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The Mahad Satyagrah, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, had several objectives, all aimed at challenging and
dismantling the discriminatory practices faced by Dalits in society, particularly regarding access to
public resources like water. Some of the main objectives of the Mahad Satyagrah were:
1. Equal Access to Water - The primary objective was to assert the right of Dalits to access water from
public water sources, particularly Chavdar Lake in Mahad. Untouchables were often denied access to
these resources due to social prejudices.
2. Challenge Untouchability - The satyagrah aimed at challenging the practice of untouchability, a
deeply entrenched social evil in India. Untouchability involved the social segregation and
discrimination against Dalits based on their caste.
3. Symbolic Protest - The choice of Chavdar Lake as the site for the satyagrah was symbolic. Dr.
Ambedkar and his followers sought to make a powerful statement about the need for social equality
by demanding access to a public space that had been denied to Dalits.
4. Assertion of Rights - The satyagrah was a peaceful protest that aimed at asserting the rights of
Dalits as equal citizens of the country. It sought to challenge the prevailing social norms that relegated
Dalits to a lower social status.
5. Promotion of Social Reforms - Mahad Satyagrah was part of a broader movement led by Dr.
Ambedkar for social reform and the upliftment of the marginalized sections of society. It aimed at
initiating a dialogue on caste-based discrimination and pushing for concrete social and legal changes.
6. Inspire Dalit Empowerment- By undertaking this satyagrah, Dr. Ambedkar intended to inspire and
empower the Dalit community to stand up against injustice and actively participate in the struggle for
their rights.
7. Contribute to Constitutional Principles- The movement and the issues raised during the Mahad
Satyagrah played a role in shaping Dr. Ambedkar's later contributions to the drafting of the Indian
Constitution. The principles of social justice and equality incorporated into the Constitution have
roots in such movements.
The broader objective of movements such as the Mahad Satyagrah, led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, was to
comprehensively challenge caste-based discrimination in Indian society. This encompassed the
eradication of untouchability, seeking equal rights and opportunities for individuals irrespective of
their caste, and fostering social inclusion. Efforts extended to economic empowerment through land
reforms, legal protection against discrimination, and the promotion of cultural transformation by
challenging deeply ingrained caste-related beliefs. Political representation for marginalized
communities and educational reforms aimed at eliminating disparities were key objectives.
Encouraging inter-caste marriages was seen as a means to break down rigid social norms. Ultimately,
the broader aspiration was a long-term societal transformation, addressing social, economic, cultural,
and political dimensions to establish a more egalitarian and just society. The Mahad Satyagrah and
similar movements laid the groundwork for challenging caste-based discrimination and fostering
principles of equality, justice, and fraternity.

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