does not include weapons
Arad Doman Taraboner and armor damaged in combat.
Arafel Shadowspawn Rally the Troops
Cairhien Aiel
Illian Tairens Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to
Kandor Shadowspawn
Mayene/The Winged Tairens, Illianers encourage your troops. Any ally who can see your
Guard battle standard and hear your encouraging shouts
Saldaea Shadowspawn
Seanchan Oath breakers gains a Martial Inspiration die, a d10. The ally can
(westlanders not under roll the die and add the number to any attack or
Seanchan control)
Shienar Shadowspawn damage roll. The ally can keep the die until he
Tar Valon/The White Shadowspawn,
Tower Children of the Light finishes a long rest.
Tarabon Domani You can use this ability a number of times equal
Tear Illianers
to your charisma modifier, and you regain expended
uses after you finish a short or long rest.
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to
Great Captain
coordinate your allies in combat. Make a Charisma
Upon reaching 20th level, and if your reputation
(Persuasion) check (DC = 15 + the number of allies
score is higher than 20, you are considered one of
you choose to help). If you succeed, the chosen
the great captains. If your reputation score is less
allies receive advantage on all attack rolls until the
than 20, you will be considered a great captain once
end of your next turn.
your reputation score reaches 20.
You may use this feature a number of times
As a great captain, the knowledge that you are
equal to your Charisma modifier and replenish any
present on the battlefield is enough to rally all your
uses after you finish a short or long rest.
troops: your Tactics and Rally Troops features now
Reputation Bonus
affect all allies on the battlefield, whether they can
Upon reaching 7th level, add your proficiency bonus
see your battle standard or not, and you don't need
to your Reputation score.
a Charisma (Persuasion) check to activate your
tactics feature.
As you gain levels, your reputation with your
superiors gains you their favor. Upon reaching 13th Inquisitor
level, you can requisition supplies for specific
The Children of the Light house the infamous
engagements or actions. The maximum value of the
Hand of the Light, an organization within the
supplies assigned to you at any given time is equal
Children, charged with extracting confessions from
to your Armsman class level x Charisma modifier x

darkfriends and rooting out the shadow wherever it information from him. The tortured person can
may hide. They are easily recognized by the addition attempt a Constitution or a Wisdom saving throw
of the red shepherd's crook behind the golden sun, (depending on the type of torture) to resist, but he
symbol of the children of the light, and are known must make a new save each round. The DC is
for their cruel determined by a Strength
methods, including or Wisdom ability check
torture and made by yourself.
intimidation. If you are Intimidating
charged by an When you reach 13th level,
inquisitor, your guilt reputation of your exploits
has already been has traveled far and wide.
determined, the only You gain an intimidation
question is how long die, a d6. As a reaction,
you can hold out until when you are attacked by
you confess to a creature that is not a
whatever he wishes. Shadowspawn, you can
Like all Children, roll the die and reduce the
the Questioners hate attack score by the result.
all users of the One You can use this
Power. In the eyes of feature a number of times
an inquisitor, equal to your Charisma
meddling with the modifier and regain all
power of the creator is uses when you finish a
surely an indication of short or long rest.
being a darkfriend. Devoted
Whitecloak Questioner by Wayne England
Infamous Upon reaching 17th level, you
When you choose this archetype on 3rd level and add become so devoted to your duty, you gain advantage
the red shepherd's crook to your symbol, you on all attack rolls against shadowspawn,
become proficient in the Intimidation skill. If you darkfriends (or those you believe to be darkfriends)
are already proficient, you gain twice your and channelers, and on all saving throws made to
proficiency bonus instead of once. resist effects caused by those three groups.
Authority Cruel Cut
The Hand of the Light have a special standing with Upon reaching 20th level, your knowledge of human
the children. Starting at 3rd level, you have anatomy allows you to sacrifice your extra attacks
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma and gain advantage on your single attack. If that
(Intimidation) checks against other Children of the attack is successful, you deal an additional 10d6
Light or anyone from Amadicia. damage and 1d4 temporary Constitution damage.
Torture The Constitution damage is restored after
Extracting confessions from darkfriends is the finishing a long rest or if it is healed by weaves of
Inquisitor's duty. Starting at 7 level, if you have a
the One Power.
person incapacitated, you can use torture to extract

Table 6: The Initiate
Level Proficiency Reputation Features – Weave Slots per Weave Level –
Bonus Score
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 +2 1 One Power Tradition, Weaving, 2 - - - - - - - -
2 +2 1 3 - - - - - - - -
3 +2 2 Slow Aging, Learn New Weave 4 2 - - - - - - -
4 +2 2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 - - - - - - -
5 +3 3 Composure 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6 +3 3 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7 +3 4 Weavesight (residue) 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8 +3 4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
9 +4 5 Tie Off weave, Learn New Weave 4 3 3 1 1 - - - -
10 +4 5 Instant Embrace 4 3 3 1 1 - - - -
11 +4 6 Multiweave 4 3 3 2 1 1 - - -
12 +4 6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2 1 1 - - -
13 +5 7 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 - -
14 +5 7 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 - -
15 +5 8 Simultaneous Weaving, 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 -
Learn New Weave
16 +5 8 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 -
17 +6 9 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
18 +6 9 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 1
19 +6 10 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
20 +6 10 Learn New Weave 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2

Creating an Initiate Class Features

Initiate is a general name for those capable of As an Initiate, you gain the following features.
drawing power from the True Source, weaving the Hit Points
One Power to create unimaginable effects. Hit Dice: 1d4 per Initiate level
While there are similarities between different Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Con. mod.
Initiates, the origin of your character plays a critical Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + con.
role in your advancement, as it determines the One modifier Per Initiate level above 1st.
Power Tradition available to you on 1 level. st
Unlike other classes, the Initiate does not Armor: No armor or shields.
receive diversity through archetypes since each Weapons: Dagger and quarterstaff.
origin has only one archetype available. Instead, Tools: None.
they gain diversity by choosing Talents (see the Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom.
Weaving section, below). Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,
Invert, Investigation and Medicine.
Quick Build
You can make an Initiate quickly by following these
You start with the following equipment in addition
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in
to that granted by your background:
Intelligence, followed by Constitution. Your
• (a) A club or (b) a dagger.
background is just as important as your origin when
• (a) A Scholar’s pack or (b) an Explorer's pack.
making an Initiate, so make sure to read about each
One Power Tradition before making your choice.

Weaving Choose two affinities with which you are
As an Initiate, you have been taught to touch and proficient. When a weave is made only with powers
weave the One Power. for which you have an
Choose six cantrips (0 affinity, the weave slot
level weaves) and required to cast these
three 1st level weaves weaves is one level
with which you begin lower for you. For
the game. example, an Initiate
Read the with an affinity for
Channeling chapter Earth and Fire
for additional, general weaving a 4 th
rules regarding Grenade weave will
channeling. cast the weave with a
Weave Slots 3rd level slot.
The Initiate table You are limited to a
above shows how maximum of 3
many weave slots you affinities. This limit
have available to cast cannot be overcome
weaves of 1st level or by any means.
higher. To cast a Talents
weave, you must Every channeler is
expend a slot of the talented in specific
weave's level or types of weaves.
higher. You regain all Choose one talent.
expended slots once You can only cast
you finish a long rest. Ebou Dari Aes Sedai by Terese Nielsen weaves of 1 level or

Learning New Weaves lower if you do not possess their talent. If a weave
There are only two ways to learn new weaves. You can be cast at higher level, you may only use its 1st
must either be taught by someone else who knows level version or lower.
the weave, in which case you do not require any You are limited to a maximum of 2 talents. This
check, but the weave must be of a level for which limit cannot be overcome by any means, except
you have weave slots. The second is using an where noted specifically.
Intelligence (Weavesight) check, as described Overchannel
below. All channelers may attempt an overchannel ability
Affinities check to overchannel – cast more weaves per day
All Channelers have an affinity to some of the five than they are allowed. See the Overchannel section
powers: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit. Males of the Channeling chapter for more details.
are usually stronger with Earth and Fire, while Channeling ability
women are usually stronger with Air and Water, Intelligence is your channeling ability for your
though there are exceptions to this rule. Both sexes weaves, your channeling relies on careful and
are equally proficient with Spirit. dedicated studies. You use your Intelligence
whenever a weave refers to your channeling ability.

In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when talent this weave belongs to. If your skill check score
setting the saving throw DC for a weave you cast is 10 points higher than the DC, you can learn the
and when making an attack roll with one. weave, add it to your known weaves and cast it
Weave save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
yourself. You cannot learn weaves unless they are
your Intelligence modifier
Weave attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + of a level in which you have weave slots.
your Intelligence modifier When you reach 7th level, you have become so
proficient at weavesight that you may see the
One Power Tradition
residue of weaves – a fading signature of the powers
Initiates were taught to channel by an experienced
left where they have been used by channelers of the
channeler of her tradition: An Aes Sedai of the
same gender as you.
White Tower, a Wise One of the Aiel, a Windfinder
If a weave was cast within 30 ft. of your current
of the Atha'an Miere or an Asha'man of the Black
location in the last 24 hours, you can sense its
Tower. Women may choose a tradition based on
residue and attempt to decipher it. On a successful
their origin, but men can only be trained at the black
Intelligence ability check (DC = 15 + the weave
tower. Each of these organized traditions expect a
level) you can determine the weave if it is known to
lifetime of service from the Initiate, though the form
you. If it is not, you can determine its talent. If your
of that service varies, and can possibly include
score is 10 points or higher than the DC, you can
adventuring. Still, an Initiate is expected to obey
add the weave to your known weaves list and cast it
those ranked above her in her tradition.
yourself. The weave must be of a level in which you
An Initiate of 1st level is at the earlier stages of
have weave slots.
her training, yet far enough advanced that she is
trusted to accomplish certain things on her own. Slow Aging
For example, a 1 level Initiate of the White Tower
Using the one power slows your body's aging
tradition is an Accepted of the White Tower, process. Starting at 3rd level, you age slower than
ranking higher than a novice, yet not full Aes Sedai. the average person. For each 5 years that pass, you
The different One Power Traditions and their age 1 year.
effects on your initiate are described at the end of
the class description. Learn New Weaves
When you reach 3rd level, and again at 9th, 15th and
Weavesight 20th levels, you may learn one additional weave.
Every channeler can see strands of powers used by This is an instinctive learning process. The weave
other channelers of the same gender. If a woman is must be of a level which you may cast.
embracing the True Source, she is seen surrounded Many channelers have secret weaves which they
by a golden-white aura to any woman with the have discovered by instinct. Consult you GM if you
weavesight ability. If a man is embracing the True wish to create such a weave which does not appear
Source, other men channelers sense dread and in the weave list in chapter 10: Weaves.
threat from him. Normally, you must be taught or use the
Additionally, Weavesight allows channelers to Weavesight feature to learn new weaves.
recognize weaves used by other channelers of the
same gender. If you are familiar with the weave, you Ability Score Improvement
can identify it. If not, you may attempt an When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
Intelligence (Weavesight) check (DC = 10 + the and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
weave's level) to see if you can understand which your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability

scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you cannot weaves, one 3rd level weave and one 5th level weave,
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. one 6th level and one 2nd level weaves or one 1st and
Instead of an ability score increase, you may one 7th level weaves.
choose 1 feat. If the channeler possess the Exceptional
Channeler feat (which provides the Simultaneous
Composure Weaving ability as well), she can cast 3 weaves at
Your training allows you to maintain control of your the same time, with the same restrictions. For
emotions and maintain an inner calmness. Starting example, our 15th level channeler can now cast a 4th
at 5th level, you gain the Composure feat. level weave and two 2nd level weaves, two 3rd level
weave and one 2nd level weave, three weaves of 1st
Tie-off Weave or 2nd level, etc.
When you reach 9th level, you have learned to tie off
your weaves. Instead of maintaining a weave One Power Traditions
through concentration, you may use your action to
tie it off, leaving it in effect without holding on to it.
Aes Sedai
Trained at the White Tower in Tar Valon, Aes Sedai
Instant Embrace are feared, respected and sometimes hated. They
Once you have reached 10 level, your channeling
th see themselves as the sole authority on the One
instinct has grown to an extent that the power Power, always searching for women who can learn
simply leaps to your hands! Embracing the True to channel to take with them to the tower for
Source now requires a bonus action for you, instead training.
of an action. Aes Sedai look down on Wilders, their name for
any channeler not trained by the tower (even if they
Multiweave were trained in another tradition), believing their
Upon reaching 11th level, you may cast one more training to be superior.
weave while maintaining concentration on another. They are viewed as meddling by most rulers and
To do this, you must make a concentration check are mistrusted by most common folk. "Better to
(DC = 15 + the level of the new weave + the level of embrace the sun than anger an Aes Sedai", "Aes
the weave you currently concentrate on). If you Sedai help always comes with a hook" and "An Aes
succeed, you may cast one additional weave, so long Sedai never lies, but the truth she tells you isn't the
as its duration is instantaneous and does not one you think you hear" are common sayings
require concentration to hold the effect. among the common people.
Aes Sedai Presence
Simultaneous Weaving While not raised to full Aes Sedai yet, accepted
When you reach 13th level, you learn how to channel wear the golden snake ring which most people
one additional weave at a time. The combined level associate with Aes Sedai. Starting at 3rd level, you
of weaves you can cast may not exceed your highest are confident enough that people mistake your
available weave level, you must spend the mannerism to that of an Aes Sedai. You gain
appropriate weave slots for each weave separately advantage on all Charisma (persuasion) checks if
and only one of the weaves may require the person you are persuading is not familiar with
concentration. For example, the highest-level weave the Aes Sedai tradition (at the discretion of the GM).
a 15th level channeler can cast is 8th. Using her
Multiweave feature, she can cast two 4th level

The Three Oaths released from them by some means (though this is
At 7th level, an Initiate takes the test to be raised to
usually done either by stilling or by joining the Black
Aes Sedai. After the test, a woman must submit
herself to the Oath Rod, taking upon herself the
Ajah Affiliation
Three Oaths:
When a sister is raised to the shawl (i.e. raised
1. To speak no word that is not true.
as an Aes Sedai) at 7th level, she must choose one of
2. To make no weapon for one man to kill
the seven Ajahs to Join: blue, brown, green, grey, red
white or yellow. Each Ajah provides different
3. Never to use the One Power as a weapon
effects, as its sisters are trained for different
except against shadowspawn, or in the last
purposes, as detailed in table 7: The Aes Sedai Ajah.
extreme of defending her life or that of her
If you are playing a darkfriend, you get the Black
Warder or another sister.
Ajah affiliation in addition to any Ajah you select.
These oaths are carved into her soul. She cannot
break them, even if she wants to, unless she is
Table 7: The Aes Sedai's Ajah
Ajah Purpose Effect
Blue Fight for a cause Choose one ability for which you do not have a saving throw proficiency. You gain saving
throw proficiency with that ability.
Brown Preserve knowledge Gain proficiency and advantage on all Intelligence (History) checks. If you are already
proficient in this skill, gain twice your proficiency bonus.
Green Prepare for the Last Cast any weave that deal HP damage up to 3rd level even if you do not possess its relative
Battle talent.
Grey Negotiate Gain proficiency and advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks. If you are already
proficient in this skill, gain twice your proficiency bonus.
Red Capture male Gain advantage on all attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, concentration checks and
channelers overchanneling checks against male channelers.
White Promote logic Gain proficiency and advantage on all Wisdom (Insight) checks. If you are already proficient
in this skill, gain twice your proficiency bonus.
Yellow Healing Gain proficiency in the Healing talent, even if you already possess two talents. Learn all
Healing weaves which do not have the "Lost" or “New” property.
Black Serve the Dark One You secretly swear fealty to the Dark One and are released from the Three Oaths. Choose
one “Lost” weave and add it to your list of known weaves.

Resources Iron Will

Once an Aes Sedai is raised at 7 level, she gains
An Aes Sedai of 11th level has learned to master her
the full benefits of the White Tower. She can expect thoughts. She gains advantage on all Wisdom
full funding and support from the White Tower and saving throws.
its allies. This includes equipment necessary for Resolve
missions, information from the tower's allies, etc. Aes Sedai are exceptional channelers. Starting at
Bond Warder 13th level, Aes Sedai can weave Cantrips even while
Upon being raised to Aes Sedai at 7th level, a sister exhausted.
from any Ajah (with the exception of the Red Ajah) Signature Weave
can choose to bond a Warder. This requires the Aes When you reach 20th level, you gain mastery over
Sedai to cast the Bond Warder weave on a willing two weaves and can cast them with little effort.
individual (bonding a Warder without his consent is Choose two 3rd level weaves as your signature
considered as bad as rape in an Aes Sedai's eye). weaves. You can cast each of them once at 3rd level
without expending a weave slot. When you do so,
you cannot do so again until you finish a short or
long rest.

Harness the Wind by Michael Dubisch
If you want to cast either weave at a higher level, different talent and gain proficiency in that talent
you must expend a weave slot as normal. instead.
Open Sky
Windfinder You have trained at weaving large, complex weaves
The Atha'an Miere keep their Windfinders secret. over wider areas than most channelers. Starting at
They occasionally send weak Initiates to the White 7th level, whenever you cast a weave from the Cloud
Tower to keep the Aes Sedai oblivious to the fact Dancing talent, you can double its range.
that they have talented channelers at daily use. Iron Will
Among the Atha'an Miere, channelers become Windfinders are trained hard, from low deck
Windfinders, channelers talented in controlling the hand to full Windfinder. At 11th level, you have
weather using the Cloud Dancing talent. They are learned to master your thoughts. You gain
part of the reason Atha'an Miere vessels are advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
considered faster than westlander ones. Extra Affinity
Among their kin, Windfinders are often When you reach 13th level, your work with the One
consultants aboard trading ships, advising Power has made you proficient with another
Sailmistresses and Wavemistresses and providing affinity.
Cloud Dancing Expert
Cloud Dancing Talent You work with the Cloud Dancing talent has made
At 3rd level, you have advanced in your training and you an expert with its weaves. When you reach 20th
gain proficiency in the Cloud Dancing talent. If you level, whenever you cast a weave from the Cloud
are already proficient with it, you may choose a Dancing talent, you can use a weave slot one level

Wise One nightmares at will without a Wisdom (Insight)
Any Aiel woman who can channel is taken by the check. You cannot be forced to take another shape
Wise Ones and trained as one of them. Aiel Wise but your own and do not require any saving throw
Ones are masters of Tal’aran’rhiod, the World of to resist such attempts.
Dreams. Unlike other civilizations, Dreamwalking Additionally, you can attempt a DC 20
is not a lost ability to the Aiel, which makes them Concentration check to enter the World of Dreams
the greatest dreamwalkers since the breaking of the while maintaining a semi-conscious state in the real
world. world. If you succeed, you appear as a blinking,
While not all Wise Ones can channel (indeed, blurred image in the World of Dreams (though still
others can become dreamwalkers by choosing the able to speak and use your dreamwalking abilities),
Dreamer and Dreamwalker feats), all Aiel while able to be aware of your surroundings in the
channelers become Wise Ones. real world. In this state, you cannot say more than a
Iron Will few mumbled words, nor accomplish any act, in the
Wise One apprentices are trained harshly. At 11th real world.
level, you have already learned to master your
thoughts. You gain advantage on all Wisdom saving
throws. Since the Breaking of the World some 3,000 years
ago, men who can channel are feared and hated.
The taint on Saidin, the male half of the One Power,
Once you become a Wise One Apprentice, you are
makes male channelers go insane over time. Since
taught about the World of Dreams and its secrets.
the rise of the Dragon Reborn, the Black Tower
Starting at 3rd level, you
gathers such
gain the Dreamer feat.
channelers and teaches
them to harness their
Wise Ones train their
powers, to be used as
apprentices quickly and
weapons in the last
harshly, teaching them
battle before they go
in months what would
take others years to
Their black coats are
learn by themselves.
a mark for all to see,
Once you have reached
learned to be feared by
13th level, you gain the
Dreamwalker feat.
Dreaming Mistress
Every male channeler
When you have
has a secret Madness
reached 20th level, you
rating kept by the GM.
have mastered the art of
At 1st level, the GM roles
dreamwalking like none
1d4 and determines
but a Wise One can. You
your starting rating.
gain advantage on all
Every time you
rolls made in the World
overchannel, your rating
of Dreams and can Asha'man by Paulo Parente
is increased by 1 point.
banish normal

When you gain a new level, the GM rolls 1d4 and Iron Will
By order of the Dragon Reborn, Asha'man are
adds the result to your rating. The effects of the
trained hard to reach maximum power in the least
Madness rating are described at length in chapter
amount of time. Starting at 5th level, you gain
9: Channeling.
advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
Asha'man Presence
Men who can channel strike fear into the hearts of Combat Weaving
At 7th level, an Asha'man is already a deadly killing
any sane person, from Aes Sedai to a common
machine. You can cast any weave that deals HP
farmer. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation
damage up to 4th level, even if you do not possess its
skill. If you are already proficient, you gain twice
relative talent (but only if you are able to weave it at
your proficiency bonus instead of once.
lower levels. For example, you could weave
Fighting Style
Grenade as a 4th level weave without having the
The Dragon Reborn has ordered that all Asha'man
Earth Singing talent, because you could cast it
learn to fight in melee combat as well. Starting at
without a talent as a cantrip or 1st level weave
3rd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as
anyway, but you can't cast Riven earth, since it does
your specialty. Choose one of the following options.
not have a 1st level weave version).
You cannot take a Fighting Style option more than
Additionally, you gain advantage on all
once, even if you later get to choose again.
concentration and overchannel rolls.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in
one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 Sense Saidar
Starting at 9th level, you feel a tingle sensation if a
bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
woman is channeling within 100 ft. per weave level
Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on
of you.
a damage die for an attack you make with a melee
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you Power Jump

can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if Starting at 13th level, your training improves your

the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the channeling ability exponentially. When determining

two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this weaves per day, you are considered one level higher
than your Aha'man level. Starting at 17th level, you
are considered two levels higher. This includes
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-
weaves of higher levels than your current initiate
weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier
level would normally allow.
to the damage of the second attack.

Table 8: The Noble
Level Proficiency Reputation Features
1 +2 3 Bonus Skill Proficiency, Call in Favor
2 +2 4 Authority
3 +2 4 Noble paths
4 +2 5 Ability Score Improve
5 +3 5 Coordinate
6 +3 6 Call in favor 2
7 +3 6 Ability Score Improve
8 +3 7 Inspire Confidence
9 +4 7
10 +4 8 Ability Score Improve
11 +4 8 Persuading Reputation, Call in favor 3
12 +4 9
13 +5 9 Ability Score Improve
14 +5 10 Inspire Confidence 2
15 +5 10
16 +5 11 Ability Score Improve, Call in favor 4
17 +6 11
18 +6 12
19 +6 12 Ability Score Improve
20 +6 13 High Noble, Call in favor 5

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Con.

Creating a Noble modifier Per Noble level above 1st.
Every country has a ruling government or
monarchy. Every country also has an active nobility.
Armor: Light armor and shields.
The nobility is not necessarily those with a formal
Weapons: Simple and Martial weapons.
title – wealthy merchants or successful crime lords
Tools: Forgery kit.
may also be seen as nobles – they are members of a
Saving Throws: Charisma and Intelligence.
group which influences the world around them.
Skills: Choose three from Deception, History,
They make the rules by which others live their lives.
Innuendo, Insight, Investigation, and Intimidation.
Nobles are charismatic, intelligent, and most
importantly – know how to recognize an
You start with the following equipment in addition
opportunity when they see it.
to that granted by your background:

Quick Build • (a) Studded Leather or (b) a Longsword.

You can make a Noble quickly by following these • (a) A crossbow and a quiver with 20 bolts or (b)

suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in a shield.

Charisma, followed by Intelligence. • (a) A Diplomat's pack or (b) an Explorer's pack.

Second, Choose the Noble background. • A shortsword and 100mk.

Class Features Bonus Skill Proficiency

As a Noble, you gain the following features. As a Noble, you spend your life dealing with people
Hit Points of all sorts. At 1st level, you gain proficiency in the
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Noble level Persuasion skill.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Con. mod.

Call in Favor Noble Paths
Starting at 1 level, you may call on contacts and
While it may seem title and money open many
acquaintances to gain a favor from them. By using doors, they also raise expectations. Nobles are
this favor, you may gain valuable information, expected to follow prestigious paths that bring
resources, meetings with important people, honor to themselves and their house. Upon
and other things which are not regularly reaching 3rd level, you must choose how to
available to others. advance your carrier. You can either take the
To call in a favor, make a Charisma military path, becoming a Cavalier, lead others
(Persuasion) check and add half to combat as a Commander (found in the
your reputation score to the total. Armsman archetypes list) or choose the
The DC is dependent on the type aristocratic path of the Diplomat.
and size of the favor and is
determined at the discretion of
Ability Score Improvement
the GM. You may call in one When you reach 4th level, and again at 7th,
favor at a time. When reaching 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th level, you can
6th level, and again at 11th, 16th increase one ability score of your
and 20th levels, you can call in choice by 2, or you can increase two
one additional favor at a time, ability scores of your choice by 1. As
to a maximum of five favors at a normal, you cannot increase an
time, but never more than your ability score above 20 using this
Charisma modifier. If you wish to call feature.
on more favors after the fifth, you must Instead of an ability score increase, you
first return a previous one. If you attempt may choose 1 feat.
to ask more than 5 favors, you are
considered to have failed in returning a
previous favor. Upon reaching 5th level, you can coordinate your

Favors must be returned. If it is allies’ actions in combat. You can use your

learned that you have failed to return action to make a Charisma ability check (DC =

a favor, others might refuse you in the 15 + the number of targeted allies). If successful,

future. Returning a favor might be the the targeted allies gain a bonus equals to your

return of a loan (possibly with Intelligence modifier to all ability checks

interest), the accomplishment of and attack rolls until the start of your next

needed tasks, or any other form the turn.

GM may decide. You can use this feature a number of

times equal to your intelligence
Tairen Noble by Adi Granov
Authority modifier and regain all expended uses
You are recognized as a Noble by those less when you finish a short or long rest.
fortunate. Starting at 2nd level, when dealing with
Inspire Confidence
commoners, you gain advantage on Charisma
(Intimidation) checks. Starting at 8th level, you can inspire your allies to
great deeds. By using your actions do deliver an
inspiring speech, you can grant any ally within 30 ft.
that can hear you a confidence inspiration die, a d8.

Once within the next 10 minutes, an ally can roll the Bonus Proficiencies
As of choosing the Cavalier's path, you gain
die and add the number rolled to one ability check,
proficiency with the Animal Handling skill and with
attack roll or saving throw it makes, or use its
medium and heavy armor.
reaction to add the result to his AC until the start of
its next turn. The creature can wait until after it rolls Riding Master
Starting at 5th level, you gain advantage on any
the d20 before deciding to use the Confidence
Inspiration die but must decide before the GM says Wisdom (Animal Handling) check made to affect

whether the roll succeeds or fails. A creature can horses or other riding animals.

have only one Confidence Inspiration die at a time. Charge

You can inspire your allies only once, after which When you reach 7th level, if you ride at least 20 ft.

you must replenish the use with a short or long rest. before attacking your foe, you can charge him,

Upon reaching 14th level, the number of times dealing an extra damage die from your weapon.

you can inspire your allies equals to your Charisma Mounted Combat
modifier and the inspiration die is raised to a d10. Once reaching 13th level, you gain advantage
whenever you attack from horseback and on saving
Persuading Reputation throws made to avoid falling or being dragged from
Starting at 11th level, your reputation precedes you. your horse.
If you make a Charisma (Persuasion) skill check, Armored Rider
you can use your reputation score instead of the When you reach 17th level, you have learned to
result if it is higher. make the best of your defenses while riding. When
on horseback, enemies cannot receive advantage to
High Noble attack rolls against you.
When you reach 20th level, you gain the status of a Cavalier
High Noble. You become the de facto ruler of your When you reach 20th level, you have mastered the
noble house, gaining almost unlimited financial art of mounted combat. You now need only 10 ft. in
resources. Your Inspire Confidence die is raised to order to charge a foe and now deal two extra
a d12 and you are no longer required to roll a damage dice.
Charisma ability check to use your Coordinate
feature. Commander
Some nobles choose to lead other men into battle.
Noble Paths You may choose the Commander martial archetype,
described under the Armsman class. If you do, you
receive the features listed there at their appropriate
Nobles who choose a military career often
level and gain proficiency with medium and heavy
differentiate between themselves and “common
soldiers” by choosing to fight from horse back.
Many nobles consider foot soldiers as lesser Diplomat
fighters. Many nobles choose the path of the diplomat.
Better stamina Whether officially representing your country,
The martial life led by a Cavalier boosts your practicing your diplomacy in hopes of becoming an
stamina. Once you choose the Cavalier's path, ambassador or simply representing your house in
change your hit die to d10 (including rolling d10 for trade negotiations, as a diplomat you harness your
HP on 3rd level).

charisma to advance your interests, and those of (DC = your skill check result) or use its action to
your allies. attack a different creature. Creatures you attacked
Politics have advantage on this saving throw.
You gain proficiency in the Deception skill. If you You can use this feature a number of times equal
are already proficient, add half your proficiency to your Charisma modifier and replenish any uses
bonus on top of your proficiency bonus. when you finish a long rest.
Linguist Aggressive Negotiations
When you reach 5 level, after traveling to distant
When you reach 13th level, you have learned that
lands, you gain the Linguist feat even if you do not negotiation is not always the best solution. You can
possess a Charisma score of 13. use a bonus action to allow any ally within 30 ft. of
Diplomacy you to use their reaction to make an attack against
When you reach 7 level, you are recognized as a
th an enemy within their threat range.
person with a diplomatic status by law enforcement Second Strike
agents. Whenever you call in a favor meant to avoid At 17th level, you can exploit a creature's momentary
trouble with local authorities, you do not need to lack of defense when it hits with an attack. If a
return it – it does not count against one of your creature within 5 ft. of you hits you or another
favors. You can only use this feature to get yourself creature with a melee attack, you can use your
and a number of allies equal to your charisma reaction to make an attack against it.
modifier out of trouble. Once you use this feature, Ambassador
you cannot use it again for 10 days. At 20th level, you are welcomed as an ambassador
Diplomatic Immunity wherever you go. You are usually hosted by the
Starting at 7 th
level, you are protected by your highest of nobles and royalty and your words draw
diplomatic status. When an enemy makes a melee close attention. Your Persuading Reputation
attack against you, you can use your reaction to feature now adds your full reputation score to your
make a Charisma (Intimidation) skill check. The Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
attacker must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw

Table 9: The Wanderer
Level Proficiency Reputation Features Sneak Attack
Bonus Score
1 +2 0 Illicit Barter, Sneak Attack, Trapfinding 1d6
2 +2 1 Cunning Action 1d6
3 +2 1 Wanderer Archetype 2d6
4 +2 1 Ability Score Improvement 2d6
5 +3 2 Uncanny Dodge 3d6
6 +3 2 Innuendo 3d6
7 +3 3 Evasion 4d6
8 +3 3 Ability Score Improvement 4d6
9 +4 3 Skilled 5d6
10 +4 4 Quick 5d6
11 +4 4 Reliable Talent 6d6
12 +4 5 Ability Score Improvement 6d6
13 +5 5 7d6
14 +5 5 Blindsense 7d6
15 +5 6 Slippery Mind 8d6
16 +5 6 Ability Score Improvement 8d6
17 +6 7 Skilled 9d6
18 +6 7 Elusive 9d6
19 +6 7 Ability Score Improvement 10d6
20 +6 8 The Dark One's Own Luck 10d6

Creating a Wanderer Class Features

Wanderer is the perfect example of the traveling As a Wanderer, you gain the following features.
hero – versatile, quick to respond and cunning. Hit Points
Because of the great differences between each Hit Dice: 1d8 per Wanderer level
Wanderer, it is the only class which can select its Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Con. mod.
own second primary ability (besides Dexterity) – Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + con. mod.
some Wanderers are stronger than others, some Per Wanderer level above 1st.
are more charismatic or smarter. When creating Proficiencies
your Wanderer, first choose a second ability. Note Armor: Light armor.
that the Wanderer's features might depend on Weapons: Simple weapons, longswords, rapiers
different abilities. For example, your Illicit Barter and shortswords.
feature depends on your Charisma while your Tools: Thieves' Tools.
Trapfinding feature depends on your Wisdom. Saving Throws: Dexterity, One more of your
Likewise, your Skilled feature allows you to choose choice.
more Skills, which may depend on various Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics,
abilities, so make sure to plan ahead when Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
choosing your second ability. Perception, Performance, Slight of Hands and
Quick Build
You can make a Wanderer quickly by following
You start with the following equipment in addition
these suggestions. First, put your highest ability
to that granted by your background:
score in Dexterity, followed by whichever ability
• (a) A rapier or (b) a shortsword.
you chose as your second primary ability. Second,
• (a) A short bow and quiver with 20 arrows or
choose the Charlatan background.
(b) a Quarterstaff.

• (a) A Burglar's pack, (b) a Dungeoneer's pack combat. This bonus action can be used only to take
or (c) an Explorer's pack. the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
• Leather armor, two Daggers and Thieves'
Wandering Archetype
Starting at 3rd level, you
Illicit Barter must choose a more
Dealing with all sorts of merchants, specific direction to
legitimate or otherwise, you learned to haggle which your Wanderer's path
with anyone over anything. You gain leads. Some choose to take the
proficiency in the Persuasion skill. dangerous path of the Assassin or
a thief, while others choose the law
Sneak Attack enforcing path of the Thief Taker or the
Beginning at 1 level, you know how
joyous path of the Gleeman, warming
to strike subtly and exploit a foe’s the hearts of audiences everywhere.
distraction. Once per turn, you can
deal an extra 1d6 damage to one Ability Score
creature you hit with an attack if Improvement
you have advantage on the attack When you reach 4th level, and again
roll. The attack must use a finesse or at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can
a ranged weapon. increase one ability score of your
You do not need advantage on choice by 2, or you can increase two
the attack roll if an ally is within 5 ability scores of your choice by 1. As
ft. of your target, that ally is not normal, you cannot increase an ability score
incapacitated, and you do not above 20 using this feature.
have disadvantage on the Instead of an ability score increase, you
attack roll. may choose 1 feat.
The amount of extra
damage increases as you gain
Uncanny Dodge
levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Starting at 5th level, when an attacker that
Attack column of the Wanderer table. you can see hits you with an attack, you can
use your reaction to halve the attack’s
Trapfinding damage against you.
Always on the lookout for
traps or ambushes,
Andoran Wanderer by Adi Granov Avoiding the notice of
you gain advantage on
others has granted you
all Wisdom (Perception) checks meant to
the ability to deliver secret messages to others.
locate traps or detect foes.
Starting at 6th level, you gain proficiency in the
Innuendo skill.
Cunning Action
Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and Evasion
agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can
Your instinctive agility lets you quickly dodge out of
take a bonus action on each of your turns in
harm's way. Starting at 7th level, when you are

subject to an affect that allows you to make a hit. Alternatively, if you fail an ability check or a
Dexterity saving throw for half damage, you saving throw, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20.
instead take no damage if you succeed and only You can use this feature a number of times
half damage if you fail. equals to your Charisma modifier, and you regain
all uses once you finish a short or long rest.
Living on the road, you pick up a lot of straying Wandering Archetypes
skills. At 9th level, and again at 17th level, you gain
proficiency in one additional skill.
You focus your training on the grim art of death.
Quick Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse:
Once you reach 10th level, you are always ready for hired killers, spies, or bounty hunters. Stealth,
action. You have advantage on initiative rolls while poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes
wearing light or no armor. with deadly efficiency.
In many large cities, Assassins are an expensive
Reliable Talent commodity, and therefore a profitable profession.
By 11 level, you have refined your chosen skills
Bonus Proficiencies
until they approach perfection. Whenever you When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
make an ability check that lets you add your gain proficiency with the disguise kit and the
proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or poisoner’s kit.
lower as a 10 (except for 1). Assassinate
Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when
Blind Sense you get the drop on your enemies. You have
Starting at 14th level, if you are not deafened, you advantage on attack rolls against any creature that
are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible has not taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition,
creature within 10 ft. of you. any hit you score against a creature that is
surprised is a critical hit.
Slippery Mind
Infiltration Expertise
By 15th level, you have acquired greater mental
Starting at 9th level, you can unfailingly create false
strength. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving
identities for yourself. You must spend seven days
and 25gp to establish the history, profession, and
affiliations for an identity. You cannot establish an
identity that belongs to someone else. For
Beginning at 18th level, you are so evasive that
example, you might acquire appropriate clothing,
attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you.
letters of introduction, and official looking
No attack roll has advantage against you while you
certification to establish yourself as a member of a
are not incapacitated.
trading house from a remote city so you can
The Dark One's Own Luck insinuate yourself into the company of other
wealthy merchants.
At 20th level, you have an uncanny knack for
Thereafter, if you adopt the new identity as a
succeeding when you need to. If your attack misses
disguise, other creatures believe you to be that
a target within range, you can turn the miss into a
person until given an obvious reason not to.

Impostor disguise kit and with two musical instruments of
At 13th level, you gain the ability to unerringly
your choice.
mimic another person’s speech, writing, and
Gleeman's Cloak
The Gleeman's colorful patched cloak is a
You must spend at least three hours studying
trademark, recognized throughout the Westlands
these three components of the person’s behavior,
as the symbol of a Gleeman.
listening to speech, examining handwriting, and
Starting at 3rd level, you receive advantage on
observing mannerisms.
all Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma
Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual
(Deception) checks, but a disadvantage on all
observer. If a wary creature suspects something is
stealth checks, whenever you are wearing a
amiss, you have advantage on any Charisma
Gleeman’s cloak.
(Deception) check you
Gleeman Lore
make to avoid detection.
Starting at 5th level – after
Death Strike
spending much of your time
Starting at 17th level, you
wandering – you are
become a master of instant
considered proficient in the
death. When you attack and
History skill.
hit a creature that is
Inspiring Performance
surprised, it must make a
Starting at 5th level, you can
Constitution saving throw
inspire others through
(DC 8 + your Dexterity
stirring words or music. To
modifier + your proficiency
do so, you use a bonus
bonus). On a failed save,
action on your turn to
double the damage of your
choose one creature other
attack against the creature.
than yourself within 60 ft. of

Gleeman you who can hear you. That

creature gains one
Gleemen are the pinnacle
Inspiration die, a d8.
of the wandering
Once within the next 10
entertainers. Wandering Gleeman by Puddnhead
minutes, the creature can
across the land, gathering lore, telling stories,
roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability
performing wondrous tricks, and inspiring people
check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The
creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before
A Gleeman lives for his audience, and as he
deciding to use the Inspiration die but must decide
inspires the common folk to greatness, so does he
before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or
support his fellow adventurers.
fails. Once the Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A
Gleemen are accepted everywhere, from the
creature can have only one Inspiration die at a
Aiel waste in the east to the lands bordering the
Aryth Ocean in the west.
You can use this feature a number of times
Bonus Proficiencies
equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
once). You regain any expended uses when you
gain proficiency in the Performance skill, the
finish a long rest.

Your Inspiring Performance die changes when Second Story Work
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
you reach certain levels in this class. The die
gain the ability to climb faster than normal;
becomes a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level.
climbing no longer costs you extra movement.
Distracting advantage
In addition, when you make a running jump, the
Starting at 13th level, you have mastered ways to
distance you cover increases by a number of feet
distract your opponents and support the morale of
equal to your Dexterity modifier.
your allies. During your turn, you can use your
action to make a Charisma (Performance) check to Supreme Sneak
Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on a
either distract your foes or raise the morale of your
Dexterity (Stealth) check if you move no more than
allies. If you choose to support your allies, each ally
half your speed on the same turn.
within 60 ft. which can hear you receives an
advantage on all attack rolls, saving throws and Supreme Evasion

skill checks. If you choose to distract your enemies, At 13th level, you gain an uncanny sense of when
things nearby aren't as they should be, giving you
make a Charisma (Performance) check (DC = 10 +
an edge when you dodge away from danger.
the Intelligence modifier of the enemy with the
highest Intelligence score). If you succeed, all You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws

enemies within 60 ft. have disadvantage on all against effects that you can see, such as traps and

attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and weaves. To gain this benefit, you cannot be blinded,

concentration checks (for Channelers). deafened, or incapacitated.

The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to Thief’s Reflexes

your Charisma modifier. When you reach 17th level, you have become adept

You can use this ability a number of times equal at laying ambushes and quickly escaping danger.

to your Charisma modifier. You regain any You can take two turns during the first round of any

expended uses when you finish a long rest. combat. You take your first turn at your normal
initiative and your second turn at your initiative
Thief minus 10. You cannot use this feature when you
You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. are surprised.
Burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and other criminals
typically follow this archetype, but so do wanderers
Thief Taker
who prefer to think of themselves as professional Thief Takers are law enforcing bounty hunters.

treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and Unlike bodyguards and soldiers, Thief Takers use

investigators. In addition to improving your agility their prey's own methods to catch them and bring

and stealth, you learn skills useful for delving into them to justice. Stealthy, clever, well-armed and

ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, etc. resourceful, Thief Takers are often employed by
officials to hunt down criminals in far-away lands
Fast Hands
Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action where the government has no authority. Other

granted by your Cunning Action to make a prefer the more profitable nobility as their
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves'
tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Bonus Proficiencies

Use an Object action. Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you gain proficiency with the net weapon as
well as with the disguise kit.

Brotherhood Contacts Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (DC = 15 or half the
You can contact others of your profession
damage suffered, whichever is higher). On a
wherever you go, to consult with them and receive
successful roll, you take only half the damage.
information. How other Thief Takers react to your
Once you use this feature you cannot use it
request depends on the GM and the story, but in
again until you finish a short or long rest.
general Thief Takers are expected to help one
Hog Tie
another. Of course, the same is expected of you if
Starting at 13th level, you gain the Grappler feat.
you are approached by others of your kind. If you
You can use your action to try and tie a creature
fail to help, others will refuse to help you as well,
restrained by you. Make a Dexterity (Slight of
until you "pay your dues."
Hands) contest against the creature’s Dexterity
Knockout blow (Acrobatics) check. If you win, you manage to tie
Starting at 5th level, you learn how to stun your
the creature’s hands with a rope, manacles, or
opponents. When you hit a target with a melee
something similar. You must have such a tool to
attack, it must succeed in a Constitution saving
use this ability.
throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Crippling Strike
Strength or Dexterity Modifier) or be stunned until
When you reach 20th level, your sneak attacks are
the end of your next turn. You may use this ability
so precise that they cripple your opponents. When
a number of times equal to your Intelligence
dealing damage with your sneak attack ability, your
modifier. You regain any expended uses when you
target also suffers a -1 penalty to their Strength
finish a short or long rest.
ability. The maximum penalty a target may suffer
Defensive Roll from this ability equals to your Intelligence
Starting at 7th level, you can attempt to avoid at
modifier. The ability damage is healed at a rate of
least some of the damage that is dealt to you. When
one per day.
you are hit with a melee attack, you may attempt a

Table 10: The Wilder
Level Proficiency Reputation Features -Weave Slots per Weave Level-
Bonus Score
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 +2 0 Weaving, Block, 1 - - - - - - - -
Weavesight, Exceptional
2 +2 0 Learn New Weave 1 1 - - - - - - -
3 +2 1 Slow Aging, Weaving 2 1 1 - - - - - -
One Power Tradition
4 +2 1 Ability Score 2 2 1 - - - - - -
5 +3 1 2 2 1 1 - - - - -
6 +3 2 Learn New Weave 3 2 2 1 - - - - -
7 +3 2 Exceptional Talent 3 3 2 1 1 - - - -
8 +3 2 Ability Score 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -
9 +4 3 Tie Off Weave 4 3 3 2 1 1 - - -
10 +4 3 Weaving Instinct, Learn 4 4 3 2 2 1 - - -
New Weave
11 +4 3 Extra Talent 4 4 3 3 2 1 - - -
12 +4 4 Ability Score 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 - -
13 +5 4 Multiweave 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 - -
14 +5 4 Learn New Weave 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 - -
15 +5 5 Exceptional Talent 5 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 -
16 +5 5 Ability Score 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 -
17 +6 5 Weaving Instinct 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1
18 +6 6 Learn New Weave 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 1 1
19 +6 6 Ability Score 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
20 +6 6 Learn New Weave 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 2 1

Creating a Wilder Quick Build

Like Initiate, Wilders can draw power from the True You can make a Wilder quickly by following these
Source, weaving the One Power to create suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in
unimaginable effects. Unlike them, however, Wisdom, followed by Constitution. Secondly,
Wilders are individuals who were not found by the choose the Wisdom background.
respective traditions and had their talents manifest
themselves instinctively. This process is dangerous
Class Features
As a Wilder, you gain the following features.
and only 1 in 4 women usually survive the initial
touching of the One Power. Hit Points

While not being trained has its disadvantages, it Hit Dice: 1d6 per Wilder level

also releases one from the strict teaching methods, Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Con. mod.

and allows a more natural development of the Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + con. mod.
Per Wilder level above 1st.
Wilder's talents.
Using the One Power without realizing it,
Wilders are considered to possess exceptional
talents. Many Wilders serve as Wisdoms and
healers and consult the locale population on
personal matters.

Proficiencies Affinities
Armor: Light armor. All Channelers have an affinity to some of the five
Weapons: Simple Weapons. powers: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit. Males
Tools: None. are usually stronger with Earth and Fire, while
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma. women are usually stronger with Air and Water,
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, though there are exceptions to this rule. Both
Insight, Invert, Investigation, Medicine, sexes are equally proficient with Spirit.
Nature, Persuasion and Survival. Choose one affinity with which you are
Equipment proficient. When a weave is made only with
You start with the following equipment powers for which you have an affinity,
in addition to that granted by your the weave slot required to cast these
background: weaves is one level lower for you, to a
• (a) A club or (b) a dagger. minimum of 1. For example, a
• (a) Padded leather or (b) a Wilder with an affinity for Earth
crossbow with 20 bolts. weaving a 3rd level Earth Delving
• (a) A Scholar’s pack or (b) an weave can cast the weave with a
Explorer's pack. 2nd level slot.
You are limited to a maximum
Weaving of 2 affinities. This limit cannot be
Wilders learned to channel the overcome by any means.
one power instinctively, without Talents
an experienced tutor. A Wilder Every channeler is talented in
starts the game knowing four cantrips specific types of weaves. Choose
and one 1 level weave.
two talents. You can only cast
Read the Channeling chapter for weaves of 1st level or lower if you do
additional, general rules regarding not possess their talent. If a weave can be
channeling. cast at higher level, you may only use its 1st
Weave Slots level version or lower.
The Wilder table above shows how You are limited to a maximum of 3
many weave slots you have available to talents. This limit cannot be overcome by any
cast weaves of 1st level or higher. To cast means, except where noted specifically.
a weave, you must expend a slot of the weave's level Overchannel
or higher. You regain all expended slots once you All channelers may attempt an overchannel
finish a long rest. ability check to overchannel – cast more
Learning New Weaves weaves per day than they are allowed. See
There are only two ways to learn new the Overchannel section of the
weaves. You must either be taught by Tairen Wilder by Adi Granov
Channeling chapter for more details.
someone else who knows the weave, in which case Channeling ability
you do not require any check, but the weave must Wisdom is your channeling ability for your weaves,
be of a level for which you have weave slots. The your channeling relies on your inner instincts and
second is using an Intelligence (Weavesight) check, abilities. You use your Wisdom whenever a weave
as described below. refers to your channeling ability. In addition, you

use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving same gender. If you are familiar with the weave, you
throw DC for a weave you cast and when making an can identify it. If not, you may attempt an
attack roll with one. Intelligence (Weavesight) check (DC = 10 + the
Weave save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom weave's level) to see if you can understand which
talent this weave belongs to. If your skill check score
Weave attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier is 10 points higher than the DC, you can learn the
weave, add it to your known weaves and cast it
Block yourself. You cannot learn weaves unless they are
The danger of meddling with the One Power of a level in which you have weave slots.
untrained creates a psychological "block" in a When you reach 7th level, you have become so
Wilder's mind. This block usually consists of a proficient at weavesight that you may see the
restriction of one kind or another on the Wilder's residue of weaves – a fading signature of the powers
ability to channel. It could be anything from left where they have been used by channelers of the
restricting a Wilder's ability to weave anything more same gender as you.
powerful than cantrips, restricting the maximum If a weave was cast within 30 ft. of your current
range to which a Wilder can channel her weaves or location in the last 24 hours, you can sense its
preventing her from touching the One Power at all, residue and attempt to decipher it. On a successful
unless a certain state of mind is achieved. For Intelligence ability check (DC = 15 + the weave
example, Nynaeve al'Meara could not channel a level) you can determine the weave if it is known to
trifle without being angry, Theodrin Dabei had to you. If it is not, you can determine its talent. If your
have a boy near her to touch the one power, and score is 10 points or higher than the DC, you can
Fedwin Morr could not make his weaves reach far add the weave to your known weaves list and cast it
beyond fifty paces. yourself. The weave must be of a level in which you
Overcoming your block is usually achieved by a have weave slots.
traumatic, unexpected event. For example,
Theodrin broke her block when the person she
Learn New Weave
thought to be a boy was revealed to be a girl in Channeling weaves comes instinctively to you, and
disguise, making her realize she was channeling you often learn weaves on your own. When you
without a boy near her at all. reach 2nd level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th and
The GM can insert such an event anytime during 20th levels, you may learn one additional weave.
the game. This is an instinctive learning process. The weave
must be of a level which you may cast.
Weavesight Many channelers have secret weaves which they
Every channeler can see strands of powers used by have discovered by instinct. Consult you GM if you
other channelers of the same gender. If a woman is wish to create such a weave which does not appear
embracing the True Source, she is seen surrounded in the weave list in chapter 10: Weaves.
by a golden-white aura to any woman with the Normally, you must be taught or use the
weavesight ability. If a man is embracing the True Weavesight feature to learn new weaves.
Source, other men channelers sense dread and
threat from him.
Exceptional Talent
Additionally, Weavesight allows channelers to Unlike Initiatives, Wilders were not found before
recognize weaves used by other channelers of the they learned to channel. This allowed their talents

to manifest more naturally, without the limitations Careful Weave
When you cast a weave that forces other creatures
taught for generations by channeling traditions.
to make a saving throw, you can weave strands of
You learn exceptional ways to use the one power
the five powers to protect some of those creatures
based on your talents. The list of exceptional talents
from the weave's full force. To do so, you spend a
for each talent is detailed at the end of the class
weave slot of 1st level or higher and choose a
description. You can choose one exceptional talent
number of creatures up to your Wisdom modifier
from your talents at 1st level, and again at 7th and
(minimum of one creature). A chosen creature
15th levels. You can choose an exceptional talent of
automatically succeeds on its saving throw against
your level or lower from any one talent you possess,
the weave.
even if you did not choose the earlier exceptional
talent of that talent. For example, a 7th level wilder Distant Weave
When you cast a weave with a range of 5 ft. or
with the Healing and Cloud Dancing talents chose
greater, you can spend a weave slot of 1st level or
the Healing exceptional talent at 1st level but can
higher to double the range of the weave.
now choose the 7th level Cloud Dancing exceptional
talent. Empower Weave

If you start training as an initiate and gain an When you cast a weave from one of your talents that

initiate's One Power Tradition, you stop gaining deals HP damage, you can spend a weave slot of 1st

exceptional talents, but retain your existing ones. level or higher to reroll a number of dice equals to
your Wisdom modifier. You must use the new
Slow Aging result.
Using the one power slows your body's aging You can use Empowered Weave even if you have
process. Starting at 3rd level, you age slower than already used a different Weaving Instinct option
the average person. For each 5 years that pass, you during the casting of the weave.
age 1 year. Enlarge Weave
When you cast a weave within your talent that has
Weaving Instinct an area of affect, you can spend a weave slot of 1st
One of the advantages of not being taught at an early level or higher to increase that area of effect by an
age is the lack of restrictions. This instinctive additional 10 ft.
channeling ability within any Wilder allows you to Heighten Weave
adjust your weaves and channeling abilities. When you cast a weave within your talents that
Once you reach 3 level, and again at 10 and 17
rd th th
forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you
level, your instinctive channeling allows you to gain can spend a 3rd level or higher weave slot to give one
certain benefits. So long as you possess the target of the weave or in the weave's area of effect
prerequisites, you may choose one of the following. disadvantage on its first saving throw made against
You may choose a Weaving Instinct only once. the weave.
Bend Weave Quicken Weave
Your weaves are flexible and can be bent. You gain When you cast a weave within your talent that has a
advantage on Dexterity saving throws made to avoid weaving time of one action, you can spend a weave
the Cut Weave weave. If you succeed, you bend your slot of 2nd level or higher to cast it as a bonus action
weave and avoid your foe from cutting it. instead.

Strengthened Weave Extra Talent
When you cast a weave within your talents that
As a Wilder, you mastered your talents to fit
forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you
whatever occasion. You gain a new Talent when you
can spend a weave slot of 2nd level or higher to
reach 11th level.
increase the difficulty class for that saving throw
by 1 for all creatures within the area of effect. Multiweave
Upon reaching 11th
Ability Score
level, you may cast one
more weave while
When you reach 4th level, and again at
8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can
concentration on
increase one ability score of
another. To do
your choice by 2, or you can
this, you must
increase two ability
make a
scores of your choice
by 1. As normal,
check (DC = 15 +
you cannot
the level of the
increase an
new weave + the
ability score
level of the weave
above 20 using
you currently
this feature.
concentrate on). If
Instead of an
you succeed, you
ability score
may cast one
increase, you
additional weave,
may choose 1
so long as its
duration is

Tie-off instantaneous and

Weave does not require

concentration to hold
When you reach 9th
the effect.
level, you have learned to tie off Wise One by Rebecca Guay
your weaves. Instead of maintaining a weave Simultaneous Weaving
through concentration, you may use your action to
When you reach 13th level, you learn how to channel
tie it off, leaving it in effect without holding on to it.
one additional weave at a time. The combined level

Instant Embrace of weaves you can cast may not exceed your highest
available weave level, you must spend the
Once you have reached 10th level, your channeling
appropriate weave slots for each weave separately
instinct has grown to an extent that the power
and only one of the weaves may require
simply leaps to your hands! Embracing the True
concentration. For example, the highest-level weave
Source now requires a bonus action for you, instead
a 15th level channeler can cast is 8th. Using her
of an action.
Multiweave feature, she can cast two 4th level
weaves, one 3rd level weave and one 5th level weave,

one 6th level and one 2nd level weaves or one 1st and Cloud Dancing affinity
You instinctively recognize Cloud Dancing weaves.
one 7th level weaves.
Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on all
If the channeler possess the Exceptional
Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or learn
Channeler feat (which provides the Simultaneous
weaves of the Cloud Dancing talent.
Weaving ability as well), she can cast 3 weaves at
the same time, with the same restrictions. For Protection from Projectiles
Starting at 7th level, you have learned how to quickly
example, our 15th level channeler can now cast a 4th
protect yourself from incoming projectiles. When
level weave and two 2nd level weaves, two 3rd level
you are hit with a ranged weapon attack, you can
weave and one 2nd level weave, three weaves of 1st
use your reaction to weave strands of air and
or 2nd level, etc.
expend a 1st level weave slot to surround yourself
Exceptional Talents with a wall of swirling air until the end of your next
turn. Arrows, bolts, darts, and other small objects
Balefire that hit the wall are hurled downwards towards the
A rare and powerful talent, exceptional Balefire floor. The wall extends 5 ft. around you and counts
talents makes you sensitive to the time woven by the as difficult terrain for any creature trying to cross it.
wheel and glimpse into the past or the future. Potent Cloud Dancing
Balefire affinity When you reach 15th level, your weaves are harder
You instinctively recognize weaves of Balefire. to resist. Creatures have disadvantage on Saving
Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on all Throws against your weave from the Cloud Dancing
Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or learn talent.
weaves of the Balefire talent.
Time Stamp Conjunction
Starting at 7th level, you can sense when Balefire Conjunction Affinity
had changed time within 30 ft. of you within the last You instinctively recognize weaves of Conjunction.
24 hours. You can see visions of what time should Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on all
have been if Balefire was not used. You can use your Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or learn
action to make an insight check (DC = 10 + the level weaves of the Conjunction talent.
of Balefire weave used) to determine when exactly Manipulate the Mind
it was used and the level of the weave. Starting at 7th level, you can manipulate a person's
Time Anchor perception of you. You can use a bonus action to
When reaching 15 level, your sensitivity to time
expend one weave slot of 1st level to weave strands
makes you more able to dodge Balefire, as you of spirit and water to influence one creature within
sense it is about to be used. You gain advantage on 30 ft. of you. For the next 10 minutes you gain
Dexterity saving throws meant to avoid the Balefire advantage on all Charisma based skill checks
weave. directed at that creature.
Conjunction Expert
Cloud Dancing Starting at 15th level, you instinctively feel when
You have become exceptionally sensitive to the someone is trying to manipulate you. You gain
changes in the weather and are able to affect the advantage on saving throws against any weave from
weather around you. the Conjunction talent.

Earth Singing Durable Weaves
When you reach 15th level, your Elementalism
You have developed sensitivity to the earth around
weaves become more resilient. When you cast a
you and are able to feel and manipulate it with ease.
weave that requires a Dexterity saving throw to
Earth Singing Affinity
avoid half or all of the damage, the DC for the
You instinctively recognize weaves of Earth
saving throw is increased by 1.
Singing. Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on
all Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or Healing
learn weaves of the Earth Singing talent.
You have a natural inclination to heal people.
Earth Sensitivity
Healing Affinity
Starting at 7th level, you have learned to feel tiny
You instinctively recognize weaves of Healing.
vibrations in the earth around you. You can use your
Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on all
action to spend one 1st level weave slot, weaving
Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or learn
strands of earth. For the next minute, you can feel
weaves of the Healing talent.
other creatures within 60 ft. of you for as long as
Far Healing
they are in contact with the same ground and
Starting at 7th level, you learned to cast healing
substance as you.
weaves from further away. When casting a weave
Earthly instinct
from the Healing talent with a range of touch, you
When you reach 15th level, Earth Singing weaves
can cast it from a distance of 10 ft. instead. This
come so naturally to you, they are less tiring than
distance cannot be increased with Weaving
other weaves. You can cast an Earth Singing weave
of 4th level or lower without expending a weave slot.
Potent Healing
Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again
When you reach 15th level, you learn how to make
until you finish a long rest.
your healing more potent. When you heal hit points

Elementalism to a creature using a weave of the One Power, you

heal an additional 2d10 hit points.
You learned to make creative use of the
Elementalism talent, allowing you to strengthen or Illusion
add effects to them.
You have learned how to use the One Power to
Elementalism Affinity
easily trick the senses of other creatures.
You instinctively recognize weaves of
Illusion Affinity
Elementalism. Starting at 1st level, you have
You instinctively recognize weaves of Illusion.
advantage on all Weavesight skill checks made to
Starting at 1st level, you have advantage on all
recognize or learn weaves of the Elementalism
Weavesight skill checks made to recognize or learn
weaves of the Illusion talent.
Booming Flame
Blurry Image
Starting at 7th level, when you cast Elementalism
Starting at 7th level, you have learned how to protect
weaves that cause fire damage, you can add strands
yourself by blurring your image. When a creature
of air to create a booming affect, adding 1d8 + your
attacks you, you can use your reaction and weave
weaving ability modifier in thunder damage to the
strands of air, fire, and spirit to blur your body,
weave's damage. If you choose to do this, the weave
concealing yourself behind an illusion. Until the end
is considered to have Air as one of the powers
of your next turn, all attack rolls against you are
required to weave it.
made with disadvantage. You can use this feature

after the roll was made, open until one creature
but before you know the steps through it or until
result. the end of your turn and
You can use this cannot be kept open.
feature a number of times Gate at a Glance
equal to your channeling Starting at 15th level, you
ability modifier and regain gain advantage on any
all uses after you finish a channeling ability check
long rest. made to open a gateway,
Realistic Illusion and your gateways never
Starting at 15 level, you
open more than one mile
learned how to use away from their intended
strands of air to give target location.
volume to your illusions,
making them feel real to
the touch. Touching your Your instinct to protect
illusions no longer yourself and others has
automatically makes the made you exceptionally
viewer succeed in efficient with the Warding
recognizing it, and all talent.
Wisdom (Perception) skill Warding Affinity
checks made against any You instinctively
weave of the illusion recognize weaves of
talent you weave are Warding. Starting at 1st
made with disadvantage. level, you have advantage
on all Weavesight skill
Traveling checks made to recognize
You have learned to or learn weaves of the
manipulate the space Warding talent.
around you using the One Shield
Power. When you reach 7th level,
Traveling Affinity you learned how to
You instinctively Ebou Dari Wilder by Matt Wilson quickly weave a protective
recognize weaves of Traveling. Starting at 1 level,
shield in combat. When you or another creature
you have advantage on all Weavesight skill checks within 30 ft. of you are hit with an attack, you can
made to recognize or learn weaves of the Traveling use your reaction to weave strands of air and spirit
talent. and expend a 1st level weave slot to create an
Whisk Away invisible shield around the target. Until the end of
Starting at 7 level, you can use an action and spend
your next turn, the target has a +5 bonus to AC,
a 4 level weave slot to open a gateway to a spot you
including against the triggering attack.
can see within 500 ft. of you. The gateway stays

Weave Resistance
Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on saving
throws against weaves and you gain resistance
against damage from weaves.

Tuatha'an by Jon Foster

Table 11: The Woodsman
Level Proficiency Reputation Feature
Bonus Score
1 +2 0 Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer
2 +2 0 Fighting Style
3 +2 1 Woodsman Archetypes
4 +2 1 Ability Score Improvement
5 +3 1 Extra Attack
6 +3 2 Archetype feature
7 +3 2 Fleet of Foot
8 +3 2 Ability Score Improvement
9 +4 3 Natural Immunity
10 +4 3 Hide in Plain Sight
11 +4 3 Archetype feature
12 +4 4 Ability Score Improvement
13 +5 4
14 +5 4 Vanish
15 +5 5 Archetype feature
16 +5 5 Ability Score Improvement
17 +6 5
18 +6 6 Feral Awareness
19 +6 6 Ability Score Improvement
20 +6 6 Archetype feature

Your second highest ability should go to

Creating a Woodsman Wisdom, as a lot of your skills depend on it.
Woodsmen are hunters, scouts, and trackers.
Second, choose the Outlander background.
While Woodsmen may have a life and family in
urban locations, they spend most of their times in Class Features
the wilds. They are a necessity for any group of As a Woodsman, you gain the following features.
adventurers who find themselves traveling through Hit Points
the wilderness and are often employed by armies Hit Dice: 1d10 per Woodsman level
as forward scouts. Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + con. mod.
If you choose to play a Woodsman, think about Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + con.
the reasons which lead you to leave your familiar modifier Per Woodsman level above 1st.
surroundings and start adventuring. Were you Proficiencies
recruited to an army? Did you have to run from Armor: Light and medium armors and shields.
your home for fear of bandits or are you hunted by Weapons: Simple and Martial weapons.
the authorities? Tools: None.
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity.
Quick Build Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling,
You can make a Woodsman quickly by following
Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature,
these suggestions. First, place your highest ability
Perception, Stealth and Survival.
in Strength if you wish to focus on melee combat
or in Dexterity if you prefer lighter armors, archery,
You start with the following equipment in addition
and finesse weapons.
to that granted by your background:
• (a) Scale Mail or (b) Leather armor.

• (a) Two shortswords or (b) two simple melee • If you are traveling alone, you can move
weapons. stealthily at a normal pace.
• (a) A Dungeoneer's pack or (b) an Explorer's • When you forage, you find twice as much food
pack. as you normally would.
• A longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows. • While tracking other creatures, you also learn
their exact number, their sizes, and how long
Favored Enemy ago they passed through the area.
Beginning at 1 st
level, you have considerable
experience studying, tracking, hunting, and even Fighting Style
talking to a certain type of enemy commonly At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your
encountered in the wilds. specialty. Choose one of the following options. You
Choose a type of favored enemy: beasts, Ogier, cannot take a Fighting Style option more than
shadowspawn or one human origin. You gain a +2 once, even if you later get to choose again.
bonus to damage rolls with weapon attacks against Archery
creatures of the chosen type. Additionally, you have You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track ranged weapons.
your favored enemies, as well as on Intelligence Defense
checks to recall information about them. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus
When you gain this feature, you also learn one to AC.
language or dialect of your choice, typically one Dueling
spoken by your favored enemy. However, you are When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
free to pick any language you wish to learn. hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus
to damage rolls with that weapon.
Natural Explorer
Two-Weapon Fighting
You are a master of navigating the natural world, When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can
and you react with swift and decisive action when add your ability modifier to the damage of the
attacked. This grants you the following benefits: second attack.
• You ignore difficult terrain.
• You have advantage on initiative rolls. Woodsman Archetype
• On your first turn during combat, you have Woodsmen are diverse by nature, but some diverge
advantage on attack rolls against creatures to develop specific specialties. Once you've
that have not yet acted. reached 3rd level you can choose between the path
of the Beastmaster, the path of the Hunter or the
In addition, you are skilled at navigating the
path of the Scout.
wilderness. You gain the following benefits when
traveling for an hour or more: Ability Score Improvement
• Difficult terrain does not slow your group’s When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
travel. and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
• Your group can’t become lost except if your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
sidetracked by weaves of the One Power. scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you cannot
• Even when you are engaged in another activity increase an ability score above 20 using this
while traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or feature.
tracking), you remain alert to danger.

Instead of an ability score increase, you may Feral Awareness
choose 1 feat. Starting at 18th level, you have become
exceptionally aware of your surroundings. You
Extra Attack gain advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks,
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead and you cannot longer be surprised except by
of once, whenever you take the Attack action on creatures hidden with
your turn. weaves of the One
Fleet of Foot
Beginning at 8th level, you can use Woodsman
the Dash action as a bonus action Archetypes
on your turn.
Beast Master
Natural Immunity A Beastmaster is a
Starting at 9 level, your body had
woodsman that
become accustomed to poison and learned to harness the
disease. You receive resistance to savage natural world
poison damage and advantage on to his advantage. He
saving throws made to resist uses his faithful
poison. companion to hunt his
foes, much like his
Hide in Plain Sight companion hunts for
Starting at 10th level, you can spend Borderlander Woodsman by Paolo Parente
1 minute creating camouflage for
yourself. You must have access to fresh mud, dirt, Beastmaster's companion
plants, soot, and other naturally occurring At 3rd level, you can purchase or find, and train, a
materials with which to create your camouflage. faithful beast to support you while you hunt. Your
Once you are camouflaged in this way, you can beast can be a dog, a hawk, or a falcon. Your GM
try to hide by pressing yourself up against a solid might approve other beasts.
surface, such as a tree or wall that is at least as tall Add your proficiency bonus to the beast’s AC,
and wide as you are. You gain a +10 bonus to attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any
Dexterity (Stealth) checks as long as you remain saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Its hit
there without moving or taking actions. Once you point maximum equals its normal maximum or
move or take an action or a reaction, you must four times your woodsman level, whichever is
camouflage yourself again to gain this benefit. higher.
The companion obeys your commands as best
Vanish it can. It will automatically use his action to attack
Starting at 14th level, you can use the Hide action anyone who attacks you unless you give him
as a bonus action on your turn. Also, you and your another verbal command (this requires no action).
party can’t be tracked except by weaves of the One It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you
Power, unless you choose to leave a trail. determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so
on. If you are incapacitated or absent, your

companion acts on its own to help your allies as Offensive Tactics
At 3rd level, you learn how to apply your hunting
best as it can.
skills against foes in battle. Choose one of the
Coordinated Attack
following features:
Beginning at 6th level, you and your animal
Slayer. You know to hunt the weakest member of
companion form a more potent fighting team.
the pack. When you hit a creature with a weapon
When you use the Attack action on your turn, if
attack, the creature takes an extra ld8 damage if it
your companion can see you, it can use its reaction
is below its hit point maximum. You can deal this
to make a melee attack.
extra damage only once per turn.
If your companion is within 5 ft. of a creature
Giants killer. When a Large or larger creature
trying to attack you, it can use its reaction to
within 5 ft. of you hits or misses you with an attack,
distract the opponent, causing it to attack with
you can use your reaction to attack that creature
immediately after its attack, provided that you can
Additionally, your companion now makes two
see the creature.
attacks when using the attack action, instead of
Pack Breaker. Once on each of your turns when
you make a weapon attack, you can make another
Storm of Claws and Fangs
attack with the same weapon against a different
At 11th level, your companion can use its action to
creature that is within 5 ft. of the original target and
make a single melee attack against each creature
within range of your weapon.
of its choice within 5 ft. of it, with a separate attack
Defensive Tactics
roll for each target.
When you reach 6th level, you can choose one of the
Superior Beast’s Defense
following features:
At 15th level, whenever an attacker that your
Escape the Horde. Opportunity attacks against
companion can see hits it with an attack, it can use
you are made with disadvantage.
its reaction to halve the attack’s damage against it.
Multiattack Defense. When a creature hits you
Beastmaster’s Pack
with an attack, you gain a +4 bonus to AC against
At 20th level, you and your companion are as
all subsequent attacks made by that creature for
coordinated as a surgical strike team. Whenever
the rest of the turn.
you attack an opponent within 5 ft. of your
Steel Will. You have advantage on saving throws
companion, you gain advantage on the attack roll.
against being frightened.
If your companion attacks a creature you
attacked on your last turn, it gains advantage on the
When you reach 11th level, you can choose one of
attack roll.
the following features.
Hunter Volley. You can use your action to make a ranged

Hunters are pillars of the community, feeding attack against any number of creatures within 10

families, always traveling between the wilderness ft. of a point you can see within your weapon's

and civilization, and feeling at home in both. The range. You must have ammunition for each target,

Hunter utilizes his skill at the hunt in combat, as normal, and you make a separate attack roll for

making him a fearsome foe. each target.

Whirlwind Attack. You can use your action to
make a melee attack against any number of
creatures within 5 ft. of you, with a separate attack
roll for each target.

Superior Hunter’s Defense Ambush Master
At 15th level, you gain one of the following features Starting at 11th level, you excel at leading
of your choice. ambushes. You have advantage on Dexterity
Evasion. When you are subjected to an effect that (Stealth) checks. Additionally, attacks against the
allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take first creature you hit during the first round of
only half damage, you instead take no damage if combat are made with advantage until the start of
you succeed on the saving throw, and only half your next turn.
damage if you fail. Easy to Miss
Stand Against the Tide. When a hostile creature Aware of your vulnerabilities while fighting, you
misses you with a melee attack, you can use your have learned to close openings in your defenses
reaction to force that creature to repeat the same after attacking. When you reach 15th level, you can
attack against another creature (other than itself) use your reaction to grant disadvantage on attacks
of your choice. against you until the start of your next turn.
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that you can Tactical movement
see hits you with an attack, you can use your When you reach 20th level, you have learned to
reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. move swiftly during combat. If you and an ally are
Hunter’s Eye within 5 ft. of a creature, you can use your reaction
When you reach 20 th
level, your hunting skills to move up to 10 ft. to flank the creature and make
become a legend. When you use the attack action, one attack. If the attack hits, it deals an extra 1d10
you attack three times instead of twice. damage. This movement does not provoke attacks
Additionally, if you hit one of your favored prey of opportunity if you leave another creature’s threat
types, you deal an extra 1d10 damage. range.

Scouts play a pivotal role in The Wheel of Time
world. They move ahead of every army; they patrol
all the borders and they track enemies for every
military unit.
Advanced Natural Explorer
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the following
• If you are traveling alone, you can move
stealthily at a normal pace.
• You can use a bonus action to take the
Disengage action.
• If you are discovered while hiding, you can use
your reaction to take the Dodge action.
Starting at 6th level, you are difficult to pin down
during a fight. If an enemy ends his turn within 5 ft.
of you, you can use your reaction to move up to half
your speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
Taraboner Woodsman by Jon Foster

C•H•A•P•T•E•R Chapter 4: Backgrounds


backgrounds Canceled Background

Acolyte, Noble

Changed Background
Hermit – the Religion skill proficiency has been
replaced with Insight skill proficiency.
Sage – the Arcana skill proficiency has been
replaced with Insight skill proficiency.

New Backgrounds
The following are additional backgrounds related
to the world of the Wheel of Time.

Former Noble
You come from a noble family that lost its assets
and influence. This fall could come from betrayal,
wrong decision making, natural disasters or other
As a former noble, you are familiar with the
nobility class and can easily mingle among those of
them who do not know of your family's misfortune.
You also have a greater than average knowledge of
nobility affairs such as politics, economics, and
Skill Proficiency: Deception, performance.
Equipment: A ragged noble outfit, a small trinket
from your old life, a pouch with 10 silver marks, a
Feature: Return the favor
Someone owes you a favor from your noble days.
Though you have no real guarantee that your favor
will be returned, you know where to find whoever
owes you, and knows some secret about them that
will make them more likely to repay it.
Suggested Characteristics
You remember your family's glory days and yearn
to return to them. You are trying to earn wealth but
are careful not to return the mistakes of the past.
You are also proud and headstrong, used to people

doing as you say and hesitant to get help, as you women who come to the White Tower to be taught
know all favors come at a cost. do not possess sufficient strength in the One
d8 Personality Trait
1 I keep up the facade of nobility even if I no longer
Power to become full Aes Sedai. They are taught
hold a title. enough to use the power safely without
2 My family earned its misfortunes fairly and I work
to correct their past mistakes. endangering themselves or others and are sent on
3 I resent those nobles who still succeed where my their way. Many of them join the Kin or become
family has failed.
4 I work tirelessly to regain my status in society. wisdoms or healers, though they can be found
5 I pursue the ones who brought my family down and
will have my revenge on them. anywhere and in any profession.
6 I believe amassing wealth is my way back to the Skill Proficiency: History, Insight
ranks of nobility.
7 I believe my family's enemies still pursue me and Equipment: A white novice dress from your days
wish me harm. at the tower, a small pouch with 10 Tar Valon silver
8 I like to buy expensive things I can no longer afford.
marks, a small trinket smuggled from the White
d6 Ideal Tower as a souvenir.
1 Responsibility. I cannot blame anyone else for my
misfortunes. My redemption will come from my Feature: White Tower Novice
own hands. (Lawful) If you remained at the white tower, you have
2 Revenge. I must exact swift and harsh vengeance
against those who have brought me down. (Evil) continued your studies as a novice. You have a
3 Opportunity. I will do everything I need to regain
my status. (Chaotic)
place in the White Tower, as well as some modest
4 Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any) funding to perform your duties, but you must obey
5 The Common Good. Now that I have seen how
the lower classes live, I understand the need to any Aes Sedai you come across.
improve life for all. (Good)
6 Elitism. My situation is temporary, and I am still
Feature: Kinwomen
better than the commoners around me. (Evil) After leaving the White Tower, The Kin – centered
in Ebou Dar – locate and contact women who
d6 Bond
1 I have a responsibility to the rest of my family. trained in the White Tower but did not finish their
2 My old servants are like family to me. training. These women are taken care of, set up
3 I am still meeting my love from my previous life.
4 My family's symbol is still the most important with a new life and guided. In every city and large
thing to me.
5 My loyalty to my country does not rely on my title.
enough town, you can contact a member of the Kin.
6 I still have contacts within my family's allies. These contacts will supply you with a modest
d6 Flaw
1 Though I am now one of them, I think the common Barely channeling
folk are beneath me. During your time at the White Tower, you learned
2 I was the one who ruined my family.
3 I cannot help but spend money I no longer have. to control your channeling. While you are barely
4 I cannot help but act superior to those around me,
even when it gets me into trouble. able to channel, you have learned to use what little
5 I boss people around out of habit. power you have in order to accomplish the simplest
6 I have trouble accepting my new position.
of weaves.
Novice You can weave two of the following Cantrips:

Your talent for weaving was discovered at an early Create Fire, Foretell Weather, Harness the Wind,

age, and you were taken to the White Tower for Light, Polish or Warmth.

training. The path of a novice is not easy – your Suggested Characteristics: Novice
days were filled with chores, studies, and training, Studies at the White Tower is demanding and long.
leaving you exhausted every day. Novices are expected to do a lot of manual work –
Training at the White Tower does not mean one cleaning and cooking, for example – on top of their
will become an Aes Sedai. In fact, many of the

studies. Most novices are hardworking and learn to Two-Rivers Man
follow the orders of their superiors. There are many secluded areas in the Westlands,
Suggested Characteristics: Kinswoman but none so as the Two-Rivers. Located in western
Most Kin women consider women in higher regard Andor and bordering the Mountains of Mist, the
than men, and Aes Sedai above all. They have a Two-Rivers rarely see outsiders other than the
strict hierarchy by age and are used to have seasonal peddler or two. If you tell a Two-Rivers
authority over others not of the Kin and are most man that he is the subject of a kingdom and its
often lawful. rules, he probably won’t believe you. Most Two-
Rivers men are farmers or skilled artisans of
d8 Personality Trait
1 I work hard to become the best. metals or woods, yet they are the descendants of
2 Being in the White Tower is already proof enough the great nation Manetheren.
of my abilities.
3 I revere Aes Sedai as much as the light itself. Two-Rivers men are often wide-eyed when they
4 Aes Sedai caution hold me back from achieving
leave their home, seeing many things for the first
5 I appreciate every moment in the White Tower. time. To them, a large village is a city of legend.
6 I see the White Tower as a prison and cannot wait
to leave. They are often surprised by prices in the outside
7 I want to prove myself to my Aes Sedai teachers world, unfamiliar with customs and are excited by
and novice sisters.
8 I want to learn so I can become more powerful. things which are natural and regular to others.
Skill Proficiency: Animal handling, Nature.
d6 Ideal
1 Serve. Aes Sedai are servants of all. (Good) Weapon Proficiency: Two-Rivers Longbow
2 Protect. I must protect the world from the shadow. Equipment: a small trinket that is passed down in
3 Respect. When I will be Aes Sedai, everyone will your family for generations, possibly from the days
have to show me the proper respect. (Evil) of Manetheren itself, a Two-Rivers Longbow, a
4 Model. I wish to lead by example. (Lawful)
5 Ambition. I will become Amyrlin Seat one day, by sack, a set of Snakes and Foxes game, a set of
any means necessary. (Chaotic)
6 Tradition. I am part of a grand tradition that must modest clothes, a pair of sturdy working boots, a
be upheld. (Lawful) walking staff that can also be used as a quarterstaff
and a small pouch of Two-Rivers Tabac.
d6 Bond
1 I look up to the Aes Sedai who found me and Old Blood
brought me to the White Tower.
2 My roommate and I are pillow friends.
The Old Blood of Manetheren is strong in any Two-
3 My family meant everything to me and supported Rivers man or woman. In times of extreme
me when I left to the White Tower.
4 I have no home, aside from the White Tower pressure or of great danger, the old blood might
5 My Great Serpent ring is my most valuable come out in a burst of heroic glory. This burst may
6 I will complete my training and help the common gain you an advantage on a roll, allow you to reroll
a failed attack or saving throw, provide you with

d6 Flaw inspiration, etc.

1 I despise manual labor. Feature: A Simple Life
2 I have difficulty accepting authority.
3 I often try to advance too quickly in my studies, Two-Rivers folk are usually modest and hard-
even when it might risk my life and those of others.
working by nature. You feel uncomfortable in living
4 I am competitive to a fault, even at the expense of
having friends. conditions better than modest, and those around
5 Maintaining concentration in class is difficult for
me. you can feel it as well.
6 If there is a more complicated way to solve a However, you can easily pay for a comfortable
problem, I will find it.
lifestyle by working at the fields, an inn or as an
apprentice to an artisan.

Suggested Characteristics
Two-River folk are known for their stubbornness
and lack of fear. They strive to do what is right and
just and are not quick to use violence. When they
are brought to it, however, they are fearless and
never give up.
They are quick to trust, as they cannot imagine
why anyone would harm another person, and their
memory is long to forget a wrongdoing.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am fast to trust, even if some call me naive.
2 I prefer a humble, simple life away from the world's
3 I distrust urban folk and their politics.
4 A simple building in a large city makes me gap in
wonder. Surely, it must be a palace!
5 It is difficult for me to believe someone would want
to harm another person.
6 I want to see the world outside my small village.
7 Everywhere I go I am looking for simple, Two Rivers Archer by Wayne England
homemade food.
8 I am insecure due to my inexperience in the world. Wisdom
Wisdom is a general name for healers in various
d6 Ideal
1 Altruism. I try to help anyone I meet, even if I never parts of the Westlands, whether they are Wisdoms
heard of their country before. (Good)
2 Might. These city folks are as weak as ants. They of small villages or possessing small apothecary
deserve whatever comes their way. (Evil) shops in cities and towns.
3 Sincerity. There is no good in pretending to be
something I am not. (Neutral) While some are Wilders without knowing it,
4 Destiny. The light must has brought me out of my
other Wisdoms are simply women who deal with
village for a reason. I just need to figure out what it
is. (Any) herbs and medicine. The ability to channel the One
5 Protection. I fight in the outside world so those
trouble will not reach my home and family. (Good) Power is not a prerequisite of this background.
6 Survive. The world is a hectic place. I will need to Skill Proficiency: Insight, Medicine.
do anything to survive in it. (Chaotic)
Tool Proficiency: Herbalism kit.
d6 Bond Equipment: Five empty vials and two doses of
1 The family I left behind means everything to me.
2 I cling to the ideals my father taught me. healall, a healer’s kit, the favor of an influential
3 My childhood memories are precious to me. person whose family member you saved.
4 I miss my old sweetheart, left behind at home.
5 My old pair of sturdy boots are the only thing I have Healer’s Secret
left from home.
Wisdoms usually deal with medicines from a young
6 I still resent an insult from the first noble I met.
age. Many come across special recipes, herbs, and

d6 Flaw medicines with special properties known only to

1 I trust people too easily, making myself an easy them. These may include vaccines, rare antitoxins,
target for betrayal.
2 Taught to be honest, I find it difficult to deceive special medicine, etc. As a Wisdom, you also have
others. such a secret medicine. Choose an effect from the
3 I am slow to violence, even when the situation
warrants it. table below or roll a d6 for a random effect.
4 Courting rituals of other cultures make me blush.
5 I often stare in awe at everything around me. I
never knew the world is this big!
6 I feel everyone looks down on me because of my
humble origins, and I resent them for it.

Table 12: Healer's Secrets d8 Personality Trait
d6 Healer’s Secret 1 I have no patience for woolheaded fools.
2 As difficult as it may be, I concentrate on healing
1 Choose a specific poison. You can make a special those that can be saved, not those who are too far
antidote that grants an immediate saving throw gone.
with advantage against that poison. 3 I am always researching new mixtures
2 You can make a special vaccine that grants an 4 Wherever I go, I search for other wisdoms to learn
immediate saving throw with advantage against from.
diseases. 5 I develop a motherly concern for anyone I healed
3 You can add a special herb to your healing 6 It angers me when I need to heal the same
mixtures, making them restore an extra 1d4+2 hit woolhead for the same injury.
points. 7 Most people I heal deserve a bitter dose of
4 A special mixture you brew allows a target to ignore dogweed for foolishly injuring themselves.
one level of exhaustion. 8 I actively search for people to heal wherever I go.
5 You brew a special mixture that grants the drinker
1d6 temporary hit points.
6 You do not require a Wisdom (Medicine) check to d6 Ideal
stabilize a dying human or Ogier. 1 Community. We all need to take care of each other
and our neighbors. (Good)
2 Leadership. Woolheaded fools need guidance, for
Feature: Healer of the community their own good. (Lawful)
As a Wisdom, you are respected as a healer of the 3 Redemption. All men deserve to be saved. You
never know what good someone will do in the
body and an authority on moral issues. Many world. (Good)
4 Order. We all have our place in the world. Mine is
people approach you as an unbiased judge to solve to heal the sick and injured. (Lawful)
disagreements of a financial nature, as well as 5 Greed. People will pay good money for me to save
their lives. (Evil)
border disputes between neighbors and even 6 Aspiration. I seek to prove myself to my family and
marital problems. Therefore, a Wisdom is an my community. (Any)

important figure in any community and is

d6 Bond
respected by all. 1 I still carry a token of the first person I failed to
Many Wisdoms keep close touch with others of 2 I regret saving the life of a person who had done a
their profession in other places, exchanging great wrong after I saved him.
3 Everything I do is meant to heal others.
recipes for medicine, rare herbs, and the likes. 4 Increasing my knowledge of herbs is the most
important thing to me.
Other Wisdoms might also provide you (and 5 I left my family behind to help others in need, but I
perhaps even your allies) with a modest lifestyle plan to return one day.
6 I received my pouch of herbs from my parents, and
while you visit them, though sharing in food I will never let it go.
expenses is customary.
d6 Flaw
Suggested Characteristics
1 I lose patience easily and punish those responsible
Wisdoms are respected, but also feared. They with unnecessary bitter medicine.
2 I tend to overestimate my abilities.
usually do not suffer foolishness or strong 3 I have an addiction to one of my more potent
headedness and might punish those who they feel mixtures.
4 The death of a patient leaves me emotionally
act childishly by making their medicines ruined for days.
5 Experience with the poisons and diseases of the
unnecessarily bitter.
world makes me overprotective of my friends and
6 I have no faith in my abilities, no matter how many
people I help.

Rand Al'Thor
by Matt Peterson
Model Kyle Paul
Chapter 5: Skills

While most of the skills from the PH remain

skills unchanged, the Invert and Innuendo skills from the

RPG were added to this update.
The Arcana and Religion skills have been

Wisdom (Innuendo)
Innuendo allows a character to deliver messages to
other characters, while appearing to talk about
completely different subjects. To transfer a
message, you and the recipient must make a
Wisdom (Innuendo) contest. The result of your
Wisdom (Innuendo) check is the DC for others to
understand your message. The person for whom
your message is meant receives advantage when
he attempts to understand it.
A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check allows a
person to understand a secret message has been
delivered, without understanding its meaning.

Intelligence (Invert)
Inverting is the art of turning your weaves so that
they are invisible to other channelers. The Invert
skill is a contest between you and other channelers.
Whenever you tie off a weave (see the “Tie Off
Weave” ability for Initiates and Wilders), you can
use your bonus action to make an Intelligence
(Invert) check. Your check result is the DC for other
channelers to detect your weaves using a Wisdom
(Perception) check.

Dance with Jak o' the Shadows by endive on DeviantArt:
Chapter 6: Feats


feats The following section describes feats based on the

RPG and changes to feats from the PH.

Canceled feats
Elemental Adept
Magic Initiate
Ritual Caster
War Caster

Changed feats
Mage Slayer = Channeler Slayer

New Feats
Composure (Rare)
You learned how to control your body through
control of your emotions.
• Your Intelligence or Wisdom score is increased
by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You are no longer subject to the effects of mild
heat or cold – you do not sweat, shake, etc.
• You gain advantage in contests when others use
the Insight, Intimidation or Persuasion skills
against you.
• After you finish a long rest, you gain temporary
hit points equal to your character level.

Create Angreal (Lost)

Prerequisites: Intelligence 14+, Channeler level
You have rediscovered the ancient art of creating
Angreal, or you were taught by someone already
possessing the knowledge.
• You can create an Angreal of a power up to your
Intelligence modifier. If you create the Angreal
while linked, you may add the additional weave
levels as Angreal power levels.

A party attacked by Trollocs by Sam Wood
• Creating an Angreal requires a channeling ability involved in the process gains 2 levels of
check, the DC of which equals 20 + the power exhaustion.
level of the Angreal you're trying to create, as • Male channelers can only create Angreal for
well as a suitable object. The object must be of a Saidin, while female channelers can only create
solid substance (ivory, metal, glass, etc.). Angreal for Saidar.
Traditionally it is shaped as a small statue, a • Despite the name, this feat allows the channeler
piece of jewelry, a small rod, or another small, to create Sa'angreal as well. If the power level of
easily portable object. the artifact exceeds 3, it is a Sa'angreal.
• Creating an Angreal takes one hour for every
Create Ter'angreal (Lost)
power level of the Angreal. A channeling ability
Prerequisites: Channeler level 12+
check is required every hour, and the DC
You have rediscovered the ancient art of creating
increases by 1 every hour. The power level must
Ter'angreal, or you were taught by someone
be decided at the start of the creation process
already possessing the knowledge.
and cannot be changed. This channeling ability
• If you spend 24 hours studying an existing
check is in addition to the overchanneling check
Ter'angreal, you can create a copy of it. To do so,
required by any channeler holding the power for
you must succeed in a DC 20 channeling ability
a long period of time (see chapter 9: Channeling).
check. A result of up to 25 allows you to create a
• Creating objects of power is a tiresome ordeal.
weaker version of the Ter'angreal, while a result
After creating an object of power, any channeler
of 30 or higher allows you to create an exact

• You can attempt to create original Ter'angreal, Dreamwalker (Lost)
but this procedure is dangerous and should not Prerequisites: Dreamer, level 12+.
be attempted lightly. To do so, you must succeed You have mastered controlling the World of
in a concentration check of DC 25. You gain a +1 Dreams and gain the following benefits:
bonus for each of your affinities used to create • You are no longer limited in the distance you may
the Ter’angreal. If the effect of the Ter'angreal is travel while in Tal’aran’rhiod. You can cover
within one of your talents (as determined by the great distances with a few steps and move
GM), you gain advantage on the roll. yourself instantly to any place you know and can
If you succeed, you create the Ter'angreal picture in your mind.
successfully. If you fail, the attempt fails and the • You gain advantages on all Wisdom (Insight)
object breaks. If you fail with a 10 points margin, checks made to resist and destroy nightmares.
you to become nauseated for 1d3 days. If you fail • You may change your appearance at will. You
with a 20-point margin you must make an must make a Charisma (Deception) skill check.
overchannel check. If you fail, you are burned, Your result is the DC for other creatures to
unable to touch – or even feel – the One Power realize you are in disguise using a Wisdom
anymore. If you succeed on the overchannel (Insight) check.
check, you become nauseated for 1d6 days. • You gain advantage on all Wisdom (Insight)
checks made to transfer you based on need.
Dreamer (Lost)
Prerequisites: Level 8+ Exceptional Channeler
You have learned to enter, and to some level Prerequisites: Channeler level 12+
control, the World of Dreams. Through vigorous training, you became
• While sleeping, you may enter the World of exceptionally proficient at channeling.
Dreams at will. • Whenever you cast a weave, you may cast an
• You can change the details of your own additional one of a lower level at the same time,
appearance (such as clothes, jewels, hair style or the total level of both cannot exceed half your
color, subtle changes to your nose, lips, and eyes, channeler level.
etc.) but not your whole body. • You gain advantage on overchanneling checks.
• While in Tal’aran’rhiod, you can appear in any
The Flame and the Void (Rare)
location you can see within 1,000 ft. of your
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, trained by someone
current location. You do not need to walk there –
possessing this feat
you simply appear at that location.
You learned how to feed your emotions to a mental
• You can attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check to try
flame, burning them away and leaving you in a
and move yourself to a location based on
calm state absent of fear, pain and all other
desperate need. For example, if you need to find
emotions or feelings which may impair you in
a dangerous darkfriend, Tal’aran’rhiod might
combat. You may use your action to make a DC 12
teleport you to the city, if not the specific room,
Wisdom check, with the following modifiers:
in which he is currently residing. The DC for the
Table 13: The Flame and the Void Modifiers
check is determined by the GM.
Condition modifier
In threat range of a foe +10
Under mental or physical fatigue or +5
Bound or otherwise confined +5

If you succeed, you "enter the void". Once in the • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a
void, nothing but a devastating physical or mental maximum of 20.
shock may pull you out. This includes taking • You gain an advantage on all saving throws made
damage equals to half your maximum HP, failing a to prevent gaining a level of exhaustion or being
Wisdom save against compulsion or other charm poisoned or diseased.
effects, hearing shocking news or witnessing • When you roll a 1 on your
shockingly surprising events, etc. Death saving throws, it only
While in the void, you can add your counts as 1 fail (instead of the
Wisdom modifier to all attack normal 2).
rolls (melee and ranged) and • You have advantage on all
you gain advantage on all Strength (Athletics)
Wisdom saving throws. checks. If you are using
the optional Endurance
Focus skill, you gain advantage on all
Prerequisites: Channeler level
Constitution (Endurance)
You may choose an object small
enough to be carried in one Read Ter'angreal
hand, preferably transparent to (Lost)
some degree. You may use this Prerequisites: Channeler level
object as a focusing tool while 8+
weaving. By studying a Ter'angreal for 1 hour,
• You may use your action to you understand its purpose and
An Ogier Tree Singing by Kev Walker
make a DC 15 channeling may use it safely. This requires a
ability check to focus on the object until the end successful channeling ability check (The DC is
of your next turn. While focusing, you may not determined by the GM).
take any action, bonus action or reaction.
Sense Shadowspawn
• Once you have managed to gain the necessary
Prerequisites: Channeler
focus, you can maintain it for a number of rounds
Channelers' connection to the One Power allows
equal to your channeling ability modifier without
them to feel shadowspawn as they draw near.
making another channeling ability check, unless
You can use a bonus action to make a
you are attacked or otherwise distracted, in
channeling ability check. The DC depends on the
which case you must make a concentration
distance of the shadowspawn:
check to maintain your focus.
Table 14: Sense Shadowspawn
• While focused, the range of cantrips and 1st level
weaves is doubled, and 1st level weaves cost you Distance DC
300 ft. or lower 10
no weave slots. 1,500 ft. or lower 15
3,000 feet or lower 20
1 mile or lower 25
Great Fortitude
Prerequisites: Constitution 16+ If you are occupied or otherwise distracted, you
Your body is a masterpiece of physical supremacy. have disadvantage on the check.
You gain the following benefits: • This ability does not allow you to know the
direction or distance of the shadowspawn, only

that they are somewhere near you (though Weave Without Gestures (Rare)
obviously you know they are within 1 mile of your Prerequisites: Must have learned from someone
location). who possesses this feat
Different channelers learn the same weaves in
Sniffer (Lost) different ways. For example, Aes Sedai tend to
A sniffer can smell the foul stench of violence that throw fireballs with a hand gesture, while Aiel
occurred in his current location as clearly as other simply form them in front of them.
people smell flowers. The more violent the nature • You may learn to cast weaves without using the
of the act and the more recently it occurred, the gestures. However, once a weave is learned with
fouler it smells. a gesture, it is impossible to unlearn it.
• You do not require a Wisdom (Survival) check Therefore, this feat only affects weaves you learn
when tracking a foe who has done violence from the moment you chose this feat.
within the last 10 days. You can track him by his • If you attempt to use the Weavesight ability to
foul, violent stench. learn a weave from a channeler using gestures,
• You receive advantage on Intelligence (Insight) the DC to learn it without the gestures is
checks. increased by 5. If the weave is taught to you
• You can differentiate between different violent specifically, you can deduce how to cast it
foes by their distinctive violent smell. without gestures, even if your teacher is using
gestures himself.
Prerequisites: Ogier, Charisma 13+ Wolfbrother (Lost)
While all Ogier share a bond with growing things, A Wolfbrother is a person that can communicate
some have the rare talent to communicate with with wolves telepathically. This connection is
trees and shape them to their will. usually frightening at first, and possibly maddening
• You can sing to trees for a number of minutes as the person becomes more and more like a wolf
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 himself.
minute), strengthening them and accelerating
their growth and healing. Trees you are singing
to gain +50 maximum hit points, as well as
recover 5 hit points per minute of song. The tree
is also healed of disease and grows an additional
5 ft. per minute of singing, to a maximum of 20
• Only living trees can be subject to tree singing,
not wooden objects.
• You can shape the wood of a tree into crafted
objects, as described in the original Treesinger
feat in the RPG, by making a Charisma check,
adding your proficiency bonus, instead of a Craft
skill check.

72 Wolfbrother by Adam Rex

You can communicate with wolves up to 10
miles from your location. This communication is
limited, since wolves do not understand human
speech. You can pass and receive feelings such as
danger, scents, sounds, and sights.
Your eyes become golden and sharp like a
wolf’s. You can see ten times as far as normal, and
you are not affected by dim light conditions.
Complete darkness is like dim light to you.
Your sense of smell allows you to track by scent
and be aware of others long before others can see
them. You can no longer be caught by surprise, and
you gain advantage on all Wisdom (Survival)
checks made to track others.
You may attempt to call the wolves for help. The
stronger your connection is to them, the better the
chance they will come to your aid, as determined
by the GM.
You suffer a madness rating, much like that of
male channelers, without the decaying disease.
The higher your madness rating, the more like a
wolf you become, and the more your humanity is
lost, unless you find a way to balance between your
humanity and your wolf nature.

Chapter 7: Equipment


equipment The world of the Wheel of Time includes some

unique types of equipment, starting with Gleemen
or Warder Cloaks, an Aiel buckler and spear, a
Blademaster’s Sword or Seanchan spears. This
chapter will provide revised rules for the
equipment in the RPG and PH. If an item does not
have a description here, use its description from
the RPG or the PH.

For simplicity, this system uses four main types of
coins (in opposed to the six types in the novels):
Copper Penny (CP) and Silver Penny (SP) are by
far the most common coins. The day to day lives of
most people include these coins, and they are
sufficient to buy food, modest clothing, pay for
supplies and rent rooms at inns. The Silver Mark
(MK) is the equivalent of D&D’s “gp”, and is the
standard for adventurers using the services of
specialized craftsmen, armorers, weapon smiths,
The Gold Crown (GC) is only used by nobles
and the higher classes – bankers, Tairen horse
merchants, etc. Most people, including common
inn keepers, will not have change for these coins.
The following table shows the exchange rate for
each type of coin:
Table 15: Exchange Rate
Copper Penny (CP) 1 1/10 1/100 1/1,000
Silver Penny (SP) 10 1 1/10 1/100
Silver Mark (MK) 100 10 1 1/10
Gold Crown (GC) 1,000 100 10 1

For ease of use, it is assumed that all countries are

using coinage of the same value. If you wish to play
with difference in currencies or with less emphasis
on coinage, see the Currency or Wealth sections of
Chapter 13: Optional and Alternative Rules.

Coins by Shire Post Mint

Coinage and Tiers of Play high nobles and rulers for large purchases
The simplest way to manage coinage is to tie it to (equipment for large military forces, construction,
the Tiers of Play as described in chapter 1, page 15 exchanges between kingdoms, etc.).
of the PH. Characters in the first tier should not
deal with coinage more expensive than Silver Armor
Pennies (SP). Characters in tier 2 can start dealing In the world of the wheel of Time there are
in Silver Marks (MK) and perhaps the occasional different types of armor than those available in the
Gold Crown (GC). Characters in the third tier PH. You can consult table 14: Armor to find the
should deal mostly in Silver Marks and Gold available armors in the Wheel of Time:
Crowns (GC), though the latter is mostly used by

Table 16: Armors

Armor Cost Armor Class Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
Padded 5 mk 11 + Dex modifier - Disadvantage 10 lb.
Leather 10 mk 11 + Dex modifier - 15 lb.
Studded Leather 25 mk 12 + Dex modifier - 20 lb.
Mail Shirt 10 gc 14 + Dex modifier - 25 lb.
Medium armor
Hide 15 mk 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) - 25 lb.
Brigandine Shirt 5 gc 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) - 30 lb.
Full Mail 15 gc 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 40 lb.
Breastplate 20 gc 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) - 30 lb.
Lacquered Plate 25 gc 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 35 lb.
Heavy armor
Full Brigandine 20 gc 16 15 Disadvantage 45 lb.
Banded Mail 25 gc 16 + Dex modifier (max 1) 13 Disadvantage 35 lb.
Plate-and-Mail 60 gc 17 15 Disadvantage 50 lb.
Full Plate 150 gc 18 17 Disadvantage 50 lb.
Myrddraal Black Plate - 18 + Dex modifier (max 4) 17 75 lb.
Buckler, Aiel* 25 mk +1 - - 2 lb.
Shield 20 mk +2 - - 6 lb.
* An Aiel Buckler requires a separate proficiency than regular shields

Armors by Ted Beargeon

Armor Description skilled enough blacksmith. However, people
Description for most armors is provided in the familiar with such armors will most likely assume
Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game. Below are the wearer is a darkfriend.
descriptions for those armors that have been
changed from their original description. Weapons
Buckler, Aiel: The Algai’d’siswai use a small, Most weapons in the Wheel of Time are similar to
round, bull-hide shield strapped to their off-hand their PH counterparts. However, some weapons
arm. This shield provides a +1 AC bonus and are unavailable, while others have been changed.
allows the use of off hands weapons with no Consult table 17: Weapons to see what weapons
penalty but does not allow the use of the shield to are available.
shove or attack. All Algai’d’siswai are proficient
Weapon Description
with the buckler.
Description for most weapons is provided in the
Lacquered Plate: The Seanchan use a lighter,
Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game or the PH.
colorful, lacquered version of the banded mail. It
Below are descriptions for those weapons that
provides less protection but is less restrictive than
have been changed from their original description.
banded mail.
Ashandarei: This ancient weapon is hardly in use
Myrddraal Black Plate: The Myrddraal wear a
today and cannot be bought in most markets. The
specially made, articulate, black plate armor
Ashandarei is similar to a quarterstaff with a short-
designed to provide maximum protection without
curved blade at one end. The Ashandarei is
decreasing mobility. These are made for individual
considered a polearm for the purposes of the
Myrddraal but can be refitted for humans by a
Polearm Master feat

Weapons by Ted Beargeon

Table 17: Weapons
Name Price Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Club - 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light
Dagger 2 mk 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (20/60)
Greatclub 5 mk 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Handaxe 6 mk 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Light hammer 2 mk 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Light mace 5 mk 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. -
Heavy mace 12 mk 1d8 bludgeoning 12 lb. -
Quarterstaff - 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile
Sickle 6 mk 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Light
Spear, Aiel* 5 mk 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, thrown (30/120), versatile (1d8)
Spear, Seanchan 10 mk 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Thrown (30/120), versatile (1d8)
Simple Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, light 35 mk 1d8 piercing 6 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-
Shortbow 30 mk 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Sling - 1d4 bludgeoning 0 lb. Ammunition (30/120)
Martial Melee Weapons
Ashandarei* 80 mk 1d6 slashing 10 lb. Finesse, special, versatile (1d8)
Axe, hafted 20 mk 1d12 slashing 12 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Battleaxe 10 mk 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Bill 9 mk 2d4 slashing 10 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Hammer, smith’s 12 mk 1d8 bludgeoning 8 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Lance, light 6 mk 1d6 piercing 5 lb. Reach, special
Lance, heavy 10 mk 1d8 piercing 10 lb. Reach, special
Longsword 15 mk 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Pike 5 mk 1d10 piercing 10 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Poleaxe* 10 mk 1d10 slashing 15 lb. Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
Rapier (3) 20 mk 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Finesse
Sap 1 mk 1d6 bludgeoning 3 lb. Finesse, light
Scimitar, Seanchan 15 mk 1d6 slashing 4 lb. Finesse, light
Scythe* 18 mk 2d4 piercing/slashing 12 lb. Special
Scythesword, Trolloc* - 2d4 slashing 16 lb. Heavy, special, two-handed
Shortsword 10 mk 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Sword, Blademaster’s* 100 mk 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Finesse, special, versatile
Sword, Warder’s* 35 mk 1d10 slashing 10 lb. Heavy, special, versatile (2d6)
Swordbreaker 25 mk 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, light, special
Trident 15 mk 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Whip 1 mk 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, reach
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, heavy 50 mk 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading,
Longbow 75 mk 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-
Longbow, Two-Rivers* 100 mk 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 200/800), heavy, special,
Net* 20 mk - 3 lb. Special, thrown (5/15)
* These weapons have special requirements or rules. Read the weapon description for details.

Longbow, Two-Rivers: The Two-Rivers have a Strength check, freeing itself or another creature
larger, heavier type of bow. You must have a within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing
Strength score of 13 to use this bow. damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature
Poleaxe: The Poleaxe is considered a polearm for without harming it, ending the effect and
the purpose of the Polearm Master feat. destroying the net.
Net: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction
restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on to attack with a net, you can make only one attack
creatures that are formless, or creatures that are regardless of the number of attacks you can
Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to normally make.
make a DC 10

Scythe: This weapon can be used to either stab or damage you wish to deal, striking with the sharp
slash the target. You can choose what type of point or the blade itself.
Table 18: Adventuring Gear
Item Price Weight Item Price Weight
Ammunition Ink pen 1 sp *
Arrows (20) 1 mk 1 lb. Jug or pitcher 3 cp 4 lb.
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 mk 1 ½ lb. Ladder (10 ft.) 5 cp 20 lb.
Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1 ½ lb. Lamp, common 1 sp 1 lb.
Backpack 2 sp 2 lb. Lantern, hooded 7 mk 2 lb.
Barrel (empty) 5 sp 30 lb. Lock
Basket (empty) 4 sp 1 lb. Simple 2 gc 1 lb.
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lb. Average 4 gc 1 lb.
Bell 5 sp * Good 8 gc 1 lb.
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lb. Amazing 15 gc 1 lb.
Block and Tackle 5 sp 5 lb. Looking glass 100 gc 1 lb.
Book 25 mk 5 lb. Manacles 15 mk 2 lb.
Bottle, glass 2 mk 2 lb. Magnifying glass 10 gc
Bucket (empty) 5 cp 2 lb. Mess kit 2 sp 1 lb.
Candle 1 cp * Mirror, small steel 10 mk ½ lb.
Canvas (square yard) 1 sp 1 lb. Oil (1-pint flask) 3 mk 1 lb.
Case, crossbow bolts 1 mk 1 lb. Paper (sheet) 4 sp *
Case, map or scroll 1 mk ½ lb. Parchment (sheet) 2 sp *
Chain (10 ft.) 10 mk 10 lb. Perfume (vial) 5 mk *
Chalk, 1 piece 1 cp * Pick, miner’s 3 mk 10 lb.
Chest (empty) 5 mk 25 lb. Piton 1 sp ½ lb.
Climber’s kit 80 mk 5 lb. Playing cards (deck) 10 mk *
Clothes, artisan’s outfit 1 mk 4 lb. Pole (10 ft.) 2 sp 8 lb.
Clothes, Cold weather 8 mk 7 lb. Pot, iron 5 sp 10 lb.
Clothes, courtier’s outfit 30 mk 6 lb. Pouch, belt 5 sp 1 lb.
Clothes, gleeman’s outfit 3 mk 4 lb. Quiver 1 mk 1 lb.
Clothes, explorer’s outfit 10 mk 8 lb. Ram, portable 10 mk 35 lb.
Clothes, noble outfit 8 gc 10 lb. Rations (per day) 5 sp 1 lb.
Clothes, peasant outfit 1 sp 2 lb. Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1 mk 10 lb.
Clothes, royal outfit 20 gc 15 lb. Rope, silk (50 ft.) 10 mk 5 lb.
Clothes, scholar outfit 5 mk 6 lb. Sack (empty) 1 sp ½ lb.
Clothes, traveler outfit 1 mk 5 lb. Scale, merchant 2 mk 3 lb.
Crowbar 2 mk 5 lb. Sealing wax 1 mk 1 lb.
Dice, set 5 sp * Sewing needle 5 sp *
Firewood (per day) 1 cp 20 lb. Signal Whistle 5 sp *
Fishhook 1 sp * Signet ring 5 mk *
Fishing net, 25 square ft. 4 mk 5 lb. Sledge 1 mk 10 lb.
Flask and tankard 3 cp 1 lb. Soap (per lb.) 5 sp 1 lb.
Flint and Steel 1 mk * Spade or shovel 5 sp 5 lb.
Grappling hook 1 mk 4 lb. Spikes, iron (10) 1 mk 5 lb.
Hammer 5 sp 2 lb. Tent, two-person 10 mk 20 lb.
Healer’s kit 5 sp 3 lb. Torch 1 cp 1 lb.
Hourglass 25 mk 1 lb. Vial, empty 1 mk *
Hunting trap 5 mk 25 lb. Waterskin 1 mk 5 lb. (full)
Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 mk * Whetstone 2 cp 1 lb.

Scythesword: Trollocs use a large weapon, too big a special type of sword. This sword can be used
to be used by medium-sized creatures. You must with one or two hands like a longsword; however,
have a Strength score of 18 or a size of Large or its structure is rather different. A Blademaster’s
above to use this weapon. sword has a slightly curved blade. The inner side of
Spear, Aiel: The Algai’d’siswai use a shorter, the curve is slightly wider than the outer side.
lighter version of a spear. This gives the spear the Despite its name, the Blademaster’s sword can
finesse property. An Aiel spear requires its own be used by anyone proficient with Longswords, but
proficiency to use. only a Blademaster can use its full potential with
Sword, Blademaster’s: To perform his sword forms. If anyone other than a Blademaster
complicated sword forms, a Blademaster must use

uses this sword, they cannot use the weapon’s Table 18: Adventuring Gear lists commonly
finesse property. available equipment. The description for each item
Sword, Warder’s: Warders use a heavier type of can be found in the RPG or the PH. The healer’s
long sword. You must have a Strength score of 16 kit description is listed below, as it has changed.
to use this sword regularly, otherwise it is a two- Healer’s Kit: This kit is a leather pouch containing
handed weapon that deals 1d10 slashing damage. Bandages and herbs. The kit has ten uses. As an
Swordbreaker: The sword breaker is a action, you can expend one use of the kit to
particularly nasty device. Similar to a short sword, stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without
the sword breaker contains deep notches down needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.
one side of the blade, meant to catch and break an In addition, the kit contains two doses of Andilay
opponent’s blade. This sword requires special root, Boneknit, Dogwart and Feverbane.
training, but all Thief Catchers are trained with its
use. Tools
There are several tools described in the PH that
Adventuring Gear are not available in the world of the Wheel of Time,
Each town and city in the world usually offer basic and some that have been changed from their
equipment for travelers, peddlers, passing nobles, original description. Please see table 18: Tools for
etc. However, not every commodity is available in a list of available tools.
every town. The Gamemaster can adjust this list

Adventuring Gear by Ted Beargeon

Table 19: Tools Poisoner's kit: A poisoner's kit includes the vials,
Tool Price Weight chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the
Artisan’s Tools
Brewer's supplies 20 mk 9 lb. creation of poisons. To extract poison or venom
Calligrapher's supplies 10 mk 5 lb. from plants or animals, the user of this kit must
Carpenter's tools 8 mk 6 lb.
Cartographer's tools 15 mk 6 lb. make an Intelligence skill check (DC = the poison's
Cobbler's tools 5 mk 5 lb.
Cook's utensils 1 mk 8 lb.
saving throw DC) and spend one hour refining
Glassblower's tools 30 mk 5 lb. them from their source for each dose. Proficiency
Jeweler’s tools 25 mk 2 lb.
Leatherworker's tools 5 mk 5 lb. with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to
Mason's tools 10 mk 8 lb. the check.
Painter's supplies 10 mk 5 lb.
Potter's tools 10 mk 3 lb.
Smith’s tools 20 mk 8 lb. Herbs, medicines, and poisons
Tinker's tools 50 mk 10 lb.
Weaver's tools 1 mk 5 lb. There are many herbs, medicines and poisons that
Woodcarver's tools 1 mk 5 lb.
can be grown or gathered in the wilds. Some might
Disguise kit 25 mk 3 lb.
Forgery kit 15 mk 5 lb. be available as services in villages or cities, while
Herbalism kit 5 mk 3 lb.
Musical instrument others are rarer and must be gathered. Table 20:
Drum 6 mk 3 lb. Poisons and Venoms and table 21: Herbs and
Flute 2 sp 1 lb.
Harp 1 gc 9 lb. Medicine provide lists of these items. If they are
Horn 3 mk 2 lb.
Navigator's tools 25 mk 2 lb.
available as a commodity, a price will be given for
Poisoner's kit 50 mk 2 lb. them. Descriptions for these and more of generic
Thieves' tools 25 mk 1 lb.
plants is given in chapter 8: A Living World.
Herbalism kit: This kit contains a variety of
instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, Special Items
and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create
There are several unique items in the world of the
remedies. Proficiency with this kit lets you add
Wheel of time, some of which cannot be bought.
your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you
Table 22: Special Items includes those items
make to identify or apply herbs. If an herb's
which can be commonly found. If an item does not
description in table 21: Herbs and Medicines
have a price, it cannot be bought on the open
requires a mixture with other herbs, the user must
market and must be specially made. More items
first use an action to mix them together using this
may be found on the Trade Goods table in the RPG,
page 113.
Table 20: Poisons and Venoms
Name Saving Throw Application Effect
Asping Rot Constitution DC 21 Ingested Death after 1 hour, or 15d6 poison damage on successful save
Blacklance venom* Constitution DC 14 Contact 2d6 poison damage, or half as much on a successful save
Bloodsnake venom* Constitution DC 10 Contact 2d4 poison damage, or half as much on a successful save
Crimsonthorn root Constitution DC 16 Ingested Paralyzed for 1d10 minutes, taking 1d6 poison damage each turn
on fail, or 3d6 poison damage on success
Forkroot Constitution DC 20 Ingested Paralyzed for 1d4 hours and unable to touch the One Power on fail,
or stunned for 1d4 rounds on success
Gara venom* Constitution DC 15 Contact 2d6 poison damage, or half as much on a successful save
Grey Fennel Constitution DC 18 Contact Drop to 0 hit points, or 6d6 poison damage on success.
Tarchrot Constitution DC 13 Ingested 1d10 poison damage, or half on a successful save
* a poison from a creature of the same name

Table 21: Herbs and Medicines
Name Saving Throw Application Effect Price Limitations
Herbs and Medicines
Andilay root - Ingested Removes the effect of one level - Short or Long rest
of fatigue
Blue Goatflower - Contact Half time to heal broken bones 2 sp Must be used after Boneknit
with Boneknit
Boneknit - Ingested Heals broken bones in 20 days 1 sp Applied daily
Chora - Sit under Remove 1 level of fatigue and Short or long rest
gain 2d6 temporary hit points
Corenroot - Ingested Regain 1d6 hit points 5 sp Below max hit points, Long rest
Crimsonthorn root - Ingested Gain 1d10 temporary hit points Short rest
Dogwart - Ingested Regain 1d6 hit points 5 sp Below max hit points, short or
Long rest
Feverbane - Ingested Gain advantage on saving 3 cp Long Rest
throw vs. disease for 24 hours
Five-Fingers - Contact Gain 2d8 temporary hit points Below max hit points, mixed
with ground Icy and Sunburst
Flatwort - Ingested Remove one level of fatigue Long rest
Ground Ivy - Contact Gain 2d8 temporary hit points Below max hit points, mixed
with Five-Fingers and Sunburst
Healall - Ingested or Regain 1d4 hit points Short rest
Heartleaf - Ingested Infertility for 1d4 days Women only
Lionheart - Ingested Gain 2d8 temporary hit points Below max hit points, short or
Long rest
Mardroot - Contact Regain 1d6 hit points Below max hit points, short or
Long rest
Sorfa - Contact Regain 1d6 hit points Below max hit points, short or
Long rest
Sunburst root - Contact Gain 2d8 temporary hit points Below max hit points, mixed
with Five-Fingers and Sunburst
Worrynot root - Ingested Gain advantage on saving Long Rest
throw vs. disease for 24 hours

Blacksmith's puzzle: A blacksmith's puzzle is a

small thinking game, usually made of small metal
pieces. The puzzle can include anything from small
locks, small shapes that require assembly in a
specific order, gear mechanisms, etc.
Card set: A deck of hand-painted playing cards,
usually depicting local or regional nobility as face
cards. Standard cards employ five different suits –
Flames, Rods, Cups, Coins, and Winds, for a variety
of games. Cards are usually the game of nobles or
wealthy merchants, while the more common folk
and soldiers prefer dice games.
Clock: Only the finest craftsmen and blacksmiths
can create details small and fine enough for a clock,
and only the wealthy can order the creation of such
delicately calibrated objects. Clocks are rare pieces
which can tell the exact time of day, using a
Gently down the stream by Vince Locke

complicated array of tiny wheels and weights. They Snakes and Foxes set: A set of the child's game
are usually found in noblemen mansions or Snakes and Foxes. This game is played by children
successful inns. Clocks cannot be carried around – until they grow to realize that
they are calibrated on the spot and lose their the game cannot be won
accuracy (or stop working without cheating.
all together) if moved. Stones set: Stones is a two-
Dice set: A well-made set of player game using a small
six-sided dice, usually board with black and white
carved from bone or wood, stones. Each opponent
are used to determine attempts to capture the stones
random outcomes in games of the opponent, much like a
of chance, such as Crowns, game of Go.
Top, Threes, and Compass. Stones is popular across
Dice are usually thrown the Westlands and
from a cup. A set usually the Seanchan Empire,
consists of five dice. meaning it pre-dates Artur
Gleeman's cloak: The Hawkwing's time. It is
Gleeman's colored patched considered a gentleman's
cloak is a trademark, game, like chess, and is valued
recognized throughout the by generals, nobles, and
Westlands as the symbol of rulers.
the Gleemen. If any other Domani Armsman by Adam Rex Two-Rivers Tabac: Pipes
character who isn't a are common in the Wheel of
Gleeman attempts to wear the cloak, all Gleemen Time world. Different types of Tabac exist, but none
who recognize the deception will likely become are as rare in their quality as that from the Two-
hostile. Rivers. The small quantity grown makes it rare and
Ice peppers: The spicy Ice peppers are one of expensive.
Saldaea's most profitable exports. Table 22: Special Items
Item Price Weight
Illuminator's flare: Illuminators keep their Clock 50 gc 4 lb.
fireworks formula secret yet are prepared to sell the Drinks
Kaf, powder jug* 3 gc 1 lb.
finished goods to the public. These flares are Oosquai, jug of 5 mk 2 lb.
expensive, vary in the color and shape of the Gaming sets
Blacksmith's puzzle 2 cp 1 lb.
explosion and are considered prestigious at parties Snakes and Foxes set 5 cp -
Stones set 2 sp 1 lb.
and holidays. Gleeman's cloak - 1 lb.
The flares are also extremely dangerous and can Ice peppers 5 mk 1 lb.
Illuminator's flare 5 mk 1/2 lb.
cause anything between 1d6 and 4d6 fire damage, Two-Rivers Tabac, pouch 5 mk 1/2 lb.
depending on the size. Warder cloak - 1 lb.
Warder cloak: Warder's cloaks are made of the
Kaf: Kaf is a coffee-like drink brought to the
mystical Fancloth, woven by a unique Ter’angreal
wastelands by the Seanchan.
at the White Tower. Although they by no means
Oosquai: An Aiel made corn liquor legendary for its
make the wearer invisible, they do seem to blend
oddly into the background, making the wearer

Warder cloaks are not available on the open columns in table 23: Mounts and Related Gear
market. They are issued at no cost to the Warders details the price and weight difference for such
of Aes Sedai, and all are considered property of the armor. For example, fitting a horse with full mail
White Tower. Any available for sale would have to armor would cost 30 gc and it will weigh 80 lb.
have been stolen (a tricky proposition for any thief) (twice the price and weight of human full mail
or scavenged from the body of a dead Warder. In armor).
either case, the wearer risks confrontation with any This armor is also subject to any stealth
Aes Sedai who learns that she owns one. disadvantages as normal human armor. In addition,
Table 23: Food and Lodging the speed of animals wearing medium or heavy
Item Price Weight
armors is reduced by 10 ft.
Gallon 2 sp 8 lb. Exotic saddle: These saddles are used for exotic
Mug 4 cp 1 lb.
Banquet, per person 10 mk - Seanchan animals, such as the Corlm or Raken.
Bread, per loaf 2 cp 1/2 lb. They need to be made for each animal individually,
Cheese, hunk of 1 sp 1/2 lb.
Inn stay, per day hence their high price.
Noble 1 gc -
Good 2 mk - Table 25: Hauling Vehicles
Common 5 sp - Holds or Item Price Weight Carries
Poor 2 sp - Cart 15 mk 200 lb. 1/2 tons
Meals, per day Sled 20 mk 300 lb. 1 ton
Good 5 sp - Wagon 35 mk 400 lb. 2 tons
Common 3 sp -
Meat, chunk of
1 sp
3 sp
1/2 lb.
Military Expenses
Rations, per day 5 sp 1 lb. While a GM can decide to give certain discounts for
Fine (bottle) 10 mk 1 1/2 bulk expenses, it is also important to remember that
lb. buying in bulk can be extremely expensive if the
Common (pitcher) 2 sp 6 lb.
amount is too large for a craftsman to make on his
Table 24: Mounts and Related Gear
Item Price Weight own. This is especially true for the Armsman’s
Medium-sized creature X2 X2
Commander archetype.
Large creature X4 X3 For example, purchasing wagons for an entire
Bit and Bridle 2 mk 1 lb.
Donkey or Mule 8 mk - army will require hiring a team of specialized
Feed, per day 5 cp 10 lb. craftsmen to build and fix the army’s wagons. These
Heavy 20 mk hirelings are often required to go with the army,
Light 10 mk
Pony 5 mk leaving their families for an uncertain amount of
Heavy Warhorse 50 gc time.
Light Warhorse 15 gc
Saddle The pay for such services is described in table
Military 20 mk 30 lb. 27: Services. The column “Field pay” refers to the
Pack 5 mk 15 lb.
Riding 10 mk 25 lb. price of a service if the hireling is required to move
Saddle, Exotic
Military 60 mk 40 lb. with the army.
Pack 15 ml 20 lb. Some of the price can be covered by unskilled
Riding 30 mk 30 lb.
Saddlebags 4 mk 8 lb. laborers joining the military camp. For example,
Stabling, per day 5 sp -
spouses can be used as cooks, children as
Barding: Riding animals can be fitted with any
messengers in the camp, etc.
type of armor. The size of such armor is much
larger than human armor, and therefore the price
and weight are also greater. The Price and Weight

spouses can be used as cooks, children as Table 26: Services
Service Pay Field pay
messengers in the camp, etc. Coach cab
Between towns 3 cp per mile 4 cp per mile
Within a city 1 cp 2 cp
Skilled 2 mk per day 3 mk per day
Unskilled 2 sp per day 3 sp per day
Between towns 2 cp per mile 3 cp per mile
Within a city/camp 1 cp 2 cp
Some services, such as passage on a ship, are
usually negotiated between the parties.


The World of The

Wheel of Time

Matrim Cauthon
by Samantha Johnson
Chapter 8: A Living World


A Living World The world of The Wheel of Time is unique in its

depth and details, including a variety of plants and
animals, customs, idioms and more. Some of these
are familiar, though their names and usage might
be different, while others are exotic and foreign.
In previous chapters, we explored your
character’s origin, background, class, and
everything else that make it playable. But those
were mostly game statistics. What do people talk
like where your character comes from? Do they
have special customs? Special clothing style? In
this chapter we explore how to bring your
character, and the world around it, alive.

Heroic Characteristics
In this section, we explore ways to help you
personalize your character, make it more unique
and help you feel comfortable with it. This can help
you bring your character to life and make it feel as
a real part of the world of the Wheel of Time.

You can invent a name for your character or choose
a name from the RPG or from the Geography
section below, which details example names of
characters from different countries of the
Pick a name you are familiar with, as that is the
name you will be referred to around the gaming
table whenever in-game roleplaying is taking place.

Gender and Sexual Orientation

Gender plays an important role in the Wheel of
Time. Channelers are most affected, as only
women can channel Saidar and only men can
channel Saidin. Even among non-channelers,
many cultures have specific gender roles. For
example, Altaran law allows only women to own
land, while only men can own ships.
While the channeling rules are strict, you
should feel free to play a character that defies

cultural gender roles. An Altaran man can move to The appearance of people from different
another country to own land there, for example, or countries is described in detail in the RPG. It is
a man can flee Far Madding to live up to his recommended to read the descriptions in chapter
potential away from the restricting gender culture. 2: Backgrounds of the RPG instead of relying on
Your character's sexual orientation is also up to the generic descriptions in chapter 6: Heroic
you. No culture in the Wheel of Time restricts one's Characteristics. The generic description group
sexual partners. Some cultures put more emphasis together characters of different backgrounds,
on lineage, but even those do not look down upon while some of them have extremely different
any sexual orientation. In the White Tower, for appearances. For example, all four borderland
example, novices are often "pillow friends" – kingdoms are grouped as Borderlanders in chapter
engaging in homosexual activities with their 6, while chapter 2 gives different descriptions for
roommates during their training. each country separately (though all are still under
Age and Appearance
You can decide your character's age as you see fit. Goals
Channeler live exceedingly long lives, but they are Select objectives for your character. They can be
not the only characters that can be effective and short or long-term goals that you wish to
interesting at older ages. Thom Merrilin, a accomplish.
gleeman, is as agile and handsome in his advanced You can create both in-game goals and
age as he was in his twenties. In some cultures, old roleplaying goals for your character. For example,
age is revered for experience and wisdom, while in you can decide your character has a goal of
others the age is ignored completely. amassing wealth, while setting a roleplaying goal
of having your character grow to look for more than

Body types by Puddnhead

money in her life. These goals can help the GM might grant you advantage on Charisma
personalize your game experience. (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) rolls,
Remember that a character's goals can develop depending on the type of your reputation.
and change during the game, so do not be afraid to Followers and Cohorts
add, change or remove goals as your character One of the benefits of a high reputation score is the
develops during the game. ability to attract followers and cohorts. Cohorts are
characters with class level, such as Armsmen and
Reputation Woodsmen, who have
In the world of the Wheel of
come to support the
Time, a character's
character's goals.
reputation has a significant
Followers are general
impact on her life. Other
characters with no class
characters in the world will
levels, such as army
react differently to you
soldiers following a
based on your reputation,
Commander, whose
which will have both a
management does not
technical and a non-
follow the individual
technical effect.
character class rules. The
Each class' table lists its
GM manages them as he
base reputation score,
sees fit.
which rises at higher levels.
Table 27: Followers
As your character
shows how many followers
adventures through the
a character can attract by
world, she will gain a
HD based on their
reputation bonus at the
reputation score. Note that
GM's discretion. Add these
these are followers loyal to
bonuses to your character's Townsfolk recognize an Andoran Noble
the character personally. An
base reputation score to by Vince Locke
army, for example, will have
determine your reputation score.
paid soldiers, craftsmen, and hirelings in addition
Ignore the section on Reputation on page 105
to any followers a commander can attract.
in chapter 6: Heroic Characteristics of the RPG.
Table 27: Followers
Fame and Infamy Reputation Number of followers by HD
Score 1 2 3 4 5 6
Do not mistake high reputation for fame and low 10 5 - - - - -
reputation for infamy. Your reputation score 11 6 - - - - -
12 8 - - - - -
indicates how well known you are, not how that 13 10 1 - - - -
fame is regarded. A character can be famous for 14 15 1 - - - -
15 20 2 1 - - -
her cruelty as much as for her generosity. 16 25 2 1 - - -
17 30 3 1 1 - -
The way other characters will react to you is 18 35 3 1 1 - -
also culture dependent. An especially reputable 19 40 4 2 1 1 -
20 50 5 3 2 1 -
Aes Sedai will be treated differently in Tar Valon 21 60 6 3 2 1 1
22 75 7 4 2 2 1
than she will be in Tear, where the One Power is 23 90 9 5 3 2 1
feared and looked down on. 24 110 11 6 3 2 1
25+ 135 13 7 4 2 2
Your reputation score can affect certain game
mechanics. For example, a high reputations score

Unlike Followers, Cohorts are characters with Symbol: Two golden leopards one above the other,
class levels. They are meant to be closer to your on a four by four squared field of red and blue
character than followers – close confidants,
friends, deputies, an apprentice or a protégé, or
other characters who are more closely familiar
with your own character. For example, a
Blademaster or a gleeman might be training
another in their art, and that character can be their
cohort. The maximum number of cohorts your
character can have equals to her Charisma Main exports: Carpets, fish, lace, lacquerworks,
modifier, with a minimum of 1 cohort. Nacre (mother-of-pearl), olives, olive oil, pearls,
Followers and Cohorts can leave your salt, ships, tapestries
character’s employ if she starts acting differently Society: Women are dominant in Altaran society.
than she did when they were attracted to her goal. In many cases, a woman killing a man is not even
For example, a cruel bandit leader that starts questioned. In Ebou Dar and its proximity, women
redeeming himself might lose his bandit followers propose to men (proposals from men are
and cohorts. considered pushy and overbold). It is common for
The numbers in table 27 are the maximum women to arrange their husbands’ next wife should
number of followers, but the actual number she pass. These customs are less prominent the
depends on the GM's discretion and the further from the capital one travels.
circumstances of your game. Both men and women carry dueling knives and
fight over the slightest insults. During the wedding
Geography ceremony, Altaran men give a marriage knife to the
There are many kingdoms and countries in the woman, with the promise oath “To kill me if my
Wheel of Time, each with their own unique heart proves untrue.” These are later adorned with
structure and customs. It is the differences red and white stones – a red stone for each
between the nations of these places that make this daughter and a white stone for each son. A white
world vivid and lively. frame around a red stone represented a deceased
In this section, we will detail these places, and daughter, and a red frame around a white stone a
give more information for players who want to deceased son. Betrothed women carry only the
make their backgrounds richer and their roleplay knife’s necklace, without the actual blade which
fuller. This information is in addition to that has not yet been gifted to her. The color of the
presented in chapters two and twelve of the RPG. knife’s sheath signified a woman’s status – green
Each entry will detail the name of the country means the husband was alive, while white meant a
(and the demonym of the people in brackets), its widow unwilling to marry again. Blue means a
capital, form of government, symbol, major widow open to a second marriage, while red
economic goods, and various customs of the indicates the husband was thrown out. Red and
people living there. blue combined meant a divorced woman willing to
It is also recommended to see the languages remarry.
section below for more information on how people Certain crafts and property rights are different
in the world speak and express themselves. for men and women. Women can own land,
houses, and inns, while men may own ships,
Altara (Altaran)
taverns and alehouses that do not rent rooms.
Capital: Ebou Dar
Government: Monarchy

Women may butcher anything smaller than a cow, However, it is often said that if you are accused by
while men butcher cows. an inquisitor, your guilt had already been
Male names: Arnin, Baris, Beslan, Calwyn, Denal, determined, and the only question is how quickly
Jasfer, Jonan, Malalin, Masic, Nad, Nevin, Ross, you will break under their torture.
Speral, Toke, Vane. Male names: Abdel, Aeman, Aldin, Evan, Evon,
Female names: Adela, Ashelin, Caira, Cairen, Jaichim, Jorin, Noy, Sebban, Seve, Sharbon, Theril,
Davindra, Elynde, Haesel, Ibrella, Jera, Kathana, Therin.
Laren, Marah, Naiselle, Rahema, Saerin, Tylin. Female names: Akoure, Alainia, Alviarin, Dealda,
Surnames: Adley, Anan, Arnon, Asnobar, Eldrith, Jharen, Laurain, Luci, Marewin, Rina,
Berengari, Crossin, Elonid, Fearnim, Feir, Furlan, Silviana, Teran, Vanora.
Mitsobar, Neres, Sarat, Shoran, Sutoma, Todande, Surnames: Arene, Balwar, Brehon, Carridin,
Carnel, Freidhen, Jhondar, Lugay, Macura,
Amadicia (Amadician) Omerna, Senhold, Shendar, Torvald, Vayet.
Capital: Amador
Government: Monarchy Andor (Andoran)
Symbol: A red thistle leaf over a silver six-pointed Capital: Caemlyn
star Government: Monarchy (queens)
Symbol: A white lion on a field of red

Main exports: Dye, fabrics, gems, gold, silver

Society: While Amadicia is a monarchy, the true Main exports: Beef, bells, bronze, copper, horses,
power lies with the Children of the Light, called grain, iron, leather, linen, mutton, steel, tabac
Whitecloaks by most due to their white cloaks Society: Andorans are fiercely loyal to their
marked with a yellow sun. No monarch makes any monarch, which is always a queen. Andor also has
major decision without checking with the Lord the largest and best trained military in the
Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. Westlands, second perhaps only to the White
The children’s dominance has influenced the Cloaks. The monarchy is passed from mother to
society greatly. Channelers are considered daughter. Marriage between nobles – even royals –
darkfriends, and channeling is outlawed and commoners are not unusual, though not
throughout the country. In fact, the children often common. In some parts of the country, men often
claim that they have authority anywhere the light wear flowers in their hair while courting women.
rules, using that as an excuse to oppose channelers Accordingly, titles and property among nobles
outside their borders as well. Because of this, was mostly passed to daughters as well. This was
channelers are often feared by the general not the case among commoners, however, where
population. property was divided among children more equally.
Most feared of the whitecloaks are the A daughter’s inheritance often went with her upon
Inquisitors, marked by a red shepherd's crook marriage.
behind the yellow sun. They are in charge of Andor is considered close to Tar Valon. It is
locating, interrogating, and punishing darkfriends. customary for the daughter heir to the throne to be

sent for training in the White Tower, even if she Male names: Abar, Alin, Azil, Balat, Burin,
does not possess the ability to channel. Creedin, Durhem, Hafeen, Lidrin, Machir, Mezar,
Male names: Abelle, Aemin, Ara, Arin, Athan, Ban, Rajar, Teacal, Votabek.
Basel, Bili, Dar, Dav, Denezel, Eben, Elegar, Eram, Female names: Aeldra, Caiden, Chisaine, Demira,
Finndal, Fitch, Gareth, Gawyn, Get, Hahn, Hu, Jac, Duhara, Ferane, Inala, Jeaine, Larelle, Meashan,
Jaim. Osana, Resara, Shahal, Vasha.
Female names: Adine, Adora, Alsbet, Berowyn, Surnames: Bakuvun, Comanly, Cutren, Dubaris,
Bromas, Brune, Coline, Deni, Doral, Ealsin, Elise, Eriff, Fatamed, Kurin, Mareed, Neheran, Nurbaya,
Elmindreda, Gilda, Hilda, Ishara. Saeed, Tarsi.
Surnames: al’Lora, al’Seen, Candraed, Coplin,
Flinn, Gode, Haslin, Kinch, Lewin, Maran,
Arafel (Arafellin)
Capital: Shol Arbela
Renshar, Thane.
Government: Monarchy
Arad Doman (Domani) Symbol: Red and white roses on opposite fields
Capital: Bandar Eban
Government: Elected monarchy
Symbol: A silver hand grasping a silver sword over
stripes of green and white

Main exports: Diamonds, furs, gems, gold, silver,

Society: Arafellins go to extreme length to repay
honor debts and prone to duels. Women
Main exports: Carpets, glasswork, iron, leather, sometimes duel, though this is considered
looking glasses, mirrors, mutton, steel inappropriate.
Society: Arad Doman’s king is elected by the Men and women often wear their hair in braids
council of merchants. Though the king has over each ear, falling below the shoulders.
absolute authority, he can be removed with a vote Like other borderland kingdoms, it is illegal to
of seventy five percent of the council of merchants. hide one’s face to help recognize Myrddraal.
The king must be of one of the noble houses, called Women are allowed to wear transparent or laced
the Bloodborn, not the council of merchants. veils. Lamps are lit in every street of every village
It is often said that Domani women are taught to make it harder for Myrddraal to use their
the art of flirtation and seduction with their Shadow Walk ability (see chapter 12: Encounters).
mother’s milk. They have a reputation of twisting Male names: Hirare, Ishigari, Jahar, Kendral,
men around their little finger, befuddling their Kyril, Leonin, Paitar, Welyn, Yakobin.
minds and senses, while Domani men are used to Female names: Alanna, Berisha, Caseille, Ellaine,
this and are often taught the male version of the Kiruna, Lisandre, Mair, Masuri, Nubei, Reiko,
same arts. Outsiders often feel Domani promise Yukiri.
much more than they eventually deliver. For this Surnames: Eschede, Mosvani, Nachiman,
reason, most Domani merchants are women, while Narishma, Norsoni, Pavlara, Raskovni, Svetanya,
the men did the accounting. Terakuni.
Lovers often gift earrings to each other.

Cairhien (Cairhienin) Surnames: Alwain, Annallin, Damodred,
Capital: Cairhien Gomaisen, Marendevin, Nolaisen, Osiellin, Riatin,
Government: Monarchy Silvin, Tarsin.
Symbol: Golden rising sun on a field of blue
Far Madding (Maddiner)
Capital: Far Madding (city-state)
Government: Matriarchal Counsel
Symbol: An open woman's palm raised up

Main exports: Blown glass, books, cheese, clocks,

lace, linen, looking glasses, mirrors, olives, olive
oil, rugs, wine
Society: Cairhienin live within a strict hierarchy of
classes. Commoners seldom rise above their
Society: Far Madding society is ruled by women.
station. Even in the military, commoners mostly
Men can only hold position of authority over other
rise in rank in the "foot", while most officers and
men, and never with a lot of responsibilities. A man
cavalry are nobles. Even within those classes, there
is expected to listen to his mother or eldest female
was strict division – merchants and bankers, for
relative until he is married, at which time he is
examples, were of higher station than wagon
expected to listen to his wife. These traditions are
drivers or laborers. Marriage between classes are
partly the result of two famous false dragons born
rare and looked down upon.
in the city.
Cairhien is most famous for the intricacies of
A Ter'angreal both preventing and detecting
Daes Dae'mar – the Great Game, or the Game of
channelers is located at the center of the city.
Houses. In Cairhien, anyone of high enough rank
People may carry weapons, but they are tied with a
is assumed to have a secret agenda for Daes
"peace bond" – a wire preventing weapons from
Dae'mar, and anyone of lower rank is assumed to
being drawn. If the guard catches a weapon
be a spy for one noble house or another. This
unbonded, the person is arrested immediately. The
causes Cairhienin to try and lure important visitors
guard carries weapons no larger than a knife, or
into their game and use them for their own
non-bladed weapons like quarterstaffs.
Far Madding was an important trade city where
Cairhienin are considered squared and
several major roads crossed. It has little exports of
organized like their capital city (which they call
its own but provides services and collects taxes
simply "the city"), which is carefully laid out and
from traders on those roads who wish to use one
planned. The city if famous for its topless towers,
of its three "strangers' markets", where foreigners
some rising twenty times higher than the wall.
are allowed to trade.
Male names: Aldred, Amondrid, Barmanes,
Male names: Eadwin, Yurian, Zeram.
Bassane, Daerid, Doirmanes, Eddar, Galldrian,
Female names: Aleis, Cadsuane, Einion, Gallger,
Kin, Lorstrum, Manal, Metwyn, Nerim, Olver, Tal.
Narvais, Romanda, Savion, Shimel, Sybaine,
Female names: Ailil, Aril, Betse, Caraline,
Corevin, Desala, Idrien, Ilain, Lacile, Lyrelle,
Surnames: Avharin, Cassin, Hamdey, Maslin,
Selande, Seonid, Seonid.
Melaidhrin, Powys, Romlin, Stonebow.

Ghealdan (Ghealdanin)
Capital: Jehannah
Government: Elected monarchy
Symbol: three silver stars on a field of red

Main exports: Beef, carpets, cheese, clocks, cloth,

fine silver and gold cutlery, glass, leather, looking
glass, mirrors, olive oil, pearls, perfume, ships and
shipping gear, weapons, wine
Society: While the country is technically a
Main exports: Alum, carpets, cloth, furs, gold, iron,
monarchy, a power struggle always exists between
silver, steel, timber, fine woods
the monarch, the council of nine and the
Society: The Crown High Council, consisting of
assemblage. The council of nine was a council of
the most powerful noble houses, elect the king or
the powerful noble houses, while the assemblage
queen of Ghealdan, though the title is often passed
was an elected body representing the merchants
hereditarily, and those in the line of succession are
and guilds.
barred from the Crown High Council. It is also
Commoners have a chance of raising their
outlawed to ascend from the council to the throne.
social status by either the guilds or the military. It
Marrying commoners is allowed, but will bar a
was common for mothers or aunts to arrange
noble family from the crown, though commoners
marriages, even between people who have never
can become nobles.
met each other.
Ghealdanin play Daes Dae'mar, though not as
The city is famous for its many feasts and
much as Cairhienin, and mostly among the
festivals, during which people wear revealing
costumes and drink to a stupor.
Male names: Aleshin, Banas, Beron, Cynric,
Though marine life was important–
Gerard, Herod, Johanin, Kirin, Logain, Noam,
shipbuilding, rope weaving, sea trade and other
Patrim, Simion,
marine related markets were the life blood of the
Female names: Areina, Chesmal, Desandre, Iona,
economy – it had no real naval force.
Jorath, Nalaene, Rilith, Roon, Teresia, Tzigan,
Illian is famous for its calling for the Hunt for
the Horn – a call for adventurers and nobles to
Surnames: Alraed, Arganda, Devore, Emry,
search for the legendary Horn of Valere. Those
Forrell, Prosnarin, Sokorin, Talvaen, Temalien.
who wished to take the oath of the Hunters came
Illian (Illianer) to Tammaz Square for a mass swearing before
Capital: Illian leaving on their journey to find the horn.
Government: Monarchy Illianer dialect is unique, using the emphatic
Symbol: Nine golden bees on a field of green tense of nearly every verb, shun the progressive
surrounded by gold tense and use "no" instead of "not." For example,
"Just because I can hook a shark from a boat, I do
no offer to wrestle it in the water."
Male names: Andris, Argirin, Bayle, Demetre,
Eagan, Gregorin, Jeorg, Kiril, Mattin, Nicoli, Pavil,
Spiron, Tormon.

Female names: Aisha, Emara, Ester, Hattori, Female names: Anya, Carlinya, Edarna, Elis,
Magla, Medanor, Moria, Morvrin, Nieda, Teslyn, Falion, Ines, Jarene, Kamile, Lelaine, Mikio,
Valinde. Nesune, Pevara, Rianna, Shevan, Yabeth.
Surnames: Drapaneos, Eramandos, Gatano, Surnames: Akashi, Dorelmin, Gorovni, Marcasiev,
Karentanis, Narettin, Nathenos, Semaris, Sidoro, Noramaga, Okatomo, Rath, Tazanovni, Vinchova.
Mayene (Mayener)
Kandor (Kandori) Capital: Mayene (city state)
Capital: Chachin Government: Monarchy
Government: Monarchy Symbol: Golden hawk on a field of blue
Symbol: A rearing red horse on a field of light

Main exports: Blown glass, carpets, fish, gold-

works, jewelry, oil, oilfish, ships, silverworks,
Main exports: Clocks, furs, gems, timber, wood weapons
products Society: The ruler of Mayene is referred to as "the
Society: Kandor is ruled by a king or queen, who First of Mayene", not a king or queen. The title is
are advised by the Crown Council, or Council of hereditary.
Twelve. By law, half of the members of the council Mayene is the only state who knows the location
are commoners, mostly selected from within guilds of the valuable oilfish shoals, a secret it keeps
competing to be elected. Traditionally, the council protected. Due to the oilfish valuable oil trade,
balance an equal number of men and women. The Mayene is fearful of Tear and Illian, who are always
monarch's spouse is known as the Prince or looking for a way to take over it. This makes
Princess Consort and have specific authorities and Mayeners rather loyal to their First.
responsibilities. Mayene is the first stop for ships returning from
Kandori are known for their touchy honor. Shara, allowing Mayeners a selection of the finest
Duels are common among men and women, ivory, silks, and other exotic materials.
though women rarely fight to the death as men do Male names: Bertain, Gendar, Halvar, Havien,
and rarely with the same type of weapons. Mass Ortis, Santes, Tyrn.
duels are not uncommon, often involving up to ten Female names: Adeleas, Berelain, Miselle,
men on each side, the last man standing winning Moradri, Rubinde, Vandene, Zerah.
for his side. Surnames: Acedone, Dacan, Gallenne, Namelle,
Like in all borderlands, hiding one's face is Nurelle, Paeron.
Women usually propose to men.
Male names: Alin, Antol, Brys, Caniedrin, Ismic,
Jarel, Jargen, Kralle, Landalin, Malenarin,
Paetram, Rahien, Tian, Varan.

Murandy (Murandian) Main exports: Diamonds, furs, ice peppers, iron,
Capital: Lugard iron products, silverwork, steel, steel products,
Government: Monarchy timber, wood products
Symbol: A red bull on a field of vertical blue and Society: Saldaea has a king or queen, advised by
white stripes the Council of Lords. The title is hereditary, passed
to the eldest child or eldest and nearest relative. If
the child is younger than 15, the aunt or uncle are
named regent until they reach that age. The
monarch's spouse is almost an equal ruler.
Saldaean children have both their parent's
family names, but only the father's name is kept
upon marriage, when they add their spouse' family
Main exports: Beef, lace, leather, mutton, wool name to their own. For example, Fail si Ghaline
Society: Murandy is ruled by a king or queen, the Bashere became Fail ni Bashere t'Aybara when
crown passing to the eldest living child. The ruler, she married Perrin Aybara, and he became Perrin
however, rarely has real authority outside the t'Bashere Aybara. Men propose to women, and
capital – the allegiance of the people is to the local women expect men to court them for a long time
lord or lady ruling their land. Those lords and before accepting or denying their proposal.
ladies raid each other, make alliances, and betray Saldaean women are fierce, and they expect
them with equal ease if they think it would better their spouse to be strong enough to be able to stand
their position. Along the borders, raids to other up to them.
countries is also common, especially to steal cattle Male names: Adrin, Avar, Davram, Eran, Fen,
and horses. Hachari, Hadnan, Kashgar, Mazrim, Rakim,
Male names: Alaabar, Culen, Cyril, Danil, Donel, Rissen, Taeric, Triben, Yoeli.
Ehvin, Fager, Ledron, Mardry, Padan, Pedron, Female names: Adelorna, Beldeine, Deira,
Roedran, Sedrin, Teryl. Einone, Janira, Keraille, Maenadrin, Natasia,
Female names: Careme, Chilares, Elaida, Pritalle, Sheriam, Toveine, Varilin, Zarine.
Gabrelle, Haesel, Katrine, Letice, Maglin, Nisain, Surnames: Aldragoran, Azeri, Bashere, Chavana,
Seaine, Sharina. Cheade, Dianatkhah, Gazal, Kosaan, Ramsin.
Surnames: a'Conlin, Arman, Brawley, Fain,
Harnesh, Mowly, Murow, Riven, Rochaid, Wynn. Seanchan (Seanchan)
Capital: Seandar
Saldaea (Saldaean) Government: Empire
Capital: Maradon Symbol: A golden hawk grabbing three
Government: Monarchy thunderbolts on a white field with blue borders
Symbol: Three silver fish atop one another over a
field of blue

Society: Seanchan refer to themselves as A list of known omens:
Hailene – Those who come before, in the old • Albatross - A symbol of victory.
tongue, first of the Corenne – the return. They • An owl hooting at dawn or hooting two times -
believe the Westlands belong to them by right as A prediction of death.
heirs to Artur Paendrag Tanreall – Artur • An owl hooting and not flying away when
Hawkwing. They have a strict hierarchy of classes, looked at - An omen indicating great care
led by those of "the blood", supposed descendants should be taken, that the next few days would
of Luthair Hawkwing, though their laws allow be ones of important decisions.
people to "ascend" to the blood, usually those who • Birds circling overhead more than once -
have proven their worth to the empress. The Signifies a storm approaching.
empress sits on the Crystal Throne. • A bird entering indoors during the day - An
Below the blood are free men and women, and extremely bad omen, the evil of which is
below them are the slaves, or Da'covale. averted by a night in prayer and contemplation.
Interaction between the classes is strictly • Three porpoises rising only once - Stay on your
regimented. One of a lower class is not allowed to chosen course.
look one of a higher class in the eye. Those of • Two dead rats on their back, one with a tail in
higher rank use a slave called "voice" to the other's mouth - A chillingly terrible omen,
communicate with those of lower status. Some one of the worst.
slaves to the blood, the So'jhin, are often • Lightning on a day without rain - Tread very
considered higher than free men and women. lightly and be careful what you speak.
Seanchan collar women who can channel – • A new spring rose dropping three petals - An
Damane, or Leashed One – with special omen of great victory.
Ter’angreal called A'dam, connecting to the wrist • A hawk with a white head flying away - An
of a Sul'dam – Leash Holder. Unleashed omen of great power.
channelers are referred to as Marath'damane – • Rain without clouds - Expect an unexpected
those who need to be leashed. The Damane are visitor.
used for warfare, but also for civil service such as • A burst of wind revealing the skull of a rodent -
mining, building, etc. Though they are often treated Danger.
as pets, Sul’dam often have a mother-like fondness • Peach blossoms - The most powerful omen
for their Damane, so long as they behave. Most known.
Damane have been in their position for their entire Among the Seanchan, few people carry a surname.
lives, and often panic at the mention of being freed. Male names: Abaldar, Algwyn, Bakayar, Chianmai,
The Seanchan are a superstitious people, who Daruo, Furyk, Gurat, Jadranka, Ma'combe, Mikhel,
see omens everywhere around them and live their Tiras, Turak, Varek, Yulanwho, Zaired.
lives according to those omens. Everything from Female names: Alivia, Bethamin, Catrona,
the passing of a flying bird to an owl hooting in the Cerandin, Egeanin, Falendre, Gregana, Jillari,
night is considered a sign one will change his Malian, Neferi, Ravashi, Suroth.
actions upon. They have a variety of daily Surnames: Emain, Faloun, Galgan, Jarath,
superstitious traditions. A hand gesture for Meldarath, Mishima, Najirah, Noichin, Sabelle,
warding off evil – folding the middle fingers and Shumada, Tamarath, Yamada, Zarbey.
extending the other two – is required whenever
someone puts a hat on a table or clearing
spiderwebs with the spider still inside it, for

Shienar (Shienaran) Tar Valon (Tar Valonian)
Capital: Fal Moran Capital: Tar Valon (city state)
Government: Monarchy Government: Aes Sedai council
Symbol: A black hawk on a field of three blue and Symbol: The flame of Tar Valon – a white teardrop
two white horizontal stripes surrounded by curving colors of the seven Ajahs.

Main exports: Furs, gems, gold, silver, timber Society: Tar Valon is the only place where Aes
Society: Shienar is always ruled by a king, though Sedai hold real administrative power in the daily
his wife is considered a queen and has lives of the people. This makes Tar Valonians
considerable authority. The king's banner and sigil trusting of Aes Sedai. They know they are in no
are also considered national symbols. threat of invasion or incursions and are protected
A Shienaran woman's quarters are sacred, even by the Aes Sedai with their One Power and the
for her spouse. Men cannot enter uninvited, and city's tall white walls, known as the Shining Walls.
never armed unless the quarters are under attack. The city withstood a siege by Artur Paendrag
A man can send a message, but the woman decides Tanreall himself.
when to answer it. Because people come to the city from across the
Nudity is not considered taboo or obscene in Westlands, Tar Valonians are exceptionally
Shienar. Men and women often bath together, and tolerant to outsiders and their different customs.
even help each other scrub. Such encounters are They are urban folk, more educated than
not a sign of friendship – one would not talk to commoners in most nations. The city is also home
someone who scrubbed their back in the bath if to an Ogier grove, and Ogier are a more common
they met in the hallway if they did not know each sight than in other places, which makes Tar
other otherwise. Valonians more believing in what might be
Male names: Agelmar, Blaeric, Chaena, Changu, considered tales in other places – Ogier, trollocs
Easar, Ingtar, Kayen, Masema, Nengar, Rinnin, and the likes.
Thulin. There are plenty of wealthy people in the city,
Female names: Alesune, Anasai, Bennae, Berana, but since Aes Sedai hold all the real power, there
Berenicia, Delana, Kumira, Merean, Nisura, are no real nobles to speak of, and no noble titles.
Suana. The city gains most of its income from taxation
Surnames: Chulin, Dagar, Dhoran, Dragand, on ships docking in its two large ports or crossing
Jagad, Mosalaine, Negina, Shemon, Shinowa, its huge bridges, as well as banking services –
Togita, Yokata. being one of the oldest institutions in the world,
their banks are considered safe and secure. The
Aes Sedai also receive tributes from almost all
nations, and provide certain services in mediations
and counseling.
Male names: Chin, Naorman.
Female names: Carlya, Mada, Saal.

Surnames: Ellisor, Mashinta. Female names: Aeldrine, Aludra, Annoura,
Beonin, Calindin, Collaris, Ispan, Laigin, Leilwin,
Tarabon (Taraboner) Liandrin, Merise, Rendra, Tesan.
Capital: Tanchico
Surnames: Amadia, Arnault, Bornhald, Guirale,
Government: Monarch, Panarch and Assembly
Haindehl, Larisen, Marinye, Maseed, Shefar.
Symbol: A golden Avendesora tree on a field of
four red and three white vertical stripes Tear (Tairen)
Capital: Tear
Government: High lords
Symbol: Three white crescent moons set
diagonally on a field of diagonal red and gold.

Main exports: Carpets, daggers, dye, goldwork,

hides, lace, leather, nuts, olives, olive oil, silver,
silverwork, swords, wine
Society: Tarabon's rule is balanced between the
king and the Panarch. The king is always a man Main exports: carpets, clocks, olives, olive oil,
and the Panarch is always a woman. The Panarch wine, brandy, cheese, lace, alum, grain, glass,
oversees tax collection, the courts (except the high glassware, dye, wool, cloth, pearls, fish, timber,
court, which is under the king's authority) and the armor, swords, cutlery, horses, ships,
civil watch. The king spends the taxes and has Society: Tear is most famous for the Stone of Tear
control of the army and of the high court. The – a huge fortress built with the One Power, which
assembly is a council of merchants, nobles, and was the home of previous rulers if the city. No high
guild representatives, but it has little real power. noble has held the ruler title for a long time, and so
The country is famous as the founding place of the ruler's chambers within the stone remain
the Illuminators guild – a secretive society who empty.
protect the secret of their illuminations (fireworks) Tairen are proud people, and a strict separation
with their lives. of classes is observed. Nobles do not marry
Both men and women wear transparent veils, commoners and enjoy certain protections that are
with men sometimes covering the face completely. not offered to those beneath them. Nobles can do
Masks are also common is some areas to ensure a almost anything to commoners without suffering
person's privacy. It is considered impolite to any consequences for their actions.
expose one's face in public. Horses are considered a mark of status in Tear.
All classes wear the same style of cloths and are Tairen horses are considered some of the finest in
distinguished by the quality of the material and the land. Footmen are looked down upon, both in
work. Women wear thin, tight, and revealing civilian life and the military. Commoners cannot
dresses, though not as revealing as the Domani. rise in rank in the military, except for the
Men wear baggy white trousers with loose fitting Defenders of the Stone, who promote people based
shirts and coats embroidered with scrollwork on on their merit, not their heritage.
the shoulders. The city's structure shows the class separation
Male names: Andric, Boral, Dain, Geofram, Haren, clearly. It is built far from the shore, north of the
Tammuz, Tamrin, Varil. "fingers of the dragon", the swampy delta formed

by the estuary of the river Erinin. The poorer The Old Tongue
sections are muddy, forcing people to wear wooden In previous ages, mankind spoke a language now
clogs on their boots when walking outside, while referred to as “The Old Tongue”. Today, this
the richer parts of the city are cobbled and cleaner. language is mostly used by scholars, Aes Sedai,
These clogs are left outside the door or just inside some of the nobility and gleemen.
when walking into buildings. Despite this class Though it is not in common use, it plays a key
separation, the people of Tear are often fiercely role in the world of the Wheel of Time. Many
loyal to their high lord or lady. common titles and places are named in the Old
Tairen noblemen grow short, oiled beards Tongue (Aes Sedai, for example, means Servants
drawn to a point. Both men and women wear of All). The Karaethon Cycle, which contain the
embroidery and silk cloths. Commoners wear Prophecies of the Dragon, is written entirely in the
loose pants and flat hats against the rain. Old Tongue – the translation of which has been
Male names: Admira, Agardo, Aracome, Bernherd, much debated.
Carlon, Darlin, Edorion, Harnan, Istaban, Juilin, Syntax
Meilan, Nalesean. The Old Tongue has a different set of rules than the
Female names: Anaiyella, Belcelona, Cabriana, new tongue, but those seem to be more flexible and
Celestin, Estanda, Fionnda, Ivara, Kera, Leitha, changeable. Though not enough examples exist in
Mara, Rafela. the novels to be sure, it is possible that the
Surnames: Eguilera, Mecandes, Narencelona, language follows a more contextual structure. For
Sandar, Saranche, Selorna, Sisnera, Tomanes, example, Far Aldazar Din will be literally
Toranes. translated as “of the Eagle Brothers”, though the
meaning would be “Brothers of the Eagle”.
Languages Example of Old Tongue Phrases
The people of the world of the Wheel of Time all Deyeniye, dyu ninte concion ca'lyet ye – “Majesty,
speak the same language – the New Tongue, or the by your summons do I come.”
Common Tongue, known simply as Common. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain – “Time to Toss the
However, there are many different dialects spoken Dice,” used by Matrim Cauthon.
across the land. Mia dovienya nesodhin soende – “Luck carry me
Characters without knowledge in a specific through.”
dialect receive disadvantage on all Charisma Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya – “Luck is a
(Deception), Charisma (Diplomacy), Charisma horse to ride like any other.”
(Intimidation) and Charisma (Performance) skill Tia mi aven Moridin isande vadin – “The grave is
checks when speaking with persons who have no no bar to my call,” inscription on the Horn of
common dialect with them. Valere.
Though there are several “global” sayings, A dictionary of the Old Tongue can be found on
curses, etc., there are also culturally specific ones. page 550 of the COM.
For example, the commoners of Tear tend to use
fishing metaphors, while the nobles would use Trolloc Tongue
more examples from horse grooming and trade. Trollocs, a type of hybrid human and animal
Farmers tend to use such insults as “woolheaded”, shadowspawn, are unable to produce human
while Aiel use metaphors with water and shade, speech with their muzzles. Their language is more
which are scarce in the Aiel Waste. animalistic, guttural. Little is known about it, and
humans are seldom able to understand or even
mimic it. One of the few words that are known is

"Ba'alzamon", which means "Heart of Darkness", Light-blinded fool – A term used to describe a
their name for the Dark One. righteous, ignorant, or naïve person. Sometimes
A Character cannot choose Trolloc as a known used by Darkfriends to describe non-Darkfriends.
language since there is no one to teach her. Light send it so – A phrase illustrating hope.
Lightskirt – A women who is easy to bed.
Phrases, Idioms and Curses Lummox – An idiot or clumsy man.
Global Milk-faced – Used to describe a woman using her
Blasted – A common, negative enhancer to other looks to seduce men.
words or curses (Blasted Whitecloaks).
Mule-headed – Stubborn.
Bloody – A common, negative enhancer to other Ogier’s Oath – An especially binding oath, referring
words or curses (Bloody Aiel, Bloody fool). Often to the trustworthiness of Ogier.
used twice as “Blood and bloody ashes” The Shadow Take Your Souls – A phrase of
Bloody Ashes/Blood and Ashes – Used to express damnation others, usually out of anger.
anger, disgust, or other negative emotions. The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills – probably
Boneheaded – Stubborn or idiotic. the most famous saying from the novels, this
Burn – Used as a general expression of anger at phrase is often used by Aes Sedai, nobles and
another person, wishing them ill (Burn you, Burn scholars to describe their content of a situation, or
that fool). to try and help others accept it. Referring to the
Burn Me – Used in response to bad or surprising idea that events are controlled by the Wheel, not
news. the people.
Chit – Derogatory term for women, similar to Wind in a Bucket – An unsubstantiated rumor.
Woolheaded – Wool is often used to describe
Crackbrain – Idiotic or crazy. stupidity (Woolhead, Wool-headed, Wool-brain,
Dance – used in many cultures as a euphemism for etc.).
Battle or Combat.
Dance with the Dark One – Take a risk.
I See You – A friendly greeting.
The Dark One’s Eyes – A name for a losing roll of
May You Find Shade – A friendly parting greeting.
1 pip in two dice.
Milk-hearted – Used to describe Wetlanders,
The Dark One’s Own Luck – Used to describe an
meaning cowards.
extremely lucky person, or a specific lucky
My Water is Yours – A friendly greeting to a friend
or guest.
Darkfriend – A term used to describe a person who
Shade of my Heart – A phrase uttered to a loved
swore allegiance to the Dark One.
The Dragon’s Fang – A term describing the black,
Water Oath – A binding Aiel oath, made over water
tear shape half of the ancient symbol of the Aes
to illustrate its commitment.
Sedai, which is used accusatorily to mark
Wetlanders – Aiel name for non-Aiel.
Darkfiends’ houses.
Flaming – A common, negative enhancer to other
Lean Back on your Knife – A phrase used to allow
words or curses (Flaming Aiel, Flaming Aes
people to speak their mind without fear of insult
resulting in a duel.
Jack o' the wisps – A phrase illustrating a
misperception, illusion or a mirage.
The Look of the Eyeless is Fear – A phrase used to
Leg – Usually means to bow, “Make a leg”.
describe the gripping fear of a Myrddraal’s gaze.
Light – Usually used as an exclamation.

Peace – A Shienaran word, often used for Flora
exclamation, surprise or assurance. Many plants are described in the Wheel of Time
Illian novels. Some are simple weeds, while other
Fortune Prick Me – A phrase illustrating dismay or possess qualities that can be used to heal or hinder.
surprise. Following is a list of the common plants and
Sea Folk their use. If a plant has a game mechanic, it will be
Bilge stone – An insult referring to the refuse listed in chapter 7: Equipment.
aboard a ship. General Flora
Daughter/Son of the Sands – a grave insult among This is a list of plants with no special properties.
the Atha’an Miere, usually followed by violence. Bluespine – A bitter herb found in the Aiel Waste.
Fish-loving scavenger – A generic, though not mild, It has no special properties but is often used by Aiel
sea folk insult. Wise Ones to make tea meant to soften stubborn
Shienar or sulking people.
Peace Favor your Sword – A blessing among Bluewort – A herb used to ease an aching stomach.
warriors, used either as a greeting or parting. It can also be used as a dye, producing a purple-
Tear blue color.
Saddlestuff – A generic threat to use a person’s Catfern – A herb found in the Two-Rivers. Mixed
parts for horse saddle (I will have your guts for a with Mavinsleaf, it creates a sickly green liquid
saddle girth, I will have your hide for a saddlecloth, with horrendous taste that is used as punishment
etc.). for people caught lying.
Silverpike – Used to describe a swarm of small Chainleaf – A herb found in Tear and the Two-
troubles that together create a larger problem. Can Rivers, used to ease an aching stomach.
mean a persistent problem. Dogweed – A herb found in the Two-Rivers. It can
Thieving fisher-bird – Thief. be used to make tea with an unpleasant taste that

The Old Tongue is often used as punishment.

Bajad drovja – an unknown curse word. Foxtail – Foxtail can be mixed with Marisin to
Kjasic – Probably used as a negative enhancer for create a sleeping aid without making the user
another word (for example as used by Sammael: groggy.
“kjasic flyspeck of a city!”). Gheandin blossom – Grounded to a powder and
Tsag – An obscenity. placed on the tongue, this herb can help with fatal
heart pains.
Flora and Fauna Goatstongue – This herb can be mixed with
The world of the Wheel of Time contains many Greenwort to induce sleep and relieve stomach
plants and animals we know from our own world – cramps.
wolves, deer, lions, mountain cats, bugs, fish, oaks, Goldenthorn – A plant with durable seeds that
weeds, berries, nuts, etc. However, there are also grows in areas at least one hundred miles south of
many that are either unknown to us or have a Tar Valon.
different name. Goosemint – A filly leaved herb used to relieve
In this section, you will learn of the most stomach aches and heartburn.
common of these plants and animals. This section Great Tree – Great trees are huge trees grown and
will not include statistics for animals with a revered by the Ogier.
challenge rating. Those will be covered in chapter Greenwort - This herb can be mixed with
12: Encounters. Goatstongue to induce sleep and relieve stomach

Marisin - Marisin can be mixed with Foxtail to almost extinct and cannot be found in the
create a sleeping aid without making the user Westlands.
groggy. Chora were grown by a combined song of the
Marshwhite – A herb found in Tear and made into Ogier and Nym and are considered a living
tea to ease an aching stomach. creature.
Mavinsleaf - A herb found in the Two-Rivers. Chora trees were an important part of the
Mixed with Catfern, it creates a sickly green liquid history of the Westlands. The keys to opening
with horrendous taste that is used as punishment waygates are shaped as a Chora leaf. The tree is
for people caught lying. also displayed on the flag of Tarabon, and it was
Rannel – When mixed with Sheepstongue root, the cutting of the Chora tree in Cairhien that led to
this herb creates a horrible lasting taste. This the Aiel war.
mixture is used as punishment. Corenroot – Found in the Two-Rivers,
Red Daisy – A bitter tasting herb that can be used Corenroot is used to help an injured person
to make tea. reproduce blood.
Red Fennel – A herb used to ease upset stomachs Crimsonthorn Root – A white root with a sweet
and sea sickness. flavor that can be used as a painkiller but can be
Sheepstongue - When mixed with Rannel root, used as a poison in higher doses.
this herb creates a horrible lasting taste. This Dogwart – A herb that helps the body knit flesh in
mixture is used as punishment. an open wound.
Silverleaf – A tea of this herb mixed with Timsin Feverbane – A herb used to lower fever.
root can ease headaches. Five-Fingers – A five-leaved herb, mixed with
Sleepwell root – A herb that clears headaches but Ground Ivy and Sunburst root to create ointment
causes drowsiness, used to aid with good sleep. to treat pain and inflammation in bruises.
Timsin root - A tea of this herb mixed with Flatwort – A herb used in tea to ease fatigue and
Silverleaf can ease headaches. headaches.
White Henpepper – This herb is used to ease Ground Ivy – A low-growing ivy that, mixed with
toothache. It can also be used as black hair dye. Five-Fingers and Sunburst root to create ointment
Whitefennel – This herb is given to women during to treat pain and inflammation in bruises.
particularly painful labors to ease their pain. Healall – This herb can be ingested or applied to
Willowbark – A common herb used to treat pains open wounds and cuts to speed up healing.
and headaches. Heartleaf – A tea made from this herb is used as a
Herbs and medicines contraceptive for women.
Andilay root – This root can be used to ease fatigue Lionheart – A Seanchan herb used to ease pain.
and minor aches. While it removes the effects of Mardroot – Oil made from this herb is used to
fatigue, it does not remove the fatigue itself. mend wounds.
Blue Goatflower – A root used with Boneknit to Sorfa – A Seanchan herb that aids in the healing
better heal broken bones. of wounds.
Boneknit – A herb used to help mend broken Worrynot root - A herb used to lower fever.
bones. Poisons
Chora – Chora trees, also known as Avendesora by Asping rot – A potent, painless poison.
the Aiel (meaning “Tree of Life” in the Old Crimsonthorn Root - A white root with a sweet
Tongue), are huge, trefoil-shaped leaved trees that flavor that can be used as a painkiller but can be
were common in the Age of Legends and are now used as a poison in higher doses.

Forkroot – A herb that can be used to render
channelers unable to touch the One Power. In
larger doses can be used as a powerful sedative.
Grey Fennel – This herb is a fast-acting poison
used on weapons. Victims of this poison have
abnormal tongues and eyes.
Tarchrot – A bitter tasting plant with poisonous
leaves. Its bitter taste makes it easy to detect in
large doses, but small doses over time will make a
person die of what seems as natural causes.

The Wheel of Time novels describe many animals,
some familiar and natural, others exotic and
foreign. Some animals are not even natural to the
world they are in, having been brought from mirror
worlds by the Seanchan, such as the Grolm.
Creatures with a challenge rating are described
in chapter 13: Encounters. However, there are
many animals that are not meant to be
encountered in combat, including bats, cats,
chickens, cows, crows, deer, dogs, falcons, fish,
frogs, hawks, horses, lions, mules, owls, rats,
ravens, etc.
Biteme. Small insects that suck blood, like
Cosa. A small animal that scampers up trees, like
Dhurrans. A particularly large and tough draft
horse, common in Ghealdan but also found
elsewhere. Some reach a large enough size that
even Ogier can ride them.
Razor. A breed of horses from Arad Doman,
named for the precise way black and white stripes
meet on their coat.
Shellback. Shellback, known to the Aiel as
Gaoerant, is a small herbivore native to the Aiel
waste and covered in hard shell. Its legs are
covered in scales and end in sharp claws. It can use
its claws to burrow tunnels and move
Sorda. Sorda is a small type of rat, native to the
Aiel waste. Its meat is so rank, that even cats rarely
eat it.

Chapter 9: Channeling


Channeling The One Power plays an important role in the

world of the Wheel of Time, from affecting politics
in Daes Dae'mar to erecting massive forts like the
Stone of Tear or military purposes like in the
Seanchan empire.

Embracing the One Power

The first step in channeling is embracing the True
Source. For females, this is like a flower opening
to the sun. For males, this is like trying to tame a
rushing river.
Embracing the source requires an action,
unless you have the Instant Embrace feature,
which both Initiates and Wilders receive at level
10. Once you have embraced the source, you are
holdings the One Power. You cannot cast weaves
unless you are holding the one power.

Holding the One Power

Holding the One Power is a joyous, addictive
sensation. While holding the One Power
channelers receive a +2 bonus on all Wisdom
(Perception) checks, as doing so enhances a
channelers natural senses.
Additionally, a channeler holding the one power
can see twice as far as a normal person under
similar light conditions. These bonuses are added
whenever the channeler is holding the power,
whether he is weaving or not.
However, the joyous feeling of life granted by
holding the One Power is addictive. Whenever a
channeler holds on to the power for an hour, he
must make an overchanneling check, the DC of
which is 15 + 1 per hour the channeler held the
power, even if he succeeded in his previous checks.
Unlike women, who can see other women
holding Saidar as a faint, white-golden aura around
them, men cannot see others holding Saidin.
Instead, men feel a sense of dread and threat when
another man is holding the power nearby, and a
tingling sensation when women are.

Weaving channeler becomes exhausted for other reasons
Unless the channeler possess the Multiweave (such as overchanneling), she is still considered of
feature, she can only cast one weave that requires a lower level, and therefor can cast less weaves.
concentration at a time. If she casts a new weave Subtract weaves already cast from the new
with a duration of concentration, the first weave is channeler level, if possible. For example, a 6th level
released, and its effect stops. initiate weaved a 3rd level weave, and then became
exhausted after a forced marched. Her effective
chenneler level is reduced to 5. As a 5th level
All channelers can cast 0 level weaves at no cost,
initiate, she can only cast one 3rd level weave,
as many times a day as they wish. The only
which she already did that day, so she can cast no
exception is that a channeler cannot cast 0 level
more 3rd level weaves until her exhaustion runs off.
weaves while exhausted, as detailed below.
Transferring Weaves
Though it is called the "One" Power, it actually
Once a weave is cast, it can be passed between
consists of five different powers – Air, Earth, Fire,
different channelers of the same gender – a female
Water and Spirit. An Affinity to one of these powers
channeler can pass a weave of Saidar to other
means a channeler can draw more power from it.
channelers using Saidar, and a male channeler can
Most channelers have an affinity to at least one of
pass a weave of Saidin to another channelers using
the powers, as described in the Affinities section
for each channeler class description.
Passing a weave to another channeler is a
When a channeler casts a weave which only
willing action – a weave cannot be snatched from
uses powers for which she has an affinity, she may
the channeler weaving it. The channeler must use
use a weave slot 1 level lower, to a minimum of 1st
her action to transfer the weave to the new
level weave slot. This does not allow the channeler
channeler, and the new channeler must use her
to cast a weave lower than its minimum weaving
reaction to accept the weave.
level. For example, a channeler with an affinity for
To take possession of a weave, the new
air and fire can cast a 3rd level Fireball using a 2nd
channeler must be able to cast weaves of the same
level weave slot, but not a 2nd level Fireball using a
level or higher, though taking over the weave does
1st level weave slot, since the Fireball weave has a
not spend a new weave slot. The channeler does
minimum weaving level of 2.
not need to possess the talent for the weave she is
If the channeler has no affinity for any of a
taking, since she does not need to cast it – only fuel
weave's powers, she must use a weave slot 1 level
it with the One Power after she takes possession of
higher to cast it.
it. An exhausted channeler cannot take possession
Channelers are limited in the number of
of a weave cast by another.
affinities they may possess. An Initiate may have up

Weaves and exhaustion to 3 affinities and a Wilder may have up to 2

The number of weaves a channeler can cast each affinities. This restriction cannot be lifted by any

day is limited because channeling the One Power means.

is a tiring exercise. A channeler who used all her

weave slots suffers 1 level of exhaustion. While
Weaves are arranged into Talents based on
exhausted, a character cannot cast 0 level weaves
similarities between them. To cast a weave of a
without making an overchanneling check.
certain level and higher, a channeler must have the
An exhausted channeler is considered one level
talent to which the weave belongs. An Initiate may
lower for determining weaves per day. If a
channel weaves up to 1st level if they are not within

her talents, and a Wilder may channel up to 2nd Channeling with armor
level weaves outside her talents. These restrictions It is possible to channel with any type of armor if
apply to weaves with several levels as well. For one is proficient. However, channeling with armor
example, an initiate without the is tiring and difficult. Whenever you cast a weave
Healing talent may cast Heal while wearing an armor, you must make a
only as high as a 1st level Concentration check. The DC of the
weave, while a wilder may check is 8 + your
cast it as high as a 2 nd armor's AC + the
level weave. level of the weave
you are attempting
Overchanneling to cast. For example,
Overchanneling allows a Wilder attempting
a channeler to cast to cast a 4th level
more weaves per day, Fireball while
or at higher levels, wearing leather
than she would armor will face a DC
normally be able to. of 8 + 11 + 4 = 23. If
To overchannel, a you fail the saving
channeler must throw, your weave is
succeed in a channeling lost, and the weave
ability check. The DC for the slot is expended.
check is 15 + the level of the Additionally, if
weave you are attempting to the total number of
cast + your current exhaustion weaves attempted to
level. Whether or not you be cast in armor –
succeed, you gain a level of successfully or not –
exhaustion after you is equal to or greater
overchannel a total A learned Ogier imparts his wisdom by Vance Kovacks
than your caster level,
number of times equal to your channeling ability you gain one level of exhaustion. The total resets
modifier. The total resets when you finish a long when you finish a short or long rest.
rest. For example, our 7th level Wilder in leather
The table at page 163 of the RPG describes the armor cast the 4th level Fireball and now casts a 5th
effects of failing an overchanneling check. These level Harden Air weave. She will gain 1 level of
effects depend on how far from the DC your roll is. exhaustion, since she cast a total of 9 weave levels,
more than her current level.
Angreal and Sa'angreal
Angreal and Sa'angreal add to the power level of Multiclassing
weaves. For example, using an Angreal with a Only a Wilder can multiclass to Initiate, since
power rating of 2 allows a channeler to weave a 5th someone who touched the power naturally can still
level Touch of Death as a 7th level weave. However, be taught, but someone taught can never
a weave can never be weaved using a lower slot retroactively teach herself on her own.
than its minimum. So, a 5th level Touch of Death As a rule, when multiclassing, a Wilder uses
cannot be cast using a 3rd level slot, since the the Wilder table, and her level is determined by
minimum weave level of that weave is 5. adding her channeler class levels. For example, if

a 3rd level Wilder adds a level of Initiate, she uses other channelers simply add their power to hers.
the Wilder weave table as a 4th level character. Table 28: Circles describes the minimum and
If a character multiclass to a class without the maximum number of male channelers in a circle,
channeling ability, she adds one third of her levels and the additional channeler levels with which the
from nonchanneling classes to determine her leader casts her weaves:
channeler level. For example, a 3 Wilder/3 Table 28: Circles
Woodsman is a 4 level channeler and uses the
th Circle Min Max number Additional
Size number of of men levels
Wilder table for 4th level characters. men
When multiclassing, the maximum number of 2 0 1 +1
3 0 2 +2
affinities and talents the Wilder can have does not 4-6 0 Less than half +3
7-13 0 Less than half +4
change. 14-27 1 Less than half +5
28-36 2 Less than half +6
Linking 37-45 3 Less than half +7
46-54 4 Less than half +8
Linking is the process of combining the power of 55-63 5 Less than half +9
64-72 6 Less than half +10
several channelers to cast more powerful weaves.
To link (or form a "circle"), channelers must stand
Linking is the only exception which allows a
within 25 ft. of each other. Linking requires all the
channeler to cast higher level weaves outside her
channelers except the leader to be on the verge of
talent. For example, a circle of 5 lead by an Initiate
touching the One Power. This requires each
can weave a 4th level Heal weave even if the leader
participant to succeed in a channeling ability check
does not possess the Healing talent (the Initiate
(DC = 25 – channeler class level). Failing the check
can cast as high as 1st level, +3 levels for the circle).
means the channeler embraced the source and
must release it and try again before she can be Saidin and Madness
In retaliation of the Dragon imprisoning him in the
Only women may link to one another. Men can
bore, the Dark One tainted Saidin, the male aspect
only link if other women are in the circle. However,
of the One Power. The taint is like a layer of oil
the structure of a circle is extremely limited. 13
through which male channelers must pass to touch
women may form a circle, but more than that
Saidin (though dread lords, the name given to
requires a man as well. If a man is linked, 13 more
darkfriend channelers, are not affected by it).
women can join the circle, for a total of 27
The Dark One’s taint on Saidin drives any man
channelers, before another man is needed. If the
who can channel insane over time. Some succumb
circle is larger, only 8 more women can be linked
early, while others can take years, but their fate is
for each additional man, up to a total of seventy-two
always the same – madness, destruction, and
death, usually of those closest to them.
Another restriction is that the number of men
Each male channeler has a madness rating,
must always be less than half the total of
kept secretly by the GM. The first time a male
channelers in a circle. This restriction has three
channeler touches the One Power, the GM rolls
1d4 to determine that channeler’s starting
1. A circle of one man and one woman.
madness rating, as touching the One Power
2. A circle of two women and two man.
through the oily taint for the first time is a
3. A circle of two men and one woman.
traumatizing experience. This rating is increased
A circle adds to the effective channeler level
by 1d4 each time the character gains a level in any
with which the leader of the circle casts her
class, and by 1 each time the character
weaves. Only the leader may cast the weaves, the

overchannels. The GM can also raise the rating at Threat. Whenever the character makes any saving
her discretion. throw, rolls for initiative or at other stressful times
The madness affects a character’s behavior, determined by the GM.
though each channeler might show different Constant. The character rolls on table 30:
reactions to it. A character might see constant Madness Symptoms and ignores the Duration
figures following him in every shadow, think he is column of that table. He must roll again every 1d4
a young child or see other peoples’ faces as twisted days and add the symptom to his existing ones.
monstrosities. However, a common symptom of
characters’ madness is bursts of uncontrolled Symptoms
paranoia and violence. Some conditions trigger Each time a channeler is subject to a trigger,
these outbursts, as shown in table 29: Trigger they must roll on table 30: Madness Symptoms. To
Conditions. These conditions are cumulative – if a do this, the character must roll a d20 and subtract
character is subject to a condition from table 29: the result from his madness rating, suffering a
Trigger Conditions with a madness rating equal to, condition as described in table 30: Madness
or lower than, his own madness rating, he must Symptoms based on the result.
make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer a madness Table 30: Madness Symptoms
Madness Rating-d20 Symptoms Duration
attack. For example, a channeler with a madness 5 or lower Delusion 2d6 minutes
6-15 Suspicion 2d6 hours
rating of 31 must roll on table 29: Trigger
16-25 Panic 2d6 rounds
Conditions whenever they are subject to the Injury, 26-35 Withdrawal 2d6 hours
36-45 Fury 2d6 rounds
Wisdom saving throw or Weaving or using 46-55 Disease See text
Ter’angreal conditions described below. The DC 56+ Dementia See text

equal his madness rating - his channeling Delusion. The character suffers from

character level. hallucinations – auditory, visual, or both – and is

Table 29: Trigger Conditions difficult to convince that these delusions are not
Madness Rating Trigger Condition real.
0-8 -
9-16 Injury Suspicion. The character has a deep distrust of
17-24 Wisdom saving throw everyone, even friends, and suspects them of
25-32 Weaving or using a Ter’angreal
33-40 Threatened secretly plotting against him, causing him harm,
41+ Constant
even being Darkfriends in extreme cases. He gains
disadvantage on any Wisdom (Insight) and
Wisdom (Perception) skill checks.
Injury. Every time the channeler suffers HP
Panic. The character is convinced that he is in
damage, suffers the poisoned condition, or is
mortal danger and does his best to flee the
inflicted with a disease (excluding the rotting
threatening situation. He gains the Frightened
illness caused by the madness itself, as described
condition and must use his action to Dash towards
what he perceives as safety. If the way is blocked,
Wisdom saving throw. Each time the character is
he desperately attacks any creature or object in its
subject to a condition that requires it to make a
Wisdom saving throw for any reason.
Withdrawal. The character becomes depressed,
Weaving or using a Ter’angreal. Each time the
argumentative, stubborn, and unwilling to interact
character casts a weave of any level (including
with the world. He has disadvantage on any
cantrips) or uses a Ter’angreal that requires
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability checks.
channeling to activate.
Fury. The character flies into an insane fit of
temper. He lashes out at the nearest available

target if in combat or goes on a violent rampage in points of Constitution damage each day thereafter.
other situations. Thereafter, he overreacts Unlike normal diseases, this rotting affliction
dangerously to events that would make others continues until the victim reaches 0 Constitution
irritated, frightened, or otherwise stressed. and dies and cannot be healed by natural means or
Disease. When madness has progressed this far, weaves of the one power.
the channeler falls prey to a horrible rotting illness Dementia. The character's personality has been
(Constitution saving throw DC 20). His very body lost entirely to madness. A character becomes an
decays around him, and the stress of this situation NPC and is forever beyond saving. Death usually
is often enough to propel him to final destruction. comes not long after this point.
The disease incubates for one week and causes ld3

A proud Tairen armsman demonstrates his prowess at mounted combat with a Seanchan invader by Adi Granov

Chapter 10: Weaves

This chapter describes the weaves available for

WEAVES channelers to learn in the game.

Each weave description follows the same

Name. This is the name by which the weave is

generally known. Weaves might be known by other
names in some locales, and channelers (especially
wilders) often have different names for their
weaves, such as Comfort of the Hearth instead of
Level, talent, affinities, and rarity. The
minimum level of Weave slot required to cast the
weave. To cast weaves with a Weave slot higher
than 9th, a channeler must be part of a circle,
attempt to overchannel or use an Angreal or a
Listed with the level is the talent which the
weave belongs to, the affinities required to use the
weave and how common the weave is. If the weave
is marked as (Lost) or (Rare), it is not available for
channelers to choose using their Learn New
Weave ability without the GM's approval.
Weaving time. How long it takes to cast the
weave. If the weaving time is 1 round, you must use
an action to cast and maintain concentration until
the start of your next turn, at which time the weave
will take effect.
Range. The maximum distance from you to
which the weave can be cast.
Area. The area in which the weave is effective.
Duration. How long it takes for the weave to
take effect.
Saving Throw. Optional. What saving throw a
creature can make to avoid the weave’s effect and
the saving throw’s effect (negates, half damage or

Canceled weaves
The Blade of Fire, Cutting Lines of Fire and Seal
weaves from the RPG have been cancelled.

Weave Description Arms of Air
Elementalism cantrip [Air] (Common)
Aligning the Matrix Weaving time: 1 action
3 rd level Earth Singing [Earth, Fire, Water] (Lost) Range: 30 ft.
Weaving time: 1 minute Target: One creature or object
Range: 5 ft. Duration: Concentration

Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Strength negates

You lift one creature or object weighing up to 10

Aligning the Matrix is a method used to strengthen
pounds that you can see within range. You can use
metals. This weave was probably used in the
a bonus action to move the target up to 20 ft., either
creation of power-wrought weapons. You
slowly or forcefully, allowing you to.
strengthen up to 5 pounds of metal. If you cast this
You can manipulate the target as though you
weave on a weapon, it gains a permanent +1 bonus
were holding it in your hand. For example, you can
to attack and damage rolls. If you cast it on a set of
turn a key, pull a rope, etc., though delicate
armor, it gains a permanent +1 bonus to AC.
activities might require an ability check to
At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave using
a weave slot of 4th level or higher, you can
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
strengthen 5 more pounds of metal for each slot
using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, the weight
level above 3rd. The weaving time increases by one
you can lift increases by 50 pounds for each slot
minute for each slot level above 3rd.
level above 0.

Aes Sedai Procession by Adam Rex

Arrows of Fire A pencil-thin ray of white-hot light, so bright that it
7 Elementalism [Air, Fire] (Lost)
makes the sun seem dark, leaps from your
Weaving time: 1 action stretched finger. The balefire slices neatly and
Range: 30 ft. hotly through any material or object (except
Cuendillar), until it hits a living creature.
Area: Cone
When a creature is struck by balefire, it seems
Duration: Instantaneous
as though its colors invert for a split second before
Saving Throw: Dexterity half
it disappears, erased retroactively from the pattern
6 seconds before it was hit. Everything the creature
A 30 ft. cone made of score of thin, thread like lines
did over that period and everything that resulted
of red fire erupts from your fingertips, igniting
from those actions is undone, leaving only the
flammable objects and dealing 12d6 points of fire
memories of those who witnessed the target's
damage to any creature or object in the area.
actions. For instance, if a Trolloc were hit with
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
balefire a few seconds after hitting an armsman,
with a weave slot of 8th level or higher, the size of
the armsman's wounds would disappear.
the code increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above
Extensive use of balefire, which would require
7th level.
large, retroactive fixes to the pattern, can cause a
Balefire “balescream” – a sound of the pattern itself
8 th level Balefire [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water] straining to repair itself around a sudden, large
gap. Such areas also show “cracks” in reality –
thin, pitch-black cracks on surfaces, that usually
Weaving time: 1 action
turn into regular cracks in the object on which they
Range: 50 ft.
appear, but extreme use of balefire can widen
Duration: Instantaneous them, making them consume reality around them.
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates

Balefire by Carl Critchlow

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave The channeler creates a fist wide, 10 ft. tall red
using a weave slot of 9th level or higher, the range pole. This pole deals 8d6 fire damage to enemies
is doubled for each slot level above 9th. within 5 ft. As an action, you can Add a thread of
Additionally, the length of time from which a air, causing a 30 ft. radius blast of fire and ending
creature is retroactively erased increases to 1 the weave. Creatures in the area must make a
minutes for a 9 level slot, 10 minutes for a 10
th th
dexterity saving throw, suffering 8d6 fire damage
level slot, 2 hours for an 11 level slot, 1 day for a
on a failed save, or half of that on a successful one.
12 level slot and 10 days for a 13 level slot.
th th

Bond as First
Barrier to Sight 5 th level Conjunction [Spirit] (Rare)
1 st level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common) Weaving time: 10 minutes
Weaving time: 1 round Range: Touch
Range: 30 ft. Target: 2 or more persons touched
Area: 5 ft. radius dome Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration Saving Throw: Wisdom Negates
Sometimes, bonds are formed between two
You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave
individuals which are stronger than blood. The Aiel
around an area, through which nothing can be
call these relationships “Near-brother/sister,”
seen. People outside the dome see a dome-shaped,
which describe a friendship as close as true
wavering image of the area as it appeared when the
brother or sisters (called First Brother/sister).
weave was case.
In such cases, the Aiel sometimes choose to
Transient objects (such as people, small carried
conduct a special ritual and, using the One Power,
items, etc.) within the dome are barely visible in
bond the friends as family. The Bond as First
this image. More permanent objects such as tents,
weave is a different form of the Warder Bond,
crates, buildings etc. are seen more clearly. People
allowing the new siblings to always feel the
within the dome see the same image when looking
direction and general distance of their sibling, as
out. Physical objects can freely enter and leave the
well as a general feeling of the other’s wellbeing or
dome without affecting the weave.
mental state.
You can change the shape of the dome, but the
This weave is never used lightly by the Aiel, and
radius of the area is determined by the level of the
it requires many conditions to ensure that the
involved parties truly wish to become family.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
The ceremony is conducted by an Aiel Wise
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius
One capable of channeling and includes a
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 1st.
reenactment of a birth. All participants’ clothes are
removed, while the weave itself makes them feel as
Blossoms of Fire
though they are being born again.
6 th level Elementalism [Air, Earth, Fire] (Lost)
While usually performed between two
Weaving time: 1 action
individuals, this weave is not restricted to that
Range: 150 ft. number.
Area: 15 ft. cube centered on the location
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Dexterity half

Bond Spouse Connection. You and your warder can use your
5 level Conjunction [Spirit](Rare)
bonus action to sense the direction, general
Weaving time: 1 minute distance, and the emotional and physical wellbeing
Range: Touch of the other. There is no distance limit to this
connection, but the greater the distance between
Duration: Instantaneous
you, the less vivid the feeling becomes.
Saving Throw: Wisdom Negates
If you want you warder near you, he feels it and
is compelled to travel towards you by the fastest
The Bond Spouse weave was discovered and used
reasonable means. He can resist this pull with a
by Asha’man of the Black Tower as a means to stay
wisdom saving throw, and gains advantage if the
close to their wives. This weave is a weaker form
distance between you is greater than 100 miles.
of the Warder Bond, allowing the bonded parties to
Energy. You and your warder can share your life
share all the physical and psychological
energy with one another. If you are within 300 ft. of
information the Warder Bond allows, without the
each other, either of you can use your bonus action
physical effects. The bonded partners can feel each
to transfer hit points from one to the other. The
other’s mental and physical condition, their
number of hit points transferred can never exceed
distance and direction, but no other side effect
the recipient’s maximum hit points.
takes place, including the suicidal insanity upon a
Hit points can only be transferred voluntarily;
bonded person’s death.
they can never be forced out of the lender, nor can
Bond Warder they be forced upon the recipient.
5 level Conjunction [Spirit] (Common)
th Resistance. If you are within 5 miles of each other,
Weaving time: 1 action you and your warder can use each other’s Wisdom
and Constitution saving throw if they are higher.
Range: Touch
Target: One creature, see text The bond ends if one of you dies, or if you cast this
Duration: Instantaneous weave again to release the warder from the bond
(in which case, the range of the weave becomes
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
self, the warder need not even be near) or in case
You create a permanent bond between yourself the bond is transferred using the Pass Bond weave.
and the target. The most common use of this weave The death of either of you is a powerful emotional
is between Aes Sedai and warders. and physical blow, causing 1d4 psychic damage
The bond grants you and your warder several per level of the deceased. Warders who outlive
special abilities: their bond feel a powerful urge to end their lives,
Slow Aging. Warders age slower than normal throwing themselves into hopeless battles in hope
people. For every 3 years that pass, the warder of finally ending their own lives.
ages by one year.
Compulsion. The channeler can compel her
warder to obey her commands. This acts as a 6th
level compulsion weave, to which the warder can
resist with a wisdom saving throw.
Since warders are usually willing and
cooperative companions, the use of this ability is
often frowned upon by Aes Sedai.

Bridge Between Worlds Circle of Silence
7 level Traveling [Earth, Spirit] (Lost)
1 st level Warding [Air, Fire, Water] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 round Weaving time: 1 round
Range: 30 ft. Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Instantaneous Area: 5 ft. radius dome
Duration: Concentration
You create a 5 ft. wide, 10 ft. tall gateway
between the real world and Tel’Aran’Rhiod, You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave
allowing you to physically enter or exit the world of around an area, through which no sound can pass.
dreams. The gateway stays open for up to 2 rounds. Creatures outside the dome cannot hear any sound
You can close the gateway at will. Your from within, and creatures inside cannot hear any
dreamwalker self cannot enter the real world and sound from outside. Physical objects can easily
cannot pass through a gateway if you open one enter and leave the dome without affecting the
while sleeping. weave.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave You can change the shape of the dome, but the
using a weave slot of 8 level or higher, the width
radius of the area is determined by the level of the
and height of the gateway increases by 5 ft. and is weave.
stays open for 1 more round for each slot level At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
above 7 . th
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 1st.
Caressing the Child
3 rd level Healing [Earth, Fire, Spirit] (Rare) Cleanse
Weaving time: 1 minute 3 rd level Healing [Spirit, Water] (Common)
Range: Touch Weaving time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Wisdom Negates
Saving Throw: Wisdom Negates

Caressing the Child is used by Aiel Wise Ones to You touch a target, slowly cleansing its body from

check the condition of unborn babes in their poison and disease. You must touch the target for

mother's womb. Touching the pregnant woman, the duration of the weaving time.

the channeler can sense the condition of the child. The target can make an immediate saving

This weave works best if cast while the mother is throw with advantage, ending the effect of any

warm. During the weaving of this weave, the poison or disease inflicting it on a successful save.

mother feels as though her body is humming. The weave fails on a failed save, and the target

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave cannot be targeted again by this weave for 24

using a 4th level weave slot, you heal of some minor hours.

problems which may occur during pregnancy.

Compulsion long as the weave is in place, or until his death. If
6 -8 level Conjunction [Air, Spirit, Water] (Rare)
th th
the weave is tied off, the subject may reroll his
Weaving time: 1 action Wisdom saving throw once a day.
Range: 30 ft. Additionally, a person repeatedly exposed to the
weave tends to become obedient even if not under
Duration: Concentration
the influence of compulsion.
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates (see text)
Create Cuendillar
Compulsion is a powerful weave, subjugating 9 th level Earth Singing [Air, Earth, Fire] (Lost)
another person’s will to your own using the One
Weaving time: 1 minute
Power. Used too forcefully or frequently, it may
Range: Touch
cause permanent damage to the subject’s mind.
The weave has several possible effects, depending Duration: Instantaneous

on the weave level: Saving Throw: None

Command: At 6th level, compulsion allows you to
command another person. This command can be You can turn up to 10 pounds of iron into 1 pound

anything you desire. The subject will see you as its of Cuendillar.

trusted master and will follow your instruction to The method for the creation of Cuendillar, or

the best of his ability. Heartstone, has been lost since the age of legends,

Control: At 7th level, you can control a person’s life until it was rediscovered by Egwene al'Vere.

in the long term. You dictate his decisions, his Cuendillar is an indestructible material (though

plans, and his actions. He will do nothing if it exceptions have been seen, with The Dark One's

conflicts with your interests. influence). Even Balefire cannot erase Cuendillar

Control might damage a person’s mind. Once from existence, though it is unclear if the material

you've cast the weave, and every day the weave is blocks or deflects the beams.

in effect after that, the subject must make a It is said that anything meant to hurt the

Constitution saving throw (DC = half of caster’s Cuendillar only makes it stronger, though as it

level + Charisma modifier + the number of days the already is the strongest material known, that

weave is in effect). Failure will permanently drain theory is far from proven.

1 point of wisdom from the subject, to a minimum Since Cuendillar requires a lot of power to

score of 3, at which point he will become a broken create, only small items are usually made. Objects

man, unable to do anything on his own ever again. larger than a fist's size require the weaves to be

Dominate: At 8th level, the subject will worship the cast at higher levels, while extremely large objects

caster, follow her every command and do nothing may require the use of powerful Sa'angreal or a

without the caster’s direct instructions. circle to create.

Dominate might damage a person’s mind. Each Due to the Heartstone's complete lack of

round the weave is in effect, the subject must make flexibility, the objects made of it must be simple. A

a Constitution saving throw (DC = caster level + necklace can be made of Cuendillar, but it will

Charisma modifier + the number of rounds the simply be a stiff circular object. An armor of

weave is in effect). Failure will permanently drain Cuendillar will be like a statue, unable to move at

2 points of wisdom from the subject, to a minimum all.

score of 3, at which point he will become a broken At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave

man, unable to do anything on his own ever again. with a weave slot of 10th level or higher, you can

A compulsion weave can be tied off, leaving the turn an additional 10 pounds for each slot level

person under the influence of compulsion for as above 9th.

Create Fire Condition DC
Elementalism cantrip [Fire] (Common) Intimately familiar with the location (living -8
there, visiting often, etc.)
Weaving time: 1 action Camped in the location for 8 hours prior -5
to weaving a gateway
Range: 100 ft. Study the location for 1 hour before -2
weaving a gateway
Area: 5 ft. square
Duration: Concentration How close your gateway opens to your intended
Saving Throw: Dexterity half destination depends on your channeling ability
check result:
You create a small fire in a 5 ft. square or infuse an
Range from Distance from target location
existing fire. The fire lasts as long as you DC
concentrate on the weave and ignites flammable <0 0 ft.
=0 Up to 5 ft.
materials. 1-3 5-20 ft.
4-6 21-50 ft.
When the fire appears, each creature within its 7-10 51-100 ft.
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A 11-14 101 ft.-200 ft.
15-17 201 ft.-500 ft.
creature suffers 1d6 fire damage or half as much 18-19 500 ft.-1 mile
on a successful save. A fire always starts small and >20 Up to 50 miles

takes time to brew to its full size and ferocity, but

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
you must decide on the weave level at the time of
with an 8th level weave slot or higher, you can
the weave’s casting.
choose to enlarge the width and height of the gate
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
by 5 ft. and keep it open until the end of your turn
using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, at the start
for one more turn for each slot level above 7th.
of each of your turns the square size is increased
by 5 ft. and the fire damage by 1d6 for each slot Current
level above 0. Elementalism cantrip [Spirit, Water] (Common)
If you infuse an existing fire, you can increase Weaving time: 1 action
its size by using a weave of its existing level. For Range: 300 ft.
example, if a 10 ft. fire already exists, you can use
Duration: Concentration
a 2nd level weave to increase its size to a 15 ft. fire.
You create a 5-ft. wide, 25 ft. long current in a body
Create Gateway
of water within range, choosing the current's
7 th level Traveling [Spirit](Lost)
direction. The current flows at 3 miles per hour.
Weaving time: 1 action Powerful currents can cause flooding along them.
Range: 30 ft. At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Duration: See text using a 1st level weave or higher, the width of the
current increases by 5 ft., the length by 100 ft. and
You open a 5 ft. wide, 10 ft. tall gateway to another the speed by 5 miles per hour for each slot level
location. The gateway stays open until the end of above 0.
your next turn.
You must know the location from which you
open the gateway, NOT the location to which you
are attempting to arrive. This requires a
channeling ability check (DC 20). Apply the
following modifiers to the check:

Cut Weave At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
3 level Elementalism [Spirit] (Common)
using a weave slot of 9th level or higher, you create
Weaving time: 1 reaction, which you take when one additional deathgate for each slot level above
you see a creature within 60 ft. of you casting 8th level, to a maximum of three. Each Deathgate
a weave can be sent to a different direction and moves at a
Range: 60 ft. pace of 30 ft. per turn.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates Healing cantrip [Spirit] (Common)
You weave a thread of spirit and try to cut another Weaving time: 1 minute
channeler's weave. Make an ability check using
Range: Touch
your channeling ability and add your weave slot
Target: 1 creature
level to the result. If you use Saidar and try to cut a
weave of Saidin or use Saidin and try to cut a Duration: Instantaneous

weave of Saidar, you have disadvantage on this Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
ability check.
The target may attempt a Dexterity saving You touch the target and weave strands of Spirit to

throw (DC = your check result) to try and avoid the learn what injuries, diseases, poisons or other

effect. If she fails, you cut the weave and it effects influence him or has influenced him

dissolves. recently.
The type of affliction you can detect depends on
Deathgate the level of weave you are using:
8 level Traveling [Earth, Fire, Spirit] (Lost)
th Level Affliction detected
Cantrip Wounds or injuries
Weaving time: 1 round 1st Disease
2nd Poison
Range: 150 ft. 3rd Weaves or other unnatural effects
Duration: Concentration If you are using a weave of a lower level, you can

Saving Throw: Dexterity negates tell that something else is wrong with the target,
but not what it is. For example, if you cast the
You create a gateway that opens and closes rapidly weave as a Cantrip and the target is poisoned, you
as it moves along the ground. Each time the gate can sense that something is wrong, but not
opens, it opens to a new location. Each creature hit specifically that he was poisoned.
by a gate has a chance to be transported to the The weave can indicate an appropriate course
random location, or to be hit with the edge of the of action if the source of the target's problem is
closing or opening gate for 10d6 slashing damage. unknown, and grants advantage on any Wisdom
A shadowspawn passing through a Deathgate is (Medicine) skill checks meant to treat the affliction.
instantly killed, as shadowspawn are unable to The weave can be cast on a corpse (to learn the
travel by gateways. The size of a Deathgate is cause of death, for example), but only within 24
determined by the same conditions of a normal hours of death.
You must set the direction of the Deathgate as
you create it, and it cannot be changed once it is
set. The Deathgate will continue to move at the
selected direction until it moves out of range, at
which point it will wink out of existence.

Disguise Distant Eye
1 level Illusion [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
4 th level Illusion [Air, Spirit] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 action Weaving time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 30 ft.
Duration: Concentration Duration: Concentration
Saving throw: Wisdom negates
You create a tendril of the one power that hovers in
You weave a complex illusion around the target the air for the duration. The tendril can fit into tiny
which alters its appearance. You cannot change a spaces such as keyholes or gaps under doors, as
target’s form or structure – number of limbs, size long as they are at least ¼ inch high or wide.
category, etc. You can use your action to move the tendril up
The weave does not change the target’s to 30 ft. in any direction, but it cannot move more
abilities, mannerism, voice or equipment – though than 300 ft. from you. You cannot move the tendril
equipment can be hidden by the illusion, so long as if you tie the weave, but you can still see through it.
it is small enough. You can use a bonus action to see through the
The target and the nature of the change tendril as if it was your own eyes. While you do so,
determines the requires weave level. A creature you are only vaguely aware of your normal
can make an Intelligence saving throw to notice the surroundings. You must make a Wisdom
illusion. However, if you make a major change, the (Perception) skill check to notice anything not
creature has disadvantage on the role: visible through the tendril.
Level Target changed Saving throw
1st Minor change to self Normal Dream Shielding
2nd Major change to self Disadvantage
3rd Minor change to another Normal 1st level Warding [Spirit] (Common)
4th Major change to another Disadvantage Weaving time: 1 round
Range: 30 ft.
Disguise Channeling Area: 5 ft. radius dome
4 level Warding [Spirit] (Rare)
Duration: Concentration
Weaving time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft. You create a 5 ft. radius dome-shaped weave
around an area. The dome creates an invisible
Duration: 1 hour
barrier that protects the dreams of everyone who
Saving Throw: Wisdom (Harmless)
sleeps within. Dreamwalkers cannot enter the
dream of those inside, and those who attempt to
Disguise Channeling is a weave used to conceal a
directly observe the dreams of those within, by any
channeler's ability. While under the effect of this
method, see only indistinct images at best.
weave, other channelers cannot sense the target's
You can change the shape of the dome, but the
ability to channel or see the light surrounding her.
radius of the area is determined by the level of the
Male channelers possessing the Sense Channeling
weave. If you case the weave in an enclosed area,
feat do not feel a female channeler using the one
such as a room or a cave, it tends to take the shape
of the space in which it is cast.
This weave does not mask weaves cast by the
The ward protects only normal dreams. It does
disguised channeler, only her ability. A channeler
not extend any protection to dreamwalkers who
must still use the Invert skill to conceal her weaves.
enter the space between dreams, other people’s
dreams or Tel’Aran’Rhiod.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave Range: 300 ft.
with a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius Area: 100 ft. cube
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 1 .
Duration: 1 round

Dry Saving Throw: Dexterity half

1 st level Elementalism [Water] (Common)
When you cast this weave, an intense but localized
Weaving time: 1 action
tremor rips the ground. It knocks creatures down,
Range: 30 ft.
collapses structures, and opens cracks in the
Target: One creature or object ground. The shock lasts 1 round, during which
Duration: Instantaneous creatures on the ground cannot move or take any
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates type of action. Channelers on the ground must
make Concentration checks (DC 20) or lose any
You squeeze excess water off a person or out of a weaves they are holding or trying to cast. The
wet object. The water does not dissipate but fall to earthquake affects all terrain, structures, and
a puddle on the floor. creatures in the area. The exact effects depend on
the terrain and its features.
At Higher Levels. If you case this weave at 2nd
Fissures. Fissures open throughout the weave's
level, you can prevent an object or person from
area at the start of your next turn after you cast it.
becoming wet for as long as you maintain
A total of ld6 such fissures open in locations
concentration on the weave.
chosen by the GM. Each is 1d10x10 ft. deep, 10 ft.
Earth Delving wide, and extends from one edge of the weave's
Earth Singing Cantrip [Earth] (Common) area to the opposite side. A creature standing on a
Weaving Time: 1 action spot where a fissure opens must succeed on a
Range: Self Dexterity saving throw or fall in. A creature that
Duration: Concentration successfully saves moves with the fissure's edge as
it opens.
You can sense the presence of a metal or mineral A fissure that opens beneath a structure causes
of the same type as a sample you are holding – it to automatically collapse (see below).
such as an iron ingot, a piece of marble or a gold Structures. The tremor deals 50 bludgeoning
ring – within a 5-ft. radius of you. This sense damage to any structure in contact with the ground
extends into the ground, allowing you to sense in the area when you cast the weave and at the start
hidden deposits of the metal. The weave does not of each of your turns until the weave ends. If a
tell you how much of the metal or mineral is structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and
present, but it does give you a general idea of the potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature
size of the deposit according to the strength of the within half the distance of a structure's height must
sensation. make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave the creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage, is
using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, you extend knocked prone, and is buried in the rubble,
the range of your sensation by 100 ft. for each slot requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an
level above 0. action to escape. The GM can adjust the DC higher
or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On
a successful save, the creature takes half as much
7 th level Earth Singing [Earth] (Common)
damage and does not fall prone or become buried.
Weaving time: 1 round

This is also true for natural structures such as You point to a direction, and a 25 ft. trail of scent
caves, cliffs, etc. and footprints lead from you in that direction. If you
Water. Fissures opened underneath water drain it travel in a different direction, you leave no scent or
away from that area, leaving behind muddy ground. footprints for 25 ft. from where you cast the weave.
Soggy marsh or swampland becomes quicksand You can create a false trail for a number of
for the duration, sucking down creatures and creatures equal to your channeling ability modifier.
structures. Creatures must make a Dexterity At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
saving throw (DC 15) or sink down in the mud and using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, you can
quicksand. At the end of the duration, the rest of double the number of people for whom you create
water rushes in to replace the drained water, a false trail and the length of the trail is extended
possibly drowning those caught in the mud. by 500 feet for each slot level above 0.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave False Wall

using a weave slot of 9th level or higher, the area of 1st level Elementalism [Air, Earth] (Common)
the cube increases by 50 ft. and the duration Weaving Time: 1 action
increases by 1 round per slot level. Range: 100 ft.
Duration: Conc.
1 st level Illusion [Air, Spirit] (Common) You create a 5 by 5 ft. rock-grey wall of air. Anyone
Weaving time: 1 action trying to pass through the wall must make a

Range: 30 ft. Strength (Athletics) check against your weave save

DC. On a success, the creature is able to push
Duration: Concentration
through the wall.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
You create a tendril of the one power within range.
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the size of
The tendril can fit into tiny spaces such as keyholes
the wall is increased by one additional 5 by 5 ft. for
or gaps under doors, as long as they are at least ¼
each slot level above 1st.
inch high or wide.
You can use a bonus action to hear through the Fiery Sword
tendril as if it was your own ears. While you do so,
2 nd level Elementalism [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
you are only vaguely aware of sounds in your
Weaving time: 1 bonus action
surroundings. You have disadvantage on Wisdom
Range: Self
(Perception) skill check dependent on sound.
You can use your action to move the tendril up Duration: Concentration
to 30 ft. in any direction, but it cannot move more
A weapon made of red fire springs to life in your
than 300 ft. from you. You cannot move the tendril
if you tie the weave, but you can still see through it. hand. The weapon takes any shape you desire, but
proficiency rules apply to it. You can use the
False Trail
weapon just like any other. The weapon can be
Conjunction cantrip [Air, Earth, Spirit] (Common)
used to make melee attacks, causing 1d10 fire
Weaving time: 1 round
damage on a successful hit.
Range: Self
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Duration: Instantaneous
using a weave slot of 3rd level or higher, the blade
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates causes an additional 1d10 fire damage for each
slot level above 2nd, to a maximum of 3d10.

Finder Fireball
3 rd
level Conjunction [Spirit] (Common) 2 nd level Elementalism [Air, Fire] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 action Weaving time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 150 ft.
Duration: See text Area: 10 ft. radius sphere
A Trace weave is placed on an object. Similar, yet Duration: Instantaneous
far less complex, the Finder weave creates a Saving Throw: Dexterity half
connection between a person and an object. As
long as the person still holds the object, the A pea-sized red bead speeds from you and
channeler can sense the direction and distance of detonates into a 10 ft. radius ball of fire with a loud
the object on which the weave was cast. If the roar. All creatures and objects within the burn
person no longer holds the object for any reason, radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or
the caster can no longer feel the object. Only the suffer 4d6 fire damage and be ignited, or half on a
channeler who wove the Finder weave can sense successful save.
the connection. The weave lasts for 1 year on
objects made of leather or fabric, and indefinitely
on metal objects.
The closer the channeler is to the object, the
more accurate his sense of direction towards it.

Fire Trap
3 rd level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: One object
Duration: Concentration
Saving throw: Dexterity half

You create a ward around an object, floor, or wall. Fireball by Puddnhead

If anyone but you touch the warded object or area, You can choose where the fireball will detonate

a 5 ft. radius blast of fire explodes into the air within range. It detonates upon collusion with a

around it. Any creature in the blast area must make material body or solid surface, or when it reaches

a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 4d6 fire the point you chose, at which point it blossoms into

damage, or half on a successful save. The burst a fireball. The bead might pass through breakable

combusts flammable objects in the area. objects, such as glass or thin sheets of wood.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave with a If you try to pass the bead through a narrow

weave slot of 4th level or higher, the radius of the passage, you must succeed on a ranged weave

blast increases by 5 ft. and the fire damage by 1d6 attack, or risk the bead hitting the walls and

for each slot level above 3rd. detonating prematurely.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
using a weave slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius
of the blast increases by 10 ft. and the fire damage
by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Aes Sedai creating a Grenade by Puddnhead
Fly You create a 10 ft. tall, 10 ft. wide screen to hide a
5 th level Elementalism [Air, Spirit] (Lost) specific person, object or group of people or objects
Weaving time: 1 action behind it. You choose the direction from which the

Range: Touch screen provides cover and must choose the targets
which are affected by it.
Target: One creature
When behind the screen, the targets are
Duration: Concentration
invisible from the other side, so long as they remain
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
stationary. Movement on the other side cause a
slight blur, which can be spotted by observers with
The target gains a flying speed of 60 ft. (60 ft. if they
a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill
are wearing any armor). The subject can ascend at
check. The screen does not block sound or smell.
half speed and descend at double speed.
Should the weave end while the subject is still Foretell Weather
aloft, the effect fails slowly. The subject drops 60 ft. Cloud Dancing cantrip [Air, Water] (Common)
per round for ld6 rounds. If she reaches the ground Weaving time: 1 minute
in that amount of time, she lands safely. If not, she Range: Self
falls the rest of the distance. Duration: Instantaneous

Folded Light You can sense upcoming changes to the weather in

2 nd level Illusion [Air, Fire] (Common) the area around you within the next 24 hours. You
Weaving time: 1 action cannot sense changes made by unnatural causes,
Range: 30 ft. such as those made by a Harness the Wind weave.

Duration: Concentration At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave

using a 1st level weave slot or higher, you can sense

changes to the weather within one week for every You harden the air around a creature or an object
slot level above 0. you can see within range. A creature must succeed
The further into the future you sense, the less on a Dexterity saving throw to dodge out of the way
distinct information you gather. For example, you or be restrained.
can sense a storm a few hours away, but you can The weave can be used to catch falling objects
only sense that it will be colder than usual this or creatures, in which case a creature can choose
coming season. to fail his saving throw. It can also be used to block
objects from passing through it and act as a barrier,
Grenade shield, or even a bridge.
Earth Singing cantrip [Earth, Fire] (Common)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Weaving time: 1 round with a 2nd level weave slot, you can target one more
Range: Touch creature or object for each slot above 1st level. The
Target: One stone farthest distance between each two object or

Duration: Instantaneous creature cannot exceed 20 ft.

Saving Throw: Dexterity half Harness the Wind

Cloud Dancing cantrip [Air, Water] (Common)
You imbue a small stone with an explosive
Weaving Time: 1 action
property. If the stone strikes a solid surface, it
Range: 300 ft.
detonates, doing 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d4
Duration: Concentration
fire damage to the creature or object it hit, or half
as much on a successful Dexterity saving throw. If You create a 5-ft. radius puff of wind strong enough
the target is wearing or is flammable and failed the to blow out candles, swipe away leaves or blow
saving throw, it bursts into flames. At the end of its away sheets of paper.
turn, it suffers 1d6 points of fire damage, unless At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
someone uses its action to put out the fire. using a 1st level weave slot of higher, the range and
You may throw the stone or use it as radius are extended by 100 ft. A 3rd level or higher
ammunition for an appropriate weapon (such as a slot level allows you to propel ships at a good
sling or catapult}. speed. With a 5th level weave and higher, any
To hit a target with a thrown stone, you must creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving
make a ranged attack (NOT a weave attack). throw or be knocked prone. At 7th level, the wind
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave can uproot trees and destroy light buildings.
with a weave slot of 1st level or higher, you target
larger stones. The stone cause an extra 1d4 Heal
bludgeoning and 1d4 fire damage and explodes in 1stlevel Healing [Air, Spirit, Water] (Common)
an area of 5 ft. radius for each slot level above 0. Weaving time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Harden Air
Target: Touched creature
1 st level Elementalism [Air] (Common)
Duration: Instantaneous
Weaving time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
Range: 60 ft.
You lay your hands upon a living creature and use
Area: See text
its own body's energy to restore a number of hit
Duration: Concentration
points equal to 1d8 + your weaving ability modifier.
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates

Because the weave uses the body's own Immolate
strength, healing grave wounds take longer and 4 th level Elementalism [Fire, Spirit] (Common)
can cause exhaustion. Weaving time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave Range: 60 ft.
with a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, you heal an Target: One creature or object
extra 1d8 hit points for each weave slot above 1st. Duration: Instantaneous
The weaving time in rounds and the number of Saving Throw: Constitution half
exhaustion levels suffered equal one third of the
You cause one creature or object to combust from
slot level used, rounded down.
the inside. The target suffers 4d8 fire damage or
Heal the Mind half on a successful Constitution saving throw.
1 level Healing [Air, Spirit, Water] (Common)
If the creature is wearing flammable objects, or
Weaving time: 1 minute the target object is flammable, it catches fire. A

Range: Touch creature on fire takes 1d8 fire damage at the start
of each of its turns until an action is used to put it
Target: Touched creature
Duration: Instantaneous
If the target is large or larger, the damage is
Saving throw: Wisdom negates decreased by 1d8 for each size category above
You place your hands on another person's head,
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
temporarily reliving madness symptoms. As you using a weave slot of 5th level or higher, the damage
cast the weave, the target may attempt a Wisdom increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
saving throw to end an attack of madness.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
3-4 th level Conjunction [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit,
with a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, they can
Water] (Rare)
make an immediate wisdom saving throw, and you
reduce the madness rating of the target by 1d6 for Weaving time: 1 action

24 hours for each slot level above 1st. Range: 30 ft.

Duration: 1 hour
Hold Gateway
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates
6th level Traveling [Spirit] (Lost)
The Influence weave is a weaker version of
Weaving time: 1 action
compulsion. It may be used to make a target more
Range: 100 ft.
susceptible to suggestions, lies, illusions, and other
Target: One gateway created by another channeler
such influences. The weave tends to cause
Duration: Concentration
headaches bordering on migraines. While under
You use threads of spirit to hold another the weave's affect, the target suffers a disadvantage
channeler’s gateway open. You cannot affect the on all Wisdom saving throws made to resist
size of the gateway, only the duration for which it Persuasion, use Insight, identify illusions, sense
remains open. compulsion or other charm affects (including, for
example, a Draghkar's song).

Insect Control This weave does not clear away other objects
1 level Conjunction [Spirit, Water] (Rare)
that might cause the difficult terrain, such as
Weaving time: 1 action plants, debris, etc.
Range: 30 ft. At Higher Level. When you cast this weave
Area: 5 ft. square using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, you can
Duration: Concentration extend the area by an additional 10 ft. square, as
long as it is adjacent to a previous affected area.
You attract or repel a swarm of insects to a 5-ft.
square within range. You do not gain control over Light
the insects – you cannot make them sting, bite or Elementalism cantrip [Air, Fire] (Common)
climb any creature or object in the area. Weaving time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave Range: Self
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, you can
Duration: Concentration
increase the area by one additional 5-ft. square for
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates
each slot level above 1st, as long as the squares are
adjacent to each other.
You create a ball of bright light that floats a few feet
Keeping above the ground near you. The ball sheds bright
1st level Warding [Air, Spirit, Water] (Common) light in a 30 ft. radius and dim light for the same
distance after that.
Weaving time: 1 action
You can use your bonus action to move the ball
Range: 30 ft.
up to 20 ft. in any direction. If place it in front of a
Duration: See text
creature's face, the creature must succeed in a
Saving Throw: None Dexterity saving throw or be blinded until the end
of its next turn.
You preserve an amount of food to sustain 5 people
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
for one week, preventing it from spoiling.
with a weave slot of 1st level or higher, the radius of
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
the light increases by 30 ft. for each slot above 0,
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, you can
and the target gets disadvantage on the saving
preserve an additional 5 rations for one week or
extend the preservation of 5 rations for an
additional week for each slot level above 1st. Lightning
5 th level Cloud Dancing [Air, Fire] (Common)
Leveling the Ground
Weaving time: 1 action
1st level Earth Singing [Earth] (Common)
Range: 300 ft.
Weaving time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft. Area: 15 ft. cube
Area: 10 ft. square Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Dexterity half, see text
Saving throw: Dexterity negates
You call lightning from the sky, focusing on a point
You use strands of earth to level or disrupt a 10 ft. you can see within range. If there are no open skies
square of ground to remove or create difficult within range, the weave is lost, and the slot is
terrain in the area. Creatures currently in the area wasted.
must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked Any creature on that spot must make a dexterity
prone. saving throw. A creature standing on that point
takes 8d6 lightning damage, and each creature Mirror of Mists
within 5 ft. of it takes 2d6 lightning damage. Each 1st level Illusion [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
creature must also succeed in a Constitution Weaving time: 1 action
saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute. Range: Self
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Duration: Concentration
with a weave slot of 6th level or higher, the damage
Saving throw: Wisdom negates
radius increases by 5 ft. and the damage by 1d6
lightning damage for each slot level above 5th.
You create the illusion of yourself growing,
Master Ward shrouded in a veil of lights, and your voice becomes

4 th level Warding [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water] richer and deeper.
You gain advantage on all Charisma
(Intimidation) skill checks.
Weaving time: 1 round
At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave using
Range: 30 ft. a 2nd level weave slot, any hostile creature within
Area: See text 30 ft. of you that can see or hear the illusion must
Duration: Concentration make a wisdom saving throw or be stunned until
the end of your next turn.
You create a 5 ft. radius dome-shaped weave
around an area, through which no physical object,
nor the One Power, can pass. The weave is
impervious to damage and cannot be crossed by
any person or creature, including the channeler.
Ever air does not flow through the dome, and those
within could conceivably suffocate eventually.
Channelers outside the dome cannot cast weaves
into it or directly affect targets inside it with the
One Power; channelers inside cannot weave
through it or affect targets outside of it. The dome
is nearly transparent, visible only as a slightly
darkened or tinted area. Sounds are muffled when
they pass through it.
You can change the shape of the dome, but the
radius of the area is determined by the level of the
Mirror of Mists by Puddnhead
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
using a weave slot of 5th level or higher, the radius
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 4th.

Move Water Tarnish, rust, and corrosion disappear from an
3 level Elementalism [Water] (Common)
item of metal you touch, leaving its surface clean
Weaving time: 1 action and shiny. Heavy rust transmogrifies back into
Range: 30 ft. solid metal. Weapons that have been heavily pitted
Duration: Concentration are repaired, and hinges caked by solid rust after
Saving Throw: Dexterity negates years of disuse function easily with hardly a
You move up to 50 gallons of water. You can use
your bonus action to lift the water up to 20 ft. Protective Cocoon
through the air or flow it across a surface, even 3 rd level Warding [Air, Earth, Fire] (Rare)
uphill. Weaving Time: 1 reaction, which you take when
If you move the water into another creature’s you are hit with a weave
square and leave it there, the creature must make Range: Self
a Dexterity saving throw or start drowning. Duration: Instantaneous
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
using a weave slot of 4th level or higher, you can You spring a cocoon that blocks harmful effects

move an additional 50 gallons of water. The water creates by weaves of the one power. The cocoon

occupies 1 square per 100 gallons. wraps you and the air around you, granting you
resistance to damage caused by the weaves of
Pass Bond other channelers until the end of your next turn.
7 th level Conjunction [Spirit] (Common)
Raise Fog
Weaving time: 10 minutes
1 st level Cloud Dancing [Air, Water] (Common)
Range: Touch
Weaving Time: 1 action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 120 ft.
Saving Throw: Charisma negates Duration: Concentration

You touch a willing channeler, who becomes the A 20 ft. radius dense fog raises around a point you
future recipient of a bond you previously created can see within range. The fog raises in a height of
with a single creature using the Bond Warder 5 ft. per round.
weave. When you die, your warder's bond passes You can use a bonus action to move the focal
to the target. Your warder does not suffer the point of the fog to a new spot within range. If you
psychic damage associated with a broken bond, but do so, the starts to rise at the same rate, and
still feels the need to end his life, though the need existing fog outside the area of effect of the new
is lesser than that caused by a broken bond. focal point starts to decrease at the same rate.
This weave affects only one warder. If you are The fog extends around corners, and its area is
bonded to multiple warders, you must cast this heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a
weave separately for each warder bonded to you. wind of moderate or higher speed (at least 10 miles
per hour) disperses it.
Polish At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Earth Singing cantrip [Earth] (Common) with a 2nd level weave slot or higher, the fog's
Weaving Time: 1 action
radius is increased by 20 ft. for each weave slot
Range: Touch
above 1st.
Target: One metal object
Duration: Instantaneous

Rend Restore
Healing cantrip [Air, Spirit, Water] (Rare) 1 st level Healing [Earth, Spirit, Water] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 action Weaving time: 1 minute

Range: 30 ft. Range: Touch

Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous
You touch a target, slowly restoring its body and
Saving Throw: Constitution half
mind to health. At the end of the weaving, the target
regains 1d4 points to an ability score of your
You channel the one power to destroy flesh,
choice. You must touch the target for the duration
wrenching bones in their sockets and ripping
of the weaving time.
gashes through meat and muscle.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
The target must make a Constitution saving
using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, you can
throw, taking 1d10 slashing damage on a failed
heal an additional 1d4 points to the same or
save, or half as much on a successful one.
another ability score for each slot level above 1st.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, the damage Restore the Power
increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 0. 6 th level Healing [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water]

Renew (Lost)

1 st level Healing [Air, Spirit, Water] (Common) Weaving time: 1 minute

Weaving time: 1 action Range: Touch

Range: Touch Target: Creature touched

Target: Touched creature Duration: Instantaneous

Duration: 1 hour Saving Throw: Wisdom negates

Saving throw: Wisdom negates

This weave heals a severed (stilled or gentled)
channeler’s connection to the one power. If the
You relieve a creature of the effects of exhaustion.
healed channeler is of the opposite gender of the
The target immediately feels more refreshed and
healer, she is fully restored, with no side effects. If
able to continue with labors, travel, combat, or
the healed channeler is of the same gender of the
other physical activities as if it were fully rested.
healer, she is considered to have only half her
The target no longer suffers the effects of
channeler level when determining weaves per day.
exhaustion but does not lose the exhaustion levels
This connection cannot be healed again by a
it already has.
channeler of a different gender since it is already
This relief has a price, however; when the
restored. Severing the channeler again and
weave ends, the target suffers one additional level
restoring her will not work either, since her
of exhaustion. For example, if a target has 3 level
effective channeler level is already set to the lower
of exhaustion and the weave is cast at 2nd level, it
level. Healing her again will only restore her to the
will not suffer the effects of exhaustion for 2 hours,
lower effective channeler level, not her original
but once those 2 hours pass, he will have 4 levels
of exhaustion.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
with a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the creature
ignores the effects of exhaustion for one more hour
for each slot level above 1st.

Riven Earth Sever
4 level Earth Singing [Earth, Fire] (Common)
6 th level Healing [Spirit] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 round Weaving time: 10 minutes
Range: 100 ft. Range: 30 ft.
Area: 10-ft. cube Target: One shielded channeler
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Dexterity half Saving Throw: Weaving ability negates

You cause a 10-ft. cube area of ground to erupt in a You target one channeler that you can see within
shower of dirt and fire. Creatures in the area must range which is under the effect of the Shield weave

succeed of a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked or is incapacitated. The target must make a saving
throw using her weaving ability and has advantage
prone and suffer 3d6 bludgeoning damage + 3d6
on the save. If she fails, she is severed, unable to
fire damage or half as much damage on a
channel the One Power or even sense the True
successful save. At Higher Levels. When you cast Source.
this weave using a weave slot of 5 level or higher,
This process is called “Stilling” for women, and
the damage increases by 1d6 bludgeoning and 1d6 “Gentling” for men, though the term severing was
fire and cube increases by 5 ft. for each slot level used for both genders during the Age of Legends.
For a long time, it was believed that severing
above 4th.
was permanent. The lost weave “Restore the
Power” can reverse the effect.

3 rd level Warding [Spirit] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One channeler
Duration: Concentration
Saving throw: Channeling ability negates

You attempt to cut a channeler off from the True

Source, preventing them from channeling and
immediately ending the effects of any weave they
are concentrating on. Though the target cannot
channel, they still sense the One Power.
You must make a channeling ability check. If
the target does not hold the One Power, you have
advantage on the check. If it does not, you have
Riven Earth by Adam Rex disadvantage on it. Your result is the DC for the
target's saving throw to try and avoid the effect.
The target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns. If it succeeds, it breaks the
shield and is released.

If the shield is held by a circle, the DC is The platform appears different for each
increased by +1 for each channeler in the circle. If channeler, and though it usually appears
the shield is tied off, the shielded channeler has instinctively, it can also be changed if the channeler
advantage on the saving throw. wishes it and succeeds in a DC 15 Wisdom check.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave using The platform glides through the void. Though
a weave slot of 4 level or higher, the DC to break
there is no wind, people on the platform feel
the shield increases by +1 for each slot level above themselves move – or the space moving around
3 .
them – until the platform reaches its destination, at
which point another gateway opens so that they
Skimming may step out.
6th level Traveling [Air, Earth, Spirit] (Lost)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Weaving time: 1 action
with a 7th level weave slot or higher, you can choose
Range: 30 ft.
to enlarge the width and height of the gate by 5 ft.,
Duration: Until the end of your next turn
the size of the platform by an additional 5ft. and
keep it open until the end of your turn for one more
You open a gateway to a void outside the world,
turn for each slot level above 6th.
creating a 10 ft. square platform on which you can
stand on. The gate remains open until the end of Sky Lights
your next turn. You need only about half an hour of 2 nd level Illusion [Air, Fire] (Rare)
familiarity with your surroundings to skim. Make a
Weaving time: 1 round
DC 10 channeling ability check. Apply the
Range: 300 ft.
following modifiers to the roll:
Condition DC Area: 20-ft. cube
Intimately familiar with the location (living -8 Duration: Instantaneous
there, visiting often, etc.)
Camped in the location for 8 hours prior -5
Saving Throw: Constitution negates (see text)
to weaving a gateway
Study the location for half an hour before -2
weaving a gateway You create a stunning visual effect, like that created
by an illuminator’s fireworks, in a 20 ft. cube area
The length of time it takes to skim from one within range.
location to another is not dependent on the Each creature within the area must make a
distance between the locations in the real world. In Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
fact, there is no way to calculate how long such a end of its next turn.
voyage will take, though usually it is not more than At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave using
a few minutes at most. The GM must determine a weave slot of 3rd level or higher, the cube's area
how long each skimming took. increases by 5 ft. for each slot level above 2nd.
How close your skimming gate opens to your
intended destination depends on your channeling
ability check result:
Range from Distance from target location
<0 0 ft.
=0 Up to 5 ft.
1-3 5-20 ft.
4-6 21-50 ft.
7-10 51-100 ft.
11-14 101 ft.-200 ft.
15-17 201 ft.-500 ft.
18-19 500 ft.-1 mile
>20 Up to 50 miles

Strike of Death by Sam Wood
Strike of Death You do not need a line of sight to the target
8-th level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Rare) creatures or even be aware that they are there. The
Weaving time: 1 round bolts are blocked by solid barriers, but if there is
Range: Self any way around the barrier within range, the bolts
will find it.
Area: 25 ft. cube centered on you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Duration: Concentration
using a weave slot of 9th level or higher, the cube
Saving throw: Dexterity, see text
size increases by 5 ft. for each slot level above 8th.

You choose one type of Shadowspawn (such as

Trollocs or Dark hound). Lightning bolts of power
surge from your body and travel outward, striking
every creature of your chosen type within 10 ft. of
you. Any target struck dies instantly, unless they
succeed in a Dexterity saving throw, in which case
they lose half their current hit points. Creatures not
of the chosen type are not harmed by this weave.
The bolts streak out an additional 10 ft. from
you at the start of each of your turns until the
maximum range is reached.

Stunning Amyrlin Seat, during the Last Battle. The flame,
4 level Healing
forming as a clear-white crystal, is used to repair
[Female: Air, Fire, Spirit, Water] (Common) the damage to the pattern created by excessive use
[Male: Fire, Spirit] (Common) of Balefire. These holes look like black veins, tiny
bottomless gorges, in the surface of the earth.
Weaving time: 1 action
The weave repairs all the damage to an area,
Range: 60 ft.
the diameter of which is measured in ft. and
Target: 1 creature
depends on the level of the weave and the
Duration: Concentration
concentration time:
Saving Throw: Constitution negates
Weave level Range Per round concentrated
You attempt to stun one creature you can see 8 25 ft. +5 ft.
9 75 ft. +10 ft.
within range. The creature must succeed on a 10 150 ft. +20 ft.
Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed. It 11 300 ft. +40 ft.
12 600 ft. +70 ft.
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its 13 1200 ft. +100 ft.
turns, ending the effect on himself on a success. While used to repair the damage to the fabric of
reality, the Flame of Tar Valon cannot resurrect
Suggestion people burnt by Balefire, since they no longer exist
4 th level Conjunction [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit,
and cannot be targeted.
Water] (Rare)
Weaving time: 1 action Thunderclap
Target: 1 creature 3 rd
level Cloud Dancing [Air, Spirit, Water]
Range: 30 ft. (Common)
Duration: Instantaneous Weaving time: 1 action
Saving Throw: Wisdom negates Range: 150 ft.
Suggestion is a weaker form of compulsion. You Area: 30-ft. radius sphere
suggest a course of action to the target, though a Duration: Instantaneous
rational motivation must be given. If you dealt Saving throw: Constitution negates
damage to it or any of its allies within the last day,
or it the suggestion is against the target’s best You create a thunderous crack in the air, deafening
interests, it has advantage on the saving throw. all people within a 30 ft. radius of the focus point
On a failed save, the target is compelled to unless they succeed in a Constitution saving throw.
follow your suggestion to the best of its ability
within a reasonable time frame.

The Flame of Tar Valon

9 th level Balefire [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water]
Level: 9
Weaving time: 1 round
Range: See text
Duration: Concentration

The opposite weave of Balefire, The Flame of Tar

Valon was discovered by Egwene al'Vere, the

Tool of Air Turning
Elementalism cantrip [Air] (Common) 7 th
level Conjunction [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit,
Weaving time: Bonus action Water] (Rare)
Range: 60 ft. Weaving time: See text
Duration: Concentration Range: 30 ft.
Target: One channeler
You create a small tool or weapon made of air, such Duration: Instantaneous
as a knife, hammer, wedge, or clamp. The item
Saving throw: Wisdom negates
floats next to you. You can use your bonus action to
move the weapon up to 20 ft. and make a single Turning is a method of turning channelers to the
weave attack, causing 1d4 bludgeoning, piercing or shadow against their will. It is an extremely
slashing damage based on the shape you choose complex weave which requires a circle of 13
for the weapon. channelers to weave into 13 Myrddraal. An attempt
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave to turn may be resisted, but a Wisdom saving throw
using a weave slot of 1st level or higher, the size and against the circle’s leader’s save DC is required
damage of the weapon changes, as described in the each round the attempt is taking place. The longer
table below. under the influence of the weave, the harder it is to
Level Damage Example size
1st 1d6 Shortsword resist. Each minute, the DC is increased by 1.
2nd 1d8 Longsword
3rd 1d10 Warhammer Additionally, certain conditions make the attempt
4th 2d6 Warder's Sword harder:
Condition DC modifier
Touch of Death The victim is in an +2
unknown environment
5 th level Healing [Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water] (Lost)
The victim is familiar with +1 per known channeler
Weaving time: 1 round any channeler in the circle
The victim is of the +3
Range: 60 ft. opposite sex of the circle's
Duration: Concentration leader
Even a successful save has a heavy emotional
Saving throw: See text
toll on the victim, which may result in a broken

You send tendrils of the One Power into the body spirit or mind, suicidal or dark thoughts regarding

of a living creature, manipulating it from the inside the victim's life, etc.

and causing severe damage without external The turning does not change the person's

injury. personality traits. Therefore, the more devoted to

The target must make a Constitution saving the light a victim was, the more devoted to the

throw at the end of each of your turns for the shadow a person will become. It also does not

duration, taking 8d8 bludgeoning damage on a affect mental issues such as insanity from Saidin.

failed save, or half as much on a successful save. A turned person is usually described as having

At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave a black, soulless emptiness behind his eyes. Those

with a weave slot of 6th level or higher, the damage exposed to such people often believe their soul has

increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th. been taken from them.
Channelers who have been stilled or gentled, or
under channeling impairing effects (such as
forkroot) are unable to be turned, but a shielded
channeler is still able to feel and theoretically touch
the One Power, and therefor can be turned.

Use Portal Stone be burning, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage upon
4 level Traveling [Spirit] (Rare)
a successful melee attack.
Weaving time: 1 round You do not suffer damage for touching the
Range: Touch object, but you cannot pass it to others. Any other
creature holding the weapon will suffer the fire
Duration: Instantaneous
damage at the start of their turn.

This weave allows you to unlock the power of

Portal Stones to travel great distances
To do so, you must touch one of the symbols on
the Portal Stone, representing a Portal Stone at
another location. You weave the One Power into
the symbol, transporting yourself and up to 5
creatures within 10 ft. of you to the location the
symbol connects to.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
with a weave slot of 5th level or higher, you can
bring 5 additional people within 20 ft. of you. To
travel to a mirror world, you must use a weave slot
of 8th level or higher.

Voice of Power
Illusion cantrip [Air, Fire] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Portal Stone by Adi Granov
Duration: Concentration
Ward Against Channelers
Saving throw: Wisdom negates
2 nd level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
Weaving time: 1 round
One creature you touch can project its voice loud
Range: 30 ft.
enough to easily address a crowd, call commands
Area: 5 ft. radius dome
across a noisy battlefield or make its shouts
Duration: Concentration
audible for up to four miles away, granting
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) skill checks. You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave
around an area, through which channelers of the
Wand of Fire
same gender as you cannot pass. Channelers
1 st level Elementalism [Earth, Fire] (Common)
outside the dome cannot enter it, and channelers
Weaving time: Bonus action
inside the dome cannot exit. Channelers of the
Range: Touch
opposite gender, objects, non-channelers and other
Duration: Concentration creatures can pass through the dome without
affecting the weave.
You imbue a weapon, wand, branch, or other items You can change the shape of the dome, but the
that can be used as improvised weapons with radius of the area is determined by the level of the
burning fire. Though the object does not appear to weave. If you case the weave in an enclosed area,

such as a room or a cave, it tends to take the shape You can change the shape of the dome, but the
of the space in which it is cast. radius of the area is determined by the level of the
The area of the weave cannot overlap, contain, weave. If you case the weave in an enclosed area,
or be contained within another warding weave. such as a room or a cave, it tends to take the shape
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave of the space in which it is cast.
using a weave slot of 3 level or higher, the radius
The area of the weave cannot overlap, contain,
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 2 . nd
or be contained within another warding weave.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Ward Against People using a weave slot of 2nd level or higher, the radius
2 nd
level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 1st.
Weaving time: 1 round
Range: 30 ft.
Ward against the One Power
3 rd level Warding [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water]
Area: 5 ft. radius dome
Duration: Concentration
Weaving time: 1 round
You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave Range: 30 ft.
around an area. The dome creates an invisible Area: 5 ft. radius dome
barrier that only you and other people inside the Duration: Concentration
area when you create it can pass. For any other
person, the done is an invisible barrier that they You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave
cannot cross. around an area, through which the One Power
You can change the shape of the dome, but the cannot pass. Channelers outside the dome cannot
radius of the area is determined by the level of the weave into it or directly affect it or the targets
weave. If you case the weave in an enclosed area, within it via the One Power; channelers inside
such as a room or a cave, it tends to take the shape cannot case weaves out through it or directly affect
of the space in which it is cast. targets outside with the One Power. Physical
The area of the weave cannot overlap, contain, objects and people can pass through the dome
or be contained within another warding weave. without affecting the weave.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave You can change the shape of the dome, but the
using a weave slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius radius of the area is determined by the level of the
increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 2nd. weave. If you case the weave in an enclosed area,
such as a room or a cave, it tends to take the shape
Ward against Shadowspawn
of the space in which it is cast.
1 st level Warding [Air, Fire, Spirit] (Common)
The area of the weave cannot overlap, contain,
Weaving time: 1 round
or be contained within another warding weave.
Range: 30 ft. At Higher Levels. When you cast this weave
Area: 5 ft. radius dome using a weave slot of 4th level or higher, the radius
Duration: Concentration increases by 10 ft. for each slot level above 3rd.

You create a 5 ft. radius, dome-shaped weave

around an area, which must not contain
Shadowspawn at the time of the weaving. The
dome creates an invisible barrier that
Shadowspawn cannot enter.

Ward Bore swimming creatures, ships, and similar vessels
4 th
level Warding [Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit, Water] downwards, preventing them from leaving by
(Lost) normal means. The target body of water must be
Weaving time: 1 action large enough to contain the whirlpool, or the weave
Range: 60 ft. fails.
Target: A Warding weave The whirlpool forms a vortex that is 5 ft. wide at
Duration: Instantaneous the base, up to 50 ft. wide at the top, and 25 ft. tall.
You weave a probe made of the five powers, with Any creature or object in the water and within 25
which you test a structure of a weave of the ft. of the vortex is pulled 10 ft. toward it. A creature
Warding Talent that you have detected learning can swim away from the vortex by making a
what the ward shields from. Strength (Athletics) check.
You can make a Weavesight check (DC is 20 + When a creature enters the vortex for the first
weave level + channeling ability modifier of the time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make
weaver) to open a hole in the ward. If you succeed, a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the
you rip a hole in the ward which is no larger than creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and is
10 ft. by 10 ft. caught in the vortex until the weave ends. On a
If you fail, your weave is wasted but you can try successful save, the creature takes half damage
weaving again. If you fail by a margin of 10 or more and is not caught in the vortex. A creature caught
and the ward is not tied, the weaver can feel the in the vortex can use its action to try to swim away
tempering with the ward and its location, though from the vortex as described above but has
the feeling does not tell her who is responsible. disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check to
do so. If the creature fails its saving throw by 10 or
more, it is sucked underwater and starts drowning.
Cloud Dancing Cantrip [Air, Fire] (Common)
The first time each turn that an object enters the
Weaving Time: 1 round
vortex or starts its turn there, the object takes 2d8
Range: 30 ft.
bludgeoning damage; this damage occurs each
Area: 15 ft. radius
round it remains in the vortex.
Duration: Concentration
At Higher Levels. If you cast this weave using
a weave slot of 4th level or higher, the whirlpool's
You cause the temperature in a 15 ft. radius of a
radius is increased by 10 ft. and the damage by an
point you can see within range to grow comfortable
additional 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.
for the duration. If you cast this weave in a closed
space such as a room or a tent, it takes the shape
of the space instead, as long as it is small enough
1st level Cloud Dancing [Air] (Common)
to contain the area of effect.
Weaving time: 1 action

Whirlpool Range: 30 ft.

Target: One creature
3 rd level Elementalism [Spirit, Water] (Common)
Duration: Concentration
Weaving time: 1 round
Range: 100 ft.
You create a whirlwind of air around a creature you
Target: One body of water within range
can see within range. Projectiles such as arrows,
Duration: Concentration
bolts and small rocks that are aimed at the target
are pushed aside by the wind. Any projectile hitting
You create a 25-ft. radius swirling whirlpool in a
the whirlwind has a 75% chance of falling to the
sizeable body of water within range, which sweeps
ground, missing the target.

Weaves by Talents
Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
8 Balefire (R) A,E,F,S,W 1 act 50 ft. Inst. Dex. Erase a person from existence
9 The Flame of A,E,F,S,W 1 round See text Conc. None Repair an area of the pattern
Tar Valon (L) damaged by the use of balefire

Cloud Dancing
Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 Foretell A,W 1 min. Self Inst. None Feel future changes in the
Weather (C) weather
0 Harness the A,W 1 act 300 ft. Conc. None Conjure a wind over an area
Wind (C)
0 Warmth (C) A,F 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Warm the air around you
1 Raise Fog (C) A,W 1 act 120 ft. Conc. None Raise fog over an area
1 Whirlwind (C) A 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Create a whirlwind that
protects from projectiles
2 Thunderclap A,S,W 1 act 150 ft. Inst. Con. Neg. Create a deafening noise
5 Lightning (C) A,F 1 act 300 ft. Inst. Dex. half Call a bolt of lightning

Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 False Trail (C) A,E,S 1 round Self Conc. Wis. Neg. Create a false trail for
creatures to follow
1 Insect Control (R) S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Attract or repel insects in a 5-
ft. square area.
3 Finder (C) S 1 act Touch See text None Track a person
3 Influence (R) A,E,F,S,W 1 act 30 ft. 1 hour Wis. Neg. Suggest target takes an
4 Suggestion (R) A,E,F,S,W 1 action 30 ft. Inst. Wis Neg. Suggest a course of action to
a creature
5 Bond as First (R) S 10 minutes Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Bond as first brothers/sisters
5 Bond Spouse (R) S 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Share physical and mental
5 Bond Warder (C) S 1 action Touch Inst. Wis. neg. Bond a person as your warder
6 Compulsion (R) A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Wis. Neg. Force someone to carry out
your commands
7 Pass Bond (C) S 10 minutes Touch Inst. Cha. Neg. Pass your warder to another
7 Turning (R) A,E,F,S,W See text 30 ft. Inst. Wis neg. Forcefully turn a channeler to
the shadow

Earth Singing
Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 Earth Delving (C) E 1 act Self Conc. None Sense metals in the
0 Grenade (C) E,F 1 round Touch Inst. Dex. half Create an exploding stone
0 Polish (C) E 1 act Touch Inst. None Polish metal objects
1 Leveling the Ground E 1 act 60 ft. Inst. Dex. Neg. Level or disrupt a 10 ft.
(C) square, removing difficult
3 Aligning the Matrix (L) E,F,W 1 minute 5 ft. Inst. None Make metals stronger
4 Riven Earth (C) E,F 1 round 100 ft. Inst. Dex. half The ground erupts in a
shower of earth and fire
7 Earthquake (C) E 1 round 300 ft. 1 round Dex. Half Create an earthquake
9 Create Cuendillar (L) A,E,F 1 minute Touch Inst. None Transform iron to

Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 Arms of Air (C) A 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Str. Neg. Move or hold object or person
0 Create Fire (C) F 1 act 100 ft. Conc. Dex. half Create or enhance flame
0 Current (C) S,W 1 act 300 ft. Conc. None Create a current in a body of
0 Light (C) A,F 1 act Self Conc. Dex. Neg. Create a globe of cool white
0 Tool of Air (C) A Bonus act 60 ft. Conc. None Create a tool made of air
1 Dry (C) W 1 act 30 ft. Inst. Wis. Neg. Dry wet objects
1 False Wall (C) A,E 1 act 100 ft. Conc. None Create an opaque wall
1 Harden Air (C) A 1 act 60 ft. Conc. Dex. Neg. hold objects or people
1 Wand of Fire (C) E,F Bonus act Touch Conc. None Imbue wand with fire damage
2 Fiery Sword (C) A,F,S 1 act Self Conc. None Create a fire weapon
2 Fireball (C) A,F 1 act 150 ft. Inst. Dex. half Throw a fireball
3 Cut Weave (C) S Reaction 60 ft. Inst. Dex. neg. Cut another channeler's weave
3 Move Water (C) W 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Dex. Neg. Move a volume of water
3 Whirlpool (C) S,W 1 round 100 ft. Conc. None Create a whirlpool
4 Immolate (C) F,S 1 act 60 ft. Inst. Con. half Creature or object burst in
5 Fly (L) A,S 1 act Touch Conc. Wis. Neg. Gain a 60 ft. flying speed
6 Blossoms of Fire A,E,F 1 act 150 ft. Conc. Dex. half Create an exploding pole of fire
7 Arrows of Fire (L) A,F 1 act 30 ft. cone Inst. Dex. half Create a burst of fire tendrils

Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 Delve (C) S 1 min Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Learn the physical condition of a creature
0 Rend (R) A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. Inst. Con. half Destroy flesh
1 Heal (C) A,S,W 1 round Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Restore 1d8 hit points
1 Heal the A,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Reduce madness rating for a limited time
Mind (C)
1 Renew (C) A,S,W 1 act Touch 1 hour Wis. Neg. Removes the effects of exhaustion
1 Restore (C) E,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. None Restore 1d4 ability points
3 Caressing E,F,S 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Check the condition of a pregnant
the Child woman and her fetus.
3 Cleanse (C) S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis neg. Cleanse poison and disease from target
4 Stunning Male: S,F 1 act 60 ft. Conc. Con. Neg. Paralyze or stun a target
(C) Female:
5 Touch of E,F,S,W 1 round 60 ft. Conc. See text Severely injure a target with no outward
Death (L) sign
6 Restore the A,E,F,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Restore a stilled or gentled channeler's
Power (L) ability
6 Sever (C) S 10 minutes 30 ft. Inst. Weaving Still or gentle a channeler
Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
0 Voice of Power (C) A,F 1 act Touch Conc. Wis. Neg. Project and enhance your voice
1 Disguise (C) A,F,S 1 action Touch Conc. Wis. Neg. Alter the appearance of a person
1 Eavesdrop (C) A,S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Hear people speaking in the
1 Folded Light (C) A,F 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Wis. Neg. Create a screen hiding people or
1 Mirror of Mists (C) A,F,S 1 act Self Conc. Wis. Neg. Create a majestic illusion of
2 Sky Lights (R) A,F 1 round 300 ft. Inst. Con. Neg. Create fireworks
4 Distant Eye (C) A,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. - See from a distance

Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
4 Use Portal Stone (R) S 1 round Touch Inst. None Use a portal stone to travel
6 Hold Gateway (L) S 1 act 100 ft. Conc. None Keep a gateway open
6 Skimming (L) A,E,S 1 act 30 ft. 1 round None Create a gateway for
7 Bridge Between E,S 1 round 30 ft. Inst. None Create a gateway to
Worlds (L) Tel'aran'rhiod
7 Create Gateway (L) S 1 act 30 ft. 1 round None Create a gateway to another
8 Deathgate (L) E,F,S 1 round 150 ft. Conc. Dex. Neg. Send a gateway over the
Level Name Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
1 Circle of Silence A,F,W 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Create an area of
(C) complete silence
1 Barrier to Sight A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Create a barrier to
(C) conceals an area
1 Dream Shielding S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Protect dreams from
(C) dreamwalkers
1 Keeping (C) A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. 1 week None Preserve food
1 Ward against A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block shadowspawn
2 Ward against A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block channelers of the
Channelers (C) same gender
2 Ward against A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block people
People (C)
3 Fire Trap (C) A,F,S 1 round Touch Conc. Dex. half Create an exploding trap
3 Protective A,E,F Reaction Self Inst. None Gain resistance to
Cocoon (R) damage from weaves
3 Shield (C) S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Channeling Prevent a channeler from
ability neg. touching the One Power
3 Ward against the A,E,F,S,W 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block the One Power
One Power (C)
4 Disguise S 1 act 30 ft. 1 hour Wis. Conceal the ability to
Channeling (R) harmless channel
4 Master Ward (C) A,E,F,S,W 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block physical objects
and the One Power
4 Ward Bore (L) A,E,F,S,W 1 act 60 ft. Inst. None Test a warding weave
8 Strike of Death A,F,S 1 round Self Conc. Dex. See Lightning Strikes
(R) text. shadowspawn of a certain

(C) = Common, (L) = Lost, (R) = Rare, Act = action, Conc = Concentration, Inst = Instantaneous, Neg = Negates,
Powers: A = Air, E = Earth, F = Fire, S = Spirit, W = Water.

Weaves by Minimum Level
Name Tal Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Arms of Air (C) EL A 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Str. Neg. Move or hold object or person
Create Fire (C) EL F 1 act 100 ft. Conc. Dex. half Create or enhance flame
Current (C) EL S,W 1 act 300 ft. Conc. None Create a current in a body of
Delve (C) HE S 1 min Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Learn the physical condition of
a creature
Earth Delving (C) ES E 1 act Self Conc. None Sense metals in the ground
False Trail (C) CO A,E,S 1 round Self Inst. Wis. Neg. Create a false trail for creatures
to follow
Foretell Weather (C) CD A,W 1 min. Self Inst. None Feel future changes in the
Grenade (C) ES E,F 1 round Touch Inst. Dex. half Create an exploding stone
Harness the Wind (C) CD A,W 1 act 300 ft. Conc. None Conjure a wind over an area
Light (C) EL A,F 1 act Self Conc. Dex. Neg. Create a globe of cool white
Polish (C) ES E 1 act Touch Inst. None Polish metal objects
Rend (R) HE A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. Inst. Con. Half Destroy flesh
Tool of Air (C) EL A Bonus act 60 ft. Conc. None Create a tool made of air
Voice of Power (C) IL A,F 1 act Touch Conc. Wis neg. Project and enhance your voice
Warmth (C) CD A,F 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Warm the air around you

1st Level Weaves

Name Tal Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Barrier to Sight (C) WA A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Create a barrier that conceals
an area
Circle of Silence (C) WA A,F,W 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Create an area of complete
Disguise (C) IL A,F,S 1 act Touch Conc. Wis. neg. Alter the appearance of a
Dream Shielding (C) WA S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Protect dreams from
Dry (C) EL W 1 act 30 ft. Inst. Wis. Neg. Dry wet objects
Eavesdrop (C) IL A,S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Hear people speaking in the
False Wall (C) EL A,E 1 act 100 ft. Conc. None Create an opaque wall
Harden Air (C) EL A 1 act 60 ft. Conc. Dex. Neg. hold objects or people
Heal (C) HE A,S,W 1 round Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Restore 1d8 hit points
Heal the Mind (C) HE A,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Reduce madness rating for a
limited time
Insect Control (R) CO S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Attract or repel insects in a 5-
ft. square area.
Keeping (C) WA A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. 1 week None Preserve food
Leveling the Ground (C) ES E 1 act 60 ft. Inst. Dex. Neg. Level or disrupt a 10 ft.
square, removing difficult
Mirror of Mists (C) IL A,F,S 1 act Self Conc. Wis. Neg. Create a majestic illusion of
Raise Fog (C) CD A,W 1 act 120 ft. Conc. None Raise fog over an area
Renew (C) HE A,S,W 1 act Touch 1 hour Wis. Neg. Removes the effects of
Restore (C) HE E,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. None Restore 1d4 ability points
Wand of Fire (C) EL E,F Bonus act Touch Conc. None Imbue wand with fire
Ward against WA A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block shadowspawn
Shadowspawn (C)
Whirlwind (C) CD A 1 act 30 ft. Conc. None Create a whirlwind that
protects from projectiles

2nd Level Weaves
Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Fiery Sword (C) EL A,F,S 1 act Self Conc. None Create a fire weapon
Fireball (C) EL A,F 1 act 150 ft. Inst. Dex. half Throw a fireball
Folded Light (C) IL A,F 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Wis. neg. Create a screen hiding people or
Sky Lights (R) IL A,F 1 round 300 ft. Inst. Con. Neg. Create fireworks
Thunderclap (C) CD A,S,W 1 act 150 ft. Inst. Con. Neg. Create a deafening noise
Ward against WA A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block channelers of the same
Channelers (C) gender
Ward against WA A,F,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block people
People (C)

3rd Level Weaves

Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Aligning the Matrix (L) ES E,F,W 1 minute 5 ft. Inst. None Make metals stronger
Caressing the Child (R) HE E,F,S 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Check the condition of
a pregnant woman and
her fetus.
Cleanse (C) HE S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Cleanse poison and
disease from target
Cut Weave (C) EL S Reaction 60 ft. Inst. Dex. neg. Cut another channeler's
Finder (C) CO S 1 act Touch See text None Track a person
Fire Trap (C) WA A,F,S 1 round Touch Conc. Dex. half Create an exploding
Influence (R) CO A,E,R,S, 1 act 30 ft. 1 hour Wis. Neg. Suggest target takes an
W action
Move Water (C) EL W 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Dex. Neg. Move a volume of water
Protective Cocoon (R) WA A,E,F Reaction Self Inst. None Gain resistance to
damage from weaves
Shield (C) WA S 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Channeling Prevent a channeler
ability neg. from touching the One
Ward against the One WA A,E,F,S, 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block the One Power
Power (C) W
Whirlpool (C) EL S,W 1 round 100 ft. Conc. None Create a whirlpool

4th Level Weaves

Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Disguise Channeling (R) WA S 1 act 30 ft. 1 hour Wis. Conceal the ability to
harmless channel
Distant Eye (C) IL A,S 1 round 30 ft. Conc. - See from a distance
Immolate (C) EL F,S 1 act 60 ft. Inst. Con. half Creature or object
burst in flames
Master Ward (C) WA A,E,F,S,W 1 round 30 ft. Conc. None Block physical objects
and the One Power
Riven Earth (C) ES E,F 1 round 100 ft. Inst. Dex. half The ground erupts in
a shower of earth and
Stunning (C) HE Male: S,F 1 act 60 ft. Conc. Con. Neg. Paralyze or stun a
Female: target
Suggestion (R) CO A,E,F,S,W 1 action 30 ft. Inst. Wis Neg. Suggest a course of
action to a creature
Use Portal Stone (R) TR S 1 round Touch Inst. None Use a portal stone to
Ward Bore (L) WA A,E,F,S,W 1 act 60 ft. Inst. None Test a warding weave

5th Level Weaves
Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Bond as First (R) CO S 10 minutes Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Bond as first
Bond Spouse (R) CO S 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Share physical and mental
Bond Warder (C) CO S 1 action Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Bond a person as your
Fly (L) EL A,S 1 act Touch Conc. Wis. Neg. Gain a 60 ft. flying speed
Lightning (C) CD A,F 1 act 300 ft. Inst. Dex. half Call a bolt of lightning
Touch of Death (L) HE E,F,S,W 1 round 60 ft. Conc. See text Severely injure a target with
no outward sign
6th Level Weaves
Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Blossoms of Fire (L) EL A,E,F 1 act 150 ft. Conc. Dex. half Create an exploding pole
of fire
Compulsion (R) CO A,S,W 1 act 30 ft. Conc. Wis. Neg. Force someone to carry
out your commands
Hold Gateway (L) TR S 1 act 100 ft. Conc. None Keep a gateway open
Restore the Power (L) HE A,E,F,S,W 1 minute Touch Inst. Wis. Neg. Restore a stilled or
gentled channeler's
Sever (C) HE S 10 minutes 30 ft. Inst. Weave Still or gentle a channeler
Skimming (L) TR A,E,S 1 act 30 ft. 1 round None Create a gateway for
7th Level Weaves
Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Arrows of Fire (L) EL A,F 1 act 30 ft. cone Inst. Dex. half Create a burst of fire
Bridge Between TR E,S 1 round 30 ft. Inst. None Create a gateway to
Worlds (L) Tel'aran'rhiod
Create Gateway (L) TR S 1 act 30 ft. 1 round None Create a gateway to
another location
Earthquake (C) ES E 1 round 300 ft. Inst. Dex. Half Create an earthquake
Pass Bond (C) CO S 10 minutes Touch Inst. Cha. Neg. Pass your warder to
another channeler
Turning (R) CO A,E,F,S,W See text 30 ft. Inst. Wis. Neg. Forcefully turn a
channeler to the
8th Level Weaves
Name Tal. Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Balefire (R) BF A,E,F,S,W 1 act 50 ft. Inst. Dex. neg. Erase a person from
Deathgate (L) TR E,F,S 1 round 150 ft. Conc. Dex. Send a gateway
negates souring over the
Strike of Death (R) WA A,F,S 1 round Self Conc. Dex. See Lightning Strikes
text. shadowspawn of a
certain type
9th Level Weaves
Name Tal. Powers Weave time Range Duration Save Effect
Create Cuendillar (L) ES A,E,F 1 minute Touch Inst. None Transform iron to
The Flame of Tar Valon (R) BF A,E,F,S,W 1 round See text Conc. None Repair an area of
the pattern
damaged by balefire

(C) = Common, (L) = Lost, (R) = Rare, Act = action, Conc = Concentration, Inst = Instantaneous, Neg = Negates,
Tal = Talent, Res = Resistance. BF = Balefire, CD = Cloud Dancing, CO = Conjunction, ES = Earth Singing, EL
= Elementalism, HE = Healing, IL = Illusion, TR = Traveling, WA = Warding.

Rand Al'Thor
by Rob Christianson

Running the Game

Perrin Aybara
by Samantha Johnson
ELEVEN Chapter 11: Hazards

Hazards Tel'aran'rhiod
Tel'aran'rhiod, the world of dreams, is a world
existing alongside, and affected by, reality. For
example, a house built in the real world would
appear in the world of dreams as well, but less
permanent objects might change at a glance – a
flower vase could suddenly change to a hand
mirror or blacksmith's puzzle.
A more extensive description of Tel'aran'rhiod
appears in chapter 13 of the RPG.

The Principle of Need

The World of Dreams is connected to the
subconscious, and even destiny, of the dreamer. On
occasion, Tel’aran’rhiod might take a dreamer to a
place in which she needs to be, even if the dreamer
is not aware of the reason for which she needs to
be there.
It is also possible for a dreamer to attempt an
Intelligence (Insight) check to move herself to a
location based on that need. The DC for this check
is determined by the GM based on the urgency or
importance of the need.

Hazards of Tel'aran'Rhiod
Sometimes, a regular person drifts into
Tel'aran'rhiod while he sleeps, usually only for a
few moments. However, sometimes they drift to
the world of dreams while having a nightmare.
This nightmare moves freely in the world of
dreams, changing the location it inhabits at the
moment, and sometimes latching into a specific
place, pulling unwary dreamwalkers into them.
As anything else in Tel'aran'rhiod, everything
that happens in these nightmares affects the
dreamer outside the world of dreams, making
them extremely dangerous. As a nightmare is

extremely vivid, they distract the dreamer from the Bubbles of Evil
fact that he is dreaming. The bore in the Dark One's prison affects the
To escape a regular nightmare, a dreamer must world. Like a rotting corpse at the bottom of a
first use her action to make a Wisdom (Insight) pond, bubbles of chaotic vileness rise
check (DC 15) to understand she is from it and drift across the pattern,
trapped in a dream. She until they burst. The effect of
can repeat the save at the such bursts varies, but they
end of each of her turns are always lethal and horrific
while trapped in the – people can go into a
nightmare. If successful, homicidal rage, cloths
the dreamer may can suddenly strangle
attempt a Wisdom their wearers,
saving throw to escape furniture try to
the nightmare. assassinate those around
Table 31: Escaping a them, strange shadowspawn
Nightmare describes can appear out of thin air and
the difficulty class for entire villages can sink into the earth
escaping nightmares based along with their entire populace.
on their origin. Like everything else in the pattern,
If a dreamer's result is higher by 10 the bubbles are attracted to Ta'veren, and
or more than the required are more likely to burst in
A Bridge Between Worlds by Rebecca Guay
DC, he may eliminate the their vicinity.
nightmare, thus making the location safe for other There is no way to predict or prevent such
dreamers in the future. bursts. Once the characters encounter them, they
Table 31: Escaping a Nightmare can only fight through them.
Nightmare origin DC
Started by a random visitor to Tel'aran'rhiod 15
Shadar Logoth
Purposefully started by a dreamwalker The evil of Shadar Logoth is corrupting to both
Started by a dreamer with the Dreamwalker feat 25 people and objects. Anything removed from the city
is corrupted, making people mistrustful, paranoid
Tips for the GM: Nightmares are a great plot tool and eventually cruel and violent. Anyone
to spice up your players' Tel'aran'rhiod experience. possessing an object from the city for more than 1
While they can as simple as being cooked by day must make a Wisdom saving throw at the dawn
trollocs, they can also be as complicated and scary of each day. On a failed save, the character must
as you wish. One can be caught in an unending roll 1d100 and succumb to a Short-Term Madness
maze, chased by dead relatives or solving riddles effect as described on pages 258-260 of the DMG.
asked by Aes Sedai. Being trapped in a nightmare Carrying the object for more than one month
can be the basis of an adventure in and by itself. means rolling on the Long-Term Madness table
In such cases, it might not be possible to escape instead, and for over a year – the Indefinite
or destroy the nightmare with a mere saving throw. Madness table. In addition to the madness effects
The creatures in the nightmare might have to described in the tables, the bearer also becomes
complete a series of trials, puzzles, or riddles, or hateful and mistrusting of others, even his closest
defeat a powerful enemy. friends and family.

The longer a person held the object, the harder
the connection is to break. If carried for over a
month, the bearer becomes dependent on it.
Removing the object from his possession without
first severing his connection to it will inflict a
wasting sickness, causing it to lose 1 point of
constitution per month, until death.
This connection, and the madness it causes,
can only be healed by weaves of the One Power.
The longer the user had the object in his
possession, the harder the connection is to break.
For each month the object was in the character's
possession, a weave slot of the same level must be
expended. In certain cases, a circle must be used,
as a single channeler might not be strong enough
to sever the connection on her own.

The Bowl of the Winds
by Julie Bell
Chapter 12: Encounters

encounters This chapter contains updated stat blocks for

creatures and NPCs in the RPG and DR, as well as
new creatures that did not appear there. If no
description is given for creatures, it is described in
the RPG.
The encounters were streamlined to D&D 5th
edition standards and are no longer divided to an
A-I scale. Instead, each creature has been assigned
an appropriate challenge rating and XP reward.
The challenge rating is calculated for a group of
creatures as indicated in brackets after their
alignment description.
The following animals can be used as they
appear in appendix D of the PH:
Bat Mastiff
Black Bear Mule
Boar Owl
Brown Bear Rat
Cat Raven
Frog Riding Horse
Hawk War Horse

Shadow-Linked Vermin
Often, the Shadow uses rats and ravens as spies.
You can use the Rat, Raven, Swarm of Rats and
Swarm of Raven statistics from the Monster
Manual for such vermin, except that they have
advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) skill checks
and an Intelligence score of 4.
These vermin must report back, usually to a
Myrddraal, of what they sawm unless linked to a
channeler using the True Power.

Creature Statistics A-Z

Bat, Viper (PD p. 149)

Viper bats are blood drinking variants of the
Cave Bear
Large Beast, unaligned (solitary or pair)
common bat. They usually operate in groups of 2
to 5 individuals, but swarms are also common. For Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

statistics of a swarm, see Swarm of Viper Bats. Hit Points 54 (6d8 + 24)
Speed 40 ft.
They are distinguished from normal bats by their
red-tinted wings and long, thin tails.
19 (+4) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Viper Bat
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Tiny Beast, unaligned (solitary or pair)
Languages –
Armor Class 12 Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Hit Points 1
Keen Smell. The Cave Bear has advantage on Wisdom
Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
1 (-5) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) Actions
Multiattack. The Cave Bear makes three attacks, two with its
Saving throws Dexterity +4
claws and one with its bite.
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 14
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Languages –
target. Hit: 13 (1d8+8) slashing damage and the target is
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the King
Flyby. The Viper Bat does not provoke opportunity attacks Bear can attack only the grappled creature and has advantage
when it flies out of an enemy's reach. on attack rolls to do so.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Actions 14 (2d8+4) piercing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage and the target's hit point maximum is Bear, King (DR p.37)
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. The hit
King bears, also known as Royal Bears or Great
point maximum is recovered after a long rest.
Black Bears, are marked with 1-3, downward
pointing, white chevrons on their chest. They can
reach a height of ten feet and a weight of up to

Bear, Cave (PD p. 34) 2,000 pounds, though such sizes are rare. They are

Cave bears can reach up to 2,000 pounds and remarkably quick for a creature their size, and

stand up to 12 ft. tall on its hind legs. Their fur while they are not often aggressive towards

ranges from dull brown to nearly gray. They are humans, they are prone to sudden, unprovoked

territorial and prone to attack anyone they consider attacks. They are most common in the forests of

a threat. southern Saldaea, the Black Hills and the

mountains of mist, though they sometimes venture
outside of those regions.

King Bear Boars
Large Beast, unaligned (solitary or pair)

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Boar, Bladetusk (DR p. 38)

Hit Points 72 (8d8 + 32) Bladetusks, also known as Lanra (singular and
Speed 40 ft. plural), are lean and quick boars found in the Aiel
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA waste. They average at 200 pounds, but can grow
21 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
as large as 400, with tusks that grow up to 6 inches,
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10 and sparse fur of sand to dark brown. They are
Languages –
aggressive and cunning by nature and have been
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
known to round their hunters and ambush them.
Keen Smell. The King Bear has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Medium Beast, unaligned (Solitary)
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Multiattack. The King Bear makes three attacks, two with its
Hit Points 16 (3d8+1)
claws and one with its bite.
Speed 30 ft.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (1d8+8) slashing damage and the target is STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 4 (-3)
grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the King
Bear can attack only the grappled creature and has advantage
Senses passive Perception 11
on attack rolls to do so.
Languages –
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
14 (2d8+4) piercing damage.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the Bladetusk can move up to its
speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Charge. If the Bladetusk moves at least 20 ft. straight toward

a creature right before hitting it with a tusk attack, the target
takes an extra 3 (ld6) slashing damage and must succeed on a
DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Keen Smell. The Bladetusk has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d8+4) slashing damage.

Boar, Capar (DR p. 38, as Pecara)

A Capar is a boar from the Aiel waste with coarse,
dark hair, a pointed snout, and claws for toes.
Medium Beast, unaligned (pack 12-30)

Armor Class 11 (natural armor)

Hit Points 16 (3d8+1)
Speed 40 ft.


13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 5 (-3)

King Bear by Scott Schomburg

Senses passive Perception 9 Actions
Languages –
Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Hit: 4 (1d4+1) slashing damage.
Charge. If the Capar moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a
creature right before hitting it with a tusk attack, the target
takes an extra 3 (ld6) slashing damage and must succeed on a
DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Keen Smell. The Capar has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

checks that rely on smell.

Relentless (Recharges after the Boar Finishes a Short or

Long Rest). If the Capar takes 7 damage or less that would
reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to l hit point instead.

Multiattack. The Capar makes two attacks: one with its tusk
and one with its claws.

Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 5 (1d6+1) slashing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Capar by Scott Schomburg
Hit: 7 (2d4+1) slashing damage. Boar, Wild Pig (DR p.38)
Wild Pigs are found everywhere west of the Spine
Boar, Gensa (DR p.38) of the World and can reach up to 500 pounds, with
The Gensa (singular and plural), known commonly
tusks as long as eight inches. Their fur is stiff,
as Sand Pigs, are a small breed of pig native to the
ranging from deep brown to black. They are quick,
Aiel waste. Their common name comes from the
aggressive, and dangerous year-round, females
color of their dappled, light brown fur. They are not
even more dangerous when carrying a litter.
aggressive unless cornered or protecting their
Wild Pig
young. Medium Beast, unaligned (solitary)
Small Beast, unaligned (group 4-10 or pack 12-36) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 21 (3d8+6)
Armor Class 12 Speed 40 ft.
Hit Points 6 (1d8+1)
Speed 30 ft. 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 4 (-3)
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Senses passive Perception 11
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 4 (-3)
Languages –
Damage Immunities poison Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Senses passive Perception 12
Charge. If the Wild Pig moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a
Languages –
creature right before hitting it with a tusk attack, the target
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
takes an extra 3 (ld6) slashing damage and must succeed on a
Charge. If the Gensa moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
creature right before hitting it with a tusk attack, the target
Keen Smell. The Wild Pig has advantage on Wisdom
takes an extra 3 (ld6) slashing damage and must succeed on a
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Keen Smell. The Gensa has advantage on Wisdom Actions

(Perception) checks that rely on smell. Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d8+4) slashing damage.

C Kori
Large Beast, Unaligned (solitary or pair)

Caisid (PD p. 40) Armor Class 15

Hit Points 79 (9d10+25)
Caisid, or Sandcat, are tiny cats living in the Aiel
Speed 50 ft., Climb 30 ft.
waste, with legs large for their size. Despite their
size, they are known to attack much larger animals, 18 (+4) 20(+5) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
hoping to get a large meal. They rarely grow
Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +10
heavier than 25 pounds, though some have been Senses passive Perception 13
known to grow as heavy as 40 pounds. Languages –
Challenge 5 (1,100 XP)
Tiny Beast, Unaligned (solitary) Keen Smell. The Kori has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on smell.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 7 (1d8+2) Pounce. If the Kori moves at least 10 ft. straight towards a
Speed 50 ft. creature and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, that
creature must succeed on a DC l5 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
10 (+0) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Rake. If the Kori grapples a creature with its maw, it can use a
Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +6, Stealth +8
bonus action to make two attacks with its claws.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages – Actions
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Multiattack. The Kori makes three attacks, one with its bite and
Keen Smell. The Caisid has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) two with its claws.

checks that rely on smell. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Pounce. If the Caisid moves at least 20 ft. straight towards a Hit: 10 (1d8+5) slashing damage. If the target is a medium or
creature and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, that smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this

target must succeed on a DC l0 Strength saving throw or be grapple ends, the Kori has advantage on attack rolls against the

knocked prone. creature.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.

Actions Hit: 9 (1d6+5) slashing damage.
Multiattack. The Caisid makes three attacks, one with its bite
and two with its claws. Leopard/Black Leopard (PD p. 40)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Leopards and Black Leopards are dangerous,
1 piercing damage. aggressive great cats living in mountainous areas.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. They rarely travel to populated areas. The Leopard
Hit: 7 (1d4+4) slashing damage. has a golden or yellow fur with black spots and can
grow up to 200 pounds, though rarely more than
150. The Black Leopard can grow up to 150 ponds,
Kori are huge, wild, spotted felines from the Sen
but more commonly up to 100 pounds.
T’jore region in Seanchan.

Leopard/Black Leopard Keen Smell. The Maerid has advantage on Wisdom
Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Pounce. If the Maerid moves at least 20 ft. straight towards a
Hit Points 21 (3d8+6) creature and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, that
Speed 40 ft., Climb 20 ft. target must succeed on a DC l3 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone.
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) Rake. If the Maerid grapples a creature with its maw, it can use
a bonus action to make two attacks with its claws.
Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +8
Senses passive Perception 13 Actions
Languages – Multiattack. The Maerid makes three attacks, one with its bite
Challenge 2 (450 XP) and two with its claws.

Keen Smell. The Leopard has advantage on Wisdom Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. 9 (1d6+5) slashing damage. If the target is a medium or smaller

Pounce. If the Leopard moves at least 20 ft. straight towards a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends,

creature and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, that the Maerid has advantage on attack rolls against the creature.

target must succeed on a DC l3 Strength saving throw or be Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
knocked prone. Hit: 8 (1d4+5) slashing damage.

Rake. If the Leopard grapples a creature with its maw, it can

Western Ridgecat (PD p. 40)
use a bonus action to make two attacks with its claws.
The western Ridgecat lives in mountainous areas
Actions west of the Aiel waste. They are aggressive and
Multiattack. The Leopard makes three attacks, one with its bite
usually attack creatures they believe they can bring
and two with its claws.
down, including humans.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Western Ridgecat
8 (1d6+4) slashing damage. If the target is a medium or smaller
Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary)
creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends,
the Leopard has advantage on attack rolls against the creature. Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit Points 21 (3d8+6)
Hit: 7 (1d4+4) slashing damage. Speed 40 ft., Climb 10 ft.


Maerid Ridgecat (PD p. 40) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)

The Maerid is a type of Ridgecat that lives in the Skills Acrobatics +6, Stealth +7
Aiel waste. Their fur ranges from sandy gray to Senses passive Perception 13
pale yellow and can weigh between 200 and 250 Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Maerid Ridgecat Keen Smell. The Ridgecat has advantage on Wisdom
Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary) (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce. If the Ridgecat moves at least 20 ft. straight towards a

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
creature and then hits it with an attack on the same turn, that
Hit Points 21 (3d8+6)
target must succeed on a DC l3 Strength saving throw or be
Speed 40 ft., Climb 10 ft.
knocked prone.
Rake. If the Ridgecat grapples a creature with its maw, it can
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)
use a bonus action to make two attacks with its claws.
Skills Acrobatics +6, Stealth +7
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages –
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Ridgecat makes three attacks, one with its bite Multiattack. The Mountain Cat makes three attacks, one with
and two with its claws. its bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (1d6+4) slashing damage. If the target is a medium or smaller 8 (1d6+4) slashing damage. If the target is a medium or smaller
creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends,
the Ridgecat has advantage on attack rolls against the creature. the Mountain Cat has advantage on attack rolls against the
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d4+4) slashing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Mountain Cat (RPG p. 243) Hit: 7 (1d4+4) slashing damage.
Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary or pair)

Armor Class 14 Swamp cat (PD p. 40)

Hit Points 40 (5d10+10)
Swamp cats are tiny beasts, native to the drowned
Speed 40 ft., Climb 20 ft.
lands. Their fur is grey with a greenish tint. They
16 (+3) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
are remarkable swimmers and spend much of their
time in the water. They grow up to 20 pounds, but
Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth +8
Senses passive Perception 13 10 to 15 pounds is more common.
Languages –
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Keen Smell. The Mountain Cat has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce. If the Mountain Cat moves at least 20 ft. straight

towards a creature and then hits it with an attack on the same
turn, that target must succeed on a DC l3 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.

Rake. If the Mountain Cat grapples a creature with its maw, it

can use a bonus action to make two attacks with its claws.

Swamp Cat by Scott Schomburg

Swamp cat
Tiny Beast, Unaligned (solitary)

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 40 (5d10+10)
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.


8 (-1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +1, Stealth +5

Senses passive Perception 11
Languages –
Mountain Cat by Richard Sardhina
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Keen Smell. The Swamp Cat has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce. If the Swamp Cat moves at least 20 ft. straight

towards a creature and then hits it with an attack on the same
turn, that target must succeed on a DC 9 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.

Multiattack. The Swamp Cat makes three attacks, one with its
bite and two with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
1 piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 2 (1d4+1) slashing damage.

Corlm (RPG p. 237)

Medium Beast, unaligned (pack, 2-12)

Armor Class 15 (Natural armor)

Hit Points 15 (2d10+3)
Speed 30 ft. Corlm by Adam Rex
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Constitution +5, Dexterity +4

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages –
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Keen Smell. The Corlm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

checks that rely on smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
9 (1d8+4) piercing damage.

G Grolm (RPG p. 241)
Gara is a two-foot-long lizard found in the Aiel Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary or pack, 2-11)

waste, with a bite strong enough to pass through Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
boots and a deadly poison. The Aiel eat its meat, Hit Points 55 (8d8+15)
which tastes like chicken. Speed 30 ft.


Gara 20 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
small Beast, unaligned (solitary)
Skills Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Armor Class 8
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from
Hit Points 15 (2d10+3)
non-Ter’angreal or power-wrought weapons
Speed 30 ft.
Languages –
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
10 (+0) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
Jump. The Grolm can leap up to 30 ft. without a running start.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Actions
Senses passive Perception 11
Multiattack. The Grolm makes three attacks, one with its bite
Languages –
and two with its claw.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
7 (1d4+4) slashing damage and the target must make a DC 16
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
3 (1d4) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15
Hit: 8 (1d6+4) slashing damage.
Constitution saving throw, taking 8 (2d6) poison damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Grolm by Richard Sardhina

Lopar (RPG p. 242)
L Raken (RPG p. 245)
Large Beast, Unaligned (solitary or pair) Huge Beast, Unaligned (solitary or flight, 2-4)

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 14

Hit Points 85 (10d10+25) Hit Points 56 (6d10+20)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft.

22 (+5) 13(+1) 20 (+4) 4 (-3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10(+0) 21 (+5) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)

Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4 Skills Athletics +5, Perception +3

Senses passive Perception 14 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages – Languages –
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Lopar makes two attacks with its claws. Multiattack. The Raken makes three attacks, two with its claws
and one with its tail.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (1d12+4) slashing damage. If the target is a large or Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 17). Until this Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing damage.
grapple ends, the Lopar has advantage on attack rolls against
the creature. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage.

Lopar by Carl Critchlow

Shadowspawn, called Shadowwrought by the Aiel,
S Greater Darkhound
Medium Shadowspawn, Chaotic Evil (pack, 2-8)
is a generic name for creatures of the Dark One.
During the age of legends, they were known as Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 250 (35d8+75)
constructs, created by the forsaken Aginor during
Speed 60 ft.
the War of the Power. They are diverse in nature
and have only one thing in common – they all die 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
20 (+5) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)
instantly if they try passing through a Gateway.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages –
Medium Shadowspawn, Chaotic Evil (pack, 2-8)
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Charge. If the Darkhound moves at least 20 ft. straight toward
Hit Points 145 (20d10+25)
a creature right before hitting it with a bite attack, the target
Speed 50 ft.
takes an extra 20 (4d8) piercing damage and must succeed on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Keen Smell. The Darkhound has advantage on Wisdom
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +6 (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages –
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Charge. If the Darkhound moves at least 20 ft. straight toward

a creature right before hitting it with a bite attack, the target
takes an extra 15 (3d8) piercing damage and must succeed on
a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Keen Smell. The Darkhound has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Poisoned Blood. Any creatures that hits the Darkhound with

an attack and is standing within 5 ft. of it must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, reducing 1d6 of its Strength score
on a failed save, or 6 (1d10) poison damage on a successful
one. The reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest.

Regeneration. The Darkhound regains 10 hit points at the

start of its turn. If the Darkhound takes damage from weaves
of the One Power, this trait doesn't function at the start of the
Darkhound's next turn. The Darkhound dies only if starts it
turn with 0 hit points and does not regenerate.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Darkhounds by Carl Critchlow
Hit: 50 (7d8+15) piercing damage, and the target must make a
DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 8 (2d6) poison damage
on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Poisoned Blood. Any creatures that hits the Darkhound with Draghkar (RPG p. 238)
an attack and is standing within 5 ft. of it must make a DC 17 Medium Shadowspawn, Chaotic Evil (solitary)
Constitution saving throw, reducing 1d8 of its Strength score
on a failed save, or 10 (2d8) poison damage on a successful Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
one. The reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. Hit Points 145 (20d10+25)
Speed 50 ft.
Regeneration. The Darkhound regains 20 hit points at the start
of its turn. If the Darkhound takes damage from weaves of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
One Power, this trait doesn't function at the start of the 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 22 (+6)

Darkhound's next turn. The Darkhound dies only if starts it turn

Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4, Cha +8
with 0 hit points and does not regenerate.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages –
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
80 (12d8+20) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC Flyby. The Draghkar does not provoke opportunity attacks
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 8 (2d6) poison damage on when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Captivating Song. The Draghkar can use its bonus action to
target one humanoid within 120 ft. of it with a captivating
song. The target must succeed in a DC 19 Wisdom saving
throw or become utterly captivated. If the target succeeds in its
saving throw, it cannot be targeted by this specific Draghkar's
Captivating Song ability for 24 hours.
While captivated, the target can take no action, bonus action or
reaction, and must move towards the Draghkar in the most
direct route possible. For the first time the target takes any
damage after being captivated, it may make another saving
throw to end the effect. Once the creature reaches within 5 ft.
of the Draghkar or cannot get closer to it for any reason, it
stands in place and is paralyzed.
Kiss. The Draghkar's most fearsome ability is its soul stealing
kiss. The Draghkar's kiss is a melee attack which provokes an
attack of opportunity, which is why it usually only uses it on
captivated creatures.

Multiattack. The Draghkar makes two attacks with its talons.

Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing damage.

Kiss. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
The target is grappled, and its Wisdom score is reduced by 1d6
for each turn it remains grappled. If the creature's Wisdom is
reduced to 0, it dies, its soul destroyed.

Draghkar by Brom

Ter'angreal vulnerability. The Gholam is vulnerable to certain
types of Ter'angreal. Touching these items causes 1d8 necrotic
damage to the Gholam, making his skin burn and smoke.

Multiattack. The Gholam makes two attacks with its longsword
or its claws.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attacks: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d6+5) piercing damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (1d8+5) slashing damage, or 11 (1d10+5)
slashing damage if used with two hands.

Gray Man (RPG p. 240)

Medium Shadowspawm, Chaotic Evil (solitary or band, 2-4)

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 50 (8d8+10)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)

Saving Throws Constitution +6

Skills Stealth +15
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, The Old Tongue
Gholam by Brom
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Gholam (RPG p. 239)
Beneath Notice. Wisdom (Perception) checks made to detect
Medium Shadowspawm, Chaotic Evil (solitary)
the Gray Man are made with disadvantage, and his Dexterity
Armor Class 20 (Natural armor) (Stealth) checks are made with advantage. It can use its
Hit Points 170 (20d10+50) Dexterity (Stealth) skill even in the open, as other creatures'
Speed 30 ft. sight slides off it without notice.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Death Strike. If the Gray Man hits a surprised creature with a
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) melee attack, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw, dropping to 0 hit points on a failed save, or half its
Saving Throws Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Constitution +11
remaining hit
Skills Stealth +15
points on a
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from
successful one.
non-Ter'angreal or power-wrought weapons
Senses passive Perception 17 Actions
Languages Common, The Old Tongue
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Melee Weapon
Boneless. The Gholam can pass through any crack 1/16-inch- Attack: +5 to hit,
wide and is immune to sneak attacks and critical hits. reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6
Improved Initiative. The Gholam has advantage on Initiative
(1d6+2) slashing
Weave Immunity. The Gholam is immune to weaves of the one
power. If targeted by a weave, the strands fail and disappear. It
can pass through any barrier created by the One Power with no
effect. It can still be affected by weave that do not directly target
it, such as a fireball explosion near it or howling rocks at it.
Gray Man by Puddnhead

Myrddraal (RPG p. 243) Shadow Walk. When the Myrddraal is in a shadowed area. It
Medium Shadowspawn can use a bonus action to teleport to any other shadow with no
Chaotic Evil (solitary or band, 2-4) distance limitation.
Armor Class 22
Hit Points 115 (15d10+25)
Speed 40 ft. Multiattack. The Myrddraal makes two attacks with its
Shadow Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
18 (+4) 22 (+6) 18 (+4)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d10+6)
slashing damage and the target must
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
make a Constitution saving throw
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +10 (DC 18) each day at midnight. On a
Senses Blindsight 200 ft. fail, the target contracts a
passive Perception 16 Shadow Disease (see above).
Languages Common, Trolloc Hit points lost to the Shadow
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Blade cannot be healed except by

Frightful Presence. Each creature of weaves of the One Power.

the Myrddraal’s choice within 30 ft. of it that

Legendary Actions
can see it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
The Myrddraal can take 3 legendary actions,
saving throw or become stunned until the end
choosing from the options below. Only one
of their next turn and frightened for 1 minute
legendary action option can be used at a time
after that. A creature can repeat the saving
and only at the end of another creature's turn.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
The Myrddraal regains spend legendary actions
effect on itself on a success. If a creature's
at the start of its turn.
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
Attack. The Myrddraal makes two weapon
it, the creature is immune to the Myrddraal's
attacks with its Shadow Blade.
Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Shadow Run. The Myrddraal can move up to 40
Trolloc Links. Myrddraal can create a psychic
ft. into a shadow and use its Shadow Walk ability.
link to 1d6+20 Trollocs. This link makes the
Command Trollocs (Costs 2 Actions). Any
Trollocs more amenable to the Myrddraal’s
Trolloc within 60 ft. of the Myrddraal uses its
commands but does not give him control over
reaction to make one melee attack.
them. If the Myrddraal is dropped to 0 hit points,
all Trollocs linked to it fall to the ground in
convulsions and die within a few rounds.

Dark Vitality. If the Myrddraal is dropped to 0 hit

points, its body continues to, strike
Myrddraal by Brom Reaction
creatures within 5 ft. of it as normal (even
One Power Sense. The Myrddraal can use its reaction to make
without a head) for 1 minutes before falling. Even then, it
a Perception check when someone holds to the One Power or
continues to thrash on the ground until the next sunset, at which
weaving within 60 ft. of it (DC 20 – the channeler level). If he
time it will die. It can still be healed until such time.
succeeds, he known the exact location of the weaver, can move
Shadow Disease. Myrddraal carry Shadow-Blades, forged on up to 30 ft. towards her and make a weapon attack against her.
the slopes of Shayol Ghul and bound with a human soul. Hit
Parry. The Myrddraal adds 4 to its AC against one melee attack
points lost to a Myrddraal’s Shadow-Blade cannot be healed
that would hit it.
naturally; only the One Power can restore hit points lost this
way. Any creature who is hit by or carries the blade other than
a Shadowspawn must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw
or contract a terrible wasting disease. If the creature succeeds
it must make a new saving throw each day at midnight. The
incubation period is 1 day, after which the creature’s
constitution score is reduced by 1d6 per day, until death. This
disease can only be healed by weaves of the One Power.

Trolloc (RPG p. 248) Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft.,
Large Shadowspawm, Chaotic Evil (Gang, 2-6, Band, 11-20 or one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+1) piercing damage.
Fist 100-200)

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 18 (3d8+3)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12

Skills Stealth +4
Languages Trolloc
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Keen Smell. The Trolloc has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Trolloc has

disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 8 (1d10+2) slashing
damage if used with both hands.

Trolloc Sargent (PD p. 123)

Large Shadowspawm, Chaotic Evil (with a Gang, 2-6, Band, 11- Trolloc by Brom
20 or Fist 100-200)
Walking Eye (PD p. 187)
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
The dreadful walking eye is a nightmare born of a
Hit Points 36 (4d8+16)
bubble of evil, essence of the Dark One drifting
Speed 20 ft.
over the pattern until it pops into horrible life
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) forms. Tales of these creatures are far and wide, so
it is likely more than one bubble of evil has taken
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Skills Stealth +4 this form.
Languages Trolloc The eye's body is 3-4 feet in diameter similar to
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
a bulbous, goat's veiny eye as large as a shield.
Keen Smell. The Trolloc sergeant has advantage on Wisdom They stand on six spidery legs, the two forward
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
ones ending in sharp, dagger-like talons. A squid-
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Trolloc sergeant like beak sticks from the bottom of their body,
has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom
between their six legs. When the eye is killed, it
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
dissolves into a puddle of noisome slime.
Multiattack. The Trolloc Sargent makes two attacks with its
Scythesword or his shortbow.

Scythesword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 8 (2d8+4) slashing damage.

Walking Eye Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Medium Shadowspawn, chaotic evil (solitary or group 2-11) Hit: 7 (1d8+2) piercing damage.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 28 (4d8+8) Hit: 6 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.


15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletic +4, perception +3
Blacklance is an extremely poisonous snake. It can
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages - reach a length of 7 ft. but does not attack
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) humanoids unless provoked.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the Walking Eye's choice Blacklance
that is within 30 ft. of the Walking Eye and aware of it must Small Beast, unaligned (solitary)
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
Armor Class 13
frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
Hit Points 5 (1d8)
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
Speed 30 ft.
on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the
effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the walking eye's STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. 2 (-4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

Regeneration. The Walking Eye regains 10 hit points at the Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10
start of its turn. If the Walking Eye takes fire damage, this trait Languages –
does not function at the start of the Walking Eye's next turn. Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
The Walking Eye dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points
and does not regenerate. Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
1 piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 14
Multiattack. The Walking Eye makes three attacks, two with its
Constitution saving throw, taking 8 (2d6) poison damage on a
talons and one with its beak.
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Walking Eye by Michael Dubisch

Bloodsnake Two Step
Bloodsnake is a poisonous snake living in the Aiel Two Step is a small, brown snake living in the Aiel
Waste. Its venom thickens the victim's blood, Waste. It is named for its potent venom, which can
turning it to jelly in mere minutes. It can reach up kill a grown man after two steps.
to 2 1�
2 feet long. The Aiel have been known to add Two Step
its white meat to such dishes as spicy stews or Tiny Beast, Unaligned (solitary)

dried peppers and beans. Armor Class 13

Bloodsnake Hit Points 1
tiny Beast, unaligned (solitary) Speed 30 ft.


Armor Class 13
2 (-4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
Speed 30 ft. Senses passive Perception 10
Languages –
2 (-4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages –
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
1 piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 12
Constitution saving throw or be reduced to 0 hit points, or half
its current hit points on a successful one.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
1 piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) poison damage on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Mountain King
The Mountain King is a red headed snake with red
and white rings striping its body. It is found in the
mountainous areas of the Aiel Waste.
Use the Blacklance statistic.

S’redit (RPG p. 246) Trample. The S’redit moves up to 10 ft. Each creature in its
path must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d10
Huge Beast, Unaligned (solitary or herd, 6-30)
bludgeoning damage and pushed 10 ft. out of the S’redit’s
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) space, or half as much damage and pushed 5 ft. on a successful
Hit Points 176 (21d10+50) one. If the creature has nowhere to be pushed, it is crushed for
Speed 40 ft. an additional 10d10 bludgeoning damage.


22 (+6) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) Swarm of Viper Bats
Medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned (swarm)
Skills Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15 Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Languages – Hit Points 50
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft.

Keen Hearing. The S’redit has advantage on Wisdom STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(Perception) checks that rely on sound. 5 (-3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 4 (-3)

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,

paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Multiattack. The S’redit makes four attacks, two stomps, one
Saving throws Dexterity +4
slam and one gore.
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 14
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Languages –
Hit: 16 (2d8+6) bludgeoning damage. Challenge 1 (100 XP)

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Flyby. The Swarm of Viper Bats does not provoke opportunity
Hit: 14 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage. attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 8 (2d4+2) piercing damage or 5 (1d4+2) if the swarm has
half of its hit points or fewer, and the target's hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to damage taken.
The hit point maximum is recovered after a long rest.

S'redit by Richard Sardhina

To’raken (RPG p. 246)
T Torm (RPG p. 247)
Huge Beast, Unaligned (solitary) Large Beast, Unaligned (solitary)

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 130 (15d10+40) Hit Points 130 (15d10+40)
Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft. Speed 50 ft.

21 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3 Skills Athletics +8, Perception +3

Senses passive Perception 13 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages – Languages –
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Keen Sight. The Torm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

Actions checks that rely on sight.
Multiattack. The To’raken makes three attacks, two with its
claws and one with its tail. Actions
Multiattack. The Torm makes two attacks, one with its claw
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
and one with its bite.
Hit: 10 (1d8+5) slashing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8+6) slashing damage.
Hit: 9 (1d6+5) bludgeoning damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
14 (2d6+6) piercing damage.

To'raken by Matt Wilson

Torm by Richard Sardhina

Wolf (RPG p. 249)
The Wolves in the world of the Wheel of Time are
W Wolfspeech. Wolves can communicate telepathically with other
wolves up to 100 miles away. Wolfspeech is both simpler and
richer, since their thoughts include emotions, smells, and
more intelligent and perceptive than the usual memories.
wolves described in the Monster Manual. Keen Hearing and Smell. A wolf has advantage on Wisdom
They communicate with each other using a type (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
of telepathy, made possible by their connection to Pack Tactics. The wolf has advantage on attack rolls against a
Tel'aran'rhiod – like the Heroes of the Horn, creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 ft. of the

wolves who die wait to be reborn in the World of creature and the ally is not incapacitated.

Dreams. Actions
Wolf Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Medium Beast, Unaligned (solitary or pair) 6 (1d6+2) piercing damage. If the target is a medium or smaller
creature, it must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be
Armor Class 14
knocked prone.
Hit Points 15 (2d8+5)
Speed 50 ft.


13 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +3, stealth +4

Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Wolfspeech
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Wolf by Richard Sardhina

Chapter 13: Optional and Alternative Rules

Optional &
While the mechanics presented in this document
reflect the essence of the Wheel of Time, there are
certain aspects in the novels that are not reflected

in the D&D 5th edition rules.
In this chapter, we will explore optional and
alternative rules that deviate from the official D&D
rules to make the game resemble the novels more
closely. These rules are slightly more complicated
but can insert a sense of realism to your game.

While coins from all countries and regions are
accepted in all others, the value of coins differ
greatly and is usually based on the amount of silver
and gold in them, as different countries have
different alloys and weigh for their coins.
If you wish to insert these differences into your
game, assume that the prices in this document are
using the Andoran currency. Instead of calculating
different values of each country, you can use table
32: Price Fluctuations to calculate the suggested
fluctuations in prices based on the coins of the
listed countries. These fluctuations might change
based on global or local events. For example, a civil
war might greatly increase the prices within the
country, or even within neighboring countries if
refugees cross the borders in droves. As the
Gamemaster, you have sole discretion over the
accurate value of commodities.
Table 32: Price Fluctuations also lists
suggested differences between rural and urban
prices for each country. If you do not wish to
complicate the game further, choose one of these
columns as a reference (the urban column is
suggested). A value of N/A means it is unlikely

anyone in said area will have such coinage – or
change for it – available.
Table 32: Price Fluctuations
Urban Rural
Country Copper Silver Silver Gold Copper Silver Silver Gold
Penny Penny Mark Crown Penny Penny Mark Crown
Altara -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% N/A N/A
Amadicia -5% -5% -5% -10% -10% -5% -5% N/A
Andor -0% -0% -0% -0% +10% +5% -5% N/A
Arad Doman -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% N/A N/A
Arafel -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Cairhien -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -5% -5% -2%
Falme -20% -20% -15% -15% -30% -30% -35% -35%
Far Madding -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Ghealdan -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% N/A N/A
Illian -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -5% -5% -2%
Kandor -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Mayene -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Murandy -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% N/A N/A
Saldaea -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Shienar -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -20% -20%
Tar Valon -0% -0% -0% -0% -0% -0% -0% -0%
Tarabon -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% N/A N/A
Tear -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -5% -5% -2%

the score at 3. However, if she purchases an item

Wealth with a wealth score of 3, her score will now be
Some groups prefer not to be encumbered with the reduced to 2.
management of funds at all. In such cases, you can The easiest way to manage the party’s Wealth
use the wealth system. In this system, each Scores is to use the Tiers of Play as described in
character is designated with a Wealth Score chapter 1, page 15 of the PH. Characters in tier 1
between 1 and 5, and each item of equipment or shouldn’t have access to items with a wealth cost
service is assigned a wealth cost on the same scale. higher than 2, and raise one wealth cost with each
See table 33 – Starting Wealth Score by Class to tier of play.
see the starting Wealth Score of each class. Use Table 34: Wealth Score Conversion
table 34 – Wealth Score Conversion for suggested Wealth Score Price range
1 1 cp – 9 sp
price conversions to wealth score. 2 1 mk – 25 mk
Table 33: Starting Wealth Score by Class 3 26 mk – 99 mk
4 1 gc – 999 gc
Class Starting Wealth Score
5 1000+ gc
Algai’d’siswai 1
Armsman 1
Initiate 2
Noble 2
Wanderer 1
Wilder 1
Woodsman 1
A character can purchase any item with a
wealth cost lower than her wealth score without
reducing it, or she can invest in an item with a
wealth score of the same level as her score, which
will reduce the score by one point. For example, a
character with a Wealth Score of 3 can purchase
any item or service with a cost of 2 or less and keep

Skills points for weaves of various levels. If restricting
herself to lower-level weaves at higher levels, the
Optional Skill: Endurance channeler may cast more weaves than in the
The Endurance skill measures your stamina. It original system. For example, using a 9th level
is one thing to lift the bars of a gate and let a party weave slot to cast a 1st level weave would have cost
crawl under it, and another to keep it up long the channeler a 9th level weave slot. Under the
enough to allow dozens of soldiers to pass. The point pool system, he still uses only 1 point, which
Endurance skill is Constitution based and should saves him 8 points to cast other weaves with.
be used whenever you attempt a long, tiring Disadvantages. In the novels, channelers are
exercise. For example, you can use it to see how generally more powerful than nonchannalers.
long you can run before gaining a level of The Pool Point system gives them an even
exhaustion. Alternatively, you can use a greater advantage than the one they
Constitution (Athletics) check. already have compared to their nonchanneler
The Algai’d’siswai, Armsman and Woodsman group members.
can choose Endurance as a skill during character Exhaustion
creation. This optional rule makes exhaustion a more
gradual process than the core of the system. Each
Alternative Channeling channeler gains an exhaustion threshold based on
his or her Constitution modifier times her
channeler level (meaning the character level of
To allow further flexibility for channelers, as well
channeler classes only). For example, a 4 noble/4
as making the system closer to that described in
Wilder/2 Initiate will have a channeler level of
the novels, I am providing several alternatives to
4+2=6. If he has a Constitution of 14, he will
the official channeling system.
receive a +2 modifier, which means an exhaustion
Weave Points system threshold of 2*6 = 12.
With this system, each channeler has a pool of The threshold determines how many weave slot
Weave Points instead of Weave slots. To levels/weave points a channeler can use before
determine the amount of points a channeler has in gaining a level of exhaustion. Besides being

her pool, simply combine all the slot levels she exhausted, which gives all the normal penalties of

receives per level. For example, a 7th level Wilder the exhausted condition described in the PH, an

receives three 1st and 2nd level weaves, two 3rd level exhausted channeler can only use weaves of her

weaves and one weave of 4th and 5th levels. She will highest possible weave level – her exhaustion level.

receive 3*1+3*2+2*3+1*4+1*5 = 24 points to her For example, after casting weaves with a combined

weave pool. level of 12 (or 12 weave points), our 6th level

Each weave costs as many points as its level. If channeler can now only use weaves of 3rd level or

the channeler has an affinity for all the powers lower, as her highest possible weave level is 4.

used for that weave, the cost is lowered by one Once the channeler cast a combined 12 level

point. If he has none, the cost is raised by 1 point. weaves (or 12 weave points) again, she gains

Talents and the restrictions on weave levels another level of exhaustion, which means her

remains the same. highest possible weaves slots are reduced by 2

Advantages. The Pool Point system allows levels.
more flexibility for channelers, as they can use

Advantages. The biggest advantage of the only cast it at a level as high as your current power
exhaustion system is that it is closer to the level without overchanneling.
description in the novels. It also means that higher There are two alternative rules for determining
level weaves are more exhausting to cast than Power Level for channelers:
lower-level ones.
Additionally, at lower levels, a channeler might
Consistent Power Level
To determine your character's maximum power
use all her weave slots without being exhausted at
level, roll 1d8+1 or consult with the GM. Once your
Maximum Power Level is determined, it cannot be
Disadvantages. A channeler must now be
changed unless you are the recipient of the Restore
careful with planning her weaves throughout the
the Power weave (see chapter 10: Weaves), and
day. If she becomes exhausted early on, she might
even then, it can only be lower, never higher.
not be able to use more powerful weaves when
Your current power level equals half your
needed later.
channeler level (rounded up) but can never exceed
Power Level your Maximum Power level.
While all channelers can draw upon the One
Flexible Power Level
Power, not all of them can draw the same amount
To determine your character's current power level,
of it. Different channelers have a different level of
combine her weaving ability modifier and her
strength in the One Power. That strength is
Charisma modifier. For example, an Initiate with
measured in levels ranging from two to nine. This
an Intelligence of 16 and Charisma of 12 will have
scale has several advantages:
a maximum power level of 4. She can raise this
1. The highest-level weaves Wilders can cast
score by rising her Intelligence or Charisma scores
without a talent is 2, which means a Wilder
using her Ability Score Improvement class feature.
with a minimum power level can still reach
This will allow a character's power level to rise
this maximum.
throughout the game, but the minimum is still 2
2. The highest-level weave a channeler can cast
and the maximum is still 9.
without linking or overchanneling is 9, which
is also the maximum power level a channeler
can reach.
3. Robert Jordan created a power level system
for channelers, ranging between 1 and 72; the
lower the level, the more powerful a
channeler was.
72 also divides by 8, which means it is
possible to convert the original system to this
one – every 9 levels will be one level in this
system. For example, all channelers of 1-8th
levels in the original system, will have a power
level of 9.
You cannot cast weaves with a level higher than
your current power level without overchanneling.
If a weave can be cast with higher levels, you can

Additional Suggested

Age of Illusions
Bekah’s Book of Backgrounds
D&D tools
D&D Wiki
Jesse's DnD Wheel of Time Handbook V1
Under the Dragon's Banner
The Wheel of Time Wiki
The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time Companion

This document was written by Nimrod Yanai and

is protected under Wizards of the Coast's copy
It is permitted to use this document for personal
use only.
Contact information:
Please feel free to send feedback, ideas,
comments, and report errors.

Disclaimer: Wheel of Time™ is a trademark of

Robert Jordan. All characters, character names, and
descriptions therefore are trademarks and/or
copyrights of Robert Jordan. © 2014 Game
Mechanic owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This
document does not represent a challenge to any
trademarks held by either Robert Jordan or Wizards
of the Coast, Inc. Neither Wizards of the Coast nor
Robert Jordan are affiliated with this document in
any way. All articles are copyrighted by their
respective authors, unless otherwise noted. This
netbook may be reproduced for personal,
noncommercial use and may not be used to
generate revenue in any way.

Index Running Two-River Man, Equipment, 17, 26,
Endurance, 16, 76 32, 33, 36, 41, 46,
Ability Score 18 Wisdom, 12, 13, 51, 59, 69, 90, 91,
Improvement, 16, Seia Doon, 22 14, 15, 20, 21, 96, 97, 144, 209
18, 25, 27, 35, 39, Shae'en M'taal, 23 22, 34, 36, 41, Adventuring Gear,
47, 50, 52, 57, 58, Sha'mad Conde, 42, 43, 44, 45, 2, 4, 94, 96
62, 68, 70, 211 23 46, 48, 51, 52, Armor, 2, 15, 17,
Action Surge, 25, 27 Societies, 17, 19 58, 59, 60, 61, 25, 26, 27, 36,
Age, 105 Sovin Nai, 24 68, 71, 77, 78, 45, 51, 59, 69,
Aiel, 15, 16, 17, 18, Tain Shari, 24 80, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 181,
19, 20, 22, 23, 32, Unarmored 89, 96, 127, 182, 183, 184,
38, 42, 43, 54, 88, Defense, 18 131, 132, 137, 186, 187, 188,
90, 91, 92, 93, 95, Altara, 107, 123, 208 138, 139, 140, 189, 191, 192,
100, 121, 122, Altaran, 104, 105, 141, 143, 144, 193, 195, 196,
123, 124, 125, 107 145, 146, 149, 197, 199, 200,
137, 138, 139, Amadicia, 33, 108, 150, 151, 152, 201, 202, 203,
183, 184, 186, 208 154, 156, 158, 204, 205
187, 191, 201, 202 Amadician, 108 160, 161, 162, Ashandarei, 92, 93
Algai'd'siswai, 3, 10, Andor, 12, 76, 109, 177, 180, 181, Coinage, 90, 91,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 208 182, 183, 184, 207
19, 21, 92, 95, Andoran, 12, 109, 186, 187, 188, Currency, 90,
209, 210 207 189, 190, 193, 207
Aethan Dor, 20 Angreal, 83, 84, 129, 195, 197, 198, Wealth, 4, 91,
Aiel Unarmed 134, 191 199, 200, 203, 209
Fighting, 16, 17 Appearance, 105 204, 206 Food and Lodging,
Buckler training, Arad Doman, 109, Blind Sense, 52 101
16, 18 208 Borderlander, 9, 25 Herbs, 97, 98
Cadin'sor, 16, 18, Domani, 11, 109, Bravery, 12, 25, 27 Kaf, 100
19 120 Bubbles of Evil, 177 medicines, 97
Cor Darei, 20 Arafel, 110, 208 Buckler, 16, 17, 18, Medicines, 98
Dance the Spears, Arafellin, 110 91, 92 Military Expenses,
16, 18 Armor Training, 25, Cairhien, 32, 113, 101
Duadhe Mahdi'in, 27 125, 208 Mounts and
20 Armsman, 3, 14, 15, Chairhienin, 11, Related Gear,
Far Aldazar, 21, 25, 26, 32, 47, 48, 113, 114 101
121 101, 209, 210 Camouflage, 16, 19 poisons, 97
Far Dareis Mai, Atha’an Miere, 123 Composure, 35, 39, Poisons, 97
19, 21 Backgrounds, 74, 57 Services, 102
Fast movement, 105, 213 Ebou Dar Special Items, 97,
18 Former Noble, 74 Ebou Dari, 12 100
Hama N'dore, 22 Novice, 75 Elusive, 50, 52 Tools, 96, 97
Rahien Sorei, 22 Venoms, 97

Weapons, 2, 4, 17, Feral Instinct, 16, 19 Illianer, 12, 114, Noble, 3, 14, 15, 45,
26, 36, 46, 51, Fighting Style, 25, 115 46, 47, 48, 101,
59, 65, 69, 92, 26, 31, 44, 68, 69 Illuminator, 100 121, 209
93, 155 Flora, 123 Indomitable, 25, 27 Authority, 33, 45,
Evasion, 16, 19, 50, Gender, 104 Initiate, 3, 6, 14, 15, 47
52, 72 Geography, 107 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, Call in Favor, 45,
Extra Attack, 16, 18, Ghealdan, 114, 208 58, 63, 83, 129, 46
25, 27, 68, 70 Ghealdanin, 114 130, 131, 209, Coordinate, 45,
Far Madding, 105, Goals, 106 210, 211 47, 48
113, 208 Herb, 4, 97, 98, 124, Kandor, 115, 208 Inspire
Maddiner, 113 125 Kandori, 115 Confidence, 45,
Fauna, 123, 125 Andilay root, 96, Languages, 121 47
Feats, 15, 43, 83 98, 124 Curses. See Noble Path
Composure, 2, 39, Blue Goatflower, Phrases Cavalier, 47, 48
83 98, 124 Idioms. See Noble Paths, 47,
Create Angreal, 2 Boneknit, 96, 98, Phrases 48
Create 124 Phrases, 3, 122 Cavalier, 48
Ter'angreal, 2, Corenroot, 98, 125 The Old Tongue, Diplomat, 46,
84 Dogwart, 96, 98, 3, 121 47, 48
Dreamer, 2, 43, 125 Trolloc Tongue, Persuading
85, 86 Feverbane, 96, 98, 122 Reputation, 45,
Dreamwalker, 2, 125 Martial Archetype, 47, 49
43, 86, 177 Five-Fingers, 98, 27 Ogier, 13, 78, 88,
Exceptional 99, 125 Blademaster, 3, 119, 122, 124
Channeler, 2, Flatwort, 98, 125 27, 28, 29, 90, One Power
39, 63, 86 Ground Ivy, 98, 93, 95 Tradition, 35, 36,
Flame and the 125 Champion, 27, 31 38, 57
Void, The, 2, 3, Healall, 99, 125 Commander, 3, Aes Sedai, 3, 12,
28, 86 Heartleaf, 99, 125 27, 32, 47, 48, 14, 25, 38, 40,
Focus, 2, 86 Lionheart, 99, 125 101, 106, 108 41, 44, 75, 88,
Great Fortitude, 2, Mardroot, 99, 125 Inquisitor, 27, 33, 101, 106, 119,
87 Sorfa, 99, 125 34 120, 121, 122,
Read Ter'angreal, Sunburst root, 98, Mayene, 32, 115, 123, 177
87 99, 125 208 Ajah, 3, 40, 41
Sense Worrynot root, 99, Mayener, 115 Asha'man, 38, 43,
Shadowspawn, 125 medicine, 77, 78, 97, 44, 138
2, 3, 87 Heroic 124 Windfinder, 38,
Sniffer, 2, 87 Characteristics, Midlander, 9, 12 41, 42
Treesinger, 2, 88 104 Multiclassing, 130 Wise One, 10, 38,
Weave Without Illian, 32, 114, 115, Murandy, 116, 208 42, 43, 138
Gestures, 2, 88 123, 208 Murandian, 116 One Power, the, 6,
Wolfbrother, 2, 88 Name, 104 12, 14, 15, 33, 34,

36, 37, 40, 42, 43, Sa'angreal, 84, 129, Invert, 36, 59, 80, The Wind Blows
58, 60, 69, 71, 75, 134, 141 144 Over the Wall,
77, 87, 98, 106, Saidin, 43, 84, 104, Slippery Mind, 50, 30
120, 125, 127, 128, 131, 161 52 Threading the
128, 130, 131, Madness, 131 Slow Aging, 35, 38, Needle, 30
138, 140, 153, Saldaea, 100, 116, 57, 61 Whirlwind on the
161, 162, 163, 181, 208 Sword Forms, 3, 28, Mountain, 31
169, 171, 193, Saldaean, 116, 29 Tar Valon, 32, 40,
194, 196, 198, 211 117 Apple Blossoms in 106, 109, 119,
Origins, 9 Sea Folk. See the Wind, 29 124, 160, 166,
Aiel, 9, 10 Atha'an Miere Cat Dances on the 173, 209
gai'shain, 10 Seanchan, 12, 15, Wall, 29 Tar Valoner, 12
ji'e'toh, 9, 10 32, 90, 92, 93, Hummingbird Tar Valonian, 119
Ji'e'toh, 9 100, 101, 117, Kisses the Tarabon, 13, 120,
Atha’an Miere, 10 118, 125, 127, Honeyrose, 29 125, 209
Borderlander, 11 133, 186 Kissing the Adder, Taraboner, 12, 73,
poison, 24, 97, 143 omens, 117, 118 30 120
Poison Second Wind, 25, 27 Leopard in High Tear, 32, 106, 115,
Asping Rot, 97 Sexual Orientation, Grass, 29 120, 121, 123,
Blacklance venom, 104 Lizard in the 124, 127, 209
97 Shadar Logoth, 3, Thornbush, 30 Tairen, 12, 120,
Bloodsnake 177 Lotus Closes its 121, 133
venom, 97 Shadowspawn Blossom, 29 Tel'aran'rhiod
Crimsonthorn Myrddraal, 5, 91, Parting the Silk, Nightmares, 177
root, 98 92, 123, 161, 29 Tel'aran'Rhiod, 176
Forkroot, 98, 125 180, 197, 198 Plucking the Low- Ter'angreal, 2, 84,
Gara venom, 98 Shadow-Linked hanging Apple, 85, 87, 101, 113,
Grey Fennel, 98, Vermin, 180 30 117, 131, 132, 196
125 Trolloc, 93, 197, Rain in High Wind, The Dark One's Own
Tarchrot, 98, 125 198, 199 30 Luck, 50, 53, 122
Quick, 17, 26, 36, 45, Shienar, 119, 123, Rat Gnawing the The Heron spreads
50, 51, 52, 58, 68, 208 Grain, 30 its wings, 28
127 Shienaran, 119 River of Light, 30 The Old Tongue,
Reputation, 16, 25, Skilled, 50, 52, 102 Shake Dew from 121, 123, 196, 197
32, 35, 45, 50, 57, skills, 5, 14, 15, 52, the Branch, 30 Two-Rivers, The,
68, 106 68, 71, 72, 80 The Boar Rushes 76, 94, 100, 124,
Cohorts, 106, 107 Skills Down the 125
Fame and Infamy, Endurance, 21, 24, mountain, 29 Uncanny Dodge, 50,
106 87, 210 The Cyclone 52, 72
Followers, 4, 106, Innuendo, 46, 50, Rages, 29 Vanish, 16, 19, 68,
107 52, 80 The Viper Flicks 71
its Tongue, 29

Wanderer, 3, 14, 15, Weavesight, 35, 37, Simultaneous Land's Stride, 68,
50, 51, 52, 209 38, 39, 57, 59, 60, Weaving, 39 70
Illicit Barter, 50, 61, 88, 164 Talent, 42, 50, 57 Natural Explorer,
51 Weaving, 59 Talents, 2, 3, 36, 68, 69, 72
Reliable Talent, 52 Weaving, 35, 36, 37, 37 Track, 68, 166,
Sneak Attack, 50, 57, 58 Tie-off Weave, 39 171
51 Affinities, 3, 37 Wilder, 3, 14, 15, 57, Woodsman
Trapfinding, 50, Affinity, 42 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, Archetype, 70
51 Cantrips, 41 129, 130, 209, Beast Master,
Wandering Combat Weaving, 210, 211 71
Archetype, 52 44 Block, 57, 60, 94, Hunter, 70, 71,
Assassin, 52, 53 Instant Embrace, 169, 170, 171 72
Gleeman, 14, 35, 39 Woodsman, 3, 14, Scout, 70, 72
52, 54, 90, Learn New Weave, 15, 68, 69, 70, 71, World of Dreams,
100 35, 39, 57, 58 73, 130, 209, 210 the. See
Thief Taker, 52, Multiweave, 35, Feral Awareness, Tel'aran'rhiod
55 39, 58 68, 71
Overchannel, 37, Hide in Plain
38 Sight, 68, 70

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Acrobatics (DEX)
 )   Animal Handling (WIS)
Deception (CHA)

DEX "+0"0 Endurance (CON)

/,#& &"+ 6 History (INT)
,+20 Innuendo (WIS)
CON Insight (WIS)
CONSTITUTION ,163,5$7,21
Intimidation (CHA)
INT &*&1"! "12/"0 Invert (INT)
)($785( 0$;86$*(6 5(&29(5<
 86(' Investigation (INT)
WIS Medicine (WIS)
Nature (INT)
CHA Perception (WIS)
Performance (CHA)
Persuasion (CHA)
BPeX]VCWa^f0SeP]cPVTb3XbPSeP]cPVTb Sleight of Hand (DEX)
Stealth (DEX)
Survival (WIS)
'(; 0,6& 63((' (1&80%(5('
Combat +&1&1&3" 

"#"+0" ")1%
',( /,9((
$5025 $&'85,1*5(67 I '& I
'(;7(5,7< 0(',80$5025 0$; 2


02' +($9<$5025 02'  ',6$'9
HP '($7+6$9,1*7+52:66

0,6& +$/)'$0$*(
02' ',&( ê 
/(9(/ ',( &21 86('
11 (0 $77$&.6
' PROF ABILITY ' ' $1'

Attack / Cast a Weave

Dash / Disengage / Dodge
Escape Grapple / Help / Hide
Ready / Search / Use Object
As 1 attack: Disarm / Grapple / Shove
Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet

1>=DB02C8>=B A402C8>=B 86('7+,65281'

Opportunity Attack

7<3( 727$/ 7<3( 727$/

$0081,7,21 $0081,7,21
Features Background



)00 "12/"0 5;0F






( 7 **
($5  LBS
 $'9(1 85 1**
785, *($5
$  LBS

 ($/,2+! "12/"
Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet


68%727$/ 68%727$/
ARMOR: ;867C <438D< 740EH B784;3B >C74A) (1&80%(5(' +($9,/<(1&80%(5(' 386+'5$*/,)7
675ê 15 - 30
675ê 5 675ê 10
WEAPONS: B8<?;4 <0AC80; >C74A) 10 FT SPEED 20 FT SPEED 63((' 5 FT


*($5 &2,16
  0. 63 &3 3HQQ\
Common '$,/<35,&(

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Status Possessions

Exhaustion "/h+$/")
LEVEL EFFECT (CUMULATIVE) 7HU DQJUHDO:___________________________________________________________________________________


1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
2 Speed halved ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3 Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws
7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
4 Hit Point maximum halved ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Speed reduced to 0 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Death
7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
Conditions ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Blinded Petrified
Fail checks involving sight. Attacks have Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Unaware
disadvantage. Enemy attacks have advantage. of surroundings. Resistance to all damage. 7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
Immune to poison/disease. Fail Str and Dex
Charmed saving throws. Enemy attacks have advantage.
Can’t harm/attack charmer. Charmer has Stop aging. Weight increases by factor 10. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
advantage on ability checks to interact socially.
Poisoned ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Deafened Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Fail checks involving hearing. 7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
Frightened Crawl (at ½ speed) or stand up (costs ½ speed). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Disadvantage to checks/attacks while source Attacks have disadvantage. Enemy attacks
of fear is in sight. Can’t willingly move closer have advantage within 5 ft and disadvantage if ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
to the source of fear. further away.

Grappled Restrained
Speed drops to 0, regardless of any bonus. Speed 0, regardless of bonus. Disadvantage on
Dex saving throws. Attacks have disadvantage. 7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
Enemy attacks have advantage. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can’t take actions or reactions. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Incapacitated. Can’t move. Can speak only ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Invisible falteringly. Fail Str and Dex saving throws.
Can’t be seen, but noise and tracks. Attacks Enemy attacks have advantage.
have advantage, enemy attacks disadvantage.
Unconscious 7HU DQJUHDO___________________________________________________________________________________
Paralyzed Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Unaware
Incapacitated. Can’t move or speak. Fail Str ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
of surroundings. Drop everything. Fail Str
and Dex saving throws. Enemy attacks have and Dex saving throws. Enemy attacks have ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
advantage. Enemy attacks within 5 ft are advantage. Enemy attacks within 5 ft are
critical hits. critical hits. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Combat Rules Extra Equipment

Dash Action Gain your speed as extra movement for this turn.

Disengage Action Your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks for this turn.
Attack rolls from attackers you can see have disadvantage and you have
Dodge Action
advantage on Dex saving throws until the start of your next turn.
Escape a grapple by winning a Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check
Escape Action
vs. grappler’s Str (Athletics) check.
Give an ally advantage on next ability check or attack roll vs. an opponent
Help Action
within 5 ft of you, if done before the start of your next turn.
Hide from those that can’t perceive you. Your Dex (Stealth) check is the
Hide Action
DC for anybody’s Wis (Perception) check to discover you.
Action or Move through opponent’s space once by winning opposing Str (Athletics)
Overrun* Bonus Action check. Advantage if you are larger and disadvantage if you are smaller.
Choose an action that you will take in response to a set trigger. Taking
Ready Action
the action uses your reaction. Readying a weave requires concentration.

Search Action Search for something with a Wis (Perception) or Int (Investigation) check.
Action or Move through opponent’s space once this turn by winning opposing
Tumble* Bonus Action Dex (Acrobatics) check.
You can interact with an object once per turn for free. A second interaction
Use Object Action and special cases take an action to complete (e.g. draw a second weapon,
equip a shield, drink a potion, retrieve an item from a backpack).
Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet

Knock an item from grasp by winning weapon attack roll vs. opponent’s
Disarm* Attack Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check. Disadvantage if item is held by
two hands. A larger opponent has advantage, smaller has disadvantage. TOTAL WEIGHT TOTAL WEIGHT
With a free hand, give the grappled condition to an opponent that is
Other Holdings
Attack within reach and up to one size larger than you by winning Str (Athletics)
check vs. opponent’s Str (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check.
Melee Mark target of a melee attack. Next opportunity attack against the mark
Mark* Attack before the end of your next turn has advantage and doesn’t use a reaction.
Move opponent 5 ft or make prone by winning opposing Str (Athletics)
Shove Attack
check. Disadvantage if trying to move the opponent to a side.*
Move Bring grappled opponent along as part of your move. You move at half
Grappled speed unless the opponent is two or more sizes smaller than you.
*This action is an optional rule introduced in the Dungeon Master Guide (and is therefore not eligible in Adventurer’s League play).

Half Cover Gain +2 to AC and +2 to Dex saving throws.

Three-Quarters Cover Gain +5 to AC and +5 to Dex saving throws.

Can’t be targeted directly by attack or weave.
Total Cover
Some spells can reach you by including you in its area of effect.

Character History

Click Here
to change
this Icon

Character Portrait



Allies & Organizations

Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet

Click Here
to change
this Icon

Organization Symbol
;NZR' 6T]STa) 0VT)
Companion >aXVX]) BXiT) Ch_T)
7TXVWc) FRVTUa' 0[XV]\T]c)



STR Acrobatics Invert $77$&.'(6&5,37,21 PROF ABILITY 5$1*( 72+,7 '$0$*( '$0$*(7<3(

Animal Investigation
Athletics Medicine
Deception Nature
Endurance Perception
CON History Performance
Innuendo Persuasion
INT Insight Sleight of
Intimidation Stealth +&1&1&3" 
'(; 0,6&
"#"+0" Survival ")1%


"+0"0 3$66,9(

"12/"0 /&10

/,#& &"+ 6


Companion's Appearance

Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet



‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67

MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet v12.999 (Colorful - A4)

Weaves by Level Weave attack modifier: Channeling ability

Weave save DC:
Cantrips (0 level)
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Arms of Air (C) Move or hold one creature or object up to 10 pounds. Bonus action to move up to 20 ft. EL Str. n 1a 30 ft A Concentration 113
Create Fire (C) Create or enhance an existing flame in a 5 ft. square, causing 1d6 fire damage to creatures in the area EL Dex. h 1a 100 ft F Concentration 119
Current (C) Create a 5-ft. wide, 25-ft. wide, 3 mph current in a body of water EL ——— 1 a 300 ft S,W Concentration 119
Delve (C) Learn the physical condition of a creature HE Wis. n 1 min Touch S Instantaneous 120
Earth Delving (C) Sense metal deposits in a 5 ft. radius in the ground around you ES ——— 1 a Self E Concentration 122
False Trail (C) Create a false trail that leads up to 25 ft. away from your current location in any direction CO Wis. n 1r Self A,E,S Instantaneous 123
Foretell Weather (C) Feel changes in the weather in the area around you in the next 24 hours CD ——— 1 min Self A,W Instantaneous 125
Grenade (C) Imbue a rock with fire, causing 1d4 bludgeoning + 1d4 fire damage when hitting a creature or object ES Dex. h 1r Touch E,F Instantaneous 126
Harness the Wind (C) Conjure a wind over an area to knock down people or objects or propel ships CD ——— 1 a 300 ft A,W Concentration 126
Light (C) Create a floating ball of light that can blind people or illuminate. Bonus action to move up to 20 ft. EL Dex. n 1a Self A,F Concentration 128
Polish (C) Remove corrosion from metal object ES ——— 1 a Touch E Instantaneous 130
Rend (R) Destroy the flesh and wrenching bones of living creatures, causing 1d10 slashing damage HE Con. h 1a 30 ft A,S,W Instantaneous 131
Tool of Air (C) Create a small tool or weapon in a shape you choose. Bonus action to move up to 20 ft., 1d4 damage EL ——— 1 bns 60 ft A Concentration 136
Voice of Power (C) Enhance and project your voice over great distances IL Wis. n 1a Touch A,F Concentration 137
Warmth (C) Warm the air in a 15 ft. radius around you, making it comfortable CD ——— 1 a 30 ft A,F Concentration 139
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

1st Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Barrier to Sight (C) Create a 5-ft. radius opaque dome around an area that hides creatures within it WA ——— 1 r 30 ft A,E,S Concentration 115
Circle of Silence (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area, through which sound cannot pass WA ——— 1r 30 ft A,F,W Concentration 117
Disguise (C) Slightly alter the appearance of one creature IL Wis. n 1a Touch A,F,S Concentration 121
Dream Shielding (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area that protects the dreams of creatures inside of it WA ——— 1 r 30 ft S Concentration 121
Dry (C) Dry wet creatures or objects, making the water drip to the floor EL Wis. n 1a 30 ft W Instantaneous 122
Eavesdrop (C) Create a tendril and use a bonus action to listen through. Bonus action to move up to 30 ft IL ——— 1 a 30 ft A,S Concentration 123
False Wall (C) Create a 5 ft. by 5 ft. stone-gray wall made of air. Requires Strength (Athletics) check to pass through EL ——— 1 a 100 ft A,E Concentration 123
Harden Air (C) Restrain people or hold objects in place EL Dex. n 1a 60 ft A Concentration 126
Heal (C) Restore 1d8 hit points/slot level + channeling ability modifier. Gain exhaustion levels 1/3 of slot level HE Wis. n 1r Touch A,S,W Instantaneous 126
Heal the Mind (C) Allow a mad channeler a Wisdom save. Temporarily reduce madness levels at higher levels HE Wis. n 1 min Touch A,S,W Instantaneous 127
Insect Control (R) Attract or repel insects to a square 5 ft. by 5 ft. per slot level CO ——— 1 a 30 ft S Concentration 128
Keeping (C) Preserve rations for 5 people for 1 week/slot level WA ——— 1 a 30 ft A,S,W 1 week 128
Leveling the Ground (C) Remove or create difficult terrain in a square 10 ft by 10 ft./slot level, knocking people prone ES Dex. n 1a 60 ft E Instantaneous 128
Mirror of Mists (C) Make yourself frightening and big. Grants advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks IL Wis. n 1a Self A,F,S Concentration 129
Raise Fog (C) Create dense fog in a 20 ft. radius, rising in height by 5 ft. each round CD ——— 1 a 120 ft A,W Concentration 130
Renew (C) Temporarily remove the effects of exhaustion without losing the exhaustion levels HE Wis. n 1a Touch A,S,W 1 hour 131
Restore (C) Restore 1d4 points/slot level to one or more ability scores He ——— 1 min Touch E,S,W Instantaneous 131
Wand of Fire (C) Imbue an improvised weapon with fire, dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage EL ——— 1 r 30 ft E,F Concentration 137
Ward a.Shadowspawn(C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that Shadowspawn cannot pass through WA ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 138
Whirlwind (C) Create a whirlwind that grants 75% miss chance against projectiles CD ——— 1 a 30 ft A Concentration 139
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

2nd Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Fiery Sword (C) A blade of fire leaps from your hand, causing 1d10 fire damage on hit EL ——— 1 bns Self A,F,S Concentration 123
Fireball (C) Create a small bead of fire that explodes in a 10 ft. radius, causing 4d6 fire damage + 1d6/slot level EL Dex. h 1a 150 ft A,F Instantaneous 124
Folded Light (C) Create a 10 ft. by 10 ft. invisible wall the hides creatures behind it IL Wis. n 1a 30 ft A,F Concentration 125
Sky Lights (R) Create fireworks-like lights in a 20-ft. cube that blind people in the area IL Con. n 1r 300 ft A,F Instantaneous 133
Thunderclap (C) Make a 30-ft. radius deafening noise that deafens creatures within it CD Con. n 1a 150 ft A,S,W Instantaneous 135
Ward a.Channelers (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks channelers from passing WA ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 137
Ward Against People (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks humans and Ogier from passing WA ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 139
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet ‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67
3rd Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Aligning the Matrix (L) Strengthen one metal object weighing up to 5 pounds, granting +1 to attack and damage or +1 to AC ES ——— 1 min 5 ft E,F,W Instantaneous 113
Caressing the Child (R) Check the physical condition of a pregnant woman and her fetus HE Wis. n 1 min Touch E,F,S Instantaneous 117
Cleanse (C) Grant an immediate saving throw against poison or disease HE Wis. n 1 min Touch S,W Instantaneous 117
Cut Weave (C) Cut another channeler's weave while it is being cast, preventing its effect EL Dex. n 1 rea 60 ft S Instantaneous 120
Finder (C) Use a small object to track another creature who is holding it CO ——— 1 a Touch S See text 124
Fire Trap (C) Create an exploding trap on an object or surface, dealing 4d6 fire damage+1d6/slot level within 5 ft. WA Dex. h 1r Touch A,F,S Concentration 124
Influence (R) Make a creature more susceptible to suggestions, granting disadvantage on several rolls (see text) CO Wis. n 1a 30 ft All 1 hour 127
Move Water (C) Move up to 50 gallons of water up to 20 ft. to a 5 ft. by 5 ft. square, drowning creatures inside EL Dex. n 1a 30 ft W Concentration 130
Protective Cacoon (R) You surround yourself with a cacoon of the one power, gaining resistance to damage from weaves WA ——— 1 rea Self A,E,F Instantaneous 130
Shield (C) Block another channeler from touching the One Power WA CA. n 1a 30 ft S Concentration 132
Ward a. One Power (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that prevents weaves of the One Power from passing WA ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 138
Whirlpool (C) You create a 25-ft. radius whirlpool in the water, creatures are pulled 10 ft., taking 2d8 blud. damage EL ——— 1 r 100 ft S,W Concentration 139
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

4th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Disguise Channeling (R) Conceal a channeler's ability to channel WA Wis. n 1a 30 ft S 1 hour 121
Distant Eye (C) Use bonus action to see through a tendril of power. Bonus action to move 20 ft., up to 300 ft. IL ——— 1 r 30 ft A,S Concentration 121
Immolate (C) The target bursts into flames from the inside, causing 4d8 fire damage/slot level and ignite flammable EL Con. h 1a 60 ft F,S Instantaneous 127
Master Ward (C) You create a 5-ft. radius dome through which physical objects cannot pass WA ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 129
Riven Earth (C) A 10 ft. cube or ground erupts with earth and fire, causing 3d6 bludgeoning + 3d6 fire damage ES Dex. h 1a 100 ft E,F Instantaneous 132
Stunning (C) The target is paralyzed for the duration HE See text 1 a 60 ft see text Concentration 135
Suggenstion (R) You suggest a course of action to the target, which he feels compel to take within a reasonable time CO Wis. n 1 a 30 ft All Instantaneous 135
Use Portal Stone (R) Use a portal stone to teleport to a different place or world TR ——— 1 r Touch S Instantaneous 137
Ward Bore (L) You test, and possibly bore a hole, into a weave of warding WA ——— 1 a 60 ft All Instantaneous 139
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

5th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Bond as First (R) Bond two individuals as first brothers/sisters CO Wis. n 10 min Touch S Instantaneous 115
Bond Spouse (R) Create a bond between spouses CO Wis. n 1 min Touch S Instantaneous 116
Bond Warder (C) Bond a person as your warder CO Wis. n 1a Touch S Instantaneous 116
Fly (L) 1+1/SL willing creatures gain fly 60 ft speed EL Wis. n 1a Touch A,S Concentration 125
Lightning (C) A bolt of lightning falls from the sky, causing 8d6 lightning damage and 2d6 to targets within 5 ft. CD Dex. h 1a 300 ft A,F Instantaneous 128
Touch of Death (L) Crush a person's inside, causing 8d8 damage without external injury HE See text 1 r 60 ft E,F,S,W Concentration 136
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

6th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Blossoms of Fire (R) Create a pole of burning fire, causing 8d6 fire damage to creatures within 5 ft. or 20 ft. radius blast EL Dex. h 1a 150 ft A,E,F Concentration 115
Compulsion (R) Force a person to follow you orders CO Wis. n 1a 30 ft A,S,W Concentration 118
Hold Gateway (L) Keep another channeler's gateway open TR ——— 1a 100 ft S Instantaneous 127
Restore the Power (L) You restore a stilled or gentled channeler's ability to sense and channel the One Power HE Wis. n 1 min Touch All Instantaneous 131
Sever (C) Still or gentle another channeler HE CA. n 10 min 30 ft S Instantaneous 132
Skimming (L) Create a gateway for skimming TR ——— 1a 30 ft A,E,S 1 round 133
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

7th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Arrows of Fire (L) Tiny arrows of red hot fire burst from your fingertips in a 30 ft. cone, causing 12d6 fire damage EL Dex. h 1 min 30 ft A,F Instantaneous 114
Bridge b.Worlds (L) You open a gateway into Tel'Aran'rhiod, allowing you to enter the world of dreams with your body TR ——— 1 r 30 ft E,S Instantaneous 117
Create Gateway (L) Open a 5 ft. wide, 10 ft. tall gateway to another location TR ——— 1 a 30 ft S 1 round 119
Earthquake (C) The ground shakes in a 100 ft. cube, knocking people prone and causing 5d6 bludgeoning damage ES Dex. h 1 r 300 ft E Instantaneous 122
Pass Bond (C) You pass the bond of a creature bonded to you to another person, either now or when you die CO Cha. n 10 min Touch S Instantaneous 130
Turning (R) You lead a circle in turning a person to the shadow without their consent CO Wis. n Conc. 30 ft All Instantaneous 136
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

8th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Balefire (R) You erase a person from existence 6 seconds ago, undoing anything they did during that time BF Dex. n 1a 50 ft All Instantaneous 114
Deathgate (L) You send a gateway hurling in any direction, causing 10d6 slashing damage to creatures in its path TR Dex. n 1 a 150 ft E,F,S Concentration 120
Strike of Death (R) Streaks of lightning shoot from your body, killing all shadowspawn of one type within 10 ft./round WA See text 1 r Self A,F,S Concentration 134
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

9th Level
Weave name Description Tal Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
Create Cuendillar (L) Transform 10 pounds of iron into 1 pound of Cuendillar ES ——— 1 min Touch A,E,F Instantaneous 118
Flame of Tar Valon (L) You repair a 25-ft. radius area damaged by balefire + 5 ft. per round BF ——— 1 r See text All Concentration 135
____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet ‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67

Weaves by Talent Weave attack modifier: Channeling ability

Weave save DC:
Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
8 Balefire (R) You erase a person from existence 6 seconds ago, undoing anything they did during that time Dex. n 1a 50 ft All Instantaneous 114
9 Flame of Tar Valon (L) You repair a 25-ft. radius area damaged by balefire + 5 ft. per round ——— 1 r See text All Concentration 135
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

Cloud Dancing
Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
0 Foretell Weather (C) Feel changes in the weather in the area around you in the next 24 hours ——— 1 min Self A,W Instantaneous 125
0 Harness the Wind (C) Conjure a wind over an area to knock down people or objects or propel ships ——— 1 a 300 ft A,W Concentration 126
0 Warmth (C) Warm the air in a 15 ft. radius around you, making it comfortable ——— 1 a 30 ft A,F Concentration 139
1 Raise Fog (C) Create dense fog in a 20 ft. radius, rising in height by 5 ft. each round ——— 1 a 120 ft A,W Concentration 130
1 Whirlwind (C) Create a whirlwind that grants 75% miss chance against projectiles ——— 1 a 30 ft A Concentration 139
2 Thunderclap (C) Make a 30-ft. radius deafening noise that deafens creatures within it Con. n 1a 150 ft A,S,W Instantaneous 135
5 Lightning (C) A bolt of lightning falls from the sky, causing 8d6 lightning damage and 2d6 to targets within 5 ft. Dex. h 1a 300 ft A,F Instantaneous 128
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
0 False Trail (C) Create a false trail that leads up to 25 ft. away from your current location in any direction Wis. n 1r Self A,E,S Instantaneous 123
1 Insect Control (R) Attract insects to or repel insects from a square 5 ft. by 5 ft. per slot level ——— 1 a 30 ft S Concentration 128
3 Finder (C) Use a small object to track another creature who is holding it ——— 1 a Touch S See text 124
3 Influence (R) Make a creature more susceptible to suggestions, granting disadvantage on several rolls (see text) Wis. n 1r 30 ft All 1 hour 127
4 Suggenstion (R) You suggest a course of action to the target, which he feels compel to take within a reasonable time Wis. n 1a 30 ft All Instantaneous 135
5 Bond as First (R) Bond two individuals as first brothers/sisters Wis. n 10 min Touch S Instantaneous 115
5 Bond Spouse (R) Create a bond between spouses Wis. n 1 min Touch S Instantaneous 116
5 Bond Warder (C) Bond a person as your warder Wis. n 1a Touch S Instantaneous 116
6 Compulsion (R) Force a person to follow you orders Wis. n 1a 30 ft A,S,W Concentration 118
7 Pass Bond (C) You pass the bond of a creature bonded to you to another person, either now or when you die Cha. n 10 min Touch S Instantaneous 130
7 Turning (R) You lead a circle in turning a person to the shadow without their consent Wis. n Conc. 30 ft All Instantaneous 136
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___
___ ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ _________ ______ ___________ ___

Earth Singing
Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
0 Earth Delving (C) Sense metal deposits in a 5 ft. radius in the ground around you ——— 1 a Self E Concentration 122
0 Grenade (C) Imbue a rock with fire, causing 1d4 bludgeoning + 1d4 fire damage when hitting a creature or object Dex. h 1r Touch E,F Instantaneous 126
0 Polish (C) Remove corrosion from metal object ——— 1 a Touch E Instantaneous 130
1 Leveling the Ground (C) Remove or create difficult terrain in a square 10 ft by 10 ft./slot level, knocking people prone Dex. n 1a 60 ft E Instantaneous 128
3 Aligning the Matrix (L) Strengthen one metal object weighing up to 5 pounds, granting +1 to attack and damage or +1 to AC ——— 1 min 5 ft E,F,W Instantaneous 113
4 Riven Earth (C) A 10 ft. cube or ground erupts with earth and fire, causing 3d6 bludgeoning + 3d6 fire damage Dex. h 1a 100 ft E,F Instantaneous 132
7 Earthquake (C) The ground shakes in a 100 ft. cube, knocking people prone and causing 5d6 bludgeoning damage Dex. h 1r 300 ft R Instantaneous 122
9 Create Cuendillar (L) Transform 10 pounds of iron into 1 pound of Cuendillar ——— 1 min Touch A,E,F Instantaneous 118
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Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet ‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67
Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
1 Barrier to Sight (C) Create a 5-ft. radius opaque dome around an area that hides creatures within it ——— 1 r 30 ft A,E,S Concentration 115
1 Circle of Silence (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area, through which sound cannot pass ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,W Concentration 117
1 Dream Shielding (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area that protects the dreams of creatures inside of it ——— 1 r 30 ft S Concentration 121
1 Keeping (C) Preserve rations for 5 people for 1 week/slot level ——— 1 a 30 ft A,S,W 1 week 128
1 Ward a.Shadowspawn(C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that Shadowspawn cannot pass through ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 138
2 Ward a.Channelers (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks channelers from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 139
2 Ward Against People (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks humans and Ogier from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 139
3 Fire Trap (C) Create an exploding trap on an object or surface, dealing 4d6 fire damage+1d6/slot level within 5 ft. Dex. h 1r Touch A,F,S Concentration 124
3 Protective Cocoon (R) You surround yourself with a cacoon of the one power, gaining resistance to damage from weaves ——— 1 rea Self A,E,F Instantaneous 130
3 Shield (C) Block another channeler from touching the One Power CA. n 1a 30 ft S Concentration 132
3 Ward a. One Power (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that prevents weaves of the One Power from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 138
4 Disguise Channeling (R) Conceal a channeler's ability to channel Wis. n 1a 30 ft S 1 hour 121
4 Master Ward (C) You create a 5-ft. radius dome through which physical objects cannot pass ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 129
4 Ward Bore (L) You test, and possibly bore a hole, into a weave of warding ——— 1 a 60 ft All Instantaneous 139
8 Strike of Death (R) Streaks of lightning shoot from your body, killing all shadowspawn of one type within 10 ft./round See text 1 r Self A,F,S Concentration 134
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Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
0 Delve (C) Learn the physical condition of a creature Wis. n 1 min Touch S Instantaneous 120
0 Rend (R) Destroy the flesh and wrenching bones of living creatures, causing 1d10 slashing damage Con. h 1a 30 ft A,S,W Instantaneous 131
1 Heal (C) Restore 1d8 hit points/slot level + channeling ability modifier. Gain exhaustion levels 1/3 of slot level Wis. n 1r Touch A,S,W Instantaneous 126
1 Heal the Mind (C) Allow a mad channeler a Wisdom save. Temporarily reduce madness levels at higher levels Wis. n 1 min Touch A,S,W Instantaneous 127
1 Renew (C) Temporarily remove the effects of exhaustion without losing the exhaustion levels Wis. n 1 min Touch A,S,W 1 hour 131
1 Restore (C) Restore 1d4 points/slot level to one or more ability scores ——— 1 min Touch E,S,W Instantaneous 131
3 Caressing the Child (R) Check the physical condition of a pregnant woman and her fetus Wis. n 1 min Touch E,F,S Instantaneous 117
3 Cleanse (C) Grant an immediate saving throw against poison or disease Wis. n 1 min Touch S,W Instantaneous 117
4 Stunning (C) The target is paralyzed for the duration See text 1 a 60 ft See text Concentration 135
5 Touch of Death (L) Crush a person's inside, causing 8d8 damage without external injury See text 1 r 60 ft E,F,S,W Concentration 136
6 Restore the Power (L) You restore a stilled or gentled channeler's ability to sense and channel the One Power Wis. n 1 min Touch All Instantaneous 131
6 Sever (C) Still or gentle another channeler CA. n 10 min 30 ft S Instantaneous 132
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Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
0 Voice of Power (C) Enhance and project your voice over great distances Wis. n 1a Touch A,F Concentration 137
1 Disguise (C) Slightly alter the appearance of one creature Wis. n 1a Touch A,F,S Concentration 121
1 Eavesdrop (C) Create a tendril and use a bonus action to listen through. Bonus action to move up to 30 ft ——— 1a 30 ft A,S Concentration 123
1 Mirror of Mists (C) Make yourself frightening and big. Grants advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks Wis. n 1a Self A,F,S Concentration 129
2 Folded Light (C) Create a 10 ft. by 10 ft. invisible wall the hides creatures behind it Wis. n 1a 30 ft A,F Concentration 125
2 Sky Lights (R) Create fireworks-like lights in a 20-ft. cube that blind people in the area Con. n 1r 300 ft A,F Instantaneous 133
4 Distant Eye (C) Use bonus action to see through a tendril of power. Bonus action to move 20 ft., up to 300 ft. ——— 1 r 30 ft A,S Concentration 121
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Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
4 Use Portal Stone (R) Use a portal stone to teleport to a different place or world ——— 1 r Touch S Instantaneous 137
6 Hold Gateway (L) Keep another channeler's gateway open ——— 1 a 100 ft S Instantaneous 127
6 Skimming (L) Create a gateway for skimming ——— 1 a 30 ft A,E,S 1 round 133
7 Bridge b.Worlds (L) You open a gateway into Tel'Aran'rhiod, allowing you to enter the world of dreams with your body ——— 1 r 30 ft E,S Instantaneous 117
7 Create Gateway (L) Open a 5 ft. wide, 10 ft. tall gateway to another location ——— 1 a 30 ft S 1 round 119
8 Deathgate (L) You send a gateway hurling in any direction, causing 10d6 slashing damage to creatures in its path Dex. n 1a 150 ft E,F,S Concentration 134
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Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet ‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67
Level Weave name Description Save Time Range Powers Duration PG.
1 Barrier to Sight (C) Create a 5-ft. radius opaque dome around an area that hides creatures within it ——— 1 r 30 ft A,E,S Concentration 115
1 Circle of Silence (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area, through which sound cannot pass ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,W Concentration 117
1 Dream Shielding (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome around an area that protects the dreams of creatures inside of it ——— 1 r 30 ft S Concentration 121
1 Keeping (C) Preserve rations for 5 people for 1 week/slot level ——— 1 a 30 ft A,S,W 1 week 128
1 Ward a.Shadowspawn(C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that Shadowspawn cannot pass through ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 138
2 Ward a.Channelers (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks channelers from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 139
2 Ward Against People (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that blocks humans and Ogier from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft A,F,S Concentration 139
3 Fire Trap (C) Create an exploding trap on an object or surface, dealing 4d6 fire damage+1d6/slot level within 5 ft. Dex. h 1r Touch A,F,S Concentration 124
3 Protective Cocoon (R) You surround yourself with a cacoon of the one power, gaining resistance to damage from weaves ——— 1 rea Self A,E,F Instantaneous 130
3 Shield (C) Block another channeler from touching the One Power CA. n 1a 30 ft S Concentration 132
3 Ward a. One Power (C) Create a 5-ft. radius dome that prevents weaves of the One Power from passing ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 138
4 Disguise Channeling (R) Conceal a channeler's ability to channel Wis. n 1a 30 ft S 1 hour 121
4 Master Ward (C) You create a 5-ft. radius dome through which physical objects cannot pass ——— 1 r 30 ft All Concentration 129
4 Ward Bore (L) You test, and possibly bore a hole, into a weave of warding ——— 1 a 60 ft All Instantaneous 139
8 Strike of Death (R) Streaks of lightning shoot from your body, killing all shadowspawn of one type within 10 ft./round See text 1 r Self A,F,S Concentration 134
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Based on MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5th edition Character Record Sheet ‹'(6,*1%<-$9,(5$80(17(-$$89(/#*0$,/&20(',76 )250),(/'6%<-2267:,-1(1)/$3.$1#*0$,/&207+(' '/2*2$1''5$*216$5(‹:,=$5'62)7+(&2$67
Change log v1.2
1. All weaves now have descriptions instead
of a reference to the RPG.
2. Exceptional Talent paths were added for
3. Streamlined all weaves, abilities,
and features to D&D 5th edition rules.
4. Fixed spelling and grammar errors.
5. Added art.
6. Creatures are now grouped by type and
sorted alphabetically.
7. Added Shadar Logoth and Bubbles of Evil
as hazards.
8. Streamlined optional rules.
9. Added printed character sheets based on
MPMB character sheets (partially fillable).
10. Updated Index.
11. Added missing weaves.
12. Madness rating streamlined and scaled.
13. More detailed Fauna.
14. Added Trollocs Tongue.
15. Added images of coins.
16. Added more backgrounds.
17. Rebalanced Wilder’s Exceptional Talent


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