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To conduct the 5 Ms of management analysis for a co-created space or studio, you would apply the

framework to understand and improve various aspects of the operation:


Assess the skills and expertise of the team involved in managing and operating the space/studio,
including administrators, facilitators, and support staff.

Evaluate the level of collaboration and communication among team members.

Consider factors such as motivation, morale, and job satisfaction of the team members.


Identify the equipment, technology, and tools used within the space/studio, such as furniture,
audiovisual equipment, and digital collaboration tools.

Assess the condition and functionality of the machinery and technology.

Consider any investments or upgrades needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the


Evaluate the resources and materials required for the operation of the space/studio, including
furniture, supplies, and amenities.

Assess the quality and availability of materials, considering factors such as sustainability and
environmental impact.

Identify any waste or inefficiencies in material usage and explore ways to optimize resource


Analyze the processes and procedures involved in managing and operating the co-created
space/studio, including space booking, collaboration facilitation, and community engagement.

Identify any bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement in the workflow.

Consider implementing best practices and innovative methods to enhance the co-creation
experience for users.

Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics used to evaluate the performance of
the co-created space/studio, such as occupancy rates, user satisfaction, and community

Assess the accuracy and reliability of measurement systems and data collection methods.

Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions and continuously improve the operation of the

By conducting a comprehensive analysis of the 5 Ms of management, you can identify strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the co-created space or studio, and develop strategies
to enhance its effectiveness and success.

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