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How does Rossetti explore the themes of envy and discontentment to justify

that Nick was a ‘poor man.’

In the first sentence of ‘Nick’, Rossetti calls Nick a ‘poor man’ and later in that
paragraph gives us a detailed explanation of why she says so. She also justifies calling him
a ‘poor man’ throughout the story in various negative themes. In this essay, I will analyse the
different themes used by Rossetti and whether it is justified for her to call Nick a ‘poor man’.
In the first paragraph, Rossetti explores the themes of discontent, narcissism and
jealousy. Despite enjoying numerous comforts in life, Nick experiences discontentment when
witnessing the happiness of others. Having no family or friends, he has ample time to envy
the people nearby. The line, “Nick leaned over Giles Hodge’s gate, counting his cherries.”
clearly shows that he is jealous of all those around him who may be prospering. Nick made
an effort to keep his desires to himself, aware of his curse. He nonetheless instantly wished
to change into sparrows and consume Giles' delicious, juicy cherries after viewing them. This
encounter exposes Nick's innate jealousy and insecurity.
First Nick wishes to be a sparrow and is attacked by a cat and then to defeat the cat
he wishes to be a dog but that too proves to be unsuccessful. It is possible that Rossetti is
suggesting that an individual should be happy with what they have without looking at others
as a point of reference. Insecure Nick, as the labourer’s bludgeon, hears how he has added
to the well-being of the poor labourer and wishes to burn down his cottage. He then realises
that he is causing himself more harm than he is to others and decides to use the curse to his
advantage thus showing the theme of greed.
The story also shows that genuine contentment doesn't come from acquiring material
possessions alone. Instead, it is found in living a good and honest life, just like Nick's
neighbours. Until Nick interferes with his wishes and causes trouble, his neighbours are
shown to be content with what they have. It's only when Nick's desires lead to chaos that his
neighbours become unhappy.
To justify calling Nick a ‘poor man’ the author gives a vivid explanation in the first
paragraph and various instances throughout the story.

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