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Skin allergy tests

Before doing the tests,

1-Be sure that your patient had stopped any oral antihistaminic drug or corticosteroid at least 7 days
before the test

The Skin prick test

The forearm skin must be cleaned and sterilized and is pricked Intradermal with a needle containing a
small amount of the allergen.


Some allergies are identified in a few minutes but others may take several days. In all cases where the
test is positive, the skin will become raised, red and appear itchy” you need to inform your patient”

The results are recorded - larger wheals indicating that the subject is more sensitive to that particular
allergen. A negative test does not conclusively rule out an allergy; occasionally, the concentration needs
to be adjusted, or the body fails to elicit a response.

The patch test

use a large patch which has different allergens on it. The patch is applied onto the skin, usually on the
back. The allergens on the patch include latex, medications, preservatives, hair dyes, fragrances, resins
and various metals.

anaphylaxis can occur anytime. So if any of the following symptoms are experienced, immediate
intervention with epinephrine must be done

Low grade Fever, lightheadedness or dizziness, wheezing or Shortness of breath, extensive skin rash,
swelling of face, lips or mouth, difficulty swallowing or speaking

People who have severe, generalized skin disease or an acute skin infection should not undergo skin
testing,. Also, skin testing should be avoided for people at a heightened risk of anaphylactic shock,
including people who are known to be highly sensitive to even the smallest amount of allergen.
‫كارت متابعة خاص بمريض االرتكاريا‬
‫نصائح هامة‬

‫االلتزام بارشادات الطبيب و العالج فى المواعيد المحددة و كما تم وصفه بواسطة الطبيب المعالج‬

‫المداومة على ترطيب الجسم و شرب المياه ب استمرار و ارتداء مالبس قطنية تالمس الجسم يحسن جدا من حالة الجلد‬

‫قد تظهر االعراض مرة اخرى او تسوء حدتها عند‬

‫التوتر العصبى او التعرض لضوء الشمس المباشر او الجلوس فى اماكن شديدة الحرارة او شديدة البرودة لفترات طويلة‬

‫او التعرض لمياه بدرجات حرارة عالية جدا او منخفضة جدا‬

‫او تناول بعض االطعمة او استخدام المواد العطرية و الكيماوية او مالمسة الحيوانات االليفة‬

‫و لذلك تجنب ما سبق يساعد مع العالج ل تقليل اعراض االرتكاريا‬

‫متابعة الكشف و العالج شهريا‬

‫اذا شعرت بصعوبة فى التنفس او صعوبة فى البلع او تغير فى الصوت يجب عليك الذهاب الى طوارىء‬

‫اقرب مستشفى‬

‫الطبيب المعالج‬ ‫العالج‬ ‫التاريخ‬

Doctor follow up document

Date Treatment Doctor Case response to

treatment and any
adverse reactions
or new symptoms

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