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Aim: Write a program to implement Depth First Search Traversal.

 Conduct Depth-First Search (DFS) in Prolog to locate a path from a starting node to a
goal node within a graph.
 Utilize dfs(Node, Goal, Path) as the main predicate to initiate the DFS search. It aims to
discover a path from the given Node to the desired Goal.
 Establish a base case with dfs_stack_temp(Node, Node, _, [Node]) :- !.. This rule
terminates the search when the current Node matches the Goal, forming the final path.
 Implement dfs_stack_temp(Node, Goal, Visited, [Node | Path]) for traversing. It
recursively explores adjacent nodes (Next) from the current Node, while also ensuring
that previously visited nodes are not revisited (Visited).
 Utilize the edge(Node, Next) predicate to define connections between nodes in the graph.
 Ensure that already visited nodes are not revisited to prevent infinite loops in cyclic
graphs. This is achieved using \+ member(Next, Visited).
 Define the graph structure using edge/2 facts or rules. Subsequently, invoke dfs/3 with
the starting node, the goal node, and an unbound variable to collect the resulting path.
 The DFS search concludes once the goal node is reached, thereby returning the path
leading to it.

Source Code:

edge(a, d).
edge(a, c).
edge(a, b).
edge(d, f).
edge(d, e).
edge(c, g).
edge(b, h).
edge(b, i).
dfs(Node, Goal, Path) :-
dfs_stack_temp(Node, Goal, [Node], Path).
dfs_stack_temp(Node, Node, _, [Node]) :- !.
dfs_stack_temp(Node, Goal, Visited, [Node | Path]) :-
edge(Node, Next),
\+ member(Next, Visited),
dfs_stack_temp(Next, Goal, [Next | Visited], Path).

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