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The Druids were an important group of people in ancient Celtic societies.

– The Druids were not a single

unified group, but rather there were different orders and traditions of druids across the Celtic world
(Друїди не становили єдину уніфіковану групу, а існували різні ордени та традиції друїдів у
кельтському світі) . They were the religious and intellectual leaders of their communities.

Here are some key things to know about druids:

Sapience (сепіенс)- мудрість

- They were the priests, teachers, and advisors in Celtic culture. Druids acted as judges, doctors, and
teachers in their communities. They played an important role in the social and political life of Celtic
peoples. The Druids had a deep knowledge of natural sciences, astronomy, and philosophy. They were
respected for their wisdom and expertise.

Soothsayers- віщуни

- They studied the natural world and believed in worshipping gods and goddesses( богині) connected to
nature, such as the sun, the moon, and trees. They performed their rituals and ceremonies in sacred groves
священні гаї of oak trees дуб. The oak tree was considered very special to them. - They were believed to
have magical powers, such as the ability to curse their enemies or bring cures through herbal remedies
засоби - They were seen as mediators(мыдыйтес) between the human and divine realms (релмс)
сферами, with the ability to communicate with the gods and spirits.

- Druids did not write down their teachings. Instead, they passed down their knowledge orally through
lengthy poems and chants that were memorized. Сhants- співи - Initiation into the druidic order was a
lengthy process, often lasting up to 20 years, as students had to memorize vast amounts of poetry, laws,
and teachings.

- Julius Caesar wrote extensively about the druids in his accounts of the Gallic Wars, helping to spread
knowledge of their practices in the ancient world. The Druids, as Caesar described them, were exempt from
war and instead spent their time studying divination ворожіння, astrology, philosophy, and medicine.

- The most renowned відомий druidic center was the island of Mona (modern-day Anglesey in Wales),

- The Roman conquest of Celtic lands in the 1st century BC led to the decline of the druids, as the Romans
tried to suppress their practices and beliefs.

In summary, druids were the learned class in ancient Celtic societies, serving as religious leaders, scholars,
and advisors to the people. They played a central role in the cultural and spiritual life of Celtic civilizations.

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