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RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1.2. BRONCHITIS 1) Learn the following words. —_—— pun, xo a ale rl ia norpicxypannn ‘muricraxi apenapar snthistamine (enti hustomi) I mil | aioe sinanepri) decongestant, dikan dgeaant) | "OTGpmon apo ac amtitusive —_[ent'tsw] arene ronan cxpecoant —_[gekten) SEPT apse ———— brondadar opto et] =m antipyretic [entparreik] __xaposxayanbnnh npeaapar bronchitis | fbrog'kas] [spor pecniparopno-cauyeriamaath lees amet vas] | nipye porulent [Cpjvaatont) iat symeyial virus [sin'st vats) ‘nasal congestion |['nez kan dyesfon) |aunnagele es noca recurrence [rv karons) pepe Lig zeso" bea) ‘exacerbation sarocrpema Give the English equivalents ofthe Ukrainian word-combinations 2) bymatching the adjectives i A tothe nowns i B. ‘Make sentences using English word-combinations. slave (nolo) wesnyacain ae eee a B where (wa) [ep cancrno pan . = ‘ain anansnoro aparvepy [1 taammatry [a rate shonchus. [irmkos) | conopath xpun, mat tara! —- sl lara oh | rogk) Spon ao wana cron tnlive woxporcin purulent |b emgh complet blood | kom pis bad 3 aiurbing |e. exposure aa tnt oatopye aan xpi 2 om ee” a repitory [a dna {ood chemistry [bad kere json aaa po Blood chemistry [fblad"kemuat] | Gioxinirmetananis npon nigrproeynansna repania 5. supportive |e, illnes: [i:'gefons] Recenter jeapenerrrypni mpenapars ‘over-the-counter | f. sputum zophony el eS Geapensarypui npenapary 6. over-th £ spa — h ‘wopoGa axa npoxonne cana |7.selflimiting [medication — ee ae ee sepexonna Get familiar with some of the facts about bronchits ‘anal search for more information to preset tothe group. 1. Acute bronchitis is the most common disease ofthe bronchopulmonaey apparatus. is annial incidence rate 10% in children and 5% in adults 2, Thesame viruses that cause the fy and the common cold are fequently defined as the causative agents of acute bronchitis 3 Bacterial infections cause less than 10% of cases of bronchitis 44 Tobacco smoke, fumes, dust, and ar pollution increase the rskof acute bronchitis. 5 Acutebronchits should be difretited from asthma, which is usual Iy manifested by progeesive cough, tachypnea, wheezing hypexemia, and respiratory distress 6. Chronic bronchitis is usally diagnosed in patients with chronic ob: structive pulmonary disease or in smokers. However, repeated episodes of acute bronchitis, dus, fumes, ad ai pollation contribute tthe de ‘velopment of eon bronchitis to. 7, Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis results in severe coughing, chest, pain ches discomfort, and cyanosis (bluish or greyish skin coloration) '8, Pneumonia is the most common complication of bronchitis, One in 20, cases of bronchitis leads o pneumonis 4 Read the text BRONCHITIS ‘Acute bronchitis is a viral respiratory disease that leads to inflammato ry changes within the bronchi Its most feequently brought on by the viral pathogens invading the upper respiratory act and causing the common cold, Influenza or B,parainfluenza, respiratory syneytal virus, or coronavirus Less than 10% of cases of bronchitis result from bacterial infections. “Acute bronchitis can as upto 3 weeks and is characterized by an acute ‘ough that may’ or may not produce sputum. Sputum maybe cea, yellow- ish, or occasionally purulent. Parulent sputum does nat indicate a bacterial Infection and doesnot requir the we of antibiotics, Patients may experience a slow-to-resolve and disturbing cough accompanied by chest pain, Other Signs and symploms of acute bronchitis include dyspnea, nasal congestion, headache, and fever. ever ia typical symptom of advanced bronchitis. Acute tronchits may be mistaken forthe common cold during is erly stages. ae ‘Acute bronchitis is diagnosed using past medical history lungasessment, and other physical and Isborstory findings. ong with the pulse rae, tem perature, and respiratory rate, the oxygen saturation i crucial in determining the severity ofthe disease Patients with acute bronchitis may appear mildly ill and ave an overall feeling of malise. Wheezs and shonchi that generally improve with cough ng may be detected during lng auscultation, In most cases, laboratory testing isnot required forthe diagnosis of acute bronchitis. A complete blood count and chemistry maybe requested ifa fever ‘present In some acute bronchitis episodes, there may bea sight increase in the ite blood cell count. Blood chemistry can reveal dehydration. Bronchial hhypertesponsiveness and airtiow obstruction are detected using spicometry. Patients with symptoms of acute bronchi typially undergo ches ead ‘ography to rule out pneumonia. Dyspnea, bloody or rusty sputum, a pulse ‘exceeding 100 beats er minute, a respiratory rate exceeding 24 breaths per ‘minute, a body temperature exceeding 37.8 °C, egophony, and fremitus on chest inspection areall indicators fora chest X-ray ‘Supportive cate and symptomatic treatment are recommended for acute bronchitis. the ral of antibiotics is limited. Non-pharmacolgicl and phar _maceuical therapies shouldbe provided for cough alleviation. "The non-pbar- ‘macolgical treatment options include honey, ginger, and warm tea. Over the-counter medications are the first-line teatment for acute bronchitis Decongestants and antihistamines are frequently used forthe treatment of ancute cough. Anttusives decrease the cough reflex. Expectorants increase the volume of respiratory fluids, enhance the production of respiratory tact secretions, and redice mucus viscosity. Patients who exhibit signs of airflow ‘struction, including dyspnea and cough, should receive bronchoxlator ‘Malaise, myalgia, and fever can be tested with analgesic and antipyretic drugs. The prevention of recurrence and complications depends sigaiicant ty lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and avoiding allergens and pollens ‘Acute bronchitis is considered a mil, selimiting condition. Healthy adults usally recover completly without any complications. However, pa tents with underlying lung disease, congestive hear fare, or compromised immune systems are more likely to develop complications such as chronic ‘cough, chronic bronchitis, or pneumonia "A persistent cough and the production of sputum for atleast three months ‘each year fortwo consecutive years are eymptoms of chronic bronchitis. The risk factors for chronic bronchitis include cigarette smoking, exposure (0 hagmful substances agricultural pestckes, solid fuel, ana pellation, ‘A decline in lung function and a higher chance of developing chronic 0b structive pulmonary disease are both asaciated with chronic bronchitis ‘Pharmacologic treatment for chronic bronchitis sims to improve symp- toms while the condition is stable (mucoacive agents, beta- agonists, and ‘mascarini antagonists), reduce loss flung function (qiting smoking), and prevent and teat exacerbations (mucoactve agents and macrolide, antibiot es, and glucocorticoids). Lancuace DeveLoPMENT 4) Match th flowing laboratory and inant prose te deverpon, «asp op ofan imaged at wes 1 aucaiason |" Saytoveee te into ples of teu D:micoscopi ols fel inte ick maar produced nee wes th he ad Serta of some ug olen 2. complet blood 4. blood chemistry. listening tothe sounds within the body through sady stethoscope 4. an imaging test that ues electromagnetic waves 4. spirometry toobtain the pictures of the structures in and. around the chest €. a series of breathing tests (spirometry, ung volume tests, pulse oximetry, arterial blod gas Call tess) that evaluate pulmonary function, lang, | sae air flow, oxygen saturation f. atest that measures the amounts of certain © pony ‘chemical substances released into the blood by function testing | certain organs and ti 2. igh resolution |g atest that evaluates the volume of sr entering computed tn leaving the lags that is known a ait tomography capacity ofthe ung A. spotum ha tes tat provides full information about examination ‘ferent constituents and features ofthe blood 12. BRONCHITIS [Match the medical terme referring to the most common symptoms “of bronchitis with the plain English phrases inthe bax. Which group ‘of words or phrases is recommended for efective doctor-patient ‘communication? ‘heat pain thick mucus palpable vibration ofthe walls ofthe chest high-pitched whislingsound " dificulty breathing stay nose fineorcoarse crackles highbodytemperature muscle pain Tow-pithed continuous breathing sound purulent ‘resembles the bleating of goat rales wheezing wth pus — dyspnea thoracalgi sputum nasal congestion tales 9. fever 10 fremitus 1egophony rathonchi Complete the patent’ cas history using the words ‘and phrases inthe bas. ‘environmentalallergens runny nose wheezing coated ‘mucous membranes worsening dyspnea edema cyanosis or ubbing irregularrate erythema breathing forthopnes—sleepapmea i” HISTORY: A 56-year-old male presents with a 2-weck history of not assocated with exertion. He reports severe Shortness ofbreath, He notices when ying in bed He has developed a cold and over the ast days Patient doesnot have any eg oF foot PAST HISTORY: The patient sur from asthnaWiggred by He has a history of congestive file and for whi ‘a CPAP machine every night. EE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: GENERAL APPEARANCE: The patient appears laboring in. oxi ___. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature pulse 89, blood pressure 12285, weight 210 pounds, height 5 feet 9 Inches. HEENT (the head, eyes, ears, nose and throat) Eye exam PERRLA (Pupils, Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation). Normoce- phalic, No sign of infection. Tongue i lymphadenopathy. LUNGS: There i marked Iilaterally. CARDIAC: traumatic. Moist No oropharyngeal ‘bat tonsil are clear. NECK: No —___on inspiration and rythm, EXTREMITIES: Some ankle edema noted in low extremities, No 8 Ask questions to obtain the following information. A ay ‘My throat infection went away alter stared he anubotics, (aaa TRE) 1 wash my hands offen to protect mysel from viruses and bacteria, ‘ . X-ray helps rule out peumon a 2 Your mother’ blood count is almost back to normal. aoe Smoking pats you at A ! We are going to remove the inflammation by preseribing ant. inflammatory drugs (ee ee, My previous doctor was concemed about my family history of lung Ree ‘We have to do more X-rays because theft ones were inconclusive cof developing chronic bronchitis, Complete the sentences. More than one variant is posible, Acute bronchitis is rogarded as ‘Acute bronchitis characterized by Cough is commonly Nesies cough and sputum, other signs and symptoms of acute bron hits include 1.2, BROMCHITS- 5 oon apt may be preset 6. Oxygen saturation plays an important role in 7 Spiemetey shoves 18 The indications for chest X-ray include 10) Correct the tatcments. Dwell on each point. 1. Surgical treatment is prescribed for acute bronchitis. 2. The ole of antibiotics in the treatment of acute bronchitis enormous, 5. Nonpharmacologial therapy inches prescription drugs. 4 Anthistamines ar often used in combination with antibiotics inthe treatment of acute cough 5. Antitssves increase the cough reflex. 6, Expectorant reduce the release of respiratory tract secretions, decrease respiratory fluid volumes, and increase mucus viscosity. 7, Bronchoallators exacerbate dyspnea and case coughing 8. Analgesic and antipyretic agents may be used to teat hypoxi, edema, and debydation, 11) Answer the following questions 1, What causes inflammatory changes witin the bronchit 2. Whats the diference between acute and chronic bronchitis? 3. How can cough and sputum be described witen acute bronchitis is sus pected? 4. What signs and symptoms manifest acute bronchitis? 5, What ests and procedures are ordered to diagnose acutebronchitsand rule out preumonia and other respiratory system abnormalities? (6 What groups of drugs ae usually presrbed fr acute bronchitis? What action does cach of them produce? 7. When do patents with acute bronchitis develop complicstions? What, complications ae usualy observed? ‘8. What ris factors for chronic bronchitis exist? 9, What is pharmacologic therapy for chronic bronchitis directed to wards? 10,What complications ae associated with chronic bronchitis? ‘ut. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Ask your patient with suspected acute bronchitis about their {complaints Inform your group about thom and explain why you ‘order certain laboratory tests and instrumental studies, ‘aswell as why you prescribe certain drug groups. 2) Work in groups. Discus these isues: +The prevalence of chronic bronchitis in the word {Chronic bronchitis as a risk factor for more serious outcomes of covip.s, +The prevention and control of chronic bronchitis {The impact of chronic bronchitis on dil ie ‘MORE READING 1 Read the text. Summarize the information on: the spread ofthe infection in he respiratory tract; damage that ocurs whan the lungs are involved: pathological changes sen on CT-scans and ts histological samples. COVID-19 PNEUMONIA COVID-19 targets the upper and conducting airways. Therefore, about ‘6 of patients are asymptomatic or experience minor symptoms, However, some patients suffer from severe organ failure. The virus may infect nasal epithe cells and begin reproducing, affecting the upper and conducting airways during the early stages ofthe ines. Asa ‘sul, the virus canbe found in samples of sputum or nasal swabs. The innate immne responses induced while clinical signs are observed. ‘About 20% of patients present with hypoxia and ground-glass opaciia tion ssa result of the infection entering the gas exchange structures. Type TT «pithell cells inthe langsare more vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The infected cells undergo apoptosis, due to which they fi to sere surfactant. Therefore, the eo collapse. In severe cats, t can cause pneumonia and acute respiratory dstess syndrome. +12. BRONCHITIS ‘The viral destruction of avola and bronchial epithelial ells or theiense production of pro-inflammatory cytokines may both be contributing factors to pulmonary damage. Severe alvcolar damage and progressive respiratory failure cause mortality in critical il patents. Pathological alveolar damage continues to worsen even ifthe viral load of nasopharyngeal samples from ‘COVID-19 patients begin to decline 10-15 days after the onset of symptoms Endothelial ling cell damage affects blood coagulation and fibrinolysis in, patients with COVID. 19-induced endotheltis and can alo result in disem- inated intravasculae coagulation. These abnormal changes cause the progres sion of pneumonia and lea to systemic microcieculatory dysfunction in the lungs ‘Computed tomography scans reveal the rapid development of pneumonia, that can be established as bilateral pneumonia with ground:-glassopacifca tion and intl consolidations. Consobidations become more noticeable with time and get more severe over the las fee days before death. Tis challenging to diferentate COVID-19 from bacterial pneumonia ‘Ground: glass opacification isthe primary CT sign of COVID-19 pneumo- nia, In COVID-19 cases, ground-gass opacification often involves several lobes, especially the lowe lobes, and typically has 2 peripheral and subpleural distribution, The absence of centrilobular nodules and mucoid impactions indicates COVID-19 pneumonia, Patchy nectoss,hysline membrane development, and type II pneuo: cyte hyperplasia are the primary histological findings in the Tangs, which are linked to damage othe gas exchange units. On a gross examination, the en tire lng tissue has a widespread congestive appearance or partially hemor thagie necrosis (GRAMMAR, Past Simple or Present Perfect? GRAMMAR ‘he Present Perfect fers to indent ie. The Past Simple efersto dei rite time. Notice the time expression sed wth he two tenn Past simple or present perfect? [Present Pec nde [as Simple deft Toralongtine yest) ast imple forayeas Foray morning Form eens Estweek he form of th Ps Simple the sume for all persons, sncehy rodeo Since wesa chi manos | Teft at three olock, since 2010 in 2020 [isthe amido | Did you vist you doctor? ey Tak i ‘mammer wecsegn Novae oon when asa stdent When icy ave ter mei practice? Bere = weeny = es bene tay hhavethas+ past participle oe . aseauinds eccccic ceesc Be arf wth is mrnansferoan hospital Have you known the doctor? Yes, haved Have you seem our surgeon this morning? Its still morning.) Sie (he) bas worked for | No, [havent Did you see our surgeon this morning (Its the afternoon or evening.) | shop ow give hey own he ce? Wha nt rained rng “The Present Prec expresses pas action that has dear preset eal eee | ee el “icasonhnalvin the cent put The ast Sipe pees sets that The Present Perfect expresses unfinished sctons. ee "he Past Simple expresses completed ations a fama er a Cr — Sige antares ine Teal RRS [roto Raps indncereating ae |e Heit yo [ee es ee oat wc ta) Rohe wens omer de) What you do peace cite | Sienty leat pete, pes ee er eee Sete cma eesome noe nee) ‘Unit 1. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM, | BAMA Pa Sirgie or Pronart Pertece? “The Present Perfect expresses an experience that happened a sometime in 9G) Pat the verbs in brackets nto the correct tense form ‘one’ if. The ation is finshed, but the effects oft are sil lin some way. (Past Simple or Present Perfect). ‘The Past Simple expreses a pas situation or habit 1, When she was young, she... (pay alfention fo) her health alot | Present Perfect [PastSimple 2 you already. (be) on holiday? No, havent 1... (be) busy lst | Have ever had an operation? ‘When Twas a student, Tlived in the —_ (So, you know now what it ike 10 | dorm. Every day, walked tomy 2. The patient. (speak) tothe ward sister. There isa problem with his have one} snierty stay nthe patients room. jreone) 4. Thepparens. vst) thei il daughter twice. ‘il in already yet, jus, ste, for, how long ever, never. 5, He... (se) a walking stick ogo to Radiology yesterday. ; Pret ish since er how long ever 6 nyo ever. (wear) the patents identity bracelet inthe hosptl? 1, The doctor hast arived 4 jks appointment (be) a 10am. 2 shave you been taking this medication? 8 Some part ofthe population... (resie) one dose ofa vaccine. One 3, She hasbeen on adit. the operation, more is necessary. 4. The patient hasnt sen his attending doctor. wo hours 9. The ge... cach) chickenpox since she was 10, 5. The pulmonologist have finished their discussion, (ot long ago) 10, Yesterday morning Aan .. el dezy athe sgh of blood. 6, Hashe. managed to succeed in writing a medial report? , 7. They have. chesked the results ofthe CT scan and agreed to operate ij) Complete the etter below using the Past Simple or the con the patent Present Perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets, 8 She has. been invited to participate inthe international mesial project ae. eere Dest Ann, Tm writing to you from the hospital to cancel our tip to Ral... (not! Use the corec verb form (Past Simple or Present Pe tb) well recently Bl nesenmcee om oon a 1... (tay) in the hospital since the day of my admission. My husband (accompany) me o the pulmonology department two days ago f. (have) a severe cough ever chil, and extreme weakness on Tus 1. Christophe has Been/wasin the hospital since 20 May. eh . 2: te dd’ gorhas' been wo the tet fra few days. 1. just. (se) my doctor. He is very attentive, He... (prescribe) me 5 She elas et wea fortwo day an additional drug to relieve my cough and malaise yesterday. 1. never 4 Helast hedfhas had a headache ive days ago, (ake) so many medicines since. (be) child. (hve) weak eal in 5. Jan has eaten eat anything ls night. iy childhood. ; 6 fact she has eaten eat anything since yesterday lance, That all for now. Ehope Tl fel beter soon 7. Hove long didhave you have/had a cough? Best wishes, 1 Heiter experoncedespentenced poems geting in and out of Ie the ath when she msl 9, The dolor het dchrgedidtdcharg her paint from the tsa Te pate hs ch fre 10, Dib hart hen rested our abdomen ast there UNITE 1.3. TUBERCULOSIS lesion [ erin nounogaentin morbidity saxpopmopanien roi tanta _ ##BPIBARrD ee 2 Give the English equivalents ofthe Ukrainian word:-combinations ‘by matching the adjectives tothe nouns in B ‘Mate sentences using English word-combinations, a B cota cpuiiueranpa x0 xp0po6u | 1. susceptible 1 Learn the folowing word nate ‘omamu[ynmaniom — osipavonpanesbulacranor | 2-arborne [vars vedmn tiny ogg eee “on sixpoopeisun) eynynin pean concomitant | prevalence laryngeal |Qrdia ‘oprant _epenonnent mexaa ege S.overcrowded_[« person clit [tag an narTONON ocr Kane féperstent [Eibach Soo aes rd gta ee ee SS es nacomitant [ks komt] immature Lame jo Mkcining [4am ceptible (s'sepab caput Hemoptsis [fh maptss] | eponoxapaauna _ exposure Ui spe] ar (mp0 inex) oplet [ropa panera F y

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