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CHAPTER TEN HEADLINES—FORMS AND DISPLAy yes now in vogue are mainly of three forms—waj 7 waist, J psant ‘ay i inverted pyramid, and flush left. They stay on because they mncet the criterion of functionalism. Several types have been ried oUt SO far, but barring these three all have been discarded And again of the three the flush left headline is much in practice, almost ubiquitous. The other two varieties are not as ich common. A waist headline is set centred with equal side-indents. Each line is centred on the white of a column, and the line may have single-column width or may run across it. An inverted id is centred, each line leaving equal white on both sides. But a flush left headline is left-ranged with uneven ends. And when we have two-liners, they may be either set centred or set left, but in an inverted pyramid form the shape of the inverted triangle must appear, for which this headline is always a three- liner at the minimum. - ‘A waist headline must be a three-liner as well, and the middle line must be shorter than the remaining two lines giving out the shape of a waist. The middle line is the waistline ; the other two are long. The lines are long, short, long. The common pattern looks like gait 3) havent SS ——— Bae pear the longer, short, long lines like yet there may ap ee) acer ———— js also much in use. The Statesman of Calcutta and the pata 90 ‘in for such centred heads, but of late it tends normally of the two-liners. to use , 1 te of " longest, the se, Ond line long nd ‘the third line I, ‘hough short wike an arrow the order Points x he =e een rhythmical step-down Even ot fixed the reading eye does mes the habit, without effort it has little weight. Below ed form is claim ¢ second ¢ third. shi he although {ver than ¢ forms, jooks be' ¢ regular all a 1 first one he best and oe ——e 10 ye eile = a The ¥ Se eres = en — eee en ok ss . se oe Paes woided wi oe ater be id be shou! ly irregular shape ugly # and these derision: 155 14 Flusi * THRO : In this — has anoth, RY AND og. a word revolting Tt jsall due to the ragged left Burnet “T° et variety Tee, os eye to the benches pve et flushed to et th es itor is least bothered nchmark. T beginning. ‘© the rig, wh Nope le, howeve> the compositor is least there Se The forms © “fect re : a rh ” Fs teft 89” Fe can start all the lines at a fixed point = : a 108 bes e wards too, is easier. Uneven endings are — ° it count TE ithe ragged ‘ight is dynamic as well, letting ———— 7 See id bet ae m = ‘i vi sacement oblem of flush right heads on a page a vi ua Se ight place seems to be the righthand columa on the first column the is pee? an 1 og he that produces jots of More, if they are placed on any other column, and the sha shapes ps in. and longest mee short, ; epee jade of the Pages their uneven beginnings will Ser, long, all regular p, 3 longest. . in contact with the uneven em egular > sh 9 windows as the axis of Patterns, p, ort, ey gush left heads placed on the left of the flush right jse, their even endings will appear to be jumping snnings of the flush left heads coming on the a og en a if they are placed, say, ee f white on the left gets lost in aaa better not use th as Arnold (ibi id, Ch 5 ve C4 , too much, it 5, p 98) k ‘0 be nonfuncrs, Pom i right- = iis malfenctional ag ya’ it aes ans ut placing lush eft heads all over the page will not affect than ras and setting, both wa YS the reade, pe read rhythm. Hardly would any line telescope into a sre flush left. es ie slower in the another i the next column. The only problem is with the irregular unit count so ‘é ee works a right head righthand page margin which gets mixed up with whites created (regular. Similarly, the ty fe ragged left doe ot oF nds of the flush left heads placed on the eighth irregular shapes. Ypesetter has to do as = not look too oan, But since this white comes on the right the stream- i Such shapes are ; uch counting Tined effect is not marred. ‘The New York Times once went in for justified lines in ea, s. . s, ns every heading. Here in Calcutta the Amrita Bazar Patrika, i: a ae oo, copied the pattern and stuck to it for some time. Sanmarg: as a Hindi daily of the city, takes in justi liners. The one- a deck two-liner looks like ——————— a 1 —_——_ and the double-deck ones look like a eee — % 2 oe ae ees Mien. ia a gue ader ? a head difficult and Often bye i plac we n't complete & eee broken words #e not allo, VV ma 4 ye broken words Appea, . You will then have to “Void h “se of unnecessary setting suding article ‘s time-consuming One might indulge jn jt was : Once it he second woe in the ee ‘ops has made line d 0 a lac al experimen wage) snisplae rely found varieties and spread them in a Planned Bian occ a dhs style 1 One can take the flush left on 14? left of In Indi ign 84 Pyramid or ever maniile j and one can have a night-end column, But can you stj day ? And any st your is in newspapers use in hree-liner n craze is ratice are two of thFEE ioe idly eft tbe Je that i actice ar line is just i Tict adherence Yout witt a i _ igh eee 159 he second line he four-liners weakness for symmetry, betray Pe bead ‘And eae wely ft oe but ¢ vn headlines. . ; \e There is yet another headline variety, yy is the pe ust Jel eee vething unusual Ses head, a compromise of the three forms—fush left, wajgsPPed we , but ces & ORE im Jeft because he Win is et eae ad. The first line ga ‘hree-line stepped yet ad aos ro sas in ded the ser ler eritiog wel ht the second line is ecntred, and the then lineis sf yook Tike has recoeptically better: anneal pose pet. This pattern can ale, be followed in a multiline steppe Allen Hutt te and op the sub gets ote heading, but the minimum line requirement js three, ang all sg easier tO ‘because un Evans # these | Fequal length sideways The form ig. ie challenged, be cial ese lines are oj equal length s; ray: rm is ; never chi and may can tothe alo much there a a play ane ‘ys move back it is very ~ al ——— . But not alwa But this habit it has been terminate ae ee = Ghat he eye does 20 habit. Bot ee oe ee ios | =o that in cond ime ea Lean ' —— It dep in cl not find i invert head the eye ‘ha and it appears that the lines of equal Widths move diagonally pore ee the waist ee eS Hine may tre left downwards like steps in S Maireate, Great care ip needed ty aoe as an et mi the ~ sachieve a smooth Stepdown. A precise unit count is necessary, ‘Ana if there eo nak Bvan Fs need not . Dot only in writing but also in setting, Otherwise, the steps ( ‘willl not be that Tong. jately clear part of will not be properly adjusted, and irregular steps are hazardous wS ches ee the clear But this is the common failing, Too much dependence on yr vided the bi to take in the do not end unit Count often meets with failure, The result is ugliness, 1¢ ‘second glance lines * Sepped headline appears tht a 2 or 159 YY AND DISPLA' Soe ti t indent nels NES) he third line is righ! a EDITING and tl ss three col 1N TREoRy indented 2°) ne runs across runs across : i ‘ # clear points. May, ru eft Wh the 80007 and the third = s blank. headlines : “* Comparative , imeoluan. Bt first and the fourth columns 1 ate ty fe poth the tories will be accommodated, d es st $ Man bj 1 other dog, then “tes dog, two dies then dies items they will have to be separated i he I has : * ing dividers. not lines at the top by me the intro and the seco®’ hird line will eal are set single and you have certainly foung rile double-cola iy of the chopped one top down to Except the first headline a abe = intro Se run from the eee the legs of the Beattie’ Gs Titisy ta Alizee ee = the lines can But for this oe will not appear a headline sentence, too, end n® : a oaks a cna & a ean sourt Peas lengths, and ae patterns are = lower case has an edge over other headlis, fe . sh eg ; ° called ao a have been listed. First, there is more freer : a ‘a and use of words as more letters can be accommy. — Hmited space ; second, uneven ends loosen et a the design 3 third, lines can be set with ease the left alignment ; fourth, <4 © Care of : o ragged right ; and, fifth, lef-set mane’ can oe e the page. ‘where in Tn sum, these are the advantages which hay, flush left style so popula: ; ‘© made the or r. Add single-deck to flush lege down q style, and you will move with the times Aca} Nonfunctional headlines s j ee ee awkward jumpto Typographers have tried out several headline forms, but in the ————— eee Course of time most of them have been found to be nonfunctional ee and have gone into disuse. Hanging indent is sash sett ae functional headline, In it the first line is set full measure and the remaining below are indented left and flushed or ragged right. The styles look like page oe be there is the ragged ae ee he ge ie he he SEE effects are: to drop : and the fy the headline seem aii be Tepe A ey ight ers and cokurnn jum functional headline, it ng ae d is the third ules but the bot yhich the Hooded hea side F withia: whieh ttern there are ‘OP a pa ——— and it appears that the left indentions and the ragged right affect the frontsweep and the backsweep, both, 4 ing whites ‘ is prod leaving ‘A. hood-like pe lines are — chee wa removed. | fcamed. All the lint Wiles The Pam ; the walt headline is . Iris a rigid : The second nonfunctional headline is the chopped style. ‘on both sides t0 20°. idom used. In it the column widths vary from line t 'o line. Usually, such » In a three-liner running across four columns the first line is set full out, the is razz but today it : , 161 sp DISPLAY ; nang FORMS AND he bucket head in Lan * i ie a oat headline is anita the top is 5 4 -functio! 3 fully ine looks like 160 NEWS EDITING 1y Tony an ipasi aB0e0 it, The headline AND i count is precise ; and the side; mea ice a c poe minslY falling the head fit the space Within Tea Wide on, pict shy = “RC frame 1 UR ab ————— 4 ve been (ae a toa like '° May, dented each side have in , | the lines set i arguably though, the ae that 1 placed, . Well SS | it sho’ bucket \e t. Se | % oe with the te esac | — a is functional, for they rn ange as hea also non-fun are, by € They are, ines. or lines 3° nding hazards. of the headl 0 een 4 reading » make fun =| prick cements am table that they | jepiscemments ST ! oa sick heads are = fe (two) Demonstrators ‘nl : and whatever the headline sty les, flush left or Neila some 1 Si en land rupt ka se ae Or iny ed. one) ide down trains J Pyramid, appear to be Tigid. Yet it is a shade better ( put upsi 2 as given bored or bucket head as the headline ! the reads : Continued on back page oro” Page five oe it may read : Turn to ba ack page or page on the continuation pa; ge the top-of-the-text line reads — page one. In some Papers like the Statesman the en reference is also given, while in othes Papers symbols are The Anandabazar Patrika went in for such symbols. = but they have now disappeared. Tn some cases the co number may be mentioned. Visual aids are good if ugh not get smudged after rint, but the c : not get am P uut the column reference is always | Jump heads appear on jump matters, lines. This is th Pp Over continuation normal practice But these heads should Some editors say that a jump head run matter, for which a fresh want any repetition whether of headline or of the key Part of it. Some \ FORMS LINES: key word along should repeat a key wink that @ jump hese in the continued matter. Yet ; ees ‘at of intel - i ied on the front : tire headline carrie e f ote in argues the hee is hardly any single opinion ; * itd yd be repeated. t the readers do not like to have the shou n seen aa and reread. Most readers would Pens TPS Te long with bey words, Amald wit beveet some TEN Pepetitive headline which he calls a raid ae opi a jump head with news, Examples il want 0), He also ibe ae Madras , sri Lankans arrests (Turn page) 5 ee Madras «+» (PI) a 2 Train crash 5 killed in wa (Pl) probe (Turn page) gain crash India draw Sad heme-coming a : (Pl) — of Indians (Turn page) ax Olympics “ these may be considered as the right types of jump head. = some key words have been used. Punctuation marks : el ‘Terse though, a headline is a sentence. Ae - ees ‘erse . ce. er too. Both Bruce Westley (News Baiting, oe and Harold Evans (Editing and Design, a rie subscribe to this view. Punctuation 1s ice coe Even then there are some conventional gui use of punctuation marks. They are : Seer ***No full point (or stop) at the ae aia ire dlines used to conclude wi Pe ieee bee und to be ages, Ee 4 Ie is clear even Sent the ends Sew en corpoat the sop is meaning ae a ii ‘Man bites dog” without without the stop. *s%In ape is being capital letter 1s ' inatividual house styles s, too, a full po! he end of each Il point at t discontinued. However, it depends on 5 164 NEWS EDITING 1y THEORY 4, ND In some hou Wes it is D. y PRACT The U.S.A. and the ys. Vs C: nd in UO adie ~ also appear as ers 5 Rio : HEL is all right Veen te US, Na whilt some Papers use Gov withos Ment is abi me the ***Colon is often used to ine ee Mt the ste Viatey the same deck. Sometimes a But the Semi-colon dash is seldom used. Th, colon and the British colon. The Br & Semi World Bank t ‘ nk (erms accepted ; Bus fares increase is much better than the American style Which is World Bank terms accepted ; bus fares increase bat both are not wholly wrong. Colon is neat and its read, easy. However, the dash is space-consuming. A colon 2) a half-unit space while a dash tak cons es two. It is like aa World Bank terms accepted—bus fares increase and, lo, the dash is fat. Evans argues that the dash should be kept reserved for creating an extra emphasis : CPI(M) returns to power—but with a difference and here in this case the dash has been rightly used. In Indian newspapers the colon is generally used. “**Hyphen has a limited use. A hyphenated word may ‘come in the middle of a line, but a broken word with a hyphen ‘coming at the end of a line is to be avoided. Examples : Sikhs rej- VG harass- ect talks ment offer deplored and both the heads reall ly need rewording to take the odd hyphen out. But the headline Thousands join anti-war rally is correct and very much in use, Even smaller types can save AD! 165 FoRrMS AND DISPLAY : NES : oe c 4 the column width. send or &' a ‘and’ or instead of a ften in the place of ae 2 —- ae sed to club proper names: amy sw Also iti “ J ‘ t ester" a Delhi, Dhaka agree 10 ! r ‘ we harem, ore discuss fencing wh pal te conjun a shake can be rightly ea Hoe - never for the now 09% nee js always for the “an! ttribution : sort je preference also used in the a ut He ‘The comma NTR’s bloodbath threat v8 pecting wells unfortunate, says PM Is Ray tel . newsmen earranged by using colons : ads can also be rearrat + Bloodbath threat and such he: Rajiv : Bl i. Ray: tm by NTR unfortuna' feeling, well the statement. There tribution precedes pot in these cases the 2 joins two ideas = Sher arrangement where a colon jo! js yet anothe oF Escorts case < Supreme Court admits plea nd the use is justifiable. But i a Ye in the attribution the 9 the gece: AOE eal Ode jdentification WY eaerR bloodbath thee te + Raye : ear A alicalt unit cont the colo and ‘says et phen there 22 be wed inn not usvally ae ‘e note cam iy in ct EOE deleting the om Id J rk show jamation MAP” doe: , apse oy such is little scope for it exclamation. Pere there fi ‘accounl news 4 166 NEWS EDmng a @ppear in features speaking THRoRy But there Must atl / per headline. set in one- th afi ¢ first ee another eo" ents th, ! . i i 3 . et ie , heads though labels, in bo iv them - cap, to els: they wer, ther stori coh Were run afer 40 a ja carry . fie'eda, eee ter d ve Sey little jmpravement though On the column, as the pag The st s, 77 “abel: jreaded? display did not respond © ; " . was no h lgtasies eye Oo F Save: § Orizony would © tinued id aa Tt means a stress, en Verticaln the top ONChide “ vwspaperme” id not rest They started racking their ne Page, with = liigibsaest Ma Omar hinge got newsPP the headlines Took different from the body he ‘onehead et bring the 1 (Ch 8, wet | pansion typographers Wer “head of others in develop Page looked. aud iti cone 6) WP play Be sues, Danley, Ht: ‘ysually big types: Were ike fusing” |” the top i spe the pases &S Pi Tooked differents more attractive al Tr all happened during the ‘American civil war | pefore- oe mid-19th century. Because people wanted large shout- x dee on the stories about the war, and newspapers adlines © uy ing the first world war banners appeared. to. horizonially-played heads. Gradually the papers switched the lead. The +5 case, too, the Americans took te ‘a double-column headline even of the 20th century. All waited to see what The don did, but that paper Was in ‘design doldrums’, as Evans (Bk 5, Ch 2, PP 24-25) puts it. Only in the 1930's the design drifted across the Atlantic. Column jumping ended, but were porn dullness and monotony. Big headlines were used side by side at the top, and the headlines were and style. There ew a rigid uniformity: readers locate the headlines according tO importance news paving the same types and styles rather created conflicting | persuasions. ‘The j nt, & identifiable the arrayed Wil yat any same | of a graveyard where f Gisinction. THE TOW nr headlines at top PAGe in th ¢ led to the descriptive teT™™ ‘¢ombstoning’~ Ie ‘A ‘tombstone page Jooked like was dull and monotonous. < Come at the bottom o} Without jump heads, nent of advertisement » The switch was. goq ald come in full vie to bottom’ theme le approach to th P of the page grew with op left to the News stories co ‘edit on top, ad wot the ae did not improve’ © News the rigid country them 1 Used to carry Bious paper of the i71 e pees FORME AND DIPLA' et jong time, but, later, = - = pase : » csiate result was the lool = — = ™ as undergone @ j whe wen ee “The Hindu, has un erg’ Sd ou, 0 on ait . ‘A Co orally © rovement was effected when the eon s at pe es sone eo Pentrasting the types and styles @ oe yer) beeen ce produced a sort of seasoning, ine Ply’ is little advan 1 2 ¢ * his Tittle mbstoning- Conflicting pers ae aA styles not varying ee ba wad not properly reflected. eee ne : ee and conflicting heads put the contras| will gad i. ; ja rs then brought in changes in the stress. They pe alternated New horizontals. A doublecolumn, bead a oer one, then a three-colum head ith 8 single sti paticrD, 10 changed along with the change i is them—altered ses. And the headlines—@ variety of : ; ee jandscape- ‘Tombstoning was gone- The page looked the top Modern newspapers y large, work relentlessly for , by and large, for kind of balance, an emphasis-mix at the top for readability this " w i h dq understanding. ‘And contrasts are achieved not throug! ant the type-style alternation but by varying the type sizes keeping j' trast is enough within the same family. Maybe, just one cont for a page, and that is a teaser. Further developments have taken a Se ne hhave stopped running headlines ae a - Balers is not always easily done. Beside # Pie ome ee See solid text may occur & single-column is sil jtem has to be taken as a column head. This single-column ite eS ye a pox or in hanging Par with a headline set enough to ul created poxes and panels i them, illustrations, ‘The top a the d/c lead run next es a ~S Fes and it shows | eadiine size and style. . heavy type. I= tee while the d/c has an expanded heavy a 175 ¥ 172 _yonss AND DISFLA eapirnes Jivider it would the ¢ wt without the ¢ OP mi Dp os the op . confusi have -- r taken we i 3k : ee ple — 3 aa — 3 confusion. ; the top head was not 1d also ee are tha would lav 1d look like ag there is a son woul sion ni coin exes = : k. It wow = poppe der it blank. Page—page on top ern a t another advance—, an —=——— head under ahead. Often before me Placing Modern news There is ye ae a —s3i ad the result is equally ie is better to run a few 1 he pS * «auch kinds of messuP 1+ pt ae 6 ae H ‘To avoid ti wader the P is bee ae —_ “eats = 3 of the solid (8 2074) and Suc caller pattems oe Jine, this #5 9m PT er to link full me ee aividing Tin in the profession mel Tittle scope fr \ se a . aaline Wi \ | J _. AND DISPLAY 75 the layout produces both - a Story lines are split into rectangle scent columns forming 4 er il come the headline full sista ven ehere will appear a —_ under a ¢ be placed head-undo-head- come within rectangles. : > ! even without rule ihe ‘SIC item's head vt sion. The pattern is $$ \ Lf em \ a \ \ . and in it there is one factor that dominates the scene—that is, the factor of head-text link. With this pattern emerging in news display a new vista of layout has been opened up. All the world over, in most newspapers, this pattern has been

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