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What are the fundamental differences between software design and

software architecture, and why is it important for software engineers to
distinguish between the two concepts?

Difference between Software Design and Software Architecture:
Software Design: It's like planning how each part of a building will look inside, like where the
furniture goes and how the rooms are arranged.

Software Architecture: This is like deciding how the whole building will be structured, where the
rooms will be, and how they'll connect.

Why It's Important to Know the Difference:

Understanding the difference helps us know who does what when building software, and it
helps us make big decisions about how the software will work.

2. Discuss the importance of modularity in software design and how it

contributes to the overall quality and maintainability of a software system.

Modularity in Software Design:
Modularity in software design involves breaking down a system into smaller, manageable, and
independent components or modules. It contributes to the overall quality and maintainability of a
software system in several ways:

Encapsulation: Modules hide their internal workings, exposing only necessary interfaces,
reducing complexity, and preventing unintended interactions.

Ease of Maintenance: Modular systems are easier to understand, debug, and modify, as
changes in one module have minimal impact on others.

Reusability: Modular components can be reused across different projects, saving time and
effort in development.
Scalability: Modularity facilitates scaling by allowing individual modules to be replicated or
replaced without affecting the entire system.

3. Explain the concept of architectural patterns and provide examples of

commonly used architectural patterns in software development.

Architectural Patterns:
These are like common designs that people use when building different types of buildings.

Example: MVC (Model-View-Controller): It's like having separate people for planning,
decorating, and arranging furniture in a house.

Example: Layered Architecture: It's like making a cake with different layers—one for frosting,
one for filling, and one for the cake itself.

4. How does the principle of separation of concerns influence the design and
architecture of software systems, and what benefits does it provide?

Separation of Concerns (SoC) in Software:
Imagine you have different jobs at home—cooking, cleaning, and fixing things. Each job has its
own person to handle it.

SoC keeps software organized by separating different tasks, like handling data, displaying
information, and managing user input. Each part of the software focuses on its own job, making
it easier to understand, fix, and change things without affecting the rest. It's like having specific
people for specific tasks at home, making everything run smoother.
5. Describe the key characteristics of a layered architecture and discuss
scenarios in which this architectural style is particularly well-suited for
designing complex software systems.

Layered Architecture in Software:
Imagine building a cake with different layers—cake, frosting, and filling. Each layer has its own

Key Characteristics:
1. Modularity: Each layer does a specific task, like handling data or showing information.

2. Abstraction: Layers talk to each other using simple instructions, hiding complicated details.

3. Scalability: You can change or add layers without affecting the whole cake.

4. Easy Maintenance: Fixing or changing one layer doesn't mess up the others.

Layered architecture is great for big software projects where you need clear organization and
separate parts working together. It's like having different teams in a big project—each team
focuses on their part, but they all work together to get the job done.

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