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Caller Contact Center (Liberty mutual)

Our architecture is segregated into multiple layers with multiple AWS services being used
within each layer.

1. User Interaction Layer

● Customers interact through voice or chat facilitated by Amazon Connect.
2. Application Layer
● Amazon Connect: Manages call routing and initial interaction logic.
● Lambda Functions: Perform dynamic operations during interactions, like data
retrieval and logging.
3. Data Layer
● DynamoDB: Stores real-time, operational data like customer profiles and
interaction histories.
● S3: Archives interaction logs and recordings for long-term storage and
4. Integration Layer
● CRM System: Synchronises with Amazon Connect through API calls via
Lambda to provide a unified view of customer interactions.
● External APIs: Additional integrations for services like claims processing or
emergency roadside assistance
5. Monitoring and Compliance
● CloudWatch/DataDog: Monitors system performance and operational health.

Lets dive deep into our main contact flow architecture

1. Entry Point: Customer Greeting

2. Authentication
a. Here we request the caller to enter a policy number and personal identifier
using the keypad.
b. A Lambda function to check the entered details against records in DynamoDB
for authentication
3. Main Menu: Options Presentation
a. After successful verification, we present
i. “Press 1 for Existing claim.”
ii. “Press 2 to New Claim.”
iii. “Press 3 to Policy Inquiry.”
iv. “Press 4 to Speak with an Agent.”

4. Option Handling
a. Claims Processing:
i. We guide the caller to the claims agent.
ii. A Lambda is used to log the claim details in DynamoDB and initiate
workflow for claim handling.
iii. A reference number is sent via SMS/Email through SNS (Simple
Notification Service).
b. Policy Inquiry:
i. Lambda to retrieve policy details from DynamoDB.
ii. The customer is provided an option to hear details over the phone or
send information via SMS/email.

c. Talk to Agent:
i. The call is routed to the next available agent. A Lambda checks agent
availability and skills from a DynamoDB table.
ii. Further caller details are displayed on the agent’s screen from the
CRM system for a seamless experience.

5. Error Handling
● Invalid Inputs:
○ For any wrong inputs, an appropriate message is payed and the customer is
asked to input again
● Fallback:
○ Upon multiple failed attempts the call is routed to a human agent

6. Closure
● Closure Message:
○ After successful interaction, a closing message is played thanking the
customer for choosing us

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