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serving like Jesus part I: Compassion

Matthew 25:31 HCSB People give a lot of lip service to the idea of changing the world. But what if I told you that I could teach you something that could change the world and could impact your life, family, and environments as soon as tomorrow? Because the next 3-4 weeks will provide that application for us to see that happen. We are building foundations in our faith so we can be like Jesus. So we can practice what we believe and what we've been instructed to do. We are building our foundations so that our faith cannot be shaken or abandoned. We have already reached the point of using what we have learned to put faith into action. True faith requires action? (small groups) We land the next 2 weeks in Matthew 25:31-46. This is part 3 of Matthew 25 1- is about the virgins and salvation 2- about talents and discipleship. Bringing a return to Christ or not being a follower. 3- where we land in the judgment of righteous and unrighteousness and find that our service to man is a natural quality of our faith. We basically see that a believer will serve others in Jesus name. It's a lifestyle not occasional service. Of course

everyone wants to help our Haitian orphans. What about a kid struggling in Lavaca? Will we be faithful with the big and small areas of our life. Will we live our life as a full-time servant? There are 3 things I've picked up on in scripture about Jesus as a servant that we can apply to ourselves. 1- he went to people 2- he met their needs 3- he let them interrupt his life. Jesus was very compassionate. Just like in Matthew 9 when he saw the crowd and was filled with compassion to help them. Are you a compassionate person for the needy. We might have to meet their needs before we evangelize them. We always will evangelize them! Bro Kenny on Haiti, "we can't tell them about Jesus until we feed them." That's compassion. If the rejected kid at school has no compassion from you why would he want your gospel. Compassionate servant hood will bring on results from yourself and others. LUKE 10:35-37 It's brings this to light again. First Jesus says the kingdom is like The godly people couldnt stop and lend a hand. It might

have looked bad in others eyes. The lowly traveler lends a hand. Why? He had compassion the same compassion of Christ in Matthew 9. This man let life be interrupted for the sake of a needy man. James graham story Response time Would we be filled with enough compassion to be a lowly servant to the needy? It'll change the game.

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