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AIM: To draw the ACTIVITY diagram of your project (GAME SOFTWARE)

THEORY: An activity diagram is a type of behavioral diagram in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) that illustrates the flow of control or the sequence of activities in a system or
process. It represents the dynamic aspects of a system, focusing on the actions and transitions
between them.
Here's a breakdown of the key elements and concepts in activity diagrams:
Activity: An activity represents a specific action or task that occurs within the system. It can
range from simple operations to complex processes.
Action: Actions are atomic steps within an activity. They represent the smallest unit of work
that can be performed and are depicted as rounded rectangles.
Control Flow: Control flow arrows show the sequence of activities or actions within the
diagram. They indicate the order in which actions are performed and the direction of the flow.
Decision Nodes: Decision nodes (diamond shapes) represent points in the diagram where the
flow of control splits into multiple paths based on a decision or condition.
Merge Nodes: Merge nodes (diamond shapes with multiple incoming arrows) indicate points
where multiple control flows converge into a single path.
Fork Nodes: Fork nodes (solid bars) represent points where the control flow splits into multiple
concurrent paths. These paths can execute concurrently.
Join Nodes: Join nodes (solid bars with multiple incoming arrows) indicate points where
multiple concurrent paths merge back into a single path.
Initial Node: The initial node (small solid circle) represents the starting point of the activity
diagram. It indicates where the control flow begins.
Final Node: The final node (small solid circle with a border) represents the ending point of the
activity diagram. It indicates where the control flow ends.SOFTWARE USED: STAR UML
1. Identify the Process: Determine the process or system functionality that you want to
model using the activity diagram. This could be a business process, a software
workflow, or any sequence of actions.
2. Identify Activities: Break down the process into individual activities or tasks. Each
activity should represent a specific action that contributes to achieving the overall goal
of the process.
3. Define Start and End Points: Identify the starting point and ending point of the process.
These are represented by the initial node (small solid circle) and final node (small solid
circle with a border) in the activity diagram, respectively.
4. Draw Activity Nodes: Use rounded rectangles to represent each activity or task in the
process. Write a brief description of the activity inside each node.
5. Draw Control Flow: Use arrows to depict the flow of control between activities.
Connect the activity nodes with arrows to show the sequence in which the activities are
performed. Ensure that the arrows indicate the direction of flow.


6. Add Decision Nodes (Optional): If the process involves decision points where different
actions are taken based on conditions, add decision nodes (diamond shapes). Label each
decision node with the condition that determines the path of execution.
7. Add Merge Nodes (Optional): If multiple control flows converge back into a single path
after a decision point, add merge nodes (diamond shapes with multiple incoming
arrows) to indicate the merging of paths.
8. Review and Refine: Review the activity diagram to ensure that it accurately represents
the process flow and captures all necessary actions and decisions. Make any necessary
refinements or adjustments to improve clarity and completeness.
9. Document and Communicate: Document the activity diagram by providing a title and
any necessary explanations or annotations. Share the diagram with stakeholders to
communicate the process flow and gather feedback.
10. Update as Needed: As the process evolves or changes over time, update the activity
diagram to reflect the current state. Regularly review and revise the diagram to ensure
that it remains accurate and useful.

Figure1: ACTIVITY diagram


Explanation of fig1:
Start and End: The diagram begins with the "Start" node, representing the start of the activity,
and ends with the "End" node, indicating the completion of the activity.
Home Page Display: After starting, the user is directed to the home page of the game, where
they see various options and information.
Download Game Icon: This activity represents the user downloading or accessing the game
icon from the home page display screen.
Join Game or Host Game: The user is presented with the option to either join an existing game
or host a new game session.
Play: Upon selecting either option, the user proceeds to the "Play" activity, initiating the
gameplay process.
Start Game: The game begins, and the player is directed to the title screen or introduction of
the game.
Pause Game and Exit Inquiry: During gameplay, if the user decides to pause the game, they
are prompted with the option to either exit the game or resume playing.
Choose Yes to Exit Game: If the user chooses to exit the game, the activity diagram proceeds
to the "End" node, indicating the end of the game session.
Choose No to Continue Game: If the user decides to continue playing, the game resumes from
the paused state.
Title Screen: After the game intro, the user progresses to the title screen and begins playing the
first level of the game.
Gameplay: Seek & Kill Enemies: The main gameplay activity involves the player seeking and
eliminating enemies to progress through the game.
Survive: The player must survive enemy encounters and challenges to proceed further in the
If Yes: If the player successfully survives and completes the game objectives, they win the
game and can choose to continue playing.
If No: If the player fails to survive, they have the option to continue playing or exit the game.
Quit Game: If the player chooses to quit the game, the activity diagram proceeds to the "End"
node, marking the end of the game session.
Die and Continue: If the player dies during gameplay but chooses to continue playing, they
respawn or restart from a checkpoint to try again.
Get Points: Throughout the game, the player earns points or rewards for various
accomplishments, such as defeating enemies or completing objectives.
RESULT: Activity diagrams are crucial tools in system analysis, design, communication, and
improvement. They facilitate understanding, collaboration, and decision-making across
various stages of software development and process management.


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