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CADDY – extra credit assignment

by: Mateo Lozić

2. In your imagination, what is Caddy like? Describe her appearance, her personality,
her hopes, dreams, and fears.

In my imagination, Caddy is a pretty girl who spent most of her free time at home, taking care
of her mentally ill brother Benjy. While her school friends were having fun, going to the
movies, walks, swimming, she sat with her brother and she devoted all her love and attention
to him. Understandably, she too would like to have a social life and spend time away from
home. First loves also appeared and she must hide when she is with a boy. Caddy is extremely
affected by this and would like to be free and not constantly worry about what her
conservative family thinks about it. She even thinks about leaving home and moving in with
her boyfriend, although it's hard for her to do because of the worry about her brother. One
night she woke up and wrote an emotional message to her brother Benjy, even though she
knew he was incapable of fully understanding what she was talking about. At the end of the
message, she promised him that she would return one day. She kissed him and left. A few
years later, she decided to return. Although she thought she would achieve full freedom by
moving in with her boyfriend, she felt that she was missing someone all the time. That
emptiness was growing day by day and she had no choice but to return home and continue to
care for her brother Benjy.

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