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 The machine ________ us to create copies without losing quality.
 A viral illness left her barely ________ to walk
 All these debates and doings made for juicy news, and the men of the local staff, ______ bossed by
Callahan, poured it out daily.
 He has the ______ to bring out the best in others
 She came back five minutes late from lunch and was ______ dismissed
 Despite its ______, his marriage announcement came as no surprise
 Rosie's idyllic world came to an ______ end when her parents' marriage broke up
 To ask for long-term sickness ______, employees must include a doctor's note to certify
 The twisty trees strike a note of sculptural busyness that is mainly ______ from the works beyond.
 He dropped upon the bed again and stared ______ at his clothes
 Likewise, if you skip work to go to the beach on a beautiful day, your boss will consider you an ______
 Parents usually put more emphasis on _______ subjects.
 He will join a military _______ by the end of this year
 Rather than being _______ qualified, he is an experienced person.
 He will finally become an _______ next month.
 1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito's _______ to the throne.
 She could work at home by remotely _______ing the company's network.
 The only _______ to the village is by boat.
 The book has succeeded in making philosophy _______ to a wider audience
 The building offers full wheelchair ______.
 He's very ______, he will definitely help you
 She may be able to reach an ______ with other EU members.
 The hotel can ______ up to 500 guests
 The ______s at the hotel include swimming pool, gym, and restaurant.
 In 1945, the two leaders signed a peace ______.
 In ______ with her wishes, her wedding was held in Canada
 The face was not perfect; far from it, if by perfect is meant features ______ with one another and true to type
 ______to a company spokesman, the firm is expected to have sales of more than $3.5 billion this year.
 I told you all the plan, you should act ______.
 She found it hard to ______ herself to the new work shift.
 She gets ______ to the new environment quickly
 She ________ her objective of qualifying for the US Olympic team.
 The teacher asked the class to think of everyday goals that were ________ for them.
 It was a remarkable ________ for such a young man.
 All the people interviewed today were ________s in their own field.
 She bumped into an old ________ on the way.
 This class is designed to ________ students with the region's most important writers
 He seemed cold at first, but on closer ________ I realized that he was just shy.
11. ACT
 She ________ed on behalf of her father, who was not at the meeting.
 Seeing a movie, art or sports game, sightseeing, driving, caring for pets, playing a video game, reading a book
(including a comic) as a hobby, playing a musical instrument as part of club ________
 ________ need to be taken to combat the high crime rate
 In a highly competitive environment, you must be ________ to find out best solutions
 Many environmental ________ are demanding action on climate change.
 They signed the agreement in the spring, but the _______ sale wasn't made until that summer
 She woke from a dream that a woman was pounding on her door and then realized that there _______was
someone at the front door
 Heroin is obtained from morphine and is extremely _______
 The _______ lost friends to the drug by death, but it wasn't enough to convince her to quit.
 Living as she did in an age much ______ to gossip and scandal, the legacy of her past was simply too spectacular
to conceal.
 In ______ to the assistance from the renters, the money finally gave her an income of her own, and the token
independence that went with it.
 The artist has done an ______ and phenomenal job in combining all of these wonderful colors
 They accorded perfectly with her intense ______ for great men and great ideals, and with her personal antipathy
to marriage.
 I always ______ the way it made other women's lashes go for miles, curl for days and stand out for eternity, but I
couldn't personally find The One for me.
 He was a great ______ of Galen; and in his writings he protests emphatically against quackery and the
superstitious remedies of the astrologers.
 Online shopping brings about various ______ for the customers
 He not only obtained for his government an ______ treaty, but secured for himself a grant of a district which he
proceeded to colonize and cultivate.
 This he was able to do, as a moderate Lutheran, whose calmness and common sense contrasted ______ with the
unbridled violence of his contemporaries.
 He is a young man of considerable perseverance, he has worked his way for years, under many ______s, with
great assiduity.
 A curious and wise Hobbit, Bilbo enjoyed many _______s including one with Gandalf that took him deep into the
mountains where he discovered the One Ring.
 The first to explore any portion of the mighty river was the reckless and daring _______ Ordaz
 He was an _______, inveterate and intrepid traveler searching out examples of humanistic, well designed and
climatically controlled buildings
 Some of the most memorable ad campaigns in television history were either for dog products or featured dogs
as the star of the _______
 The pay per click (PPC) business is a way to _______ online to people who did a specific search in a search engine
like Google or who are viewing content on a certain topic
 Product managers and _______ can write glowing reviews of their own products and post these raves on every
site that allows posters to use anonymous aliases.
 Here are some other unique examples of _______ that take advantage of setting and environment.
 My doctor _______ me to lose some weight
 We need the _______ of a qualified actuary using the projected unit method
 An independent _______ has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict
 On the other hand, if you have a vocabulary list with individual words on it, it is generally _______ to use a
dictionary instead
 Leaders in the New York Provincial Congress considered the _______ of answering it, but came to the conclusion
that it was unanswerable.
 I use “business” _______ because so much of the attention around journalism today is about the reduced
resources to fund it.
 Her plans will include giving workers an _______ role on committees that decide pay and perks packages for
senior execs.
 An early frost in Florida can _______ the orange crop negatively.
 He retained through life a warm _______ for the school, where he did well both in the classes and the games,
and was famous as a walker.
 The movie had an _______ ending that brought tears to my eyes.
 _______ she was remarkably frank, sometimes a little surly, or she showed a slight empty uneasiness.
 But unless made into something of the same sort, another poem, a translation is not _______.
 The _______ area was devastated by the natural disaster.
 All the _______ of interest she had assumed had left her kindly and tear-worn face and it now expressed only
anxiety and fear.
 The _______ smile on her face couldn't hide the insincerity in her words.
 We see him living on terms of constant affection with his father, and in disputes with his brothers not the
_______ but the sufferer from aggression
 Apple's were a much bigger concern than Samsung's and were _______ expanding their share of the world
 _______ constitutes intended harm to another individual, even if the attempt to harm fails (such as a bullet fired
from a gun that misses its human target).
 They experience boredom, sickness, early deaths and they _______, attacking and even killing human beings.
 The company adopted an _______ marketing strategy to gain a competitive edge in the market
 He has followed through on his promise to insist on better trade _______
 We have had to _______ on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting
tolerable and that we need not come to open war.
 He had insinuating manners and could make himself very _______ if he chose; but he was mean, treacherous,
rapacious, suspicious and horribly vindictive.
 It was _______ recognized on every side that the traditional procedure for securing an agreed solution had once
again justified itself.
 If _______ were given priority, the country would easily be able to feed itself.
 The _______ revolution in Europe meant farmers could grow more food with less land and labour.
 This book contains many stimulating ideas that should find a place in the libraries of all forward-looking _______
 The day, said The Times, “was crowded with rumors, ______, contradictions, fears, hopes, resolves,
 The bee-keeper, therefore, by the judicious application of a little smoke from smoldering fuel, blown into
the hive by means of an appliance known as a beesmoker, ________ the bees and is thus able to manipulate
the frames of comb with ease and almost no disturbance.
 Mum sounded very _______ and distressed and told me to lock the doors.
 The sky above the mountains was an ______ mass of bruises, there was a taste of snow in the air.
 Inflation is steadily if slowly receding despite the __________ warnings of many experts
 His devotion to Protestantism made him feverishly alive to the perils which threatened the Reformation; and
he took an _____ view of every situation
 She was quite _____ and was able to learn the English language rather quickly
 Medical officials have put out an _____ to hospitals to look out for the virus.
 Their first cost is great and they are dangerous for new men, as they require constant _____, presence of mind,
and a certain knack in using them.
 You might need _____ clothing after you succeed at your diet
 They are making some _____ to the buildings.
 Porks price _______ significantly during 2020.
 Bridge height may be fixed or _______
 The word ______ is derived from alter, shown below.
 Our future depends on ______ renewable resources.
 Fruit juice is provided as an ______ to alcoholic drinks.
 The agency will make arrangements for you. ______ , you can organize your own means of
 Throughout the holiday, the weather ______ between rain and sunshine every day.
 She works on ______ days.
 David was too sick to attend, so Janet served as his ______ .
 An ______ in power is one big step towards cleaning government.
 They ______ governed the country.
 he festival takes place in ______ years.
 It never ceases to ______ me how Harry can be a champion.
 It's ______ to think that the managing director is only 23.
 She had to be freed from the wreckage by firefighters, but ______ walked away unhurt.
 He seemed confused and taken aback, regarding me ______
 I was ______ at his knowledge of English literature.
 To my ______ , Jenny said that she would go to America.
 He was a young man with the ______ to succeed in his chosen career.
 The ______ project was completed in only nine months.
 With its new line of mobile devices, the company is looking ______ to the future.
 He noticed that the clown was ______ watching the child.
 She could not hide her ______ at the way he was dancing
 It ______ her to think that they were probably talking about her at that very moment.
 Mind you he did become very cheerful and happy, totally uninhibited and very ______ at parties or on holiday
 Lindley employs ______ playful metaphors in his work.
 Everyone in the class was all ______ at his stories.
 The ______ of the traditions was a reminder of a time before technology and social media
 Koryū refer to ______ martial arts established before the Meiji Restoration.
 This record was written by people who had lived ______ upon the American continent
 My mother is ______ with me because I broke her favorite vase
 He burst out and slammed the car door shut ______ .
 Ellen felt both despair and ______ at her mother.
 His ______ burned too hot for him to face her, too hot for him to do anything but drive his wired body into the
ground with activity.
 The flight attendant made an ______ reminding the passengers that this was a non-smoking flight.
 He will ______ tonight that he is resigning from office
 The racetrack ______ said that the next race was about to start.
 His constant joking was beginning to ______ her.
 The noisy building site near my house is an ______ .
 I don't understand you. You're ______ with everything.
 The background hum of the fan may be ______ to some users.
 She may never get the chance to tell him or to ______ for their last exchange being one of anger and
 She looked up, wondering who she now owed an ______ for her embarrassing scene.
 More visible dangers arise for the ______ in the region of science, historical or physical
 He would rather hear ______ for his accomplishments than have you fawning all over him and catering to his
 Every person stood to ______ his unforgettable act of courage.
 Some people take offense at financial registries, while others ______ the innovation of it.
 Don't plug in an electrical ______ with wet hands - you could get an electric shock
 We have received ______ from over 100 applicants.
 This ______ is only available for Android system
 The successful ______ will have experience in project management
 The method of weighing equal volumes is particularly ______ to the determination of the relative densities of
 To show the ______ of the proposed scheme, it has been applied to a wastewater treatment plant located at
south of Tehran, Iran.
 These scientists are trying to ______ significant scientific findings to our reality.
 What are the practical ______ of this work?
 Eating it always made me feel ashamed and in need of an urgent dental ______ .
 he commission ______ a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry
 The assemblies would set development criteria and keep watch over elected and ______ government officials.
 This isn't an exact figure but I think it's a good ______ of what the land is worth
 This ______ figure is estimated by the scientists.
 Conditions in the greenhouse ______ those of a tropical climate
 The two buildings were ______ equal in size
 After the heated ______ , the final decision was made.
 He was ______ with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength
 The girl in team A produced very clever ______
 Plato further simplified the form, and reduced it to pure ______ conversation, while leaving intact the amusing
element of character-drawing
 The service was simple and cheap and the call was ______ at a time to suit us, a busy working family
 Her class teacher made a special ______ to discuss her progress at school once a month
 He celebrated the ______ of the New Year with a party for his friends
 By the time the frost ______ , his blueberries had already blossomed and had tiny leaves
 The young entrepreneur was viewed as an ______ in the business community, and many old-timers were leery
of his ideas.
42. ART
 The actor rather ______ described how she landed the role
 An unassuming suburban family will produce a world champion, a family of business people an ______ , the
family next door a secular saint
 Nature was sufficient for the cure of most diseases; ______ had only to interfere when the internal physician,
the man himself, was tired or incapable.
 My orchestra is working hard to maintain quality and ______ integrity
 That was ______ successful movie.
 Her reputation for honesty and directness, which is not false, masks an apparently ______ guile
 To a first-time reader, the ______ of her writing is a surprise
 Our ______ is to develop a cogent business plan
 The teacher ______ a lot of homework to students.
 She received a special ______ to lead a new project for the company.
 There are rumours about the ______ between two companies
 The ______ must not retain any sort of reversionary interest in the right to possess
 Every student needs lecturer's ______ to do assignments
 She has been the ______ director for 3 months
 I am working as a special ______ to the professor
 I respect Susan a lot thanks for her ______ with this crucial work.
 Last year, she was offered an ______ at Harvard University
 The company said it would ______ workers in finding new jobs
 They have maintained a close ______ with a college in the US
 Many people ______ dark clouds with depression and gloom
 The conference was funded by ______ of South-East Nations.
 All six styles were deemed ______ with middle class people
 One class of theory holds that inconsequential stimulus pre-exposure results in reduced ______ for that
 Research indicates that people volunteer and participate in ______ life because they are asked to.
 The link between ______ learning and fitness in such insects in not an obvious one
 The ______ looked worried, knowing deep in his heart that he'd been truly defeated by a superior intellect
 5,000 people from around the world were invited to ______ the conference about global warming
 The team wants to double ______ at its games this season
 She called my ______ to the new arrangement, and when I did not object she seemed pleased and patted
 He was always ______ to the need to maintain the highest standards, generous with his time and unfailingly
 As I told him everything, he listened ______ , his eyes fixed on me as though he were trying to drink me in,
memorize my face
 When two people experience the same level of interest, there appears to be a balance in ______ and each will
make time for the other

Red lanterns are suspended around the couple's bed to attract happiness to ensure a long and fortunate

Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with confidence than how we look

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