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La semana de colores

This story belongs to magical realism because it has some characteristics that can
assure us is a magical realism piece, for example the days have personalities and
color, which we know that in real life it doesn’t work that way, other characteristic is
that nature manifests or appears as a person with personality and attitudes, in real
life nature is inanimate and not a person with vices, addictions, problems or desires
and also traditional people wanted days to have the normal order, while everybody
else who had more imagination saw it as something normal when days arrived as
they wanted to and not in order, for example they could have four Sundays in a
row, or that it was Thursday for many days.
Time was personified as Don Flor, the owner of the days, he is represented
as a mean person, because he keeps the days locked behind doors that could only
be opened by small keys only Don Flor has. He punishes them when he feels like it
or when someone complained to him about a bad day, only spends his own time
with the day he wants.
In the story days are represented with color, smell and voice, but only Don
Flor could perceive the smell and he was the only one who could hear them. This
is called synesthesia a technique used by writers to present a character, idea or
even a place, using more than just one sense.
Each day had their own room and the days were women. Sunday had her
door red, with a darker red the words “lust” being the deadly sin and “long lasting”
being the virtue, the room had neckless made out of black sea shells, she had a lot
of vices and was whiny.
Saturday was represented with pink, the words “sloth” as her deadly sin and
“sexual purity” as her virtue, she was lazy, messy, she had the peels of the sugar
cane and small dolls pin to the wall with needles.
Friday had a purple door with the words “pride” and “diligence” painted in the
door. She had kites with long tails and white baskets with the smell of field. Her
room had the smell of musk and glycerin.
The next room was Thursday represented with color orange and the words
“anger” and “modesty”, her room smelled like pumpkin flowers and she had corn
cobbs hanging from the ceiling. She was aggressive.
Wednesdays’ room was green and with a lighter green the words “envy” and
“patience” were written. The only ornament she had in her room was her.
Tuesday had her room pale shade of yellow, the words “dreed” and
“abstinence” were written in her door, in the hole under a piece of tile she hid a pair
of blue earrings. She was fragile and breakable.
Monday is represented with blue and her deadly sin was “gluttony” and her
virtue was humbleness, her room was the only one that didn’t smell like anything.
She was described as greedy.

En el patio un calor redondo y seco las esperaba.

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