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Ol. 5 It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about q local history than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Tei déng y [Hoc sinh nén he lich str nwéc ni Toi kh6ng déng y [Hoc sinh nén hoc song song c lich siv nuée nha va lich si thé gidt] * Ychinh1 Y thre vé nguén c6i sé khoi go long yéu nuée. Khuyén khich tran trong cdc di san dan tc, do d6 s8n sang bao vé va céng hién cho dat nuéc * Ychinh2 Ngugc lai, nhieng nguoi thiéu kién thitc vé lich str dt nude co thé sé khng t6n trong truyén. théng cia minh. * Vidy Vie day hoc lich str & nhiéu truéng Viet Nam chua di, nén hoc sinh cé hidu biét hdi het vé thanh tyu va sy hi sinh cila 6ng cha. * Ychinh Hoe lich sir thé giéi gitip hoc sinh 6 cai nhin toan dign vé nhting sw kign xay ra & nuée minh. * Giai thich/ So sénh Chi hgc lich str trong nuée sé dé tao ra thién kién va suy nghT sai ve ngudi dan cdc nuéc khac. * Vidy Vige day lich sir & Viét Nam thuong chi tap trung vao viée Viet Nam 48 danh bai gidc ngoai xém nhu thé nao, dé khién hoc sinh nghi sai rang nguoi dan cac nue nay [a xu. CHAPTER 04 — HISTORY | 153 learn about local history (v) learn history of their own country: hoc lich str cba d&t nwéc minh % learning exclusively about national history: chi hoe méi lich sir quéc gia * lear more about historic events that took place in sb’s community: tim hidu them vé cae sy kign lich siv ting dién ra trong cong déng cla minh learn world history (v) % learn history of other societies in the world: hoc lich si cila cc x hdi khac trén thé gidi + acquire insights into events that took place in other parts of the world: c6 nhiing hidu biét s4u sdc vé cac sur kign 44 dién ra & nhieng noi khac trén thé gidi history education (n) hoe lich sir dia phurong : Yr hoc lich sir thé gidi YY gido duc lich stv r 154| HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST — VOL 1 be aware of sb’s roots a sense of patriotism (n) an appreciation for their national heritages (n) > respect their own traditions (v): ton trong truyén théng cla chinh ho ro national current affairs (n) Ye nhan thie v8 ngudn cdil géc r& cua aide “Iam not only aware of my roots, | am very proud of them. A Vietnamese overseas student said. hy long yeu nude | think patriotism is like charity ~ itbegins at home. ‘YY sv tran trong cdc di san quéc gia ‘Students are encouraged to explore national heritages in a more active and personal way. This will help them better understand and appreciate those heritages, and respect their own traditions. YW c&c van dé hién nay cia dat nuéc The expansion of e-commerce is still among the most noticeable national current affairs. CHAPTER 04 —HISTORY | 155 Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks using the words listed above. History subject in Vietnam At high schools in Vietnam, the subject of history not only provides students with the knowledge of national history and i. ... (Clear understanding) into story the world but also makes great contribution to fostering confidence, national pride, p.. (the feeling of loving and taking pride in your country) and personality of Vietnamese people for students. However, (teaching and learning history) is being largely ignored by a large number of students because the contents of the history curricula and textbooks are overloaded and lack reality. As a result of their lack of interest in history subject, many young students are now surprisingly ignorant about national c.. Exercise 2: Choose the best answer. 4. The theatre became an important means of arousing fervour in Western countries, a function that was to continue well into the 19th century. A. patriotism B. patriotic C. national D. historic. 2. What is an alternative for the word in bold: ‘The project aimed at raising awareness among young people through information about ways of maintaining national identity’ ‘A. conception B. concept C. perception D. consciousness 3. What is an alternative for the word in bold: ‘The Muong share ethnic roots with the Vietnamese people and their language is classified in the Vietnamese — Muong language branch.'? A. country B. sources C. origins D. derivation 156 | HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST — VOL 1 \ SAMPLE Whether young students should learn history of their own country or that of other societies in the world has always been a topic of debate. While it is believed that teaching the former is of more importance to schoolchildren, | disagree with this perspective. Some people are pro children learning local history, and justifiably so. The key rationale in favor of this view is that being aware of their roots can instill a sense of patriotism in each child. This may foster an appreciation for their national heritages, which means they are more willing to defend and contribute to their country. By contrast, those who lack knowledge about national history may not respect their own traditions. Vietnam perfectly exemplifies this situation. As history education in most schools is Sadly lacking, many children have grown up with superficial understanding about their ancestors’ past achievements and sacrifice, hence their indifference to national current affairs. This is a testament to the necessity of teaching schoolchildren local history. However, | am convinced that it is far more beneficial for young children to learn local history in parallel with world history. This is because acquiring insights into events that took place in other parts of the world can also give children a more holistic perspective of what happened in their localities. On the other hand, learning exclusively about national history could cause an individual to be biased and harbor hostile feelings about foreign people. For example, in Vietnam, history education mostly features how Vietnam fought against foreign armies such as America or France, misleading many students into thinking that people from these countries are bad. This outlook may be more impartial if they thoroughly understand those wars in world context. In conclusion, while there are some justifications for considering local history more important than world history, | would contend that schoolchildren will derive the most benefit from learning both. 314 words, written by Phuong Dang TRANSLATION Hoe sinh nén hoc lich st ca dt née minh hay clla céc x4 hdi khac trén thé gidi lun la m@t chil 48 tranh Iuan. Mac di ngwoi ta tin ring viée day lich stv trong nuéc quan trong hon voi hoc sinh nhung t6i Iai khdng ddng y vi quan diém nay. Mét 86 ngudi rat ding hé viée tré em hoc lich str nuéc nha, va diéu nay la chinh dang. Ly do then chét ing hd quan diém nay la vi viée nhan thir duge géc ré cia minh co thé khoi day tinh than yéu nurée & mi cc di san quéc gia & tré em, cling cé nghia la cdc em s8 cam thy s&n long bao vé ia tré. Bidu nay c6 thé khich I@ sy tran trong va dong g6p cho dat nuéc minh hon. Ngug¢ lai, nhing nguoi thiéu kién thive v8 lich sir quéc gia c6 thé khéng tén trong truyén théng clia chinh ho. Viét Nam hoan toan 6 thé la vi dy cho tinh hinh nay. Vi gido duc lich sir & hau hét cac tru’ng cdn so sai mot cach dang budn nén nhidu tré em a én lén voi sy higu biét héi hgt vé hing thanh tyu va sy hi sinh truéc day cla t6 tién, do dé tho o voi nhiing van dé hién tai cia dat nue. Bay I mét minh chi#ng cho su can thiét clia viée giding day cho hoc sinh vé lich si nuge nha. Tuy nhién, t6i tin rang viéc tré hoc lich sir nuéc nha song song véi lich sir thé gidi sé 6 Igi hon rat nhiéu. Bidu nay 1a bdi vig o6 nhing hiéu biét sau sdc vé cdc sy kién dién ra & nhGng noi khac trén thé gidi cling cé thé mang dén cho tré em cai nhin toan hon vé nhifng gi da xay ra & dia phuong cia cac em. Mat khac, viéc chi hoc m6i lich str quéc gia cé thé khién ca nhn tré nén thién kién va chia chp sy thi dich voi i. Vi du, & Vit Nam, 8 chién du chéng gidic ngoai xm nhu quan My hay Phép nhw thé nao, khién nhidu 10 duc lich si cha yéu dé cao viéc Viét Nam hoe sinh lam tuéng rang moi ngudi tir cac quéc gia nay rat x4u xa. Cach nhin nhén nay c6 thé sé céng bang hon néu cdc em hidu thdu do nhirng cue chién dé trong béi canh thé gid. Tom lai, du c6 mét sé bin minh cho viéc col lich st? nuéc nha quan trong hon lich sir thé gidi, ti cho rang hoc sinh sé thu dugc nhidu Igi ich nhat ti viéc hoc ca hai. 158 | HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST — VOL 1 pro (a) instill (v) foster (v) sadly lacking (a) superficial (a) 0 Qa supporting or agreeing with something to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way the person lives to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings do not have enough of something you not complete and involving only the most obvious things CHAPTER 04 - HISTORY | 159 indifference (n) in parallel (idm) well-rounded (a) tae comprehensive (a) holistic (a) x 4 lack of interest in someone or something happen at the same time as something else, or be similar or equal to something else having or providing experience and knowledge in a number of different areas complete and including everything that is necessary dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a | a 160 | HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST - VOL 1 i locality (n) i biased (a) habor (v) hostile (a) * habor hostile feelings about: think about something/ someone in an unfriendly way Ss rs g, * a particular area Many people are opting to live in the city rather than in rural localities. showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions Liverpool only lost the game because the referee was biased. to think about or feel something, usually cover a long period There are those who harbor suspicions about his motives. unfriendly and not liking something He is famous for conducting hostile interviews with politicians. CHAPTER 04—HISTORY | 161 mislead sb into doing sth outlook (n) impartial (a) derive (v) 3 to cause someone to believe something that is not true + the likely future situation | not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument 162 | HOW TO CRACK THE IELTS WRITING TEST ~ VOL 1 Exercise: Fill in the blanks with one of the words above. You may have to change the form of the word to match the sentence. 1. Televising criminal trials helps the defendant to get a fair and... hearing. Meaning: not supporting either side 2. Schools should try to... altruistic behaviors in students by allowing them to take part in charity like food drives or soup kitchens. ‘Meaning: put a feeling into sb's mind 3. A childhood spent with my grandfather, who is an avid (passionate) reader, helped an appreciation for books in me. ‘Meaning: encourage the development of feelings 4. False and .. Information is spreading across social media Meaning: causing someone to believe something that is not true 5. Vegetarians typically consume a range of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and pulses, as well as "meat substitutes” that.......... from these food types. Meaning: get something from something else 6. Itis of great concern that technology may surpass human interaction, leading to a detached society. ‘Meaning: in a way that is not deep or complete 7. The schools have to attend .. to the needs of millions of students. ‘Meaning: in a way that deals with or treats the whole of something or someone and not just a part CHAPTER 04 — HISTORY | 163

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