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Traveling is one of the most popular forms of recreation in the world.

That is also
my family's favorite activity. Last summer, we visited one of the most popular
places in Vietnam, Sa Pa. Long ago, Sa Pa became an ideal destination that has
attracted thousands of tourists to visit every year. The landscape here was
abundant and diverse. The beauty of the terraced fields stretched to the horizon.
The charm of the vast forests all year mingles with the white mist and clouds on
the terraced fields. Besides, the people there were very hospitable and welcomed
us. Local people with permanent smiles on their faces enthusiastically show the
way. They also took photos with tourists and were open-minded, introducing us
to local culture. They led us to visit beautiful scenes such as The roof of Indochina,
The spiritual architectural complex on the top of Fansipan mountain, and
experience terraced fields in Muong Hoa Valley. Those places were absolutely
stunning, and the smells of the flowers made me feel comfortable and relaxed.
The nature was very charming and romantic. After visiting, we went to the
restaurant nearby to eat lunch together. When eating, I was fascinated by the
deliciousness of the ingenuity of Vietnamese chefs. The food was fresh, especially
Con Sui - the traditional food of Sapa, tasted nearly the same as Pho in Hanoi but
with a characteristic thick sauce. Its smell was really great, and I can't wait to taste
it more. That was the best trip that I have ever had in my life. This trip helps me
relieve stress after a year of studying, and I cannot wait to discover new places
and things soon.

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